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Show Price 10c Published- m the 0 - Interest of Blandingfandy the Surrounding Oil VOLUME 1 BUM DING, UTAH. 15, 1959 MAY FRIDAY, and Mining Communities 18 MO. School Plans Get Approval Contract to Be Let in. Two Bids New High for a Plans School Program Announced Summer new high school building to be built in Blanding got final approval at Monday s meeting of the San Juan County School Board in rlontloello. Already approved by the State, by the plans were given to the arAt its regular board meeting to chitect with instructions Monday, May 11, the Board of for bids. Education approved three summer prepare In the Interest of expedience programs to commence as quickly the project will be let in two as the administrative staff can contracts. .One contraot for the obtain te&ohing organize and and other foundation footings, personnel to start the programs. concrete work will be let to be sursner Officials o a plane fourteen Houston, Texas and flew to MiDC 3 carrying dland to inspeot installation officials of Texas-Ne- w Mexico there before coming on to FarmPipeline Co. arrived at the ington where they were joined by Blanding Airport. This was one local J. D. Sheridan of the largest ships ever to set for theDist. Supt. to Blanding. The flight down on the local field. Blanding district covers all the the passengers arriving ara Among from Aneth to Albuquerque, were Elmer Dreyer, Assistant to N. M. end maintains the district the Vice Pres, of the Co.; P.B. office in Blanding. District Manager of Cambre, commended the The officials Eastern Texas -- Louisiana Division local Texas --Hew Mexico men and Harvey Langren, Dist. Supt. of stated that among ftiture installie3dsy passenger Texas Co. morning Production Dept, from Farmington; J.W. Emison, Company President; H. S. McCarry, Assistant to the Pres.; F.B. Whitaker Jr., Division Mgr. and R. W. -- Griffin Jr., Comptroller. Steve Gonniek piloted the ship Buster Clark was Purpose of the trip to Blanding was to lnspeot Installations and co-pil- in this area. The ot. group left lations will be a mioro-wacommunications system. The visitors are ve having dinner at the Silver Spur Cafe with Mr. Sheridan at the end of the table and another local oompary official, J. vocational D. home The new If enough interest is six-wee- ks shown building will comprise tn class roon8f a 200 88ating oapacjy little theatre room , I a ug miner at offioe8 c. and Bluff, Mexican Hat, the instructors will some time in each of these communities. lx- Also the Board approved week kindergarten program to be at Monticello and conducted ye j j 0f auxiliary rooms gynnaaivm A motor divide the ; driven gym . 80 equlp-Anet- h, suffi-spe- nd 1200 88at ! i8 to be foiling bleachers ed wlfch i into spectators, curtain will that two separate two separate oan be in progress at the for ggg Require nmnts , saBe time. are: 1. Child nust The plan has provisions for be six years of age by October additional of construction jaer 2. 1959. 31, classrooms and a large auditor- "J fumish a birth certificate. dum 80 the entire high 3. Parents rust furnish evidenoe sohool operation can be aeoome-datof a recent physical examination by the new building. In a certified physioian. the meantime, from the present build4. Must register with local ing in addition to the new one principal by June 1. A tentative will be used for hli school schedule of June 8 to July 17 purposes. has been set for the classes. Foster at the extreme right. Blanding. Below is the DC 3 parked at the admission City Air Port. on feet of floor 37,800 square space and has an estimated oost of between $700,000 and $750,000 yULve a laj. gymnasium, a Mr. instrumental program. Cathmar Ratoliff in Blanding and Mr. Harold Furniss in Monticello will conduct the olasses. Anyone interested should contact them. to the building proper. . The contract for the building proper will call for the completion by the beginning of the school year in the fall of I960. for farther information. In order to oreate and stimulate more interest in Band, the approved start an early spring permit Arlene Powell. Students interested should contact Miss Powell Board so as this fall, completed economics pro- gram to be conducted at Blanding. The class will be taught by Miss LaSal, shown above approved a Board The , ed o In order to teaoh kindergarten the State requires that a teach- - SAN JUAN TRACKSTERS PUCE ASTRONOMERS IN THE MAKING FOURTH IN STATE MEET Juan High San The traok team prognosurprised the stics by easily copping fourth place in the State Class B Traok and Field meet last Saturday in Salt Lake City. It was no surup-st- ate ( prise, however, to those who following the record breaking oareer of the Bronco have been thlnolads this spring. began They I at the their Mesa College season early Invitational they placed 8th. From there they returned home to swamp Monticello on the home where COL CQNT'D o , 4 PG er must have 12 quarter hours of student teaching on the kinder- -j level, garten-prima- ry I ; 6 oertified and examination. pass be fully a written Assistant Superin- tendent K, B. Maughan states that efforts are being made to recruit teachers that oan meet .State Pictured above are members of the fifth grade science clas3 of the Elementary School studying and Dennis Guymon. planets. Left to right are: Roma Black, Kethleen Shurwsy, Daniel Palmer, approval. Anyone inter- ested in teaching kindergarten please contact him. |