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Show Army Desires Drill Sergeant Applicants If some of you Old Timers will think back to' your first few will remember those kindly old gentlemen in the Smokey Bear you e. Nine months remaining in These were the drill sergeants. Men who were strongly dedicat- - the service (or favor reenlisted towards the molding of raw ment) from date of completion of recruits into men in the United the course. f. Emotionally stable. States Army. SOLDIERS WHO feel that THESE WERE men who spent hours going over and over they are qualified and can accept the same blocks of training, con- - the rigorous challenge of being a stantly correcting, never losing drill sergeant can do so immedi-the- ir tempers, and exerting a ately. All that is required is a DA Form 1049, Personnel Ac- great amount of patience. Today there is a great need tion, through channels, requester qualified men to don the ing attendance at an Army drill campaign hat and become mem- - sergeant school with further of the elite professional group sisnment as a drill sergeant at who shape the Army's future. an Army Training Center. Indi-T- o qualify for the drill ser-- viduals alerted for overseas are geant school a soldier must be not eligible. in the grade E4 through E7 and Upon acceptance at a school, be able to meet the following the soldier will attend a six week course at either Forts Dix, criteria: a. PHYSICALLY qualified to Knox, Jackson, Bliss, Polk, Sill, perform drill sergeant duties. The Leonard Wood, Ord or Lewis. last Physical Combat Proficiency During the course, prospecTest score must be at least 300 tive drill sergeants receive class- or the individuals physical con- -' room instruction and practical dition must indicate that he will exercises in general military subbe able to attain physical re- jects, leadership and training quirements for his age group management. while attendig a drill sergeants ADDITIONALLY, such subcourse. jects as drill, physical training, b.conduct of inspections, basic 'Good military bearing. c. Must have demonstrated combat training, and marksmanleadership and soldierly qualities. ship are included in the curricu-- . d. MUST NOT have a record lum. bf disciplinary action diring curThe course parallels closely rent tour of service which, in the training given to the recruit the opinion of the commander, with major emphasis given to may affect his performance as a teaching skills. drill sergeant. EACH CLASS has an honor The major objective of the graduate. Outstanding drill sercourse is to teach the future drill geant graduates are recognized sergeant how to evaluate, coun- - in a number of other ways: They sel and mold the trainees under may get promotions; his supervision into combat sol- - receive a certificate of achieve-dier- s. ment, a set of dress blues, silver COME ALIVE! Youre In The Want Ad Generation: See us at 58 North Main Today! difficult days of military service, hats. TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATESi SERVICES REAL ESTATE TENTH WARD Explorers want cup, or may be honored in other 5 cents per word Regular (light face type) clean will and to up your yard CEMETERY MEMORIALS for ways. Business (dark face type) 10 cents per word SOUTHWEST AREA large and haul your trash. ReasonGraduates get the special 50 Issue rooms with plenty of closet sale. Joseph K. Bevan, 339 S. Up to one inch (monthly rate) per B identifier ably priced. Phone qualification Over one inch (moodily rate) and storage. 