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Show t SMITH PLUMBING & HEATING SOME-CRA- NE AMERICAN STANDARD KOHLER I Business in Blanding C. Dovri;K Irillon Undprscc :: r ; Want-A- per insertion 8e per minimum FOR RENT first located line with 40$ for subsequent per, column inch Card of Thanks 10c a line with $1 minimum Southeast Blanding HYDRAULIC JACK REPAIR We do WORK coaplete j FOR SALE Power Rotary chilli peppers; Golden Aclr Cabbage; Cauliflower; Pansies and asters See at the sign of the garden plow South Market Street in Cortez Phone Colorado LO Ifya Koppenhafer. COULD YOU AFFORD TO REBUI.LD ( Qne utilities 3d W, W. Used after - Modern in Bluff $1500 per I YOUR HOME? . . . Fite, Rood, wind stonns any one of these could demolish your home. Protect your investment with adequate insurance. Sec us today for a program suited to your needs. Lawn Mower Phone 2436 6 p.m FOR RENT 5-7- 883 paid Simpson 2tp i Apartments week ASK ABOUT OUR all Inquire of Chevron Station ; with hub; Home in Cortez, SALE on Bluff bench! FOR Lost Sat night or would trade for Slanding road between Aneth and Bluff unimproved commercial or resiReward of $1000 is offered by Owner dential lots has Utah San Juan Service Bluff Cortez $12500 in prop- equity Phone 23 erty Phone the Prospector FOR SALE Motel for J D Atnlp "Jeep" Has rebuilt engine, near FOR TRADE-- -$2300 equity good condition through- -; in a 1958, 45 ft. trailerhouse See lti out Lots of extras for- $600 cash or something of, at Chevron Service Station equal value, what have you,j 5td Bluff, Utah. Ford wheel and j j ! . ! j new-tire- s j Basin Realty & Ins. Phone Love - 6-- FOR RENT-- -- 30 foot 12 J, (Payments $75) See Gene Simp- -, ' Paso camp at Aneth son n trailer; Inquire at the Dob Phone 13 at Howell hope or 3tr 529! Bluff Utah. ltp Modern FOR RENT . bedroom modern on private lot of post office ft. 32 Call Taylor for Motel work. PARTS otp, Reliable at Prospector SERVICE co. hunt j. c. BLANDING OUTLOOa 5, 1)50 016 VWrtii'.WA' Do JV m . it Yourself and Save Three Blocks Motor: Page 11 1 8-2- SLANGING LAUNBRy, & Mrs Lodge. May OR OR 2412 See Q& that soft water and gentle soap at - house trailer! 4 blocks westj HELP WANTED woman one- F LOW COST PLANI Bluff Utah inch. tire or 2491 320 17 HOMEOWNER INSURANCE Payne's Garage and LOST almost EVERYONE NEEDS on Hydraulic overhaul Jobs moke or size at Jacks any PLANTS FOR SALE Tomatoes - Bison Fire stub Red Cloud and others; street 522 - apartment 55p LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Steven's Machine Shop in coUuans 80c' d Centrally HOUSE FOR, SALE Two house at Biuff (now under construct ion) Call or see John Ph. 3131 Eggers at Blanding . Want-A- , one-bedro- om dn bedroom 5th run free Display advertising in oommeroi&l 58 runs of with every copy .tciv Inquire at Sprouse Jewelers ; consecutive same with for 50c minimum .. or residential construction in Bluff or vicinity see or call Blanding Cabinet Shop or John Phone 3131 55p Egg era d Rates line 10e For CONSTRUCTION ! 20 Years Norttwr-- st of High Sr.hool |