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Show Page 6 March BLANDING OUTLOOK C Ssrtsmi NV CteS COUIflY 4-- H 3, 1961 SHOL IMS AH QJJB to CM Cfcaday e 4p The Blending Sportsmen will meet Monday, Mar oh 5, p m at the City Hall Club 7:30 An offioial of the State Fish BETA BETA The Beta Beta Chapter of Beta and Game will show a film on Sina Phi Sorority net on Tues- wildlife The publlo is invited day night, February 21, at the to attend hone of Doris Karr A business session was called UTAH FOUNDATION to order by the President and ANALYZES STATE TAX roll call vas by the Secretary typioal family in a Utah, in dlreot state city and looal taxes and reoelves apDoris Karr on the proximately $901 in state and gave an informative talk loeal sarvloes, according to a Art of Speech." c hostess served a delicious study just completed by Utah the private tax p.prle crisp vith whipping cream Foundation, research xr.d coffee organization The other half of the tax The I larch 7th meet will be ormization of the Committee The pays $462 reports were heard Procram chairman held at the home of Rose Nugent A guest speaker will be featured and each member is inviting a guest for the evening or $439, the Foundation observes, is paid for by the taxes levied upon business and bill, industry, which must become part of the priees charged for goods and services or a reduction of D.U.P. Members of the Daughters of inooma to the owners and employUtah Pioneers of the Nellie ees Publlo school costs are equal Grayson Camp met last Friday to $297 per family, st&ta govafternoon at the home of Wanda Black for their regular meeting ernment oosts equal $281 per The lesson was given by Irene family, elty costs equal $222 selves mist accept the taxes to pay the bill This mistakable relationship between taxes and spending is most dis- Redd on Pioneer Ordinance There per family, county costs equal 16 members present with $78 per family, and other local guests, Deth Summers and costs equal $23 per family, the Isabell Redd both of Monti cello. report continues Computations cernible for taxpayers at the local operating level, apparent at the state level, and completely remote at the Federal less 2hey are the County Officers. A are for an average family living lovely luncheon was served by in, Sal Lake City Louise Redd and Lila Palmer Foundation analysts note that the diff erenee between direct DEBONETTES taxes paid and governmental serThe Debonettes held their an- t level The defloit spending device for the Federal government has obliterated any automatlo correlation of spending and tax- even becomes reoelved greater in cases where a family has more than one ehlld in the The oost of publlo sehools vices Grant-in-a- id ing Federal and state have seriously lationship state and looal government governmental to lnercases services $1,291 for from diluted the schools theme of "Learning Age" Uildene, Consultant of Human Relations and Hunan Developement of the National 4 II Club FoundHe ation, Washington, D. C be to stated that leaders need aware of youth behavior patterns in order to fit the H work to C. 4-- their particular pas- last analysis art paid by and show helped gave make- clothing pointers accessories Those attending were Ruth and - IT PUTS Rell Bloomfield, Lillie of Argyle Konticello, Phyliss Davis of Cedar Point and Maxine Foulke of Mexican Hat Project work Foods, Home was Clothing, given i n Qrtomology, Home Beautification, Im provement and Livestook A-- 1 DRILLING COUPANT WATER WELLS c SHOT HOLES CORE PRODUCTION HOLES-SHALLO- DIM. OR Of writs 8-4- 261 BOX states that all taxes in the the She on - . age group up and during Head Tom Dooley" Bfhgo was played with 4-- H Glenn Dr was keynoted by many City of hidden taxes paid as part of the of everything 3landing when sixteen couples purchase price a Border" "South the of they buy enjoyed The study concludes that .taxWith, soft program and food Spanish music in the background payer resistance has bten proin the Mexican decorated room, gressively modified Chili Beans, Lnchlladas and sal- recent years because of the ads were served topped off with following three separate trends which have camouflaged the Ima dish of sherbet The group was entertained by pact of the growing tax load: 1 An increasing part of the Neldon Holt singing "Granada" accompanied by Merlin Hatch on tax burden has been shifted to the Guitar and Pedro dropped by "business", a devloe whioh disto tell a few jokes and serenad- guises the severity of the tax ed the group with "Hang Down extraotlon The Foundation your Girls of and Know Boys with a fashion of the Palaoio at' Logan The to day training Utah State University 3 Simplicity Patterns state and local tax bill ET CETERA pjad by the family is in addiThe Club Et Ceterlta held a tion to $1,500 in Federal taxes -grand Fiesta last Saturday niit $803 in dlreot tax and $697 in - re- in Club Lead- Ii Friday from a very ers returned enlightening school 4-- Clothing project work was at state and local highlighted by the attendance of fiscal levels Miss Eleanor Echo, Stylist for The the- the treasuries a family with two children in the publlo schools, $1,634 for a Chios Ann Shumway, Gaylcne Hu- family with three children, and with four $1,977 for a rst, Lavem Hazer and Virginia children in the family sohools public Carlson at San Juan County ut responsibility for raising the un- were two nual birthday party last night at the home of Virginia Carlson It was in the form of a "Hobo Party" with everyone dressing Games were for the occasion played and gifts were exchanged was servec A nice hobo luncheon by the committee, Jane Palmer, clear-c- 504 OUNDUIG, . indi- UTAH Grp Petty 1 sing of several prizes among the viduals, either through higher guests before dancing The hlgh-ll- it priees or in a reduction of inof the evening was the come from labor or investments 2 Progressively more of the Favors breaking of the Pinta hats for men dlreot taxes upon individuals and flowers for the ladies hair are of the "painless" variety sales and exolse taxes whioh are were given to each person of little mexloan obscured as part of the purehaoe Marie Hers chi, Osborn, pries of goods and sendees, Margaret Lundell, DeAnn Jensen, withholding of lnocme taxes, and Mary Rollins, Marba Lazenby and widespread, payment of property taxes as part of the budgeted Jollne Holt Committee Members were Jerri Ann c monthly mortgage payments PALETTE rapid trend toward The Palette Club were guests centralization of governmental at the home of Sally Davis on funotlons has removed the was 22 Donna Cline February and responsin oharge of the program and ibilities fromspending lmedlate give short outs on home making control of the taxpayers It A delicious lunoheon of fried has also the spending separated 3 The tax-levyi- ng Area's Largest Stock of Residential and Commercial Wiring Supplies Bus PHO. 2676 the chicken, salad, hot rolls cherry tarts were served and tram the taxing r -Riblle officials sponsiblllty more are reluotant to Increase levels spending if they them- -. Res. PRO. 2907 privilege LR7AM I I |