1M baths, wall 1st East, Tooele, Utah. Phone $1 per or (Drill Sergeant) as an MOS suffix. $L50 per inch to wall carpets, drapes, cook-stov- e. Display ads 8823871, Representing Walker Drill sergeants receive two MONTHLY RATES are fee' consecutive insertions only, with with sprinkMonument Co., 364 East 21st Landscaped, LAWNMOWER sets of tropical worsted summer no anpia. Except with business firms and individuals who South St., Salt Lake City, Utah lers, fenced bade yard. Assume AND uniforms, two campaign hats, two mi.it.iw 7 existing FHA loan only 514. open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all j SAW SERVICE sets of fatigues, drill sergeants' classified advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. See 400 Canyon Circle. SHARPENING identification badges to be worn AN ERROR in a ad should be reported immediate o April 16 REPAIR on the right breast pocket, olive $165 for ly. The paper fa responsible for one incorrect insertion only. PARTS SALES green wool serge shirts and ALL CLASSIFIEDS wffl be included in die TEST RUN, a better or HOUSE FOR SALE Brick, ENCINE REPAIR k SALES trousers for winter wear and an distributed to 1,000 Dugway Proving Ground resistill yet, get $2.25 in merchandise newspaper Basement choice location. AUTHORIZED additional field cap. They keep dents and workers twice monthly, without additional charge. Bateman Jewelry. "Your Silfinished for apartment CarSERVICE CENTER this clothing as long as they perCRI Store. DEADLINE for classified ads is 11 a.m. day of publication. ver BRIGGS fa STRATTON form the duties of a drill sergeant, pet in living room, upstairs and bedrooms downstairs. Will TECUMSEH and they receive free laundry SAGE KENNELS consider trade. Veterans no FOR RENT boarding LAWNBOY and dry cleaning for these items. SPECIAL NOTICES cats - small breed dogs. 75 down payment Phone 9 DICKS SALES k SERVICE STATISTICS REVEAL that cents day. 30 . 1 FURNISHED APARTMENTS 2 R. J. BURRASTON the graduate of a drill sergeant BPOE El .KB NO. 1073 and 3 rooms. New kitchens' TOOELE 136 UTAH school moves much more quickly AVE, MEETINGS Snd and 4th and appliances, including elecOR SALE three bedroom hill 3 up the promotion ladder. All TUESDAYS at 8 pjn. WE REPAIR all makes of stem, tric heat. home automatic alum, basement, drill sergeant positions are either ranges, siding gas CRI at 01 N. MAIN. radios, black and white or Air conditionrecreaj conditioned. POWER RAKES E6 or E7 so ft is not unusual garage, patio, air Large TVs. Fast Guaranteed color tion area. Rates start at $75 SWEEPERS for a drill sergeant to climb two ing carpet drapes. Must see LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Service. Special service to Dug1 month to appreciate. with all utilities RENTALS NCO grades within two years per NO. 1031 way once each week. AL AND furnished. Rent by day, week, 30 136 UTAH AVE after graduation. 8 WED. MEETINGS LID FURNITURE k APPLIpm. month or year. Linen service TOOELE Also, USCONARC has recomCRI FRANK A. SHARMAN, Sec. ANCE. 8826964. available. ' 8826222 mended to the Department of the 5 PHONE FOR SALE WESTERN APARTMENT 2 bedroom home. 3 Army that commanders be authoELECTRIC IRON repalring.:All Excellent condition, folly car-- 515 North Main, Tooele. Ph. rized to promote outstanding drill AMERICAN LECION POST 17 makes. Steam irons cleaned CRI peted and draped, recently USED AND FREIGHT DAMsergeants from E5 and E6 after MEETINGS Snd and 4th and repaired. ELMERS, - .38 painted. Fencedinand landscapfour months drill sergeant duty AGED APPLIANCES AND CRI VINE. WEST WEDNESDAYS, 8 pjn. furnish-eTWO BEDROOM