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Show " m aty " jJLSw m Changes Due ' jrhe DPG Test Run " PX Manager You're In The Picture, Too Asks Question Medic MOS TEST RUN, Friday, April 19, 1968 " l ui -- 4 J " " GOLD, that elusive, precious metal, has been a news maker for Formal training is a mandaIt was in the 1800a and still is today. It may seem unusual years. tory requirement for classification that you, as an American serviceman, could be associated with of enlisted medical military oc- these headlines, but you are, especially if you are serving or about to serve overseas. cupational specialties (MOS). In todays nears the Office of The Surgeon General fold markets of the has received numerous reports world are affected and of erroneous classification and that means Uncle Sam, 35G, too. Thats where you promotion in these MOS come in, and heres how medical equipment repairman; it happens: 91A, medical corpunan; 9 1C, Traditionally gold has clinical specialist; 91Q, pharmacy been the ultimate means and 92B, medical specialist; accounts of settling laboratory specialist. among trading nations. A CHANCE to AR 1 Since 1084 it has been the policy of our Govcalls for changes in the requireernment to buy gold ments for MOS 91C, 91Q and from, and sell gold to, 92B. governments, foreign Clinical specialist, MOS 91C central hanks, and othmust have successfully completed er official institutions at clinical specialist course $35 an ounce. Because we have honor be a graduate of a ored ' this policy, the course in state approved American dollar over practical or vocational nursing the years has earned the for award of MOS. reputation of being aa Pharmacy specialist, MOS 91Q good aa gold. The confidence placed must have successfully completed in the dollar by foreign pharmacy specialist course businessmen and governor be a graduate or ments is demonstrated registered pharmacist or have by the fact that dollars completed four years of college are often used to pay with a field of concentration in for goods and services sold between two foreign 18 'pharmacy pharmacology, countries as well as bemonths experience as 91Q10, tween our own country and a trading partner. and be recommended by a pharAs more U. S. dollars have been paid to foreigners by Uncle macy officer for award of skill Sam, some of the' foreign holders of dollars have accumulated level 2. what they consider to be more dollars than they need. In turn, they have been selling them to their central banks in MEDICAL laboratory specialexchange for their own currencies. Some of these central banks ist, MOS 92B must have successhave been these dollars for U.S. gold. As a result fully completed medical labora- Uncle Samsexchanging gold reserves have been dropping since 1957. advanced course tory procedures And here is where you, the American serviceman, enter the or be licensed as a picture. When serving abroad, your purchasing power is the Amerimedical technologist (ET) (ASCP) can dollar. The more dollars you spend in a foreign economy, the more it hurts Uncle Sam your people back home. for award of skill level 3. There is a solution. You can help stem our Government's gold Erroneous classifications and drain by purchasing American-mad- e products and enrolling in a promotions in these MOS are savings plan. Remember, the Uniformed Services Savings Deposit enlistdetrimental die to usually Program pays 10 percent interest overseas. ed person, especially when proAs President Johnson said: The time has now come for decisive motion and proficiency pays are action designed to luring our balance of payments to or close to involved. equilibrium in the year ahead. The need is a national and internaThere will be no waivers of tional responsibility of the highest priority. Do your port buy American and save American dollars. the formal training requirements (AFPS) for these MOS. 611-20- EASTER TODAY (300-91C2- 0) by CH (LTC) Glenn D. Lauby This Easter season our world is very conscious of that portion of the earth where Christ lived and died nearly two thousand yean ago. We are reminded that He did not live and die as other men. His suffering and agony was willingly home for each one of us. We can see ourselves in die failure of his disciples. . of diet historical scene is turned to However, die d consider fact of His resurrection. when we the Joy For the Christian, this is more than die traditional observance of a religious festival, for the reality of die risen Christ is best known when He is seen living again in the lives of His H-- We need to hear Him say again, because 1 live, ye dull live also. John 14:19 It is our hope and prayer that this Easter shall be a time of spiritual renewal in our individual lives and in the life of our As we spend some time in His presence today, we shall be prepared for His tomorrow. Just A Wheel You can make me take the children to school. You can turn me down the sunny road to town. With me, you can nuh the injured to be healed. You can go in minutes to places that once were hours away. You can make magic. of an eye or the tick of your watch, can turn killer. I can snuff out the life of an adult or child, maybe evn your child. I can turn a smile into tears. 