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Show Wm NCW-CIRCUlAriN- Dial DPG 2141 g Dufway IW-i- MUM r, by tt Too, Vtafe, a private Send Nero For Test Eton to BQDC- - Crad, Dugwajr Utah Tnawript-BdUti- a G Itea mm TJeatber, News, AMERICANA Information Vol TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Friday, April 19, 1968 aad FdL4kj Amp lira, k m tf At writ- - ooor by tba Doport H am of Hm Amy. Tka appMMfam of aoW- U fa tah potMeaHpo d-o- aot uoumniw oarionaaoa by Ibt Dopartit of Iht Amy of tha products or 11 03s3 No. 19 mvkm Management Analysis Completes 50th Work Simplification Class .sxJ The 50th Army Work Simplification Class from Dugway was IN DECIDING who attends eligible supervisors at Dugway have taken the course," Mrs. sis division keeps a roster of Creenhalgh said. graduated March 27, 1968. "In our terms," she continuTHE WORK Simplification supervisory personnel in each ofclass is sponsored by the Manage- fice, then they ask the office ed, "a supervisor is anyone who ment Analysis Division of Dug- supervisor to enroll them. The directs the work of two or more way and is held four times a year. class is limited to 12 to 15 people. persons and is below division "Eighty-eigh- t Elva A. Creenhalgh, manageper cent of chief." ment analysis division, has been coordinator of the program since January I960. She said, "The purpose of the classes is to give supervisors the classes die management 131 analy- Army Prescribes Policies On Uniforms for Summer and prospective supervisors trainWASHINGTON (ANF) Arm) ing in the fundamentals of manpersonnel services officials have agement" THE BASIC concept of the summarized current regulations class," she continued, "is to on wear of summer uniforms. DEPARTMENT of the Army teach how to work smarter and not harder." Message 851497 states that the Those who conduct the classes wearout period has been extendare personnel from the manage- ed indefinitely for the present shirt and trouser uniform in all ment analysis division. "Sometimes we are able to currently authorized fabrics bring someone from the outside those generally referred to as who is a noted person in manage"tropical worsted." "Army tan" ment to conduct a class," Mrs. or "gabardine." Wearout date for the Army Creenhalgh stated. tan coat remains as previously THE CLASS stresses five announced, through the normal techniques in work simplifica- summer wear period of 1968, tion: but no later than Dec. 31. 1. Work Count. This is to (Ed. note: Summer uniforms show the supervisor how to count become effective for Dugway how much work is accomplished Proving Ground May 6. Tropiduring the day, and enables him cal worsted shirt and trousers to see if goals are being met by can be special ordered at both the office staff. sales store and post clothing 2. Flow Process Charting; This teaches the supervisor who gets exchange.) The DA Message restates behind in meeting his goals how the requirement that officers and to to use a step by step process men must own the lightenlisted catch up. Army green uniform weight 3. MOTION ECONOMY. This (AG344) by this July 1. is a technique that most supervisors THE Army's family THUS and all workers should be vitally uniforms will include of summer interested in. This method teaches 344 lightweight greens, AG the you how to speed operations while the short-sleeArmy Khaki unisaving energy. forms and shirt and trouser com4. Layout for better utilizalisted tion of equipment personnel and binations in the fabrics above. In addition, a new fabric facilities. 5. Work Distribution Charting. has been authorized for optional officers and enlisted men. This last technique lets the wear by is a polyesterrayon, durThis supervisor get a good look at what everyone in his office is able press material approved for a tan shirt optional doing. uniform. If tests are favorable, it is expected that the polyester uniform will be declared rayon Military Police News Standard A for issue to drill serwhile continuing Congratulations are in order geants only, for the following men who re- as an optional item for all other ceived promotions from PFC to male personnel. - Grace; Ray ZyUtn; Joan Gavin; Ivy Madsen; LT Alvin J. Wiltgen; LT CUf-for-d J. McCann; Mervin Pyne and Kevin Seequist. Not pictured were LT Terence . Gahman and Walter Cooper. The 50th Any Work Sinmliffcioon graduating clan bom Oneway their diphnaf from LTC William L. Black, Executive Officer at Dugway Proving Ground. Pictured (1 to r) am John George, one of the dam instructor!; LTC Blacks LT Peter Fallini; Jean Rum; Carydd Bulloch; IfeMn Willie; Maxtne Speech Contest Winners Announced Boy's State Set For June 1 13 Possible Entries from Dugway 9-1- The Dugway Toastmasters dub held their annual speech contest for high school students Monday night at the Officers Open Mess. THERE WERE nine participants from the Dugway High School and three winners were selected. The first place winner was Thirteen entries from Dug-- , A boy is qualified for Boy's Give a boy a chance to atDora Taylor, a daughter of Mr. way can go to the American Le- tend 1)01 State by being his State if he is a junior or senior in high school as of May 1, 1968 gion Boy's State at Utah State sponsor. BOY'S STATE is and of good moral character. His and Mr,. Curtis Taylor, 154 B University from June 9 to June 15. 