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Show 2 Pag March 3f 1961 BLANDTNG OUTLOOK THE BLANDINGITE ALBERT R. OUTLOOK BUHDIHG Published every Friday. at I.w. earnest 'souls in Blanding are concerned and disappointed that our Natural Bridges Monument is cons pi clous for being left out in the allowances made to parks no more deserving, and in some cases not as mu oh -entitled to ij unethical if not- really meanj as ahe The Bridges. It would be.who apportioned this sum to the to blame and gripe at the people have no parks, leaving us out in the cold; they are grudge against They beseiged by petnor against Sen Juan. The Bridges, are interested in their parks, and itions from people who love ana naturally they concl ids that they who show the. greatest inattention. "The terest, have that which is most deserving offirst." TVs Judges wheel that squeaks loudest, gets grease ccr.olude that if our parks are, hot of as much worth, to us as the parks of other counties are to them, then our parks are not as deserving of attention as are the parks of those, idio plead I Blanding, Utah : cat PUBLISHER : CORRESPONDENTS Hilda Perkins, South Blanding Anita Grants, Mexican Hat Marilyn R, Rowlsy,Hontiollo Subscription Rates: one year San Juan County 9 Sah: Juan County f Bluff Trudell, ,,,'14,00 4,50 months,, 2,50 6 by the d Second Class Postage Paid wr Ate -- 1 II at Blanding, Utah Commissioner Writes About Nature! Bridges Disappointment Director- - iational park Service Je; arti:.ervs of the Interior Dear Sir: Jorrdss loners and people of San Juan County are very riueh ciissajoir.ted after reading of a construction budget total i ng over'?;; id Hi on dollars alloted to eight national monuments and recreational areas in Utah, that the Natural Bridges National The It left would be out entirely. u waste of xjwe to point out the fact that, by Nut.'cnal Monument has development this comprise!' been neglected, because your report vjll plainly indicate this also realize that a development of this momunent is fact. What we do not nliead in your Session 06 program. irojectcd understand is why this . development program cannot go forward now, as it is we 1 1 known that-thJJ.lv.lJ, Monument is over 5G el' and a-;- ... . years old, The unemployment situation is very serious here at this time business men in this area are also having a very difficult time to keep xheirj doors open. Service station, motel operators, and others have re.de such reports, It would Certainly be a boom to us in this. area and an act very much appreciated if all connected with this program would :io. all In their power to expedite this matter to the best to-be of their and authority to do so it this time, very Truly VOurs, rowe iiy Commissioner ilyrum T, I circutious road, and the six mile-walk- The . bring mary more the Museum and and mors people completion of that road would ftirsau of Here at town. our business tc ration we are offering Blanding pennants with the Edwin Bridge as the chief figure printed on it, and we are palling for thur It should be the Bridges as one of cur first attractions,. see to that we have our lively concern of everybody' in Blanding share of every appropriation made to the parks, and that the short road is completed at an early date. Our Chamber of Commerce is working' eagerly alopg different lines for the general wellbeing of Blanding, but they have no power but that which is delegated tc them, and delivered , to. them CXir failure to realjy the efforts and interest of the people. ize that we had expected from this-biappropriation, should be a stimulus to reach out as1 other communities do,, and show. that much as. they we love our country and its promising resources as love theirs . ' Monument how many In meeting with tourists all last summer and talking with then about the Bridges, it became very clear that if our proposed road from Grand Flat, direct tc all three bridges were corniced, so that they could all be reached without the long wr.lk, the bridges would be worth ten times to us what they are year,,,, I wondering earnestly for then. six months,,, 2,25 zisewhere in U,3,A. Jlsehere in U.S.A. am . Joline Holt, North Blending Nanoie LYMAN by Slack , Letter to tbo Editor... The more you Taxes are like Cracker Jacks, the more get,, t , you want. True or False? You can lease waste land for 25an acre;, put into the Soil Bank and collect $9.C0 an acre, Would you do that?. Not if you were an hjbnest American . - . it - . 4 citizen, i That's getting, something for nothing,, but you are paying taxes for this "Give away" program, Ijforman Thomas, six tines candidate for President on the Socialist. Party ticket said that the Amerloan people would never knowingly vote for Socialism; but under the guise of Liberalism, .'they would adopt every fragment of the Socialist platform until one day America would be Socialist without knowing how it came about. What's happening to our Constitution and our mary liberties? Sincerely, Ray Stebbins the basket. Both shots were was and he awarded a third good at East Fear San Juanere Oamedto Utahns Rada With Load Merchant, because of a teohnloal foul called against East Carbon,' The third shot was also good and the ball was given, out or bounds, Thanks to a- Then a few of luck to the Broncos, quarter, the quiok passes got the ball to change - late in the final Blanding Broncos barely squeaked by the East Carbon Vikings at Jragerton last Friday beerporated whose the soorw KNOW AND BOOST SAN and thus in the running for a berth at State Tournament, The unpredictable V 1 k i n gs Jumped out in front of the Frank Wright, Kent Frost, Ho- Broncos early in the first ward Rogers and Gaylord Stavely, and period by using deliberate all of San Juan County, were stalling taotios held a lead, elected directors of Utahns Inc, which at one time reached 1 1 Friday in Salt Lake City, .points, throughout the first Utahns Inc, is a new organiz- three quarters of play, The Blanding defioit was 5 ation statewide . in s oops and will work toward coordinating points at the start of the 4th the efforts of all tourism or- 'quarter and remained thereabouts until almost, quitting ' time when ganizations of .the stats, Utahns Ino, has a total of 46 5 quiok Broneo points by Corry directors with representation Jones and Johhqy Nielson tied .from every oounty. . the so ore; Then 2 successful Max Dean, manager 'o f Hotel free shots . by j Stanley Bronson, a Utah is president C. J .Olson, pair by Nielsen and ' another. by remain Nielson field goal . JUAN COUNTY VISIT N N A v T I O ft A L MONUMENT . . . -- B 12 MILES VEST OF THE BRIDGES ' ' Salt Lake City, JonesHetthe iBronoos out with exsoutiys and S. R, Anderson, 34-vioidryl vies-preside- nt, secretary, Anderson ai ' 39 ; is manager Thelateeooring got started of Grayline Sightseeing .. .Tours when Jones got two shots from with headquarters in Salt Lake being fouled .as he v drove under City, . There are Several' . . WHELM GME, GAME WIG OF vioe-preside- nts each with respons- ibility for oertain districts. Bates Wilson,' ration expects Superintendent finances of Arohes National Monument, is sals of riesessary msxbsrships. the vies president over South- - -o E3M coiiEcns: t from "If w, don't have it, gum uoimcis you dont nood it." t L |