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Show Pub listed tnthQ Interest of Blanding(d)tha Surrounding Oil and VOLUME 1 BLANDING, Street Lights Coning For Blanding Monday in Salt Laka City the Statf Road Commission announoed it that would spend $14,500 erecting etreet lignite along Utah Highway 47 within the elty limits of Blanding. This will, they say at the City Hall, be an adequate lighting arrangement for. the business - town. section of City has budgeted $12,500 Thl for fa residential lighting on whloh preliminary work has begun. Under this program a mercury-vap- or fixture will be tern plaoed at every intersection in exoept Highway 47 locations cording to lynn Lyman, City wn Eleotrioian. GARRETT APPLICATION CONTINUED At the Public Service Commission hearing held earlier this month the petition ef Garret lines te begin service Freight to Moxioan Hat was under consideration. Only witnesses for the defense ef the from Ogden, Utah petition were first heard at this meeting whleh has been continued until March 17th. The only local witnesses who supported the petition ef the Idaho Utah, Bader were Waukesha ef represented by Mr. Dale and Bethlehem Supply who company by one ef their effieials from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thelf contention is that there is a need fer daily overnight ser- represented vice from Salt Lake City to Blending. This is In spite ef the twice weekly service offered by Hunt Truck Lines and the dal- ly service offered by Wyeeff Salt Lake combined with Thick Line ef Blanding. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 1959 A mass meeting will be held at p.m. In the City Hall next Monday, February 16. The object ef this meeting is te allow the citizens ef Blanding te discuss and ask questions ooneemlng the bend issue whleh is to be voted on the fellewing day, Feb. 17. 7 i 30 EDUCATION BOARD"" VOTES SCHOOL enand Richardson, an gineering firm from (taaha, Nebraska. Mr. Bredar will answer LUNCHES Durham its. January At . Board of questions pertaining te the ac- adopt the tual construction and changes in at Blanding the eity utilities idileh are te result from this bend issue, 5 MO. City Calls Meeting For Rond Issue Discussion if meeting, the Education voted to sohool lunch program and Montloello. facilities are Since now avail- able in 'the elementary schools, the program will be operated on The eity effieials have arranThe eity effieials encourage a basis. - The ged fer Mr. Rebcrt Kirehner ef everyone te attend this meeting Board of Education emphasized the firm ef Kirehner, Ormsbee. and ask any and all questions must be each that unit operating and Wlesner, Ine., Fiscal Agents whleh they might have concerning will be here to discuss the pro- any aspect of the issue. They School lunch figures for 1957-jected bond issue from a finan- remind us that it is the duty ef that 55 per oent of the cial peint of view. all utility users to inform tiesr Utah show school children participate Also present will Mr. s elves cn the process ef our be in the school lunch program. William Bredar ef Hensingson, it is passed. self-sustaini- ng self-supporti- ng. 58 . eity. County Stockmen Set Date for Annual Meeting? Each school food This Steve Mansur and Larry . this week will be followed by a local of students prloos, and the labor participating, expenses to operate the program. Experience throughout the state has proven that the oost per number varies from twenty to thirty cents per meal. It is anticipated that the lunch program will commence with the 1959-6- 0 school year. meal Collins resigned as Gilbert The Board however, :Direotor. made honorary director at Grant Wilson was elected him large. in his plaoe. The Directors voted to have a &huoh wagon dinner on the evening of May 28th. followed by a slide show of the area's seenis attractions. Duke Simpson is in charge of the dinner and Kenny Ross the slide show. There will be of - Memmott. Charter must estabper meal, based on location, geographical HAS HEAVY AGENDA The district lish the cost BLUFF CHAMBER rooelvod a letter from the State Aeronaut los Commission approving tho JSan Juan County Stookmen set site of the proposed Airport. February 20, 1959 as date for We are still waiting For word their annual meeting aoeording from the Bureau of Land Managto Roll F. Argyle, County Agent ement. who is working with the officers Beoausc of the generally fine on their program. weather at Bluff, (when other Presidents Clem Washburn and places were telling of the deep Melvin Dalton and officers have snow this week Bluff was enjoysnow a very Interesting and educing the sun and what little the The ational program prepared. they had was almost gone) the to adopt program will commenoe with a Charter voted conas vane a.m. Wool School at 900 its symbol and weather use it on all their literature ducted by Russell Keetch, ExtenUtah and signs. A oommittee headed sion Wool Specialist at State University. The afternoon by Kenny Ross was appointed to sessions will commence at 1(30 oonduet a contest in the Bluff prominent sheep City sohools for the design of p.m. Several and cattle men from up state the weather vane. Since he was leaving town will be on the program Including of J. R. Broadbent, President W. Wool the' Utah Growers, Hugh C of the Utah President Colton,Cattlemen's Association, James ef Hooper, Lyman UTAH. Mining Communitias a oharge for the dinner. C Blandingi Conduct ng Membersh i p Driveef a unite President price en and whleh pump Cemmeree Chamber Pretesting this projected line delicious banquet at 7i00 p.m. to are Hunt Truck Line and Lyman customers Eaoh of be is urged will you Den Smith reported en his charged to all Truck Line ef Blanding and the support your officers in this to . Salt Lake en Monday to trip meet regardless. Line. It is also being worth while endeavor by attend- with the Beard ef Directors of Wally Jeanqrotte reported that Oertway P.16 COL 2 ing these meetings. ef the the Associated Civie Clubs Southern and Eastern Utah. He said that the principal objec- Hal burton Cementing Company Is locally ready te Blanding move to and are Just awaiting from their heme office this move. He farther to try approval this tive to influence the continuance ef te effect television In the outlying areas stated that firm in Cortes is eons lde ring several building under the present setup. hemes in Blanding as rentals if Members were reminded ef the the service companies begin to Mass meeting whleh will take here. place en Monday to discuss the neve A letter from Representative Bond issue whloh was a direct result ef efforts by members ef Carl R. Iyman was read idileh assured the local chamber that he the Chamber. A discussion was raised con- is opposed te the minlsum wage cerning the practice ef certain ,law and that he 1111 vote of meeting was a-ga- local lnst it. merchants and businessmen The membership drive is en and te give discounts te customers ef their acquaintance but charge letters have been sent te all' Aill price to strangers. This' former members encouraging them rumor probably stems from the to Join again this year. Mere fact that persons contributing letters will go to new business- the construction of the new es. Individual, persons are ente Join also and should electric facilities receive a couraged contact one ef the members of discount ef 109$ until their in- ,te is reimbursed. Also tbs chamber. the service stations of the area WOTICE have a practice ef discounting The name Of vestment pump ARRIVAL European heavyweight champ world title go with Ingemar Johansson says hes ready toris ashown on his arrival The Swedish fighter Floyd P&tt v for discussions of a possible bout early in New v this flumiYTWO-FISTE- D - price te local customers. BAB -- Carter LaVan Palmer stated that he is. Service Station was included in the ad on page-1through confident that the service station operatorsJ ef Blanding will .The (Xitlook learned, of thii very shortly end this practice laftcr the copy. had. been printed 1 . I nil-understand- ing. |