1 ENTRIES WILL be sdect- and is not military in any selection is also based on honor, East 4th Ave., Dugway. Her prize liULSS ed through the school board and sense. Boy's State is' a teaching courage, scholarship, leadership was $15 and a 1st place certifi- American Legion Post 131 be- - and training program designed to and service to the community cate. She spoke on 1 Believe Six members of "Ladies of in The Youth of America", and fore die Boy's State deadline of educate youth in the duties. mnA school. the Sacred Heart," Catholic that reminded audience the 1. ORIGINATED Illinois IN and in responMay rights, privileges, certifiAlthough 13 entries can be sibilities of American citizen- 1834. Boy's State has been adopt- teenagers will have a very definite ladies group, received, sent from Dugway, 13 may not be ship. Problems will be presented ed by the national organization affect on the future of America cates of completion for a class in Advanced Christian Doctrine will be the future lead sent because of the 140 cost for without reference to any exist- of The American Legion. Boy's Shelly Bush, a daughter of Mr. at the post chapel April 9. each boy. The entire cost for ing political party and will be State Is now in operation in 48 and Mrs. David Bush, Clover, They are Mrs. Loretta Nygren, the week at Boy's State is $40 and free from propaf&uida. Mrs. of won second and a Jane Gumenski, Mrs. Flo must be paid by die sponsoring place prize The sole purpose is to enable Participation in Boy's State can $10 and a second certifi- Earlewine, Mrs. Mildred George, place organization, the individual, his the boy to grasp die meaning of a boy a tuition scnoursnip "AdMrs. Judy Roberg and Mrs. Carol parent or guardian or a friend. the responsibilities ofgovernment for one year at Utah State Uni- cate when she spoke on Bishop. Transportation and incidentals which he will be called upon to versity. Last year two scholarships versity and Handicaps." MISS BUSH stated in her The course, taught weekly since are not included in the $40. assume when he becomes an adult were earned 1 speech, "Handicaps, whether, it October by Sister M. Pius and be in the form of a loss of limb Sister M. Concepta, was a course or a loss of some other worldly of study in the Confraternity of good, will help to strengthen the Christian Doctrine Program. The character of the person who over- sisters are members of Sisters comes them." of the Holy Family, Tooele, Utah. Promotion procedures for Dugway Proving Ground have been changed, according to a recent The third place winner in Material, used in the course office. from letter military personnel Contest the Toastmaster was 600-20Speech 0 presented in the light and of enlisted of men in the promotion Procedures have been changed to comply with AR was Mark Hereim, a son of Mr. emphasis of the II Vatican Counoffice. the all units utilizing quotas through military personnel and Mrs. Andrew Hereim, 518 B cil, and came from "Catechetics Unit commanders are respon- - juso, data and score of last PT. tas are received. Bona fin Dr., Dugway. He spoke A Theology of Proclamation" by the with sible for compliance When a person is transferred, on "Air Pollution" are submitted on same forms. and gave a Rev. Alfred McBride, O. Preem. "new" procedures. Individuals PT is not required for persons' he is integrated onto the gaining on the air polluThe six ladies who completed general survey for are responsible being eligible age 40 and above. In mis event, unit promotion list tion problem and how it .n the course and received die certo be recommended for promo- all that is required is date of Only two waivers are allowed best be met. His third place tificates are now qualified to for promotion eligibility. Areas tion, in accordance with Chapter birth. consisted of $5 and a 3rd teach religion on the high school 7 of AR60O-20ALL FORMS submitted with that waivers can be granted are prize certificate. level. place E-- 4 for Recommendations pro- recommendations for promotion time in pay grade, time on active motion are now submitted to will be submitted in triplicate. duty, promotion qualification Utah' District 8 MPO for administrative verificaRecommendations must be score (PQS), PT score and edution. After verification, turned in to PMO prior to' the cation level. mendations are returned to the 25th of the month. Selection of time in UP TO one-haunit to await quotas from higher boards will convene not later grade is waiverable. Maximum than the 5th working day of the waiver of time on active duty headquarters. INFORMATION included on month. This span of time is re- is E-5 months; E-- 5, 6 months; either DA Form 1049 or DA Form' quired for processing and records E-3 years; E-2 years; E-E-- 9, 2496 which are used for E-- 4 re- screening. 