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Show ... j Letter to Editor Publiohed oTerj Friday at Blanding. Utah FUBUSHIR I. W. Cex ' Kendall Young, . Anne w, Porter, Eut Blanding W. Rtf Blinding Caatral Blanding Hilda Parkins, S. V. Blanding Opal Hoirall, Bluff Donna Brora, Hazioan Hat Nona tyler, El Paso Mrs H E. Blaka, Montieallo Subscription Ratos: opposition present sewer and water system is inadequate by 268 thousand dollars and inadequate sewer and water systems are health This one should be avoided. owes it. that the elty would have to further expand its utility service up to a oost of $300,000.00 when needed without Authority expense of additional elect ion is economical. Bear in mind the City oan't spend this reserve any day the notion strikes it. Its use must be Justified by a growth in net revenue to a specific amount. Furthermore it will be assurance grow, at least to that extent. that Blanding can continue to Blanding s population will never be more than the nuntber of people it is willing to provide with utilities. Utilities are people who move monopolies and as such are into its area. liable for service to Failure to supply utilities can only oompel people of the oil industry to establish out of states or possibly at Bluff where privately owned Utah Power and Light Company would readily aocept the eleetrio responsibility, and water ean be had for the digging. If are in error you we Meeting Monday From the night. oan get the straight of it at the City OOO FARMINGTON DAILY TIMES Thv Nr iv hlil Paso Paso Natural (las Co., which has had so much to do with development of the Four Corners Country in the last decade, at lontf last has been honored by having a town mimed for the corporKl ation. The new (own of Kl Faso is over in San Juan County, Utah, at the site of the gas plant being built by Kl Faso Natural Gas. Its also Ihe community nearest the new bridge across the San Juan which was dedicated last December. gress providing for use of funds that have amimulat;d to the credit of Ancth region Nava jus as result of oil development. A three-macommission will be n named, if the hill is approved, to see that the fund or more than $1 million is spent for health, education and transportation facilities to benefit the Aneth Navajos. Mentioned among imssible facilities are roads from the Aneth region to Blanding. Cortez and Shiprock. While it hasn't been confirmed officially. it's assumed here that part of the accumulated fund (which is growing at the rate of $900 a day) may be used to help build a road from El Paso, Utah, to connect with Navajo Route 1 near Red Mesa, Ariz. That road, we gather, is the No. 1 project of the Blanding Chamber of Commerce these days they want to shorten the distance between Blanding So from now on, when you say El Faso, he sure and specify which El Paso youre talking about the old burg down in Texas, or our new neighboring town in Utah. It might be added that. El Paso. Utah, already is on the map; at least its on the map carried on Page I, Vol. I, No. 3 of the newest Four Corners newspaper. That iiewspaier is the Blanding Outlook, and Farmington. and a copy has just reached this desk However that turns out, we thought courtesy of flop" Liscomb. The week- you ought to know about El Paso, Utah. ly. Blanding Outlook isn't bulky, but it is chuck full of items of interest ip San Juan County, N.M., as well as San Juan County, Utah. .For Instance: The Outlook-carrithe wont, that theres a bill now before Con . -- es truly yours, J. D. Sheridan, Sr. . . . is an open letter to 1, It is hard for me to understand how a savings ean be realized by paying off bonds that were issued in 1947 and 1954 which should be bearing a lower rate of Interest than could be aequir-e- d at the present time. A savings of $74,867.50 is given. Is this the interest that will be saved by paying off these bonds now, and is this a net amount after you figure the Interest you will pay - on the money you will borrow to pay these bonds off? If this is a net savings I think it should be fully explained. doesn't sound logieal to It dollars whleh debt eould be paid substantial saving. It would be 232 thousand from the new bond proceeds at a waste not to save oity Mrs. the people of Blanding presenting a . few thoughts on the Band Issue af $800,000.00 which is ta be voted an in a few days. In view af tha faat there has bean na arguments apposing this ordinance, I believe there should be a few things mentioned. The following are questions that arose in ay mind while reading the arguments supporting the issue. The Ihe D. Vary This poo risks. J. spaper. Editor! Entered as second clast matter at the Post Office in Blanding, Utah, under the act of March 1897 little Mrs. Letter to Editor San Juan County , one year ...$4.00 San Juan County , stx months .. 2.25 Elsewhere in U.S.A. 1 year 450 6 Elsewhere in U.S.A. months 2.50 It is gratifying that there seams to bo but to the City Bond Elaotion oomlng' Tuesday. Sharidaa Jr. of your city a ant Plaasa lat aa first aditian af tha Oat la ok. new affart ta aangratulata yau and tha town af Blanding an this give tha paaple a nairay rapart af tha happanings in yaur area. I nas in yaur turn last Saptanbar and anjayad avary minute af wj visit. Blanding has great patantialitias and Z pradiat rapid granth and davalapaiant af its many rasauraas. Utah is truly a beautiful state. My faaily there are na longer Texans 'they lava it, tea. I hope I an tha first Toxin ta offer yau sinaara congratulations and bast wishes far your new- fy deugbter-in-lem a copy af the CORRESPOMDEMTS Grniii & Edit an NEWS EDITOR Mildred Ruooa, 1 2. Ihe second question to repay this me. is, "How much The will ws ultimately first year will pay money we $800,000.00? which only $12,000.00 will be applied to of roughly $50,827.50, reduce the principal amount of $800,000.00 and about $38,827.50 will be paid in Interest I In ths 24 years it will take to pay this bond issue off. If we're lucky we'll pay a total of about $1,400,000.00. By 1964 we will have paid a total of abort $250,000.00, of whleh all but $67,000.00 will have been Interest or about $190,000,001 pay 3. Above is sy reasoning why this bond issue as it is presented should be killed, new for a suggestion and njy reasons for an alternate proposal. That ws put our olvlo projsots and improvements on a well planned overall basis. That we put it on a pay as we go basis. I believe this ean be done with proper pluming and management. The above figures show that if ws pass ths bond issue, we will have to pay eut mere than a quarter of a million dollars by 1964, most of which will be interest. Why not make eur plans a little mere explicit and selective and get the things ws need perhaps a year or so later if necessary and have them paid for? Also I would suggest that if necessary I would prefer a 50J& temporary increase in utilities rather than face a debt for 24 years with interest totaling ever half a million dollars. I suppose because of my views on this 1 will be aeeuaod by some people ef being opposed to progress. I don't believe this believe however, that our wishes far these material things bath individually and as a community should bo governed and sobered by a very olesc analysis ef what we get for what we expend. That in the end we get mere and are ultimately stronger financially, either individually or as a essmunlty if we are governed at least as much in' our decisions, by financial responsibility and maturity as by eur inediats wishes. is true. I Which ever do way as individuals vets on this issue, let's all think this thing out with all the angles and ranlfl eat ions and then make up eur own minds whether it's the best. Then let's everyone vote. If we don't voto wo have no right to eeeiplain and I'm sure we all like to complain occasionally. Sincerely, -- CalvliiTBlaek Fro the MONTEZUMA VALLE X JOURNAL For What It's Worth For what its worth we might mention that tiw town of Blanding has offered burton, one of Cortez largest service companies, land on which to locate their .bulk cement plant if Halliburton wil move to that community. This is but one indication that Blanding is becoming a tough competitor and they are to be applauded for theta very progressive attitude. Cortes could take a lesson from Waning and start planning ways and means of acquiring land which could be offered to industry seeking a hew location. jsce |