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Show Page 4 March BLANDING OUTLOOK 3, 1961 Local Indiai) (Sri Severely Burned Troop 801 Holds Annual Banquet Betty Reddeye, age 14, . daughter of Goorge and Jennie' Jteddeyi sustained severe burns 'over enlarge part of her body-Vednesda- at 11:45 a.m. Juan . was girl Hos The y pital t ak en tb the San and sent': by am- to the hospital.; i:'i n Shiprock. Me di cal author iti es bulance . at Shiprock decided 'tohave her flown to the Indian Hospital in Albuquerque, N. M. idle re she is in critical condition. reported The Reddeye family lives at the east edge of Blanding. the West Coast they enjoyed the scenic drive and at San Diego they went out to where the Navy all their has big war ships and They also looked carriers. through a big submarine, and visited the pldsst ' Mission in Western California, which was Their return through Imperial trip baok and Valley through Phoenix very Soy Scout Troop held fcOl its terested in learning how square dance to come out to annual banquet and court of hon- HOLT.. or on Thursday niht, Feb. 23rd, Hawkins, Marion Jones, and Ruth in the LJS Recreation Hall. This Palmer. Postmaster Loren Hawkins went troop is sponsored by the Third . mers on Friday nights at p.m. and Join in the fun. fried chicken dinner with last the ker and had Just missed seeing his sister. Mr. Hawkins reports, favors in the shape of the flag his father is feeling fine and on which wa9 printed the scout spry for his years .- While there; attended a Mr. Hawkins also motto, were at each plate The master of ceremonies, Finmeeting at xhe Hotel Utah for This is an; ley Bayles kept the group laugh- the "Utahn Inc." formed to develop ing at his clever joks during organization the course of the meal. At the tourist trade through our nat- -i eno of the dinner the Court of ural resources and attractions. forms and made of cardboard were 'placed among the streamers and - t I . j . Honor took its place at the West .This is made up of representend of the Hall and opened the atives from all over the state.. program with the Wag Ceremony, Frank Wright' represents Tenderfoot, First Class ing. Mr. ilawkins also attended ?a meeting in Creer. River on Satrerit JiRdges were awarded, TV.o violin solos were rendered urday of the Associated Civic by Alberta hurray accompanied by ' Clubs of Southern Utah. K Helen R&yles sang Mrs. McKay Kunz entered y Harris. Redd and San Juan Hospital last Sunday accompanied by Irene Tim Bradford gave two vocal numto undergo surgery on Monday.' bers accompanying himself on the Reports are that she is recover' and 8:00 Ihey big to be held here on the 29th of April. Glen Skinner will be giving the instructions to the beginners They hope more will come out and Join in the fun and forget your worries for a few hours. Square D.nce Jamboree week potatoes, buttered com, salad, Alma Hawkins who celebrated his hot rolls and dessert was served CHth birthday on Thursday. There on tables decorated with gold was an openhouse in' his honor. and green streamers. Roy. Scouts Mr. Hawkins also visited with dressed in brown .it green uni- his two brothers, Earl and ar" A ready for are getting latter part o f to visit his father, to Salt Lake the Ward o t Pal- LeLand Redd came down from Salt Lake City to be here for the San Juan Stake Conference held here last Sunday. His son. Jack, accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. - Bumhard Blaok accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Singleton of Mexican Hat went to California a week ago Tuesday. Ihey went to Morro Bay where they spent an enjoyable day deep sea fishing then going on made they arrived back in and j, interesting. was Bland- ing on Sunday night, Gayle Harvey celebrated her 6th birthday Wednesday, March 1st, . She little invited fourteen guests from her neighborfrom her kindergarten class and all enjoyed playing games on the baok. lawn and were served sandwiches, salad, oo Okies and punch with a favor to hood and take home, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Turner and two children spent the weekend in visiting at Ignaeio with his mother, Mrs, Hazel Turner and in Manoos with Mrs, James, Mrs, Turner's mother. Graveside servloes were held Sunday afternoon for the newly bom infant daughter of Mr, and Colorado, A Mrs, Calvin Butt, quartet, Rsva Redd, Glen Blaok, Dale Jones and Joe Finn Lyman sang"There is an Hour of Peace and Rest" and a prayer was given by Bishop Kline down .Black, the guitar. ing Just Following a piano solo lvin Black, spoke by GaMerwin Shumway Bishop to the group ing prayer was and igiven the dosby Glen Shumway,; Scouts and their leaders attending are shown in the above picture are 1. to r, first row: Sidney Hurst, Terry Shumway, Duane Marion, Larry Skinner, fine. O Leaving Blanding for the weekend were Mr ..and Mrs, Dan Pendleton, They went down through northern Arizona over to Las they visited brothers of the Pendletons,, and' Vgas, Nevada going they where to St. George, Utahj on visited with their parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pendleton and Mrs. E. R. Frei. Mrs. Sipe stayed with their Barry Bowlin and lynn Laws, Left to right standing are': .ohildren while they were away. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lee and famJohn Seeley, James Hurst, Charles Homedew, Ted Black, Robert ily were visitors over Saturday and Sunday w i t h Mrs. Lee's Nielson, Brent Jones; Austin Lyman, Don Palmer, Tom mother, Mrs, Hazel Irwin a t Sheldon Broekmeler, Brent Helquist, Calvin Black, Taylor Palmer, Henry Peterson, Thomas Johnson , Thompson, Garth Bradford, Terry Palmer and Other attending were Chairman Ivan Watklns, District Douglas Brockseier and Galbraith, Troop Coimltteemen Neldon Holt, Van Palmer, Dave Gttymon, LaVell palmer, Connie Shumway, Farrell Laxcnty and Ronald Harvey, Tom Heading the food eosmdttee was Ida Mae Palmer and 'the deoora-tlo- n chairman was flraaa Bradford BRAD THE AOS.,..., THEY 1 RE HEPS TOO..... Viola Dolores, Colorado, Little Taiimy lynn infant daughter of Testaments is Testament The to be rethe hospital. expeeted leased today from She was confined there birth on the 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Marion ceived word Walter since her Blaok last Friday that their son Max and night his wife Sandra, pf Montioello, wars, the parents of their first proud littls girl, bom that San Juan Hospital, little miss weighed 9i lbs, ohild,:a day at the already looks full grown. The Squaws and Squirts Club invites anyons who might bo in and Q re- ultra it OPEN 'TIL 7 P.M. BLANDING. UTAH |