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Show Hurst Mayor Wi 1 Him R. leased from ths San Juan Co. having Hospital Jan. 15 after followweeks there three Page 6 ?-8r- clown the up an cl Mrs. d Ireel HILDA with Bronson his mission more each rsturnta enjoying wonderfrom. day and is meeting many morning Ruby Wednesday hois Preston, . has baan to tha wadding of har naioa Gloria Smart. Miss Smart was marriad to Glann Talbot on Jan. 16. Idaho where sha Mrs. Luc 111 a Black, Mrs .Thora Bradford and "Mrs Dotty Laws Salt Lake for a child. they axpaot We are Convention. aw Wednesday City where to remain until April doing research and Temple work. Riley Walker and Jess Walker, agents for New Hemisphere Ins. Co. made a business trip last New Mexico. week to Gallup, While away they visited Mr. and Mrs. Sarny Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Sherrel Walker of Canada, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Walker left Wed. for Las Vegas, Nevada idler e they will attend an Insuranoe expeot to They re- to report that happy Ben Markham, husband of Ida Mar Redd Markham, who has been for some time is much improved. ill Gal lazier Charles Mr. the week here end on spent business. employed at the Gap Trading Post near Cameron, Arizona. He. is Billy from Bugg Nashville, recently spent some visiting his mother, Mrs. Minnie B. Johnson, reports Tenn., who time here a home from Deplane. On his re- thrilling trip nver via a Jet appointed district Sohool Superintendent of Calvin Perkins is in Azteo, Sunday Nashville Stake. New Mexloo attending to business Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Perkins matters baby CoGalen Gallagher, son of Mr. expect to bring their week home end. llin turn Friday. Gallagher is bed with rheumatic Charles and Mrs. to confined fever. will go to Salt Lake turn he was Bradley has been He this in the in Salt Hospital Holy Cross Lake City Minnie B. other plaoe?" "Fifty-fiv- "How 10 days being treated and Mrs. E. Gordon Adams the past infection. are the proud parents of a baby for a chronic throat Tate and son Jaok and Mr. Mrs. daughter bom Jan. 15 at the San Brisnt of Bayfield, Colo, are Juan County hospital. They will Mrs. Tates father here name her Denise. Grandparents June visiting her brother Powell, Jerry are Mrs. Garda Adams and Mr. and Mae and Ida her grandmother, Mrs. Ray Perkins of Blandlng. who is 83 Friends of Mrs. Alma (Jake) Powell. Mrs. Powell of Montlcello are sorry yrs. old is bedfast. Mrs. ifyrtle Hunt went to Salt to hear that her condition grows Lake City this week to have a She has increasingly worse. been in the San Juan County Ho- medloal cheek up. Teek and Louisa Lyman, Fred spital for some time. Leonard and Audrey Halliday, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Perkins are Hurst and Mr. and Mrs. Burnette now living at Petersburge, Virof Bluff took 22 boys and girls He is stationed at e years." old are youT" years ." "Forty-fiv- e "How could you work 55 years are. only 45 years old?" when you "Overtime." Student "Sorry I'm late, proI'll be here bright and for Salt Lake City in re- fessor.tomorrow." sponse to an Invitation received early Professor "Don't promise too from Gov. and Mrs. George D. Clyde to attend a meeting of tha such. Just be here early." Monday r State Legislature ing, fan. 20. on Tues. even- Spice" a lively siring number. The dance is formal and everyLocal people who have spent one is Invited and urged to some time as patients in the San Juan Co. hospital reoently have nothing but praise for the wonderful oaire given them by the SMITH nurses and doctors there. GREEN AND GOLD PLUMBING BALL SCHEDULED Juan Stake Gold and Green Ball will be held in the LDS Recreation hall at Montloello, Utah, on January 31. The theme this year is "Out of This World". After the preview of the floorshow, presented to annual The San & fair. There will be 36 girls HiATM NORGE-CRA-NE the dance directors at leadership on January 15, we are all looking forward to a gala af- for Blanding appearing Mr. 1959 Personnel manager interviewing applicant for Job "Hew long did you work in the left last Johnson 23 Jfln w, son-in-l- left hter Asenath ful people City Thursday to see Tracy off of on his mission. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Young mother-in-laend week were Mack, Colorado Ray Perkins took his Mrs. Sarah Oliver, to visitors at the homes of Mr. and Gene and Mrs. Kendall Young Delores Wed. to consult her phHacking. ysician, Dr. E. J. Merritt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Newman of attandad a dinner party in Salt of LaSal were weekandend guests Lake City last weak given by their daughter While here C. Halls. their mother, Mrs. Tha da Black. the 0. also called on friends in Kathleen Bronson is eonfinad they and Bluff. Mrs. Newman Blending to har bad with pleurisy. as Armenia Mr. Guy Hurst and his brother will be remembered who lived in Blending as Wheeler Hurst Ray spent he reing an accident in which ceived a badly broken ankle. Mrs. Frank Redd and her, daug- BRANDING 0UTE50K AMERICAN STANDARD . KOHLER from in the all girls "Precision" floorshow nu- mber. Twelve more girls will appear in an original Mrs. De&un Johnson. Business in Blanding number by 20 Year 8 have 10 couples practicing the "Luanda Cha Cha", a South American number and four others We will uumm participate in the "Triple Young ginia. MEET US AT THE Camp of the Blanding 1st Ward, ages Lee. Aimabelle keeps busy by 11 and 12 to Mantl on a Temple working in a Beauty Solon there. excursion, Fri. and Sat. of last Junior Cosby Is being trans- week. a wonderful ferred from a hospital in River- time. They report were performed side, California to the Veterans for 216.Baptisms They stopped off at Hospital in Grand Junction, Co- Price for shopping and fun on lorado. He . left by train Monday by his wife Mavis. accompanied Mr. Cosby was and by Mrs. seriously injured the way home. Mrs. Conway Redd will undergo eye surgery, Friday Jan. 23, at in a car aeoldcnt two days be- The St. Marys hospital in Grand fore Christmas. His injuries inJunotion, Colo. Her attending cluded a laoerated bladder, broken pelvis, leg and hip. The physician will be Dr. James P. ohlldren are ' being cared for Rigg. Ronqy Hacking was on the sick here Mr. their their mother were grandparents a couple of days this week. until list Mrs. Betty Lucas entertained a arrives, lhe few close friends at a baby sho- Glenn Shummy Cos-b- ys living in Blythe, California at the time of the accid- ent. George as an Osaka, LDS Perkins who is serving missionary at Foyonaka Japan writes that he is wer last Mr. in honor of Betty Adkins Tuesdsy evening. C. M. Conway from Craig, Cole, has been here the past two weeks visiting friends. relatives . BLANDtNC-'-S FAVORITE EATING PLACE and Well Build Anything Anvwher bndina Cabinet Shop LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTORS JERRY BROW, Ph. 3601 |