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Show TEST RUN, Friday, April IB, 1968 For Military Featege $1 Airfift Stczp to Do hsuod WASHINGTON (ANT) Tha U.S. Port Office Depart-BW- Bt hM approved a new $1 Airlift poataga itamp which will eover the low military rate for parcel mailed to and from servicemen based overseas and in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The stamp will be leaned at Seattle, Wash, April A The Poet Offlee Department said that parcels weighing up to 80 pounds and measuring no more than 60 inches combined width and girth will be airlifted all the way upon payment of $1 plus the domestic parcel poet ratea from point of mailing to Army and Fleet Poet Offices. Vsg The 1 stamp will be valid for paying regular rates for other types of mafl. The preferen- tial rate for service- men has bean In af-feet sines January. . Collectors desiring flint day cancellations may send addressed envelopes, together with payment to eover the eoet of the stamps to be affirsd, to the Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. 08101. The envelope to the Postmaster should be marked "First Day Covers 81 Airlift Stamp," and postmarked no later titan April 4 - Shown here era the members of the Toodci Beds from Tooele TOOELE'S BEDS Basketball Championship at Dugway Proving Army Depot who won the Dave Bleazaid, Eric Jakeman, (Capt. of the row frauw to left aim Ground. From right, Back row, left to right arm Leo ) Bvio ifaJiM, Frank Schaman, and Louie Lopes. and not diown is John Bob Dan Tinnea, Doc Connelly, Tate, Terry Petersen, GAby, -- (US Army Photo by PFC Bowen) Inter-Intramur- al OFFICERS TEAM Shown here ate the members of the Officer! Team which won flrst place in the Intramural Betitethall League. From left to right, in front am Capt Tesue, Capt. Byrd, and LT Murphy. From left to right, back row arei'LT Craig, Capt. OMalley, LT Sarabuchi, and LT Toole. (Photo by FFC Bowen) 'Declare Tax Estimate Taxpayer! were reminded today by Roland V. Wise, District' - of Internal Director -- Revenue "for Utah, that they may be to make a declaration of 'estimated tax if their total esti- mated tax for 1968 exceeds their Withholding by $40 or more, i Mr. Wise emphasized diet complete instructions on how to file declaration of estimated tax which ''die on Form 1040-ES- , ' may be obtained by writing to - the District Directors Office. -- Declarations of estimated tax for 1968 are due by April 15 the same date that 1967 Federal income tax returns are due. Mr. Wise said now is the lime to start working on your income tax return. This way you. will avoid the last minute rurfaj in the event you have a tax ques- tion to ask. Taxpayers who fin out their tax returns early do not ran the risk of making costly errors or incurring penalties for not tiling returns on time. Why not taka your incoma tax refund in UA Savings Baida. Your money will grow and row. -- A19UR TRAPS, National Library Week April 21 to 27 1968 The Oflko of PenooneT Opantiaua la planning to aak represcutativo U. 8. Amy pereouari fas all anUstod and oU-ce- r military occupational spadaltiea to repeat thia fall sa tkair duty paaftlona. The Information, from Questionnaires developed by the U.8. Continental Amy Command acboala, will become part of tha Army's new Military Occupational Specialty Data Bank, a folly automated system of Job aaaly-ai- a to get an picture of ell tasks performed by Army pcreonurl Army members will he aeked about the talks they perform including skills and ahOftiee required. -- Dugways Bowling Standings Mens Wednesday Handicap 1st Place NAGE. Sod Place Met . . 9L.L . . . 83 28V4 . . .53 ;65tt 58', 46M 3rd Place HQ Staff . More Hen 5,000 radio stations throughout the United States have received recordings of tha new "Ballad of the National Guard." The ballad, an adaptation of tiro National Guard Creed, "I am Tha Guard," is recognised, hut not yet adopted, na the official song of tiro National Guard, both Army and Air. Contraction of $SJ5 million expaaaiou project has began at the United Staton Soldiers Heme in Washington, D. C. Scheduled for completion in December 1968, the project will add two wiuga to the Sheridan Building, the newest dormitory at the home. Money far tiro additional wings comas from the Permanent Tkaat Fund for the hems. eight-etar- W 68 60 L 57. 35 w L 60 49 48 27 38 39 y. OCT A MEAT lOfA H0RMIO. BUT W CANT ftffMZD A COST RfPDC-TIft- HbWf N (ANT) JUST FR06MJ 24 28 Friday Night Mixed League 1st Place Team No. 4 2nd Place Team No. 1 3rd Place Team Na 2 - Specialist 4 Albert S. Cazjuk, UP, UP AND AWAY chaplain's assistant, begins downward swing of his bade ti somersault layout as he performed on trampoline at Gymnasium. He was Eastern U.S. trampoline and in 1966; when he competed in Eas parallel bars ton USA Intercollegiate Gymnastic Championship at Queens College, NYC Cbampiondiips were sponmred by the AAUNGAA and Federation of International Gym- nasties. Mon-tona- Whitewall Sale Premium Tire for U Nylon Tubeless - 2 for 2 for 1 1 price $60N price 55N plus excise tax See the New Honda 175 and 350 l K. W 68 64 1st Place Monkeys 2nd Place Moonshiners 3rd Place Swingers High Game High SEries High Average For One Week we ore selling brand new American made L 61 40 44 47 Thomas pianos starting at $399. SALE STARTS FRIDAY with 15 beautiful styles to choose from. Our Bus will be parked in front of the store with unbelievable values for your entire musical needs. 263 624 161 Jane See price Starmaster 7.75x14 7.00x13 Dugway Womens Winter 263 244 235 Ako Klindt Anita Dobson Ladies Wednesday Morning w L 1st Place Powder Puffs 66M 4514 2nd Place Undertaken 3rd Place Alley Oops 66 58 46 16 High Game Thomas Organs Thomas Pianos 253 615 158 Hii Series High Average Thursday Night Mixed League Na 10 2nd Place Team Na 6 . 3rd Place Team'Na 3 1st Place Team Mens High Gao . . Vox Amplifiers w L 28 14 17 17 23 23 Vox Guitars Womens High Game , lower than ever with highest trade-i- n values given All priced 244 216 S6 Ksrrti V I Kb - M2-41- 31 |