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Show TO- V Dylamiv Eggs Bacon n, great-great-grandso- AA Large Swift'S'' GENERATIONS When Mrs. Nancy Mann Kartchner, seated left, celebrated her 95th birthday over the weekend, five generations of the family got together. Seated right is her daughter, Mrs. Lelia Palmer, and in Mrs. Palmer's lap is. a Steven Jay Palmer. Standing left is a Edson J. Palmer, and on the right is a grandson, Edson LaVell Palmer. FIVE m Doz & Pieces! lb. Pkg. great-grandso- n, Library Plans Up & Down Hie Street with Advance The San Juan County Library Committee met in Montloello on Tuesday to discuss plans HILDA PERKINS Nell Bell has been Mrs this past projeeted libraries to in 111 Into the Keith Jones built BftPEMT. looal represen- tative to the Library Mr, and Mrs, Gene Morris moved for the be Blending and Montloello, Mrs, Marian Nielson week &37C Sausage Board, and Texas PINK home TUesM Mr, Howard Hurst of the looal were in Mr, and Mrs, LaVar Lyman spent! Reereation Committee several days this veek In Grand1 Junction idiere Louisa had an! appointment with her optometrist and idille there they, visited with Junior Cosby who is still In the J attendance, Arehiteots from Salt Lake were present to propose some plans for the projeeted struotures but nothing definite has been from until more plans de-ol- ded hospital there, Mrs, Loretta Carroll is here other firms can be viewed. from Arizona for a visit with bert Mr, and Mrs, Gil- -j Shunsmy, Mr, Buok Wilson of Bluff was in town on business Tuesday, and Clarepoe Perkins made a trip to Bluff Tuesday, A meeting of the San Juan County Wblfaro board was held In Ray Montloello Alma Redd evening, Mr, attended from here , Wed, Mrs, Hilda be there because of inspirational film of the life Cewdry was shown in the Blending 1st Ward MU TUos, evening. The project r was sponsored by Mrs, fyrtle Redd of-Pllv- WRECK HOSPITALIZES er for about six years for Ms beck it should prove very interto most of us in this esting section of the country. 16 BLINDING OUTLOOK Feb. 13 1950 ZOOM Wheat Wheat Pkg. Cereal ribs Deputy or posts were installed to warn motorists. Truck Cont'd Hot Chocolate Lrg. Can OJJLOG CABIN protested by other lines other end of the proposed Touts Grand among others .. 34 RANCH HOUSE PANCAKE MIX Pkg.' ; m msn m $m, 4 A j, Payroll " ' I '?'. l rft 'i. TJt J I H a- i ' t - . . . . Checks . Cashed V on the by. Carbon Motor O Quik 990 rolled ever befere coming te a Yard, was very badly derat ehed and received several' fractured 19 NESTLES Saturday evening a ear driven by Mr, Jack Weatherspeen failed te negeelate a turn about two miles abeve Recapture Creek and . Pag, CARNATION it Q-Gr- BLAND I NG MAN Sheriff Chauneey "Black investigated the accident and leader of the Special Interest took the victim te the San Juan Group, County Hospital in Montloello', A now beck has recently been Sheriff Blaek said that though published called "The Hole in the turn Itself is not. a bad one the Rook" written by David & it is net well marked. Lying at Miller a professor at the U of the end of a long straight secU, Professor Miller has been tion of the read the turn would gathering authentic Inf enaction be less dangerous if a guardrail and P ineapp I oz DRINK Can CEREAL to step, Mr, Weatherspeen an emillness. ployee ef the Carter Wrecking Perkins was unable An t Pound jfcHtonte Instant or . her parents (o) C aaRls p. tw L . ' , Vy |