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Show down the itreet wint MS POMEH been a Mo at Mutual" was the i ef the program presented Blinding Ward, Jan 13 .! i$th ' 4her. ctting waa conducted by: A' Bayles, Orbit tf ego Yeung Man tht; counselors, and thej opening prayer waa offarad by Francis Nielsen , and Hacking Teeny Marilyn expressed rtaaana they liked te etna to Mutual after Stevens which Heart" a skit, " "Miss . Lenley presented under the waa direction if Corine Hunt. Thaaa participating were Kath: leen Bronson, , LaRue Helqulst, Anna. Marla Hacking, Cary Jones, Bed Palmer, Pete' Blaok, Jahn Camay and George Bsyles 13LANDING OUTLOOKS organized for all amateurs ef Jan. 23, 1959 meets Frisquare dancing, every RASCOE NEWS Con t enan of for day night. evening w Kathryn Nlelsa, Jinchanged This Shuanmy, joyment and relaxation Redd, and Alan Porter Thursday mornings is dub interest-open anyone ! Ernie and Mrs Mr The hone ot Mrs Marilyn Shun-w- ey Snyder cd M the officers are desirous an Italian will be the neeting plaoe of adding new" members iet this hostsd specie ttl dinner party Tuesday night Given of the Et Cetra Club on Thursday time Mr Snyder's birthJan 22 make any difference in honor jef doesn't It Mr and Mrs Clark Hirsohl if you knew how to day, thoparty was held at the dance home square of Mr and Mrs Don Tinswere saddened by the death of or borne out and the Just ,net, Mr Hirsehi's father last week eld members of the group will ley Also enjoying the dinner They left Friday,. Jan 16, to seen teaoh you the fundamentals were Mr and Mrs Buck Pollard, Mr. and Mrs AA Bradbtrry Mr attend the Amaral at Cedar City of this agreeable pastime and Mrs Roy Edwards and Mr end Utah Mr Hlrsehi is enployed eah contact Mrs Anyone interested S. J- - Denton at the Blending Elenentary Qian Moulton at .the Pay Dey Drug School or any member of the Squires and A bachelor is a husband that Mr Mrs Fred and hasn't been captured. Halllday, Squaws LaRay Alexander and Doris Mae Adana flew to Salt Lake laat week. .They were unable to go past Price because of bad weather so they flew around by t . . Recreational tinging waa lad by Helen Bayles, aoaanpanlad by Richfield; where they still the atom so they Renee Blaok, and after responses tmidd'aFound and returned hone Mildred fron Raynand Black, The Blending Second Hard is Stevens, Loraina Konkina, Nanay a ward party for Friday Kartehner, ..Clay Conway and. Loon planning 23 Jan at 9i00 pa in the Slack they- aaparated for olaaa Recreation hall This will be the ball gene between Special thanka far a vary in- after Grecnriver and the Bronoes at teracting. and wall presented the The Mutual is school pragma go to Helen Bayles, Music. Director! Valda Nielson, working on a oonieal progran and sone fun genes The Relief SoSpeech Director! Corine Hurst, Drana Supervisor! Renee Blaok, ciety will prepare the refreshments All nenbers of the 2nd Organist Everyone is invited Hard of Mutual age are invited to bona and anjay the pregraaa attended : P>t 7 DANCE CLUB MEETS me Squires and Squaws, a club ' en-owrf- ctr; . - hii at Blending people Stake the Leadership neeting at Tuesday at 730 on Jan 15 hontloelle ' Mrs Daaun Johnson want ta We would like to extend a warn Salt Lake Jan 16 to attend to welcome to the following people She accompanied torn business who have just noved into B1 endHr and Mrs Jerry Cropper who I ing Bill Vifylle, Mr and Mrs vara in Salt Lake to visit with Janes V Capell, Mr and Mrs dairy' parents and look for a B F Grlffen, Mr and Mrs new trallerheuao Mr Mrs and Jin Lloyd, Btrd Helqulst is home after Jerry We Rutherford and Harold Haws and lessens Mutual every Atfaqr, a good tool, well cared for, will last yearsl . idnuu Many . attending school at the BYU fall hope these people will feel quarter At the present tine he and enjoy making their hoae la deployed at the Montleello here- For instance, how muny hammers have you bought as replacements? Add up those prices and you could have a really fine hammer! Let us show you our famous-bran- d hardware and tools today. wel-eo- ne - - Bank Hilton Cornwall went to Jan 15 to attend to of Mr, and Bayles some business and took his litswallowed a straight pin Satur- tle son Gary with hia. Gary has day. Jan 17 Pina aeaw to ag-a been under the oarc of a specree with the little girl ialist since this past summer' and there were no complications when he went in the doctor detTtsmvr Jensen raoelvad a surMrs. cided to remove his tonsils nothar her fron visit prise while he was there Mrs CornA H Oooper fron Oran, Utah wall them to return sons Mr Alisa Bayles, infant daughter Salt Mrs Donald Cooper earns to Blending With Mr and Mrs. Vivian Bczzant Hra who are visiting with their Mrs tlaallo fra LuDean Barton in dau-ght- ar Mo- n- Nielson has been aeafinad to her bed with the flu Airing the past week Aleene is Librarian at the high sehool . In their quest for knowledge Hr. McKay Kunz took twelve of the students fron the three 5th grsdo Dr Aleene to visit the dentist Porter spent sons tine with ' the youngsters showing the the procedure used in taking Ha explained the dangers and Then Dr necessity of of the teeth Fsrter toak and vf several of the children showed then the process followed in developing the film; The field trip was very interall esting and educational to Mr. who aooonpanled the students x-r- ays x-r- ays x-r- ays Kunz Hiss Car is Mae Ados, daughter of Mr.jjand Mrs. Melvin Adam, bn accepted a. nisslon call to Australia Miss Adana will enter the nisslon hone in ls; Sait ' Lake on March 2 , She Den--: Hone the County ap capleyed Castration Agent and is Pres, of Southern Young Wonens Mutual Improve- in the Blending tiro active Miss A&urs ment Association in xany civic affairs the Blending Hard Prlnary tine Lake expeots tine this week bign on the door of a Vacationing nuclear scientist: Gone fission. m mm a compute UtlE Of HARDWARE BLANDING Lumber Company - |