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Show CI Ctvule rosh, mm The Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel effort will be made to assign emphasize! that an "all-oa- t" a soldier volunteering; for a second Vietnam tour to the unit of his choke. When a soldier submits his application for a second tour, with a request for assignment to a specific unit, every possible effort will be made to place him in the unit he wants. If the applicant cannot be placed in that unit or within the appropriate major command in Vietnam because no requirement exists in his grade and MOS, he is given the opportunity for training in another MOS with a deploying unit, or he may request that his application be withdrawn. The eligibility requirements for barial in post cemeteries have been changed to Include all retired members of the Armed Forces of the United States and their Immediate dependents. Previous regulations limited barial in poet cemeteries to Armed Forces members dying oa active slaty, certain of their dependents, and a limited amber of other categories of personnel. Retired personnel were eligible only if a member of their Immediate family already had been interred In the cemetery. The January 1968 Retired Army Bulletin, DA Pamphlet 600--1, includes a guide to Veterans Administration service which will be of special interest to retirees and their dependents. The pamphlet describes VA facilities and benefits and lists mailing addresses for VA- offices throughout the country. The bulletin is available from The Adjutant General's Office, Department of the Army, ATTN: AGPO-AWashington, D. C. 20315. Two teams of officers from the 15th Cfvfl Affairs Grasp at Fort Gordon, Ga, will travel to 17.8. Army installations throughout the United States daring the first half of 1N8 to present lectures oa dvfl affairs. The three-ma- n teama will conduct training sessions for instructors in each fonllusntsl U.S. Army area to assist units In obtaining qualified instructors for dvil affairs programs. During this month, ike dvfl affairs teams an working in the First VA. Army area, including Forts Bel voir, Meade, Dix, Devon, Knox, Lea, and EbbUs. BEEF TENDER-AGE- D Hp - C, fSSSS-For SLICED DAC0H . Savory Slew Commissioning in a specific branch will not be guaranor college option Outer Candidate teed to School applicant after May 1. According to the change, both applicants and college option enlistees may list three branch preferences hi which a commission la desired. One of these choke must be a combat arm (Infantry, Artillery, Armor). All OC8 applicant wffl also be required to sign a statement of understanding that although they listed branch preferences they will accept a commission in any branch as determined by the Department of the Army. The Enlisted Efficiency Report (EER) will replace the Commander's Evaluation Report (CER) on April 1. The new EER will be used for military occupational specialty (MOS) evaluation testing beginning m May. Depart-- , ment of the Army Circular 611-1- 0 contains full detail on tiie new EER (DA Form 1166). Lt a ' WESTERN FAMIL-Y- SMOKED FLAVOR GRD. CHUCK Pure Beef BEEF LIVER ' Tender . . . Samuel R. Loboda, Commanding Otto , UJS. Army Band, has been awarded a National Recognition CoL Jt V --SJ"1,,. II I Award. The award, presented by Freedom Foundation, was for his "exemplary leadership, soldierly qualities and patriotk purposes found hi the many facets of hie creative direction s commander of the world-famoUJS. Amy Band. Colonel Loboda, who baa composed and arranged over 60 scores. Joined the Army in 1941. He became lead--' r of the Army Band, "Pershing's Own," hi 1964. In 19M ho was responsible for ergaaizmg a chorus of Army bandsmen, later activated as a separate nit, the UJS. Army Chorus. A TENDER - ROUND STEAK STEAK HE iP BEEF FAVORITE BEEF, BONE-I-N FULL-CU- T, lefcl (3 freshly Ground Fresh, Young, And T-B0- SILUOIM STEAK .... ' i!!?""!! II P1IREX D1EACH ALPO DOG FOOD -- 2SgW. i BROWNE Ml us . A new film for use in orienting troops slated for overseas duty has been prepared by the Army's Office of the Chief of Information. The 16mm film coven the bask elements of overseas duty requirements, including the Code of Conduct It U 17 minutes in length and will be available at the end of June through Service Centers under the code AIF-1- 6 (DA Pamphlet Audio-Visu- 108-9- ). The Veterans Administration has published a pamphlet cational assistance under the Veterans' Readjustment Western Family Ekand eduBene- fits Act of 1966. VA Pamphlet is being distributed to all education centers at military installations around the S UbbyBrand j mtmm mis al that outlines the application requirements for obtaining S Duncan Hines Lcryer HflW 6aBCort Nj fruit NEfSEAt; 21-66- -1 world. It k should be consulted by active duty personnel and veterans before making any application for education aid. The Army's new V 19rVxkoge ' system of "Redcon-Redcape-Rede- reporting a unit's state of readiness is the subject of Speech-makNumber 28, a talk prepared by the Army's Command Information Unit The same subject is treated in detail by Lt Col. Edwin W. Emerson of the U. S. Army Infantry School in an article titled The Army Readiness Program" published in the issue of Infantry 171 Msy-Jun- magazine. DA has reduced the k tfll 171 R er slide-illustrat-ed Pans No. 303 Cans J 50 ftnlpPg requirement for promotion to grade E-- 4 from years to one year. Five months of the new one-yeminimum may be waived. The change will be included in the newly revised AR. 600-20-0 covering standardized enlisted promotion criteria. time-in-serv- ice ar to be contained in the revised AR 0 personnel to be considered for promomissing, captured, detained, or hosof hostile action, provided they were fully qualified prior to their change in status. Time spent in a casualty statu wffl be included in computing promotion eligibility. Promotion authority will be transferred to DA or the medical facility commander when an individual is dropped from his unit's rolls. (ANF) Another change permits enlisted tion while they are pitalised as a result 600-20- Used and Freight Damaged Appliances 19 East Vine, Tooele Slightly Damaged Specials Was '179 '259 Speed Queen Washer Gi. Washer t ! r s '269 '619 Motorola Color TV Used Specials G.L Washer Westinghouse Washer Also Save on Other New and Used Appliances 1 1 10?; 25g&-p9- & - TK BtJStf- -- 9 g 1 1 IN W CANS J iSCF 1 1 W INCANS Y9)4 W-l-y WlSH PRAWIN6 WIU. 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