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Show -- vl. a . : 4 ?. - ivV 1HKTHM A WONDERFUL MAVBfc iF ID BOUGHT THE ONE THAT LOOKED LIKE MEAL, I MU5TGET 8MKTD WOl) 6A1N AT BUY WORK! BEE MAtW, 8 SOI A TOGGED 5ALAD HED NAVE NOTICED 1TJ 10 H D O 01 H on h M boas 0 flU I O 5fih J ffl Top High SJchool Grads Children's Hospital Asking for Pennies for University Eligible of Utah Scholarships graduates of Sm Juan High schsol will bs eligible for $150 sholarshlps to the University of Utah under a new plan anA nounced by Dr Ray Olpin, University president top three per cent of each 0.1-Thschool? graduating dais in the statewill.be eligible for the e new scholarships. Qualifying stud- ents dtma their first year at the University of Utah will have $50 of each quarters tuition waived.- - share in bringing haalth to pat lints at could be classified as highly gift- tha Primary Children1 Hospital ed. Dr.'Conant, a former pjosk During February, tha annual dent of Harvard University, panny parade month, everyone la completed what la regard- invltod to Join ed by most educators as the most The Primary Chlldran's Hospitintensive study ever made of, the al was foundad 47 yaara ago In Salt Lake City It has nsver American high school on the ohureh for flnan-el- al Rased upon a total of $.000 sailed support in this time high school graduates in the state, has 115 smplsyaes besides It the $150 scholarships wouU be 85 dsstsrs Many of those art available to an estimated Jt40 honworkers who spend many volunteer or students. a month hours in volunteer serthe will However, scholarships vlet be for use only at the University At present a blind school is of Utah and will be limited, to oonduotod every morning for 15 the top three percent of each blind ehlldren, with a woman who graduating class regardless of how is also blind as thoir teacher All rates, treads and ooloro many students in that three percent actually jjse the program. art admitted 15 of tho admiThe new program wUl be indd-ditio- n ssions are of other faith than LDS to the customary grants-in-ai- d 10,561 have bean admitted to and regular scholarship pro tho Hospital sines it was foundgrams available to U. of U. stud?, Your at can tis-cen- tly . These scholarships wUl.be regardless of .the students' economic needs, Dr. .Olpin explained. Rather, the new program fi intended to "encourage highly gifted students to continue thdr education. Dr. Olpin quoted Dr. James B. Cbnaht as saying that lilgh school students can be divided into three groups with respect toabU-it- y, ents. and some three percent of Additional information ' will be the pupil population nationally Two Shows ponnlos Nightly The ed Children from nearly every from many foreign oountrlos have bean taken ears of there Oho child oamt from Tahiti Thera were 916 patients state . and admitted to tho hospital in 1958 staying an average of 18 days aoh this servloe, Through mobile ellnies era sent hers to our town 3 times a year for erlpplod has a' ehlld msdi'eal oars of this nesdlng kind, is welcome to bring them ehlldrenj anyone who if they will but contact the Prinary president and 'get the necessary information During tho past year many, boys and girls from our county have reoelved this halp at the ellnle and around twolvo children have been given treatments and oara at the Hospital many Hospital operates on tha birthday pennies given each year through the birthday penny drive under the direction of tho Prira-a- ry This drive association town our la being hold in during tho week of February 9th Two pennies are asked for eaeh year of your lift Bs generously old and 1st yeur pennies Join tho parade to bettor health for This . Someone will eall at to got your contribution if you care to glvo children your door ttotohigh. echool three in the top prin-Studen- ts bent of their high school who desire to at-i-d The University of Utah next application tor ll, ahould through their i near future.. (j&pgs jji the grad-class- es We Read The ' OUTLOOK ! ON WANT-A- PAGE DS 14 . |