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Show LPA80 ar Page 2 BLUFF NEWS BLANDING OUTLOOK OPAL HOWELL Rusty Muss el man has learned that a California group of 39 persons will be in Bluff May 28. on Traveling by Continental Bus the "Navajoland Tour" the group have soheduled a river trip from Bluff to Mexioan Hat, a visit at th St. Christopher Mission and a tour of Monument Valley. NOMA MTLER about our booomlng a oity out warehouse danot a benefit Banana the sesns of hero in Utah's nusie with we would have to like it Belt, glvtn Friday night, conwo Court now a have sr known Trail ths Trio, that by regular Holly and milk route. sisting of Efford Tibbsl on guitars and Jimey Highland Dairy brings the milk on accordlan ths out to the oamp on Tuesday and Nona Iylsr Duke and Rose Simpson moved Dus to ths building bsing so Friday mornings. Mrs. Betty into the CdDlns apartment Thurs-dEokols, who is our Hilk Lady", large and ths faet ws wsrs purchased to acqulrs a sdks, it was delivers it to the area lsmedi-ate- ly the They reoently of which comprises property to musieians El ths Paso's for stirrounding inposslbls 6 units from Gilbert Collins. so As soon as Mrs. Eokols ths loud El Paso's new so-oal- lad . ay un-a- bls enough, oamp during play Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Burnett was FI Hi srsctsd from sst a orders enough gets svsning Phillip took six Bluff ohlldren to the and all want wall and other surrounding eamps, Mantl Temple for church work I fly husband, Gsorgs and deliveries . oppo- too will tyler, Ilka to taka this would Jan. 23 t 1959 by be made there last week end Chari eon Black, Donna Bur- ved from Cafe into The mage this wfcioh their trailer at the the Jennie Barton Relief Society held a pl-a- oe. rum- and bake sale the 15th of month. It took in $5400 will go to the ohnreh building fund. a Lake to Salt earlier City trip this week to help her aunt, firnmt Mrs. Ann Chamerlain made celebrate Mrs. Bureh's Mrs 85th birthday Clyde Thompson of Blandlng aooompanled her. Buroh Some 15 young Bluffltes at- tended a birthday party at the Th Bud Merz home this week. party was for Buddy and Donnie Nielson, the present tine, milk and Marguerite Ronald Burnett, Byron Black Merz, ago 6 and 7 respectively. nett, psopls who so willingly hslpsd buttermilk ean be ordered and in and Ray Johnson were the six. Mrs. Mb. Huber and children, with ths planning of ths danoa the very near future, oream and Wm. mixed Huber Mr. and Mrs. Michelle, Barbara and Approximately forty oouplss lee oream will be added to their business and pleasure on a Grand Lynn, from a Billy, have returned wsrs prsssnt and $11030 list. relatives in trip Tuesday. has oo- - months visit withNew oolleoted. This amount is to be This should make a lot of the Junotlon The Burt York and Ellis family Pennsylvania given to ths Forrsst Siler fam- lee oream lovers happy, as it on Jan 9th, lost thsir has been very difficult to get ily, who horns and all of thsir that product out here in it's Trailer belongings in the tragio firs, natural solid form Mr which resulted in ths loss of and Mrs. James Rowe are son thsir four year old pulling Mr and Mrs. Charlie On behalf of the Siler Family, Reeves trailer to Speak, Texas. to thank all of thoss rtunity At - of Fish Construction Co wish The Rowe's left their two childto express our heartfelt thanks ren with Mr. and Mrs. Wyne to all who have given either in Lewis and the foursome plan to money, personal slothing or make the week long trip a sort Radio of vacation, after whloh the Ths household items Rowe's will return to El Paso's Communications Ute and Station of Cortez, immediately started oamp. to work picking things up and in Mr and Mrs Bed Spears and less than two days,v people of daughter, Sandy, who have been that, area started making trips living in Blandlng since August, with oarloads of different items have moved here to El Paso's Spears is General ineluding oash and turning it oamp Mr over to Mrs. Fred Patterson, Superintendent for Fish Cowhose home has been headquarters nstruction oo ws . The Chamber of and the Newoomers Club for donations. Commeroe Alvin Simoons, of Blandlng slnoe Ootober, and Mrs Mr also of Blandlng were also very gen- have moved here to be closer to erous with their oash donations.. their work The Simmons have Within four hours after the two ohlldren, Maxine, who is 9 fire, employees and their fiCo years old and little Vanoe, who llles of Fish Construction bora shortly after Christ- - and El Paso Gas had donated Co in the neighborhood of $120000 and several of large boxes olothing Somethlng list would be impossible to everyone by name, so to all It you, a very warm that's under your hat of The "Thank" two hard to keep a is big head oannlbals were after a hearty ohatt-ln- g meal "That was eertalmly delicious, square danoe olub is being At said the one organized in this area. name olub a has the for present "Yes, ay wife does make geod not yet been decided upon, but seup," replied the other, "but danoes. are being held in the I'm going to miss her1 A Phillips on oamp, pm. Garage Monday at Phillips nights at 700 Lawyer! What about taxes? That's where wj undo are weloome, so lives, Texas any persons interested in square Lawyer i No not Texasl Taxes I Chios! mesibers New danolng, put on your buttons and Dollars? bows and we'll see you Mondeyj Chiots night. In pass anyone USE TOO POSITIVE is In doubt j lives, Yeah, that's where he Dollas, Taxes I Th. tim. to Had Mt b mw. Coo. ia oad lit a talk with yoo. o Basin Realty & Ins. MOOT TOO COYEUSE? , f |