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Show TEST RUN, Friday, August 4, 1967 An Ad a BgjjO lit 5 1 . V 0 ay VJontt Bring fJlaney Vour VJay! VJill EAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: 5 ccnti per word - Regular (Ugh face type) Business (da face type) 10 centi per word 50 cents per issue Up to one inch (monthly rate) 1 per inch - Over one inch (monthly rate) Woodward Roalty WHO CAN afford to pay rent when you can own a very nice two bedroom home with payments of less than $65 a mo. on a VA loan? Masonry construction, carpeted, draped, cheerful kitchen with lots of cabinets and on a large lot Needs some outside in more information For repairs. call Dottie Keysar, Display ads MONTHLY RATES are far consecutive insertions only, with no changes. Except with business firms and individuals who maintain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a classified ad should be reported immedifor one inconet insertion ately. The paper is responsible $1 JO per iqch only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in the TEST RUN, a newspaper distributed to 1,000 Dugway Proving Cround residents and woen, twice monthly, without additional charge. DEADLINE far classified ads is 11:00 a.m. day of publication. GRADUATION ?EjEfrr Rose School, M. ceremonies at Ft. Sam Houston Medical Field Major Munchback, right, received commendation limn Brigadier General Gfen j. Collins, commander of Ft. Sam Houston MFSS, and from LTC Jeanne M. Trawy, kft, Director Department of Nursing Science, for superior accomplishment as the outstanding Army Nurse Officer in the Medical Service Career Course. Major Munch- ProVi"S Cr0UDd n 0 and i. the new DUWy room none at operating thTuSAIL Ser-vic- e Former WAC Visits DPG After Absence 23-Ye- ar Program Helps Medical Rejects 882-232- 1. ' FOR RENT SPECIAL NOTICES AAaEte Inlay well kept two bedFOR SALE room home, wall to wall carpet throughout. Garage and patio. 153 South 5th St. Ph CRI 882-108- A permanent program to help several thousand men meet medi- SERVICES FENDER GUITARS - amps. Salt Lake prices. As low as $8 down, and $8 per month. Chau-doi- n Music, 220 S. Main, Tooele. or FREE PICK UP AND DEUVERY UNTIL JUNE 1 Lawn mowers, precision sharpened. All makes. Small engine repair. Saws, scissors, knives sharpened. Cal Farrington, 267 Marvista Lane. Full time. 882-108- S8..-33- GRAIN FED steer for sale whole 9 or half phone 882-208- -4 DELUXE wood CRAFTSMAN shaper with extra knives, It II. P. motor with metal stand used very little Phone CR1 882-000- 4. NEW WURLITZER Story and Clark and Sohmer pianos $495 and up. Fred Cunard, CRI WE REPAIR all makes of stereos, radios. Hack and white or color TVs. Fast Guaranteed service. Special service to Dugweek. Al and way once each Lid Furniture and Appliance. CIU 882-096- 4. 882-261- 4. NEW two 882-261- 4. used O 1 882-15- Wurlitzer manual organ. $689. Fred Cunard, ph. DOWN-FL- Croo call SHOEING HORSE Jensen 882-132- 7. FURNISHED APARTMENTS two a and three rooms. New kitchens HAINES BPOE ELKS NO. 173 and appliances, including elecand 2nd at MEETINCS REALTY tric ranges, automatic gas heat, TUESDAYS at 8" pro. conditioned. air recrea191 North Main Large CRI at 61 N. MAIN tion area. Rates start at $75 OFFERS month with all utilities per MOOSE OF LOYAL ORDER furnished. Rent by day, week,, BIG PRICE REDUCTION NO. 2031 with basemonth or year. Linen service CHOICE DUPLEX third unit. MEETi CS WED. 8 p.m. for ment possibly available. WESTERN APART2 PHONE Reduced $1500. Buy equity TooNorth 515 Main, MENT, and assume balance of Mortele Phone 882-00AMERICAN LEGION Post 17 age. meetings 2nd and 4th Thun- - FURNISHED BACHELOR APT. LEVEL three bedCRI days, 8 pro. immediate occupancy, cooking LARGE TRI with room many choice feafacilities, air conditioned, 365 tures, fire place, sliding glass East Vine. L&S Apts., Call extra large doors, built in CRI walkin shower. Reduced $500 FOR RENT 5 room house unby equity assume Mortgage. furnished 539 North Garden . MONEY TO BE made on this in Phone 884-55P4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY the future 2 bedroom resident- ial home in Commercial district .FOR SALE 1962 Chev. Corvair FOR RENT OR LEASE - 8,000 Convertible left front fender newly painted appraised $10 .Old Vista 000 floor ft. needs reasonable Phone space. sq. repair liner Building a rear of Post Tooele Office P4 Office, 83 N. Main. This build(hill fend-' POR SALE. 57 Renault $50 ing was built for a body, Evenings: 8823568 8824556 Grantsville Office er and paint drop with two 271 North 2nd Street P-- 4 114 West Main Street restrooms, paint booth, plenty of office space, air condition- Phone ONE BEDROOM furnished apt. ed and gas furnace heat. Inbed$110. Unfurnished one two bedquire O. T. Barrus, 87 North room apt. $95. 