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Show 3, 1961 March al facilities NEWS MONTICELLO MARILYN R. by ROTTLEY V&un Miekelsan Mr. and Mrs drive and ehildran a pant the weekend Montioello was canvassed by Mantl at visiting Mrs. Nickel the Tikonis Club, June Hopkins, sen's parents f Mr ' and Mrs. president, and the Fine Arts Janes Aapman, and in Selina Club, Carol Chapman, president with Mr Mickalsen'a mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Sylvan Johnson dir- Fred Miokelsen were i ; f j Nebeker went to ao-conpa- 7:30 p. last The Rebus Rota Club gym Vegas, and Mrs Frank Lake Salt City L ful the project has had to a day for stay of two They will visit with d Redd-Journeye- Mon- weeks their fies birthday4 dinner Sunday ored the birthday of five-yeA was recoranended highly interest to all Of com- will be the headed by Susan man. A re- Jameson, chair- - , . at the lbs. 4 14 oz. made Happy The 27th one was born on the the San Juan Hospittf little in and weighed This is the lbs. and 12 02 third girl for the 7 Bleaks and they also little bjy. and Mr. Mrs have Clyde one Thompson 4re parents of a little boy born Sunday, February 26th. The little fellow weighed 9 lbs 5 ox. and will be named Donald Clyde This makes the 4th boy and they, have 3 girls WEATHER San Juan appearanoe in the hours. proud parents of a girl. are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bleak The arrived Hospital for Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Orr. Twin boys weighing 7 lbs 34 oz. and 4B . double bundle of $oy Monday their Courttoy FRANK WRIGHT Low Preo. High early morning grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Garland Douglas. INDIAN AFFAIRS.... health habits. that .12 .. 0 They would have Monument Valley headquarters at and Navajo Mountain. The new air strip at 01 Jato" has been approved and work will a oomaunlty information bulletin board be ereoted so that people oould be informed of recreation Homer E Smith, and Miss Luoy Redd and Mrs Mr children, It re- port of the Planning and BeautCommittee whioh i s ification In buzz sessions the comminity Saturday at 3 p m. at the home members agreed that Montieello of Cornelia Perkins instead of. has a reasonably adequate Rewith Mrs Nettle Redd as was creational program and that we Mrs should get greater participation previously announced Golds Strong is in charge of in the present 'facilities before lesson period on art A expanding into other areas Mr. and Mrs. Hilford Christenneed for additional programs sen reoently spent a week in for older people and young girls They stayed was indicated, however Farmington, N. K. with their little granddaughter The group was in favor of while her parents, Mr and Mrs keeping the swimming pool open Dan (Rowena) Hayes vacationed in as long as participation JustiLas Nevada. Mr. was in the high sohool m members munity ing was one of .the most success- will meet A community celebration, siioh as a barbeque in oonneotion with Next meeting of the Development program will be March 9 at Richfield Saturday night nity, Development Meeting to attend the State Wrestling Thursday was received by a large Tournament in which several of and interested crowd The meet- tes participated ing areas commended nied Montlcello High School's athle- as exist- facilities sanitation the County Fair, ected the project in Blanding on the trip by Bill' Report of the Recreation CoHe and Mr. Miekelsan mmittee presented at the CommuThey Greater development of the mountain's reoreation facilities was encouraged with emphasis on Pit m BLANDING. OUTLOOK begin next week. Montieello 2nd Ward Cops Stake Trophy hon- ar old Andy Wright, Mrs son of Mr and S peoial grandparents, Mr. Wright Rigby guests were his and Mrs Earl Barry, Cortez, and Mr. and Mrs Richard Berry and family, Montieello Dean Robinson and moved to Mantloello this Mr Robinson plans to and Mrs Mr family week work with S Summers home ence his X father-in-la- w, The in the Doyle is at family Rowley resid- on 3rd Bast Stree good to see the oheerful face of Wes Mo Donald again Wes It's has returned to Montieello after spending the past few months in Orem His family will Join him later Mr and Donald Mrs T Adams and son, George) spent part of last week in Salt Lake City for business reasons They also visited with Mrs Sue Adams who at- Utah tends the University of there Mr and Mrs Cahoon have Don returned to this area from Cedar City where they have spent the They are past several years staying with Mrs Gaboon's par- ents, mer, Mr and George Pal- -, Mrs until they are permanently-locate- Ckhoon works Mr with M-M- State road Commission and the will likely be working near xican A ce d Hat gay "Apron and Overall" the Montieello dan- is scheduled for Saturday 11th at 8 30 pm in the The party LDS Reoreation Hall is sponsored by the Montioello will The publio is-als- There invited to attend will be decorations, light refreshments, and the musio will be by combo The the looal Heart a according to Juan mat ohairman indicate tributed high sohool Drive in San generous response, Fund Maxine 44-- hosts be Frost Incomplete returns that $203.00 was' con- players 2nd of Ward copped The available figures with the $80.00 lected from the Juan County i oompare that wa. n whole col- of San last year's 5x7 in Montieello, is shown m the won READ THE WANT ADS team for whioh will The win o pic- glossy prints of the may be obtained from lh. 2281 at 5(y. 33 qualified the the Regional Play off be held at the LDS Reoreational Center Colorado Friday and Saturday, March 3 and 4. Teams from Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah will compete here Winner of this tournament in-Denve- r, the Tournament will play in Basketball Playing on the have been 2nd John coaohes the The team group Kedrio OR 8-20- 81 rr i ? ICENSED CONTRACTORS EHA LOANS LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS A FIORMAN PAINT the Blanding finals by defeating the al Ward in a game last 9 DOORS CUSS I Alfred Frost 'qualified for semi-fin- BUNMNO I Ward team Cooper Jones, Adams . oh All-Ch- ur in Montieello, while Somerville, Max Black, Roy Blanding citizens donated $230 Camberlang, Thaeker, Anthony Reports from other; towns in the Steven Eager, Jack Redd, and county have not been received Wednesday me xeurn first plaoe in the San Juan ture above with their newly Stake Basketball Tournament, the tropiiy. finals of which were held Monday evening in the Blanding ReSrea-tio- n Hall They defeated the Montieello Ward by a score of Me- March 2nd Ward MIA who to the 1st Ward basketball en ROOFING ' HARDWARE . . HAMS? D9iiDl$ SdPm BUNDING WAN |