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Show Page 11 MONTICELLO News Items By Mrs. H. E. Blake BLANDING OUTLOOK 23, 1959 Jan, of her story life great grandmother's the part she took in Salt Lake City and Ut, and settling It was a most interesting narra- of Pioneer life, Mrs. Tho-- ra group of church woman met at tiveNorton gave the biography of the home of Mrs, Etna Schafer a prominent pioneer woman. Two Friday to outline the Bazaar smid.1 sons of fyron Barber gave work for 195S, Mrs, Evan Pehrson accompanied three musical numbers. Next, a her husband to Price Thursday short business session waswasheld by when he went for a load of ooal, and the closing prayer was A lunch Evans, Bert, Odette and Phillip Sie-b- er Mrs, Mary the hostess assisted served by came from Salt Lake City for a weekend visit with homefolks, by Mrs. Louisa Redd and Mrs. Claud Dalton of Moab was a Nedra Hazelwood. caller in Montlcello Thursday, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Brown of A nr. ana Mrs. Gerald F. Cropper, are at home in Lymans Trailer Park after their marriage on Jan. 10. The ceremony uas performed by Bishop Kline Black. Mr. Cropper is an Engineer's Aid for the Utah Road Commission and Mrs. Cropper is employ- -' ed as a bookkeeper for Engineers Limited Pipeline Co. New Lyme as, er An is a fellow who remembers when ice cream was a treat rather than an everyday MEXICAN HAT NEWS Springfield, Illinois left Sat, for their home after coming to Montlcello for a visit with Mrs, Brown's In Montloello Saturday on business was the Archie Lenninger family. food. Hospital Mrs. the trailer park and returning to their old Jobs in Leaving j I ! Mont is Day MoFarland truck. He now Hullinger driving a emwas a previous Saturday night the recreation hall was the scene of the PTA party. Quite a Bingo to play attended few people 10 games, Blalc Therus Sorenson was call- - Montlcello friends Friday ing from her South. Creek home. on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Christen- -j sen were callers at the Guy Pal- mer home in Blanding Sunday. The D.U.P. ladies met at the working for ployee of Texas Zinc, Lydia Dalton Thursday. Mrs. Margaret Nielson and Mrs, H. E, Blake were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Donald j j to Salt a serious operaat the L.D.S. Hospital on tion Nogalus, Mrs, Masterinus and Mr, and Mrs, Thortenbury, Mrs. San Juan to be with week who underwent Mexico, was Mr, and New last her mother, i Alma Young, Black went Una Lake City j If youre the type who never prays, try starting on the di- - Mrs. is a patient in the who old-tim- BY D0NNABR0W sister, j ) i ; ' j with: Patty Apland winning the grand prize of 4 TV tables, ( In Blanding Saturday to attend strip of a superhighway during rush hour. of Mrs. The DuraPower Mainspring is available for Elgin Watches. Summers , were 30 lad-- I There 16. January les present. Opening song was "Have I done an$ good in the home K, S. L world today" followed by a pray-vid- er Mrs. by Mrs. Ella Barton, James Heal gave the heart that never breaks the guaranteed IV. GRAVES JEWELER lesson; the ; the show, was Mr, and Mrs, vin Rasenussen and Marvin's Mar- -) par- - ents, Shirley Collins is the new wo- -! man working at the store since ' Mary left, Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Van Amdale Jr, were in Montlcello Saturday . . visiting the dentist. Visiting with his family in; Grand Junction last week end was Ralph Baum, fiw In Cortez over the week end helping their son Bob celebrate his birthday was Mrs, Betty James, ONE Mr, and Mrs, Jack Allison left Sunday for Phoenix, Arizona to take their daughter, Lo, to a and Anna Pehrson had re- -I latives visiting Wednesday, then Anna's brother, sister and their visited Saturday, brother and sister attend Her BYU. ) . ; Steve and Leslie King's grandmother, Mrs, Trimble and her; from Salt daughter, Dorothy, ; home The visitors at the Saturday, girl soouts King ; at i met Monday the recreation hall with 16 mem- bers present. Including the two leaders. The uniforms of skirts and blouses were discussed and officers were elected. They are Pres,, Ruth Ann Benallie; Vice- -j Pres,, Patriola Fletcher Soribe Glanita Modilynf Treasurer, Sus- an Monk) Reporter, Mary Jaan Eddards, clean-u- p Two were elected for oommlttee, Janice Tyler and Judy Allison, ments were served. Refresh- MY coitsmvcrm- - j -j were BLOCK WEST OF GRADE SCHOOL oe Jaok Lake homes M&M The sc-len- mother W. HA EACH other Allison ehlldren are staying with the Jack Pehrsons, Lola Page is attending the oourse that is being given in Blanding and Montloello, there. specialist IF ovemis lumber - Hdw. wmsmugs-- Fumitore- C i - : : ! . 0 SALES- - j j fof Inns. C dCh. 0 |