4 5 Legionnaires and their Auxyears. , years; iliaries from District 8, Departcommendations will include grade PQS is waiverable for scores Any recornmendations receivCarroll N. Madsen, 63, ment of Utah of the American recommended, PMOS, DMOS, ed after deadline date will be of 70 and above, provided PQS died Monday morning as a re be is to MOS in which EM pro- processed for nest promotion is for MOS in same career group Legion, will meet in convention sult of injuries he received in here April 27. moted (PQMOSC), date of rank, board. This means that recom- as position vacancy. PT score one-cnve miles accident ' District 8 consists of 15 Ampromotion qualification score, mendations can be submitted any i; waiverable as is education level. east of Dugway Proving erican PT score and date of test, any time, but deadline dictates month Legion Posts from an area Again, only two waivers are Ground main gate, Friday. bounded by Salt Lake City, waivers, conduct and efficiency EM will appear before selection granted to be eligible for FUNERAL services were Wendover, Dugway, and Tooele, rating, and brief narrative of board. scheduled for 11 o'clock ThursUtah. EM's job performance. THERE ARE special requireWHEN selection boards meet, day at the LDS Chapel, DugE-Recommendations for E-- 5 candidates recommended will ments for promotion to E-SEVERAL HUNDRED per.. Hosway. He died at the VA sons are expected to attend the through E--9 promotion begin with appear and those recommended by and E-- 9 as outlined in AR 600-20pital in Salt Lake City. one-da- y a completed Enlisted Efficiency board and approved by promoconvention, which begins Madsen was a security Waivers Form of delegates with 2166). does will An EM on a not have tion to (DA proregistration go Report authority guard at Dugway. He had 8 a.m. on April 27. at will be submitted on either DA motion list in order of merit Each be in the vacant slot to be recomfor worked for civil service Form 1049 or DA Form 2496 and month's list will be added to the mended and ultimately, if approvMany of the Legion convenalmost twenty years. He was reawill commanders tion activities will be held at the bottom of previous lists. Promo- ed, promoted into that slot. When give unit an Army major in World War sons waivers for eligibility re- tions will be made as vacancies promoted, EM must move to that Dugway Officers' Open Mess. IL be should Others will be held at Post 131 granted. occur in their PQMOSC and quo slot quirements Born Sept. 18, 1904 in home. Boise, Idaho, Madsen attendHost post for the District 8 ed Utah Agricultural College, is the Dugway Post Legionnaires Logan; Snow College, Ephraim; 131. of Defense activities and 17 for- -' and Brigham Young Univerwill be changed. "Run cards" THE CALL to order of In- - will be displayed by the fire eign countries attended the consity, Provo, Utah. district convention will be soundThe Fire Department ference held March HE WAS a member of alarm. On each of these run cards Memphis in 2 ed at Conference p.m. structors THE FIRE department ser- the First Ward of the Church will be listed the fire hazards A dinner and dance will be waw sucwss according to James Latter-da- y is no the vice a of of Christ longer Jesus job,'' just fire. How chief, that exist in the area on held at the COM beginning at I Alcorn, Dugway 's fire chief said. "But is becoming a Saints, Dugway. many people normally in the area 7 p.m. Welcoming remarks will ...Mitel. Madsen is survived by his confer-- will also be listed. Color of the profession as more and more unibe given by Colonel James H. AS A RESULT of the and versities wife, Fawn P. Madsen; son, colleges are offering "I am card will show type of construc-V- T --nee Chief Alcorn stated, Watts, Dugway Proving Ground degrees in fire science technology." Dennis B., both of Dugway; two Hon of the area. effect into commanding officer. Cuest speaktQ of Southern California University son, Clair N. Madsen, Boise, er will be Brigadier General Ray often a muter of science degree and daughter, Carol Jean M. D. Free, commander of the 86th fire in science. tl Covert, Salt Lake City. t0 fra department Dugway. This new truck needs Army Reserve Command, Ft "Education will the "?TrM are- only