APT. ed. Price reduced. FHA apwithout regard to quota or other CRI IB EAST VINE. CRI ' TVS. . $130. Unfuroidied $100. praised and can buy for $300 promotion criteria. Another re8824526' HORSE SHOEING ' 280 No. 1st East Ph down or buy equity and as- commendation under study in 26 BANKHEADS LAWN CRI sume 5 loan at $68 a month. ROCKY MOUNTAIN USCONARC is to provide drill SERVICE Phone 7 sergeants superior performance LODGE NO. 11 FfcAM ONE BEDROOM APT. furnish--' rake and power sweep your DRAPERIES READY MADE or 1st MEETS 3rd pyCUSTOM BUILT. AD fabrics, lawn. Ha id the pass away. ed unfurnished FOR SALE $110, $85 3 bedroom brick Another desirable benefit for TUESDAYS, 7i30 pjn. modem designs. GORDON All for one Lawn aeration. 260 Ninth 1st East base1 foil rambler, bath, the prospective drill sergeant FURNITURE CO., 60 6 Main low Call after 8822836 price. ment, irrigation water. Roger is the guarantee of an CRI 4 week and small RENT all FOR days, nice, Is day very 568 Circle. pjn. England. green stabilized tour in the U.S. if he CHILD CARE 5 Sunday. 8826788. is serving in a basic combat trainapt 4IAVE YOUR insurance rates CHILDREN TEND WILL unit ing gone up? Check our low rates. P-THE JOB of an Army drill I HAVE 2 and 3 bedroom home FRESH FARM EGGS will PEDERSEN INSURANCE FOR RENT weekends. Ph 2 bedroom older for sale in all price ranges sergeant is a difficult one. The AGENCY. 8823572. ' home. Newly carpeted. 22 Marie Spitters. and locations. I can sell there challenges and responsibilities CRI -. 882at TENDING homes to a Veteran with no of training basic trainees require CHILDREN 3016. down payment and no loan ' MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE long hours and many personal, CUSTOM KILLING THREE ROOM furnished costs. Call Doran Hunt. 882 sacrifices, but the drill sergeant apt UNDER STATE INSPECTION a month. $45 InUtilities 3516. CRI LOSE WEIGHT has the satisfaction of knowing paid. CHOICE GRADE A GRAIN safely with WE BUY WATCHES, diamonds, that he is, in many cases, makquire 384 West Vine., P-tablets. Only 98 FED BEEF, 50 CENTS old gold or better still trade .NEW 3 bedroom foil basement at Hood Drug. ing men out of boys, and that 12 them in on new ones. BateMUTTON, LAMB, 53 CENTS; he plays a key and essential part on one acre of pound in 1ATCH. APARTMENTS Cookman Jewelry, 5 North Main. PORK, 38 CENTS; Grantsville. No down payment FENDER GUITARS in determining the fighting quality facilities. Private bath. PRICES INCLUDE amps. Salt ing CRI No loan costs to veteran. Call of Army forces. Lake prices. As low as $8 Heat and air conditioning $50 PROCESSING. The flawless appearance of Doran Hunt down and $8 per month. and up. Utilities included. 365 FINANCING AVAILABLE CRI the drill sergeant usually imCHAUDOIN MUSIC CO., East Vine St Ph 7 PHONE 8843837 full time custodian WANTED 220 S. MiP. Tooele. Ph 882 presses die trainee greatly from after 4:30 pjn. for Wendover schools, beg HAINES vthe first meeting. At that moment 28 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING -. 3336 or 8821081. REALTY salary $5887.20. Group insur"he drill sergeants prestige is FOR RENT New bedroom two YOUR CORRAL. CALL US, week vacation. 2 ance. Apply 191 North Main extremely high, hut he must mainGas for. Inq. 258 North apt. WE DO THE REST. WHOLEZenus Burrows, Wendover OFFERS . tain that same standard of ap1st West. SALE MEAT, USDA CHOICE School 4:30 8 to a.m, and conduct p.m. High throughout pearance 0 AD s- OR GRANITES in Mote the- training cycle and, most- imFURNISHED BACHELOR APT PROCESLB. Real Estate needs Mon.