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Show Outlook Published in the Interest of BlandingtandMthe Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities VOWME. 1 BUDDING, UTAH FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1959 2 NO. Bluff and Mexican Hat Scheduled for Daily Mail ALTAMONT CONTRACTOR BIDS LOW FIELD OIL ON JOB ROAD L C Stevenson Construction and Mexloaa Hat will Altamont entered a Company of have daily mall service beginning tomorrow, Jen 24, accord- low bid for oanst motion of 2y ing to information received at miles of road and a new bridge the local Post Office this week across Montezuma Creek In the In the past, mall service to the middle of the Aneth Oil Field two communities has been limited Under the bid the builder is to to three days a week Marvin F have 125 working days in which The Lyman, who has been hauling the to complete tha project mall. Is the contractor under bridge Is an 80 foot long steel and eonorete span to be built the new schedule Under the new arrangement mall 34 mile upstream from the pre- Bluff will arrive earlier all along sent slab crossing The road construction will the line Hall that leaves east conneet to the the bridge at 7i00 am arrives In Blandlng at 7s40, In Bluff at end of the Bethsrs and Stokes . Kon-tice- llo 9:15 and in Mexican- Hat at 10:30 Hall from Mexican Hat and Bluff gets in Blandlng at The contract provides 3:30 pm that the entire schedule may be delayed as muoh as 2 hours should mall from Prloe and - Thompson be late Still without mail service Is the heavily populated Aneth Oil Blending Postmaster Loren Hawkins advises that mall serArea vice Harold Mehall, Superintendent of Engineers Ltd Pipe Line Company Safety displays the National Award Miami Beach, presented to hla at Florida, last week Zn competition with 35 of the nations leading Pipe Line contractors, Hr Mehall was winner with 237 percent frequency which Indicates an exceptionally low number of tine loss aeol-den- ts per million nan hours worked In the soorlng method score under 30 is exceptioany nal, according to Mr Hehail average score stated that the aaong all contractors He was muoh Improved over previous years Chamber of Commerce STUDENTS HEAR SeesMerchandising OUTDANCE LECTURE Hr Need That too nuoh of the money near earned Blandlng was spent In other towns was be- being the ing bhlef problem taokled by the at town's Chamber of Comneree round table meeting Tuesday. Various and sundry suggestions were made by different members Among them was one by Howard an enterHe suggested Hurst 'Its tainment troupe aooompanied by a oavaleade of Blending business men visit the oomnitles of Maxwell, Guidance Counselor for Henager Business College In Salt Lake City, gave a very interesting and stimulating expose on the advantages of George proper training for one's work last life's Tuesday, January 20, Hr Maxwell sohool the at high expressed his amazement at the great inorease at the size of the student body in the past year slnoe his visit here a. year Is to start In that com- munity as soon as suitable quarters are provided and an aooep-tab- le applicant Is found for the postmastership Monday He news nearing completion of the oontraot Blandlng as evening the ing Health Council met letting was to tha people of well as people in as it represents an the oilfield Important step toward getting El Paso out of the mud There were - eighteen bidders and at a bid of $152,49000 the Stevenson company was well below the state estimate Undefeated Teams Meet Tonight The only two undefeated teams ry . Sohool gyuiasium Blend- The Pirates of Greenriver have had a speotao-ul- ar season thus far taking on at the all oomers and it is their in- tention to play the giant killer and topple the Bronoos, accordMembers of the ing to word received from Green-riv- er Your Nurse" forum were Dr EN Porter, Mrs Both the Broncos and Louise Redd of the elementary the. are Mrs Rhea and Greenriver Pirates highly Viges, faculty, San Juan County Public Health rated in the Division and toNurse night's game will be a very imMrs Redd discussed the many portant one in the ohooslng of duties of the Public Health the winner of first round play Division Nurse Among the more important in the San Preston Nielson of the Bronoos ones were the insinuation olin-io- s, speeoh and hearing ollnlos, and Beebe of the Pirates are the two leading scorers In Division TB ollnlos and dental clinics She also stresses the faot that play, so it will be a battle of scorers as the two teams It is impossible for the teacher the meet Nielson is currently in to keep an accurate health rd 35 of 30 to students with- fifth plaoe In soorlng in the out the aid of the Publlo Health State of Utah Grade School for a panel, on the subject "Know dis-euss- lon Juan-Eme- ry re-oo- Porter spoke of the proIn ' the dental health In 1 Pasoj Hat and Mexican Bluff, slnoe the dental greater collection of natural the distribute souvlneers and Invite resources than any other area clinicconunlty held last fall It Is the people to trade In Blending size the opinion of the Health Nurse Its Dale Skelton had this suggeThis growth. Maxwell continued that the olty water Is in need stions That the business men Is expeoted to oontlnue and by of flour in e to cut down on tooth In the promotion of a 1963 Utah will have a population decay Dr Porter stated that Towns In Now of well over one million "Dollar Day" the only students with a perfect people had considerable Last Mexico have year alone 600 new com- set of teeth came from Texas suoeess with Dollar Dqys, he panies were founded In Utah and where the flourlne oontent of told the group the water Is high many of them were industrial The possibility of a "free to Hie crux of Mrs Hr Maxwell's Viges gave a short talk Satureach matinee movie kids" was oh to students speeoh enoourage things the Publlo Health was also suggested on Nurse to does outside of school day in their studies ucarry The Clubs Merchandising Contil they complete high school, This often includes visits to mmittee Chairmen, Lorenxo Hawkins and then they should go on, patients at home who need merohants the was canvassing that can be given only by either to regular colleges or views their for a Wednesday or universities professional person, wider the v specialist Cons err:? of opinion The of a physician ulreotion schools, prepare, Club was that stricter enfoi ce- themselves the best way possible nurse also locates families who ment of the City's Green River to meet the competition of the are in need of medical attention Ordinance would help present generation Coat'd on Page 12, Col l u-n- welcome News Juan-Eme- reminded the students that they live in the 3rd fast- Nurse Dr est growing state in the United a gress States, and that Utah has ago now division In the San of Region Eight will meet tonight in. the San Juan High "Know Your Nurse" Council Theme On .project Wild Captain Tonight s lte medl-oatl- on Preston Nielson Game |