two men to put out a fire Douglas, Utah. fire department plus give the of the five men required are invited Prl To change the inspection instead fire the public they protection the dinner and dance and are to i Quarters. A new on present truck. This new truck Alcorn Chief commented. hTused and will be far will save in manpower and in time need," MM&ffi t asked to make reservations. Cost "One of the most important O 31 f3 ifggQ i!.iUd than before. With and money. The new truck would is $4 per person. Reservation ideas that I received from the conto operate than the nJw form, fire hazards will be cheap deadline is noon April 28. Perference," the fire chief stated, O older truck now in use. :be easier to detect. sons to be contacted for reserflap: More Am 4,000 fire depart- - "was how to give Dugway better I vations are Les Nelson, Wilson ment officials from Department fire protection for less money." Carrard and Joseph Eva. 1 RESPONSE TO fire alarms Catholic Lading non-partis- LOHipIete New Promotion Procedures Set Madsen Receives Legionnaires Meet lf Fatal Injuries 4, 6, 7, 8, ar pro-irotio- 7, n. 8 0. Fire Conference Produces Changes 19-2- 2. up-gra- de cl 2 1 for Convention nd-trouser cpj. cpj ir.ri Michael r.tu. J. Lyons, epi SP4 Leeroy lor. 65th MP's welcomes back Platoon Leader, 2LT James H. Amout who has recently completed his TDY at Ft Cordon, Ca. The MP and Medic volleyball team, winning a smashing over CBR Wednesday night which placed them in a tie for first place with die Dugway ry JAflV Draft Coll Set at 44,000 WASHINGTON (ANF) The Department of Defense has requested the Selective Service System to provide 44,000 inductees in Kay. All will be assigned to the Army. The May call ia the third consecutive monthly draft request of over 40,000. The wearout period for Army beige for female officers and .enlisted women remains as previously announced, through the normal summer wear period of 1968. Also, the mandatory owner-- . ship date for lightweight Army green uniforms for female officers and enlisted women is July 1. Career Night Held For DHS Seniors Career night for Dugway High seniors were presented by the Dugway College Worn ens Club on March 14 at the officer's open mess (COM). SPEAKERS IN eight fields brought information and adice to 20 seniors. Capt. Frederick E. Cooper, judge advocate office, spoke on law. Mrs. W. O'Hanlon, scientific director office, spoke on secretarial work. Capt. G. U.S. Army Hospital, Givens, spoke on the medical profession. David Lawellin, microbiologist from the biological division, spoke School on Science. .Mrs. R. Spilsbury, elementary school, spoke on teaching. Mrs. G. Metcalf, beauty shop, spoke on the beauty college. Fred Minnesang, civilian personnel, spoke on opportunities in government service and SFC Andrew Currier, career counselor for Dugway Proving Ground, spoke on opportunities in the military service. FOLK MUSIC played by Mrs. R. Spilsbury and Mrs. J. Phillips added to the evenings enjoyment Refreshments were served by Mrs. A. T. Hereim and Mrs, R. Jorgenson. The next meeting of the club will be at 8 p.m. on April 18 at the COM. Creative Writing Contest winners will read their stories and next years officers will be nominated. Hostesses will be Mrs. H. Rees and Mrs. T. Tolls. All members are urged to attend. LaRoque Retires, Receives Certificates Sergeant First Class Clarence LaRoque retired Mar. 29, after 20 years service, and received Department of the Army Certificate of Appreciation and U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (TECOM) Certificate of Achievement from Lieutenant Colonel William L. Black, executive officer. LaRoque, 42, began military service with the U.. Navy in World War IL participating in three campaigns, Asiatic Pacific, European Middle Eastern and Philippine Liberation. He has also seen service in Alaska and Greenland. At Dugway Proving Ground, LaRoque was a meteorological team chief with the USA Meteorological Team. He received his certificate of achievement for service with the Met Team from August 1966 to his retirement. Service medals authorized SFC LaRoque include Asiatic-Pacifi- c Campaign Medal, American Campaign Medal, Philippine Liberation Ribbon, European- - African-MiddEastern Campaign Medal, Navy Unit Commendation, Good Conduct Medals for both Navy and Army. M. le JOIN THE STAR-SPANGLE- D FREEDOM PLAN Sign up for U.S. SAVINGS BONDS NIW FREEDOM SHARES THREE CERTIFICATES are presented to Sergeant First Class Clarence M. LaRoque, Met Team, during his retire-meceremony in the office of Lieutenant Colonel William L. Black, DPG executive officer, Mar. 29. LaRoque received his retirement certificate, Department of the Army Certificate of Appreciation and UA Army Test and Evaluation Command Certificate of Achievement. |