-Fri.- 1 1 CRI Ph portant,' he muft'be technically for rent Inquire O. T. Barms SED. TOOELE ICE AND nroficient in everything he does. 1 or CRI STORAGE. 8821001 or 882 CaH 8821394 - 8824444 1179. EASY TERMS AVAIL-ABLEvenings: 8823566 - 8824556 FURNISHED AFT. 34 West 2nd OFFICE GRANTSVILLE Tiller and RefilSPARE TIME INCOME North. 114 West Main Street ling and collecting money from Rake Power FOR PhonsT 884-66New Type ELECTROLUX Rentals dispensers in your SALES AND SERVICE 1962 10x50 2bed-rooarea. No selling To quidify FOR RENT Garden trailer qpace. FOR SALE See Louis R. Bell, 8822803 Akops winteriz384 W. Vine St. you must have car, references, 131 South Coleman, Tooele Quiet Close to school and ed, furnished, folly carpeted $600 to $2,900 cadi. Seven to ' shopping center. Use Tooele own 28 your twelve hours weekly can net. gas heat Must see to appreciate. 8826640-882319- 3 washer. 225 Durfee Street 8820148. excellent monthly income. More LICENSED ELECTRICIAN -Grantsville. 6. 8 foil time. For personal interAll types electrical repairing DIS MOBILE HOMES -1- 960 Nashua view write PEN-IDand wiring. 8821626 6 month2521 TRIBUTING COMPANY, 10x50, set up. Take over FOR RENT me bedroom trailo 14 . May - - top soiL (A), S. State Street, Salt Lake ly payments of $6650 with low FOR SALE er. 8823890. S or 6 down payment. TREE TRIMMING and removal City, Utah 84115. Include hone o RANCHO Elrae Campers and number. April 30 Free Estimates. Call 8823116 small FOR RENT See the 10H hand. Trailers on 14 house, suitable for couple or HAY FOR SALE Alf.lf. yi pp MAKE $30 up daily on Food camper. bachelor. 8823252. bale. Grass hay 90s bale. Glen Route. Man or woman part or LARSENS, 1090 W. 1st No., ELECTROLUX VACUUM Clean-er- s Nelson. 8823275. - 8823156 Tooele. 882-99CRI foil time. Write Earl Stetson, FOR and Polishers. For die RENT bedroom one apt. Box 4014, Oakland, Calif. P-woman that fa really particular. 80 E. 4th No. 8823516. TROPICAL FISH Sales and service. Charles M. baby green turtles $2.98 each; fish half RENT new Host Clean carpets Palmer, 35 East Main, GrantsFOR SALE spick and span without water. Use rooms in- THREE ROOM furnished price during ville. April. home. 5 folly carpeted apt .. Burts Aquarium stantly. Gordon Furniture, 60 Ehborfaood.CaIl Utilities included. 160 So. 2nd Quiet So. Main. Phone 8821241 0307 after 5. ALUMINUM siding and remodeliWest. CRI CR ng- Financing, licensed 3 bedroom brick FOR RENT trailer space, large FOR SALE 8821157. 3 LOST brown FOR SALE -8- Hay and straw. light dog part chain link fenced yard. 882 playground for children. Fh Pekingese part Chihuaha 822312. POWER RAKE for rent Hood 2378 or 8821616 0. P April 29 Curly tail. Answers to Brownie. Drug. 20 Reward for recovery. Ph 882 MAGNA fast crop be 2 bedroom home, $70 new two bedroom FOR SALE 4852. hay. Excellent hone feed. $25 LITTLE DUDE Pet good condition. Nice location duplex. Drapes, w-carpet Comil -9 a tan. Will deliver tan lots. Close to schools, church and Will furnish. Ph. cats and dogi. Groom2)7 boarding Will furnish. Ph. town. Fruit trees and garden Milking short horn heifer, ing all breeds. Poodles a speFOR SALE pipe vise and comwater. 8820243. freshing soon. $206 Free plot, irrigation cialty. Apricot tiny toy poodle and one-caplete cutting threading r 10x15 garage. Must at stud. Phone move building and contents. cutting and threading tools. VEHICLES o April 19 $125. Clyde Gibson The Shop 88201)7. 