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Show NEW .' " ' PASTOR . down the street d an up PORTER Mil r v wi th from 5 blandig' T - Cedar : outmok-;!" i ARRE the weekend p.t the home of and City were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mrs. Turner's parents. Mr. Mane os, Dover and son Boyd. They visited Mrs. J. S. Janes of was The the ooeasion at the homes of their daughters, Colorado. of the d fifty-thirMrs. Carl Osborne and Mrs. Clark anniversary members James of the Other Hlrsehl. Saturday the group toured some of the seenlc spots family gathered to be with them and share the lovely three tier in our area including the oake beautifully decorated with The and Mexican Hat. bells and roses by Mrs. Turner. Dovers returned home Sunday. Members of the EtCetra Club The turners returned home Sunwill honor their mothers at. a day. Mrs. Howard Hurst and son Tad social to be held at the home of and Mrs. Mabel Hurst drove to Mrs. Eve Lynn Perkins on Satur- visitors Weekend -- i. i j . I Gooss-neo- ks at 2i00 p.m day, Hostesses for the event will be 16 May Eve Lynn Perkins, Ghloe Ann Shum-wa- y, Rev. Jar.es A. last in from El Young Mary Rollins, Gabby ' Paso, Texas will be the new pas and Audrey Nelson. tor fo the Blending Assembly of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert ftirner and The Rev Eastln God Chur eh Glenna and Brodie, holds a Bachelor of Soience be children, gree from the Southwestern Bible sister, Mrs. Josephine Lewis and Institute in Waxahachie, Texas Prances. and is a former pastor in NAmong many Mother's Day greetKe Has been asreceived by your correavarro, Texas ings sistant at A jo, Arizona and did spondent were a telephone call mission work in El Paso before from a eon in Sacramento, Calif an airmail card from a grandcoming to Blanding Busy getting settled in their daughter in France and a letter, . new home and are their Mitchell, James ' also a oheok from a and Mrs Eas-t- in two children, 3 years and age Rev Dwaine'Gray, age 5 months. in Brooklyn, New York, daughter Page, Arizona, on to meet May 7 W. K. Kuhlman, Hurst, Dr, and Miss Helen Wllllamsen whpr boat trip had completed a to the from Hite Page landing Howard 6-- On day and returned home Satur- Canyon day. Mrs moved home Barbara Palmer and childChris and Jenny Lou, have from the Willie Certonlo to the old home of Bud and Velda Nielson Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lee and ohlldren, and Mrs. Helen Halls of Monticell o were Sunday visitors at olooU;Will 22 thissuwner Kindergarten start. en June ' with .Miss teaoher. for the at held Rhoda Vans Nielson a The - opart ; will ; be '$15 six-week- s;; . i the to bo el emejtiary. sohoolt, course; ; Mrs. '.Glen Black, phoae'26Ql, ; is taking registrations ;fnndor? garten. Jftssv Nielson daiighter of. Mr and Mrs Jos Nielson now. teaching1 in', J she .planswhpro; sho August mary. California. - ;' to .fly to i.: In Ger;-'.- , ;iUl"--:;toaoh:- .. - ,. . . . . chilHrent ofU.S. arny persttneU ' .r ' v'-- their return to Blanding the tho group spent Friday towing Biyco ren, , hottov foirffari of ri-.- i. - fay And Among" ; those enjoyingrjflotherjo ."K" Day dinner at the . were - n'Ri'dCAf9 Mr. and Mrs ' Gene Bliekejv and family Mr .! and ir Duane. Johnson and .. family; - ;VvJ Mrs Pearl Bayles ;'r Mr. Jesse Johnson 'jhasi ; bsoij ' this week' Bs, staff . , f- - - ! very ill past , return to ; tljs Monticello hospital to reoeiye will havr to. more .blood , MONTICELLO News Items By Mrs. H. E. Slain Special music enjoyed at the Community Church Sunday morning a duet, was Tribute "A To Moth-su- ng by Mrs. Graee Campbell Margarita Pehrson and accompanied on the organ' by Mrs. Mrs Helen Pehrson. Rev. and Mrs Richard Campbell have as their guests this week Mr. Campbell's parents, Mr and Mrs John Campbell from Ogden, Utah. Little slowly getting better Mrs. Lake Salt from Mason Betty is Christensen Kenna City visited with the Max Dalton family Sunday. Sheriff Chauncey Black thinks the report by radio of a human body being found River near Bluff in the was a San Juan false re- port Mrs. Nell Dalton and daughter were shopping in Blanding Saturday and they visited Mrs Lois there. while Lyman Black was hostess to the Mission Circle on May 6th at the Community Church. Mrs Campbell gave the opening prayer and the devotional was given by Pearl Mrs different utes to members Cancer Goon showed were of great trib reading Mrs Mothers C. D. films that interest to the group. The hostess served freshments of pis and coffee re- in Grand Junction several days this week Mrs. Gordon Wood was to be with her sister, rbert while Newell, Newell serious surgery was undergoing Mr He- Mrs Mr Bailey and family. Mr. and Edley Pearson and Mrs Miller Harral from Farming-to- n, N. M. were Sunday guests at the Ernest Karral home, Mrs Donna Lewis Moral of Lubbock, Texas was guest at the Moab - 0) came - Mrs satisfaction when you buy Texaco products for your farm needs from us. We've got a lot of farm friends in this vicinity who use Texaco products. They like the products, and our dependable, neighborly service, too. We'd like to number you among our satisfied customers. You'll find it pays to farm with Texaco products. Phone us youll benefit! Mrs. Karl Tucker and and over from Grand Valley, Colo, to spend Sunday with MrsReed Tucker's sister, Mrs child YOU QET EXTRA MEASURE of to visit an overnight Reed Bailey homCj i week enroute to her mother and! In. Hursff Oil Coimipainiy El. ' V I - , ' ' -- A V? PHONE 0R8 - 3861 ' I . 1 . |