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Show Published every Friday at Blanding, Utah I. W. Cox Kendall Young, Chan Moulton, S V'E "Now PUBLISHER EDITOR NEWS Here9 s found B1 finding NW B1 anding Mildred R&seoe, Sue Graves, Dovmtomi Seotlon Hilda Perkins, S. W. Blending Ipel Howell, Bluff are graduating from High ere ycur plans for the future?" u oil what out the Renee 31ack j I plan B.Y.U. next on going fall to the and study education. I like to graduate and then college teach schocl in a small would from town." Utah at- Blanding, - back In a letter published In this newspaper, Dr. E. N. Porter expressed his view that over-pric- ed real estate and Jacked up rent rates have been a deterrent to Blanding 's growth and that the practice is losing opportunities in Blanding for our children and grandchildren. If the dentist is right, the guilty persons are setting no Issues o Jimi Foster 'After a vacation in Florida this summer I plan to enroll at the B.Y.U. with Home Economics, as my precedent. Plenty of towns have dropped by the wayside. when shortsighted landowners forced the prospective plant, railroad or some other bonanza to establish in a neighboring town. In most cases the owners see only their town's advantages and disregard advantages of the e orcpet ing tovm3 We have not heard that a railroad or a big plant is about to come to Blanding but more valuable than either is our opportunity to become the population center for the Fabulous Four Corners Oil, Mining and Tourist industries. If Blanding makes the grade it won't be something that Just fell into its lap; Montieello and Cortez are seeing to that. contest is its Blanding's principal advantage in the three-wa- y we could lose this advantage with the geographical location; new of oil deposits. We. have other strong points discovery including climate, attractive retail stores, and progressive Genevieve Falmer f,I plan to stay in Blanding- and work for a - while ind then get married move to and probably California." city government. To offset our advantages. Montieello can offer two important highways, county seat, hospital and complete banking facilities plus adequate housing' all of which have appeal to newcomers set up business or housekeeping. there is Cortez. .It has everything that Montieello has plus a shopping district three blocks long. From the businesses along this street came contributions totaling $25,OCO.OO to. give Utah oil workers a better road to Cortez. We do not know what the price of property is, but we believe owner the with property to sell or rent in 31anding better price it as if competition were toui; because tcui it is. Judy Te.tro "I plan to summer and Ridge B.Y.U. The extra vagent young wife had went to see a' psychiatrist. Im sure I can help you, said the psychiatrist. My fee will be $50 an hour. Hie prospective patient let out She looked him squarely in the eye. "Five new dresses, was her Calm reply. Doc, he exclaimed, "you just shocked me into remembering who I am, and the guy I am cant afford that kind of money! work fall at the this Elk to the in January. I plan Cafe and go to major in English. A man suffering from amnesia been on a shopping spree. The next day a delivery boy arrived with five new hats. My gosh!" exclaimed her indignant spouse. What do you want with five new hats. Jij n elementary Second Class Postage Paid ..... i. Then with-Sa- j San Juan County, one year .14,00 San Juan County, six months .. 2.25 Elsewhere in U.S.A. 1 year 4.50 Elsewhere in U.S.A. 6 months 2.50 about to PHOTOGRAPHER INQUIRING in her interviews Subscription Rates: Two GRAVES Hiah Seniors , Porter, East Donna Brown, Mexloan Hat Anna Brown,. El Paso Mrs. H. E. Blake, Montieello that School what PHOTOGRAPHER CORRESPONDENTS Anna a j a yell. XeftcLL.ee Helqulst plan to work at the Drug Store this summer, then In the fall attend "I B.Y.U. and study nursing." Page 2 BL xdj ng May 15, 1959 Je in-- 1 . o oP o Jl aper |