260 N. 1st E. HOUSE FOR SALE Main Street Phone 6th. South of 195 corner Ph 8824597 CRI room, So. 380 West, 419 at Inquire or phone 8821607. No down WANTED FURNISHED APT suitable for ' miscellaneous Lennox oil furnace 0 yr. $100. ELEukK! IRON repairing. All makes. Steam irons cleaned and repaired. ELMERS, 38 CRI WEST VINE. 884-662- CERAMIC TILE contractor. New and remodel. Free estimates. 7 Call or 8824597. second HAY FOR SALE crop Aug. 28 $25 ton in the field. W. A. 4 Ph Lauritzen, Erda. DRAPERIES Ready Made or Custom Built. All fabnevrsodem designs. CORDONFURNITURfi FOR SALE $90 100 percent . . CO. 60 So. Main. human hair fall for $65. CRI 4 after Honey blonde 882-285- F-t- o Mrs. Haydee Hood Weaver recently returned to visit Dugcal standards by enlistment in way after being away for 23 years. Mrs. Weaver was accompanied by her husband, Paul F. Weaver. the armed service of their choice Mrs. Weaver first arrived at Dugway in March, 1943. She has been established by the DeW wwhicha member of Dugway s World War II WAC detachment fense Department. included over 100 girls. IT IS CALLED the Medi5 p.m. 4 SHE WORKED as a tech- had been coal heated by an old cally Remedial Enlistment Pro' nician in the Photo Lab and had Franklin stove. She also said that gram. HAVE YOUR insurance rats, UPRICIIT underwood USED K: experience in processing and in they used blankets for window A pilot program began in Che ou low rates. gone up? blinds. Noiseless typewriter $25. call and 216 men have now : feature and portrait photography. INSURANCE PEDERSENS Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are February 8824943. 4 She was often used as a substibeen enlisted under its ' provi2. AGENCY. living in Spokane, Washington, tute for persons cm leave. sions. All services are partici: CRI Alter her recent tour, Mrs. but they like to travel. They are pating. P4-1HORSES for sale 6 . 5 Weaver remarked that she was now taking about a month to The new program is limited most impressed with the new tour the western states. to men with certain disqualifyTREE TRIMMINC AND USED CARE CREASE rack will facilities at the Photo Lab. She ing medical conditions that can REMOVAL. FOR FREE lift up to 2 ton trucks See is a retired school teacher but be corrected at military faciliCALL 8823110. ESTIMATE Beeline or O.K. Tire Store she still likes photography as a ties within six weeks following Electric will run off 110 line enlistment. hobby; she said the color pro--:- x $100. Mr. Boyd Basore has replaccesses in the lab make her wish MEDICAL conditions acCUSTOM KILL1NC, UNDER that she would work here again. ed Mr. Harold Halter as PX ceptable under the program inSTATE INSPECTION. Mrs. Weaver has recognized resident manager. FOR SALE - BY OWNER'-- , clude cases requiring minor surMr. Basore arrived, here from CHOICE GRADE A BEEF lovely three bedroom, large: ir many changes at Dugway. She gery, and specified degrees of 49 CENTS; GRAIN FED 1 brick home, beautifully landJsaid that during World War II Crand Forks Air Force Base, No. I overweight and underweight 1 'there were only a few civilians Dakota, where he was also with ! which can be corrected by physi-th- e PORK, 40 CENTS; LAMBS, scaped and fenced. Sprinkling 53 CENTS; MUTTON. . exchange service. . cal , here and people in Salt Lake system, dog run, large enclosconditioning and diet Mr. Halter departed for PRICES INCLUDE ed. Playhouse, fine wool carAfter treatment, recruits will y City didnt even know that necessary. 