3 bedroom home, FOR SALE C-8820107. $10,700. No down on approved PEST CONTROL, yards FOR SALE -1- 959 LaSabre Btitek. sprayed, credit. Pedersen Real Estate basements and commercial. Needs New New tires. FOR SALE large choice battery. tV ANTED Summer CRI League 8823572. State license. M. O. Fones, some clutch work done. $100. old ww Bowlers. Tooele Bowl. M&OMS. P-old weiner pigs $14 each. Also J9 ' 7 after 5:30 choice butcher hogs, will deI AM buying homes and lots f FOR SALE mall purebred ONE of the finer things of life liver. Garth Stookey. anywhere in Tooele County. FOR SALE 1961 Olds Super for Mothers Ideal Poodle Blue Lustre carpet and upholpups. Call Doras Hunt 8823516 . 88. RAH. 9 after 4:30. AKC gifts. registered with Day stery cleaner. Rent electric CRI shampooer $1. Cordon Furniture- 60 So. Main. CERTS a gay girl ready for a whirl after deaningcarpets with BEELINE stylist earn your ward- D&D FOR SALE 65 Grand Prix SALVACE we buy scrap, Blue Lustra. Rent electric sham-poorobe fine plus $50-10-0 a week radio. four speed. AM-F1. Tooele Mercantile Co. brass, cars, junk batteries, $ No 884-33or investment, collecting $1776 Call radiators. aluminum, copper, Call 462 delivery. Free pickup. Phone . 6066 57-1- 5 30 ft. Camp Trailer Cood . condition. $596 450 Highland SALE table and FOR six chairs BUILDING LOTS baseDrive. Good chrome. condition. tENRAL REMODEUNG ments refinished, patios, garBrown sectional sofa (like new) We are better informed today about the newest and doors, ages, FOR SALE Yamaha 56 Like cabinets, carports, LOT FOR SALE - 68 ft. x 100 occasional two chairs, end table 6 windows, etc. most convenient ways to live through advertising. new. Low mileage. $150. Ph and lamps. Have to see to apft Completely chain link fenc. ed. Call 8821717. MINI BIKES new 3hp $125; And advertising helps you make a better choice. preciate. 8822989 after 4:30. $195; Tote Cotes new 3hp PROFESSIONAL rug care. CarAdvertising is news about whats new, where it is, and Co Cart 4hp, Tote Cotes new 7 hp $39950; FOR SALE pets and upholstery cleaned in to time best the is when Excellent cond. $176 Call BUILDING LOT for sale exbuy. Wright Sales, 4080 &. Slate, your home. Free estimates. 8821717. cellent location. 8821006 after . Salt Lake City, 2622056 American business is constantly searching for new 5 8824654. 5 p.m. o 30 April 30 ways to make better products for you, and for less. And QONE ON MISSION must sell 1953 Olds. Overhauled. ExcelFRAMING PICTURES you hear about its success through advertising. Today, VISTA LINER CAMPERS foi snEITKEIKttS parking, carlent condition. Four new tires. OFFICE SPACE WALKERS of with modern the more ife Tooele County help the truth is you enjoy ule, buy at ISES pet, drapes, utilities. Phone Ricke Hamilton, 272 North PHONE 8821458 Tooele Plymouth Sales, Dealer, 8821376 CRI advertising. 145 WEST FIRST SOUTH 1st St. St. CRI 87 North Main WANT TOOELE. CRI - ff 882-132- - 882-078- 882-395- ay P-t- - - as-b- - 882-152- 884-505- 882-340- ay 5. 882-428- . 881-388- 882-006- 2. d. . 882-459- 7. - . i 882-153- fa 882-450- 7. 884-344- . 5. 882-301- 6. de-liv- er 882-347- 4 ril 884-M4- 5. This is where to get your Ford cars and trucks serviced with genuine parts and accessories. V - Dex-A-Di- et ay - - 882-351- 6. - 882-022- BHfilMilhm BONNEVILLE ARISTO-CRATES.5- 665-234- 882-262- - f 882-389- 4. E. - high-quali- coin-operat-ed ty - THE TRUTH IS... 884-504- m ay A P-1- P-t- 884-.W- 884-556- P-t- - ed - don-tract- P-2- -- 882-192- w 297-245- 1. 884-386- 9. P-t- 19 882-479- - 882-201- dveniisSinig helps goto malke 882-298- - - er P-2- a better choice. 884-501- 1, 884-324- 4. - - 882-059- -- - 882-451- 4. - P-t- Ml ADS |