1 can wreck, cripple and destroy. With die power at my disposal 1 can crumple, enuh and twist stocL, . . I can deal out death fester dun a plague. Tm' no respecter of persotot: a child, a grandmother, even you, Its all the feme to me. Yet, in QUICK L- CAROS FOR GUYS WHO OF ABE SICK K.P.f MOON New Booklet Out On Vet Benefits The (AFPS) Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents is now available from the Government Printing Office in Washington, D. C. Published by the Veterans Administration, the new booklet reflects new legislation changes including the Veterans Pension and Readjustment Assistance Act of 1967. Among other legislative changes, this Act gives Vietnam veterans the same benefits available to other wartime veterans. The bcekWt also gives the 'addresses and phone numbers of more than 170 VA installaFire-safe- ? tions throughout the 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, the Canal Zone and the PhilipPaper clothing may become a fire hazard if laundered, dry cleaned, or soaked by rain, reports pine Islands. finish the gar the U.S. Public Health Service. Such treatment may remove whatever Single copies may be obtained clean- ardous purposes might present a for 20 cents from the Superinment may have had originally. clothing, such as radio-actiU.S. The PHS has asked the Na- up, beryllium materials handl- temptation to extend the garments tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, tional Bureau of Standards to ing or pesticide handling, should life by cleaning. Washington, D. C. 20492. Unless tests show that cleantest some new garments for their preclude any attempt to reclaim or reuse the garments. Put your money flame retardance. ing or laundering has no deleteriUse for less potentially haz- - ous effect on flame retardance, Some industrial uses of paper where your heart is- it would seem logical to disin America card when soiled. Needless to say, if a new garU.S. SAVINSS BONDS ment will flash bum, it should NSW FREEDOM SHARES not be used at sill Washington 1968 edition of (311-92B3- 0) flame-retarda- nt ve die blink 1 v Im sensitive. I respond instantly to the hands you SELL 'MOST KAYO -- EVEN YEH, GET-WEL- Are Paper Clothes Im just a wheel a steering wheel and youre my captain Behind me, youre the lord and master of a miracle. . (312-91Q2- 0) Are there any suggestions for improving the service at the post exchange? Boyd Basore, resident manager, asked this week. BASMRE POINTED out that any idea, comment or suggestion to further improve the operation of the post exchange was welcome. Customer suggestion forms are available in the post exchange along with special deposit boxes.i Any complaint regarding merchandise, sales personnel, concession service or food in the snack bar should be reported so that corrective action can be1 taken. Basore said, Too many times a complaint remains unresolved because . the customer will not take the time to let us know what ' is wrong. It only takes a minute, or two to fill out a form. IN A RECENT survey conducted by the exchange more than 68 per cent of those customers surveyed were aware of the customer suggestion form. We are now trying to reads the other 33 per cent, Basore concluded. WOW? TH PX MUST ! give me. Cive me calm hands, steady hands, careful hands and Im your friend. d Cive me unsteady hands, hands, reckless hands and Im your enemy. A menace to the life, die happiness, the future of every youngster Every person riding, walking, working, playing. I was made for pleasure and usefulness. me that way. Im in your hands. Keep . ' fuzzy-minde- Im just a wheel a steering wheel Youre my captain. Behind me, youre the lord and master of a miracle or a tragedy Its up to you. ... . ECONOMY PORTABLE TV WS DELUXE PORTABLE TV INSTA-VIEW-Pictu- Weighs only 15 lbs. for 0) $88 NOW ONLY re and Sound almost real portability 74 aq. in. pic tare Durable polystyrene cabinet with beautiful champagne finish VHF-UH- F antennas for allchannel reception immediate Big 172 Sq. In. Picture Built-I- n Antenna Front Controls Front Sound Walnut Finished Side Panels NOW 'M153SCH M426DWD if r . 5 129 ONLY EVERYlUNITfCARRIESlTHElfAMOUS!GENERAUEI.ECTRICiFACTORYiWARRAHTY BIGGEST COLOR TV BARGAIN DI66ESI SCREED C0L0D latlaiiva P0RTA-C0L0- R TUNINU" Magic MiNNvy CoNlwIi Bear CstarTabo 46 Sq. la. Pktare PncUahMai Cbcsll o ILIS MLBS. NOW ONLY FREE 199 I 7 M907DWD 55K Q&GS&Ssf SaWQsaP 816 MS Sq. la. Plclore J NOW ONLY AMKRtCAN m Csariai Aataaaa $a Jf Jf Antenna with Color Console GO (gC9 afe KAimm IARLT Sale Ends This Saturday Unde Sam doesnt permit anyone to charger taxes. If you are a you can hit short, however as a Bank Americard holder Bank. get a cash advance at any First Security For the necessities of life other than taxes, remember that thouso sands of stores and businesses welcome Bank America rd need. you can charge other things you mm 8BT rauSi O "MITIB SUIOI mm ll? k J |