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Show I tttKNMT 4 Pf : ''LOOK BLAND i959 Feb. I SOLD IT I., Want-A- d Rates liue lOl per for 50$ minimum by Opel Howell with Hr. first insertion. 8t per lino with attention. 4Q$ niece make Hero, The Book 2737. Furnished living room. call ear - good used See Hazel Lewis at WORK WAITED work. A 7931 their - Truck Driver years expericakes and models small monthly payments. Dept. Box oritieally Frank Halls, the end of February in at 6 lbs. 7. 4 She ozs. her Della Ruth. Hr. and Mrs. Buster Gardner are the parents of a boy born February 8. Mrs. Bert Ellis had the PHOTO FINISH -- Mouse, lower left, has his emotions all botas kitty prepares to take a tled up in the face of nip from the bottles stopper. No hero, he. Kitty is a photo enlargement, and this little drama was played out in a Nash- removed from her hand. Mrs. Ann Chamberlain took cart of the Cafe for her while she stltehes ville, Tenn., studio. For Health Council) Boss is away today. We're To Meet write to Credit 148 S.H. Station, Salt Uke City, Utah. r Come is delivery in Mexican Hat now. is with Cl overleaf Co. Mrs. Ula Ho Comb was sailed to enough to go home. He Dove Creek grandfather A budget is an accounting procedure that lets you know exactly how much youre overspending your income. wars at the death of hor and an unole. always crow when he knows the rooster on the other side of the fence cant get at him. A rooster will endorsed 8 WStJk. Us for DELI VERED to your H0Mg - Whipping Creaa Eggs - Cottage Cheese. Butter - ice Creaa Milk covewoy SERVICE SOPER Ph. B ) ... . 2822 They killed in a oar aeoldant. re commends d for children to by the American Dental age Association. and m to which new milk go- ing to stay and enjoy every minute of it, even though were sick Blandlng Health Council will ireet Monday, February 23, at 7:30 p.m. at the Elementary School. Hr. Commissioner, County Karlen liaz<on will give the tablet fore, Journeyed to Honticollo. Hr. Dale Holyoak has a of trueks. D. W. Contact lacker, Gary's Trailer Court, latest progress on the Health Spaoe 14,. or office phone 3161 Unit. Dr. E. N. Porter will discuss Electronic Home FDR SALE use cf floride in Organ in this area, take over the essential details Hrs. home weighed The 18 all more and Hr. and Mrs. Stanley Houston weleomed a new baby daughter to cat-astrop- he, or 3307. on , They named Silver Spur Cafe, or call ence aocident her finger off last Saturday. exoepfc 1945 Plymouth, new tires , almost ne 45' enGood condition. See gine. A-l Auto at Roy Repair. wants Mormon aeoompanlod them. Margo Howell out ?DR SALE. play pen. . injured. tank Propane Phone 3601. -- of group attended. Mr. end Hrs. George Hall were called to Albuqusrquo, Now MeTheir daughter was in & xico. Ph. 3563 FDR SALE WANTED Sun- study, group held at the Halloway trailer last Sunday evening. A nioe FDR SALE 1952 Mercury 2 door with 4 new Nylon tires. 1950 Meroury 4 door, by Johnson Ph. 2481 FOR REN- T- 3 roam uadem house Bluff. family was west of or visited family Bob Howell Sunday. Bookkeeping end vojk. See Gloria blook They Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox visited with the Bud Hsrz family S. H. Station Utah. 213 City, one Redd and with the day. 148 Tx their is a in California. homo Cleveland TOR SAIJE Spinet Fiuio to be repossessed in this area. As save b&l. of oontruot. For uore details write credit Pollard Farley Dove Hr. and Hrs. Tom Cleveland and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry in Want -- Ad columns 80 per column inch. WANTED ZneoM Utah. Hrs. Starkey of Hr. Bud Morz. Uoolo, . lka in Herz Crook. Hr and Mrs. Starkey stopped in Bluff City on their way to . Salt . Matthew fathsr, runs of consecutive sane copy with every 5th run free. Display advertising Box A younger boy, Donqy Herz mother and Hr. with stayed ninimiia for subsequent dept. Korz took his jon to Cortez for medloal Bud Buddy Hcrz Jeab 6royer, --- - - |