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Show I ..'I f . .& ' Vf- ' ; . i V-- . M .1 cli up an a V. J uxtr Mrs and. Elaine, Michael - Mr. . .pent last street MILDRED RASCOB Karr, Wayne and Darrell Friday and Saturday Park Don Ripley from National Monument was Ranger, Hovenweep a guest speaker at the eleme- in "Farmington. They ntary school Monday when he spoke visited former Blending to the fourth, fifth, and sixth and the residents, Mr. and Mrs. D.W. grade morningHe sessions showed slides of day group. Bailey. the and told at ruins Hovenweep mPle excursion was taken A' .last' weekend by Mr. and Mrs. something of their history. A flopping A-- ri answer period Wright, Mr. and Mrs. question and "Jva, Palmer, and Mr. and Mrs. followed. Mrs. Joe Nielson returned re; LaVan Palmer. Also making the ijtrip to Manti to do baptismal cently from an annual reunion vwork were the following child- - with her three sisters, two of 'fin? Melvin Wright, Beverly Ann Whom live in Salt Lake Cit$ , and Idaho. While Wright, Ray Palmer, Carolyn Pal-In- er, one from Pocatello, Lily Mae Helquist, Larry' in Salt Lake she was able to Skinner, Terry Palmer and Taylor visit with her daughter Virginia and son From Lawrcnea Palmer.' jVernon Rowley went to Salt Lake City on business this week. . ! v;: Colleen Black oelebrated her 'Sixth birthday with a party last the four Francis. women went there, to St. Vegas to visit Iii the Nevada eity relatives. they saw. some night club shows starring Danny Thomas, Vlo George and Las Saturday afternoon. Games and a Damsne and Debra Paget. Birthday cake were enjoyed by Methodist Youth Fellowship the following little guests and boys girls got together Sun'Gayle and Andrea Perkins, Shan, afternoon for a hike. Each Cory, Kelly and Jody Shumway, day' Giannis Black, Susan and Sandy one took a sack lunch. Mrs. Clarence Tregellas and Palmer, and Carol Dawn Black. . Scout Stake Campout weekend provided some good 'The Boy ljist Mrs. I. W. Cox were co-hoste- sses at Tuesday's meeting of the During the brief business meeting, Mrs. A. A. Bradberry was chosen to fill the office of treasurer. The group deoided to have its next meeting comer's New ,t y ; . i V TT, .: ; :.- t 4 1? -- : f,i,. . v, ft ;Pagev. 9. Club.' BLANDING OUTLOOK is; May H , 1959 , her Claire Sheridan and Sheridan. Purple It will be a social and jonquils earried out iris a weiner roast, for all club the school eoler. theme of purple members and children. The time and of tha all Guests, gold. was set for one o'clock that as as. the well senior girls afternoon. honorec's mother, Mrs. James Doug Foster, ten year old son found their plaoas at of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Foster, Foster, small tables', with the help of recently suffered a double fracof ture of his arm when he fell place cards in tha farm with miniature diplomas, tied from the horse he was riding. ribbons in tha a oh col colors. Second and on June 16 at Devil's get-toget- Canyon. her by Miss Mrs. J. D. - Mrs. girls in grade boys Benefeil's class to.be proved sturdy hikers last Lowell when Thursday on an Mrs. Dale they went outirg to Westwater. Skelton READ THE WAHT ADS and Mrs. COMPLETE Higgs Royce accompanied the group. Returning to school, they were served cookies and,kool-ai- big DC- -3 1 plane. Wednesday morning. 1959 graduate, Miss Jiml Grace Foster, was honored last night at a buffet supper, given for RADIATOR Sales In Shop--O- n & Service Location &iLBs ,ph;3i4S 'tT times for approximately 130 boys and their leaders at the looal scout camp. Saturday was devoted to competition in suoh activities as knot tying, fire building and skeet shooting. A Mothers' Day was observed in a 'number of ways by Blending 'families. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hardman of Salt Lake spent the weekend with her. parents, the Albert lymans. The Roy Edwards family drove to Rico, Colorado, a day of sightseeing and . for - Seat Hislps (glass of '59 picnicking. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Stocks celebrated with dinner and dancing in Cortez Saturday nlgvt. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Brad-ber- ry returned night after spending the Mrs. Bradberry's Fowler, Colorado. the Bland ing Monday weekend with parents first in Mothers of and third wards received begonia plants as special gifts. - v Brldgettes Club hostess last Friday was Mrs. Mrs. J. work and Chan Moulton. D. Sheridan won hlgh( Mrs A. A. Bradberry, and prize, a guest, won low. The first copies of a class newspaper are expected to be out today climaxing mny hours of mFfBFFP Vote w our research by the sixth class of Mr. McKay grade science ' Kunz. Blueprinting and ditto machine comprise the methods of printing. The students gathered stories from caoh class, news responsible for blue printing a number of pictures in the paper. Appearing ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burkhalter and were and children left Tuesday for where Jim's Kcrmlt, Texas, mother is in serious condition following an automobile accident. - WATCH FOR '44 Ol.KNN SKINNKH & Industrial d. roaring over town Tuesday brought visiting dignitaries from Texas and Mew York, Texas-Ne- w the representing Mexico Pipe Line Company and the Texas Company. They toured thJs area, including the Aneth '.eld, and left on their chartered The Automotive Co. ' |