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Show LEGAL to the City Council. NOTICES All permits granted under this section may be revoked, altered or modified by the City of Blanding at the will of the City ORDINANCE NO. 195S-- 6 ft AN ORDINANCE SIGNS AND OTHER. ON PUBLIC STREETS IT REGULATING STRUCTURES by the City Counoll of the City of Blending, County of Sen Juan and State of BE ORDAINED Utah: Section 1. when used In The this following words ordinance stall the meanings respectively aseribed to them: have (a) "STREET11 All parts of a public street between the boundary lines, inoluding sidewalks, parkings, curbs and the roadway. (bj "STRUCTURE" Any sign, sign post, sign board, arch, advertisement, merchandise, material, flag, banner, rack fence, vehlole, objeot or other structure erected, looated, ! de- or plaoed above, over. BLANDING OUTLOOK May 15, 1959 Section 4. .Ary structure or now sign, as herein defined, which conviction of such violation, be located or Installed or ' a fine in any sum or by erected be punished Counoll whenever said Council may hereafter shall deem it to be in the be3t placed above, over, in or around not exceeding $100.00. sectioA-- Jf interests of this City, and it any part of any street within any If 5. which Section the of CUy limits the shall be unlawful for any person sentence, clause or to fail to comply with ary order conflicts with the provisionscon-of subsection, phrase of this ordinance is for or condition Imposed by the said this ordinance or ary other to be invalid, dition imposed by the City ary reason held City Council . :shall not affect Council, must be removed, changed sueh holding of the remaining or relocated within a reasonable the validity Section 3. It shall be unlawordinance. of this ful for ary person to erect or time, not to exceed thirty days, portion construct any sign as herein after the owner or person having Section 6. In the opinion of suoh of control or defined above, or in over, charge Council it is necessary around any part of ary street structure or sign is notified by the City health, safety and. within the limits of this City, the City of Blanding to so re- to the peace, inhabitants of or for ary person owning or move, change or relocate the welfare of the the City of Blanding that this having charge or control of ary same. In the event the person ordinance shall beoome effective now or owner or whosoever might have sign as herein defined, Installed, to suffer or permit charge or control of such immediately. such sign to remain above, over, structure or sigi refuses or ordinance This Section 7. in or around any part of ary fails to remove, change or restreet within the limits of this locate the same after being shall take effect upon its first City, without first obtaining notified to do so by the City, posting. permission so to do from the such a refusal or failure is Passed by the unanimous votAW City Council, and then only in hereby declared to be a misthe members of the BlandJy strict accordance with the terms demeanor and punishable by a of 11th day and oonditions of the express fine of not more than $259.00 or City Council this The' City by imprisonment not exceeding Nay, 1959. permission granted. Council may grant or dery such six months, or by both, and each g Vim. R. Hurst (SEAL) permission or impose additional day that suoh refusal or failure Hayor oonditions from time to time continues Is hereby declared to when it deems it to be in the be a separate offense and best interests of the City of punishable as suoh. ATTEST: Blanding in regulating the use : ! : j : street within print or drawing or tracing the limits of this City, or for suoh proposed sign. upon any or having person owning charge or oontrol of any structure as herein defined, used for now and purposes, private existing upon ary street within the limits of this City, to suffer or permit such structure to so remain, without first obtaining permission so to do from the City Counoll, and then only in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the express, permission granted. The City Council may grant or deny or impose such permission additional conditions from time Page 10 i posited In or upon any street, except those objects extending over a street whloh are part of a building and oonform to the requirements of the building code in foroe in this City, and exoept signs extending over a street which are supported en- of its streets. tirely on private property and are permitted and regulated by Application for permission to Seotion 3 of this Ordinance. erect or construct ary sign as herein defined above, over, in (o) "SIGN1! Any sign, sign or around ary part of ary street post, sign board, arch, mercha- within the limits of this City ndise, material, flag, banner, shall be in writing and shall rack, fenoe, vehicle, objeot or contain the name of the person structure, used in any way for for whose benefit the same is advertisement purposes, which is made, the period of time for ereoted, located, deposited or whloh such permit is so desired, plaoed above, over. In, on or the plaoe where sueh sign is to around any street. be erected or constructed, the dimensions thereof, the material Section 2. It stall be unlaw- of which the same is to be comful for any person to erect or posed, and the manner of coplaoe any structure as herein nstructions which application defined, used for private pur- shall be accompanied by a blue poses, or condition imposed by the said City Council. hereafter erects or places or causes to be s Francis D. Nielson erected or placed any structure City Recorder as herein defined, or sign, above, over, in, on or around Ticklers. any part of any street within the limits of this City in violaAry person who tion of ary of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon By George of any to time when it deems it to be in the best interests of the City of Blanding in regulating the use of its streets. All sign? now installed, or hereafter be erected within the limits of this City whloh extend beyond the property line over ary street, alley or which may public way stall meet the following requirements as well deemed as ary oonditions neoessaiy by the City Council: (a) Every sign that extends feet beyond the than must be constructproperty line ed entirely of metal or other more two noneombustlble material, and no piece of glass having an area of foot shall be used in ary projecting sign. more than one square (b) Every sign extending beto for permission Application ' yond the property line shall be a structure any upon place placed at least ten feet above street In this City shall be in the surface of that part of the must be and accompanied writing street which any such sign overwith plans and specifications of the same, and stall state the hangs. name and address of the appli(c) No sign shall project to the proposed place cant, more than ten feet beyond the erect such structure, . the length prbperty line, and no sign post to or support stall be placed off of time it is proposed and such maintain the same, private property on ary part of other Information as the City the street. Council may No require. structure as herein defined, used for private purposes, shall All permits granted under this seotion may be revoked, altered or modified by the City of Blanding at the will of tho City Council whenever said counoll peraitted to be ereoted, plaoed or maintained upon any street within the' limits of this shall deem it to be to the best City except where such structure interests of the City, and itj is of a temporary nature and stall be unlawful for ary person, then only upon good cause shown to fail to comply with any order be Q Mother and Dad! Hurry! Archie has just proposed!" N v ' ' STQVSNS MACHINE SHOP S.E Blanding |