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Show 6 Page BLANDING OUTLOOK You Can Rely on Feb. 13, 1959 Newcomers see Cake Decorating Demonstration net Feb. 10 at the City Hall for a Valentine party. Sue Graves and Eleise MONTICELLO Valentine eake. The eake was then raffled off and Mrs. Porter Barton held the lucky number. and Yvonne Pearl Kartchner layman entertained the group with QUALITY The Newcomers Club For Turner demonstrated eake decorating by decorating a beautiful a Charleston enjoyed by Bt Ho had another snow hero Mo- unable to Riviera hdtp. cpe. After a Junior high sehool class toured the White House, the teaeher asked each student to write impressions of the visit. One boy wrote "I was especially glad to have this opportunity to visit my future Radio, Heater Automatic Transmission '55 Chevrolet BEL to take school. Ho the made ' it children to only to the I work j first hill, however, end had to turn around and oone baok. Apparently the roads were too bad in Blending Tuesday for him to start out as he didn't got here.j BEL R was & V- -8 AIR STATION WAGON H, AUTOMATIC TRANS. . Cars Crew & TRUCKS ' 51 Buick 52 Merc. ply. ' 55 51 a-- 1-- ton STOCK & GRAfN CHET. I Each day North Desert Creek Grade 1958 ers are seen moving out. It; was called to her home inSehool, Texas were plenty of sllek spots out seems as though an OK from the; the of her brother. illness by our way too. FPC is needed before work can; A substitute teaeher is in Mrs. Bob Merril returned from, continue on the other plant.! while she is away. Bovina, Texas, Sunday after a! Let's hope this OK soon comes charge whan the new Tuesday morning stay of several days. Monday through the teaeher opened door she disshe was taken to Cortez for mod- -! An interview with Mr. MeGraw, covered that some person or perleal treatment but was released Plant Supt. for El Paso, turned sons unknown had broken into the the seme day. up these Interesting fasts eon- -; in the night and had Mrs. Melvin Doming was re-- 1 corning the permanent employees building almost wraeked the plaee. Eleased and brought home from the of the El Paso plant. At the ntrance was gained by breaking a hospital in Cortez Thursday present time there, are 24 fern--, window. Paint was spilled, peafternoon. It's nice to see herj llles living in the new project. ncils, drinking eups and other Of those 24, tan are fleldmen about again. Jim Simpson, whose too was and 14 are plant and maintenance items used by the children were taken, papers were tom, and crushed in an aeeident hero two men. Four of tho fSmilles livIt weeks ago, was released from the ing in the houses are Nava Jos desks were gone through makes one wonder what type perhospital in Cortoz. His father, are more are expected. Mr. son would do sueh a lew trick, Mao Slops on, has tkanc him home stated that they hire as knowing the teaeher, parents and Jim will be mai$ Navajo people as possible. as to Lubbock, Texas r children had worked so hard to get the meager supplies and equipment we had. It is doubtful if the eulprlts had a good night's sleep lUoadoy. It H, Auto. Tr R & 55 Chevrolet I The : AIR, 4 DR, V- -8 home." colored team aiuT is completed there will be coboys on the 1 coal nsiderable more employees. Blending. teams did a mighty fine Job and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Syler and walked away with the tap scores family are moving to Odessa, in both games. Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne After the game, Judy fyler' and Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. James Urea Holly attended the "Sweet- -, Rowe left Tuesday for Browheart Ball" at the LDS Re ere 1 nfield, Texas. tion Hall. Mrs. Rector, teacher at the new a few more trail-- 1 it ed oor between tlie The bus driver made out to Gamp Monday morning, and attempt- -' h., Dyna. '55 Buick Hard Top, 4-d- for some time. He expects to have a. total of nday that aado us realize winter was really a treat fori 35 families It employed in the lo really hero. He received ap- those of us who want to Blending! which is now nearing coplant proximately 3 inches of snow Saturday night to see the games1 mpletion. Of course when Plant B with heavy gusts of wind. R $1,695 next meeting will be Mar. 10, with a Crazy Hat Party. The 1000 uom bilkb number, which was of refreshments Delicious were and cream eeffee cherry pie served by the hostesses Carol Flom and Florence Bradberry. HUSH MONEY University of Detroit student Mike McCann is his own customer' as he shells out a dime to play his SLP" silent long-pla- y record. Its one of the selections on the juke box in the student union snack bar. To make sure the customer knows his selection is playing, the silent record gives one, lonesome beep every 15 seconds. W all. USED CARS Just as well as there j V- -8 4-d- IADIO . ; jr4ur.":jvg ED SOLE DO n HEATER & O.D. ONE OmER 57 Chevrolet Bel Bonnie Campfleld, who if! suffering from a partial para- lysis, New taken to Farmington, was Hex. where she i Cpe, e Radio-Heat- er "57 Chevrolet V- -8 Del Ray, Coupe, Radio, Heater Autcmatic transmission will be ho- spitalized for about two weeks for special treatment. Sam Brown, formerly with Fish Construction Co., was moving his '57 Chevrolet v- -e Bel Air Sedan, Automatio Transmission 4-d- oor R 4 H Odessa, Texas when he turned a curve toe short, a building close te the road. Damage to the trailer was extensive. Statistics show that mere ng '57 Chevrolet V- -8 ac- cidents are caused on Friday the 13th because af an old super- -: stltisn than on any ether day. The reason given for this is that pees&e are so careful net to walk under ladders, let black eats crass their paths etc. that they fail ta watch out far the ecoon, ordinary hazards they; face every day. Let's remember! this as we get up this Friday! 13th. Good Lusk . Air, Spt. v-- Automatic Transmission Miss side-swipi- Ohiagflj Dulldin0 , aw trailer to pordonnl Bf focto Coyorogo Troilor-T- r ip Inouronoo Porconont Polio loo . 12,295 . Mo-Gr- Sedan oor i RADIO - HEATER STANDARD TRANS. LOW ' ONE MILEAGE OWNER : |