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Show Page 5 honored BLANDING OUTLOOK last Shipn Shore She Friday by her reeelved many lovely and useftil gifts. Refreshments of cake and ooffee were served. Hr, and Hrs, Merle Foster and children . spent last weekend in Glenwood Springs, Colo, visiting Mrs, Foster's parents, Hr, and U the direct with shower oo-work- ers. Jan, 23. 1959 up at a stork no-ironi- ng necessary for this ruffle blouse! Mrs, Lloyd Fowler, As MILDRED RASCOE Utah part of the program of our universities, each student is training to be a teaoher A, birthday wish o&me true xui Elo Heyman reoently when he was must do some praotloe teaohing. allowed to take two friends out Following this program is Hiss for a treat of hanburgersf hot Roslta Valozzle from BYU, She seeond dogs, french fries and root is in Blandlng teaohing who beer, Elo, son of Hr, and Hrs, grade under the direction of Rosooe Heyman, oelebrated his Mrs, Winters, Hr, and Hrs, Cliff Middleton eighth birthday with the help of went to Salt Lake this week on Ronnie Elan and Billy Morrow, His older brother, R,M,, accom- business. young scientists presented demonstrations at last Friday's Too young to realize thesig-nlfioanof the day but old meeting of the USU extension Kathleen Guymon made a enough to enjoy a birthday oake olass, at the Silver Spur last week was meroury barometer, and Seott ar old Leo Lowes, Jr,, son Bliokenstaff showed, that according to his calculations, of Hr, and Mrs, Leo Lowes, are over 3000 pounds of there Gregory Englehart, small son air pressure on a gallon can, of Hr, and Mrs, Carl Englehart, Carl and Clem Englehart took is ill at home with the measles. their horses to Cortez last SunIn order to keep pace with day and Joined in a game of Polo rapidly e hanging solentlflo de- with the Cortez team. Any ridvelopments, a number of people ers who are Interested in formin San Juan County are taking an ing a Polo team in Blending are intensive oourse offered by Utah asked to oontaot either Carl or State University, Instructor Clem, for the extension oourse is Dean Former residents of Blandlng, Fisher of Carbon College in and Hrs, Chester Coleman, Prioe, The meetings are held on Hr, now living in Bloomfield, are Friday afternoons and Saturday N, K, where Hr, Coleman is in mornings, alternating week-enthe sales trailer business, at Bland ing and Hontioello, DCeElla Francis, daughter of esigned primarily to help elementary and high sohool teaohers Hr; and Mrs, Charley Francis, was honored at a party Wedneteaeh more effectively, the oourse offers 3 quarter sday, January 14, given on her hours of oollege credit. Inclu- seventh birthday. Eighteen little guests played games and ended in the group are the followjoyed refreshments of oup cakes, ing Blandlng teachers j Supt, loe cream and ohoclate milk. Zenos Black, Hr, HeXay Kunz, Weekend guests of Hr, and Mrs, Mrs, A1 Stocks, Mrs, Eleanor Palmer's Trailer Guymon, Hr, Carl Osbourne, Hr, Roy Renfro, Court, were Mr, and Mrs, Bill Jesse Grover, Hrs, Florenoe Fo- Evans of Thermopolls, tyo. ster, Hr, LaRay. Alexander, Hr, Daughters of Utah Pioneers met Richard Guymon and Hr, Clark week at the home of Mrs, Hlrsohl, Hrs, Muriel Goforth of last Charles Harvey for an afternoon Bluff also attends, of quilting. The quilt will be Mrs, Clarence Rogers spent and of the proeeeds four days in Hontioello last sold, be usedpart to help pay for the week getting acquainted with her will D,U,P, plaoque reoently ereoted new granddaughter, Suzanne, The at the church. Refreshments of baby, who weighed six pounds doughnuts and ooooa were served seven ounces, was bom January to the following members i Mrs, 10 to Hr, and Hrs, Tom Redd, Jones, Mrs, Hrs, Kee Paul Tsosie, who is Paul Blaek, Mrs, FayLeila Seth Shumway, Hrs, Palmer, employed at the Silver Spur, was Joe Lonnie Mrs, Mrs, Stevens, Palmer, Mrs, Etta Fillerup, Hrs, Orson Nazor, Hrs, Alios Standi -ferd, Hrs, A, Shumway, Mrs, Lee Shumway, Mrs, Erastus Burten-shaHrs, Edward Lyman, and Hrs, Brltta Bradford, JSeautu Hr, and Hrs, Bernard Black left reoently for Mesa, Arizona, where they plan to stay for two Two panied the boys, oe one-ye- Pima blend! Imagine . . .frills without fuss! Its all yours in Shipn Shores newest Travelmate. And its all soft and feminine . . . from the tiny French collar to the fine crochet y edging on ruffle and sleeves. Best of all, its and needs no ironing! Fresh white. Sizes 30 to 38. See dll our new n Shipn Shore blouses , from 2.98 In the perfect 65 Dacron-3- 5 quick-drip-dr- no-iro- ds oon-plet- ed 2cn3iBafs w, Stv months, Steve and Linda Bullard, son and daughter of Mrs, Dale Bader, spent last weekend in Farmington COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE relatives. a painless visit to the visiting friends Making and of floe of Dr, E,N, Porter, looal dentist, SPECIALIZING IN FOR X-r- ay machine and how appointment oper- Lloyd Lyman, Carolyn Guymon,1 and Marlene Black were the sixth 2051 permitted to take part, from the while those, ohosen fifth grade included Kathleen Cont'd. Col ,4 Pg.7 graders South Tirade School 3SSS it is ated, Seott Bliokenstaff, KathRobert Nielson, leen Guymon, Charles Lyman, Sharon Humer, CALL of were outstanding solenee students, Hr, MoKay.ftanz, solenoe teacher, aooompanied the group of fifth and sixth grade students, Purpose of the exoursion was to learn the uses of an Hair Tinting 2 Bloeks morning twelve Cold Waves Looated Tuesday nssssnssf 4 exquisitely detailed |