0 payment middle aged couple 7 PROCESSING EXPERIENCED mechanic wantCRI existed. She also remember-e- d signment at Davies Montham AFB be retained under medical confully pet throughout, draped, 8,1 1,15 P4, built-in Arizona. kitchen and appliances. ed at Bonneville Motors. Top that troops from many foreign trol until certified as folly qualiAnother new face in the PX fied to undergo the Full basement, large finished CUSTOM Slaughtering at your of salary, top health benefits, v; countries and especially - from rigors ' corral. Professional wo. You CRI APT FOR rent new two bedroom FOR SALE unfurnished home, rental unit. vacation. ..Canada,- - Australia and Britain is Mr. William Mac Kay who is normal basic combat training. Terra 1300 sq ft. water, power 259 North fumance, 65 East 1st No. call us - we do the rest. inq. 8821035 gas era staying here. responsible for the main !tore Chess " Set jiw available $3984. call 8821937 1st West P-' MRS. WEAVER 'was also operation. WHOLESALE meat - USDA j done my EXPERT , Babysitting P- 29 Mr. Aug. is of native a Choice faGranites with the MacKay The Aristocrat. annual Armed Forces impressed eighth housing 0( home, call 8823097 ' MAGNA $85 one bedroom comHalf or WhgJf, 50 cents lb. cilities at English Village. She Utah and has recently joined the Chess Championship Tournament TOR SALE mare and cold 882 will be held Oct 8 furnished in Wash Utilities Price includes processing. remembered that their barracks PX system. pletely GET IN ON THE BIG tournament HOUSE FOR SALE - two Iwd 2836 P-- 4 8 ington, New included. wall to wall TOOELE ICE AND COLD Bowl. For Tooele at underway 1 room, comer of 195 South 6th STORAGE carpet, drapes or information call 882-32- P; 25 Inquire at 419 So. 380 West, CHOICE HAY for sale Tony Phone 8822601 or 8821179 Aug. desk CRI OsO at register or phone 8821607. - . . Castagno 8821415 CRI ''CRI FOR RENT five roan modern e STEADY part-timWOMEN house partly furnished 328 r wo-foCUSTOM CEMENT WORK job. Interesting survey So. 2nd West. P4 BARGAIN PRICE on Country FOR SALE - baby crib, one iron home from local Oil Co. Driveways, patios, sidewalks, bedstead store for with sale, two groincluding springs, for residents of Tooele - Grantsetc. FOR RENT 3 room apt partly Exp. wokmanship. Guarbuildone used ceries, dry goods, house, rocking chairs, ville areas. NO SELLING. anteed. P-- 4 furnished staSo. washer. 8823(68 382 service 2nd equipment, wringer ing, Guaranteed hourly rate. Send FREE ESTIMATES West. tion, all for $35,000. Postmascard or letter to Tooele TransCall 8821060 ' o Sept. 21 FURNISHED ROOM available ter to apt possibly job cript Box 390 Tooele, Utah after 5 p.m. Call 882-31qualified party. May take clear and you will be contacted. ORSO.Y WORTHEN house in Tooele as trade. Peder- NEW POTATOES and green 4 Include PHONE NO. 4 and painting contracRoofing sweet now corn at Real Estate son ready 66 Cad Sedan DeVille full power & air tor; lionded roofs and workFarm. You are in for a TWO BEDROOM apt carpeting, real treat when you get com manship; grafiteing shingles HAWAIIAN mother will tend drapes, refrigerator range, and roof coating. Ph children newborn to air conditioning $105 Aone : HOME FOR SALE in Grantsville. right out of field. Try it. 575 CRI Soifth Coleman. 29 S. Hale. 8821925. ECI at my home in Grantsville. 0 P MODERN 4 room basement apt --AWN MOWER SHARPENING' BEST AREA in west Salt Lake. CARDEN EQUIP, REPAIR at Phone Lakeview 8824190 s, FOR ANY kind of yard wo call Brick, foil basement, four 64 M G 1100 2 dr SMALL Willie ENGINE REPAIR Johnson . 2 down. 2 Land-of 8822488 P4 up, NOTICE TO RESIDENTS SAW SERVICE. -5538 Erda bedroom brick RENT FOR three Grantsville scaped, drapes. Tooele carpet, 64 Grand Prix air cond R. J. BURRASTON, 136 Utah -wanted Elaine Ave. BEAUTY OPERATOR basement 8821785 Lakepoint - Clover - St. John Tooele. Ave, CRI at Russell's Barber and Beauty DAILY SERVICE 63 Grand Prix air cond Stockton. Wed. We bedroom two bane WELL KEPT DUGWAY EVERY Shop 3 BEDROOM APT Lake Point washen-dryer- s 63 Pontiac Catalina Sedan air cond. KEYS MADE and cmnbinations wall to wall carpet throughApts Lake Point repair all makes of I WILL TEND children, sewing, out. Garage and patio. 153 So. - stoves - TVs - color! changed. 8821871. 63 Dodge 880 Sedan air cond 25 P 6 5th St. 8821327. TRAILER SPACES FOR RENT-lar- ge black and white - radios - car - Stereos - tape or CRI reasonable home and rent, lots, 62 Chev 4 dr V8 stick natural gas in all spaces. Homerecord players - C. B. equip SAGE KENNELS louixliiig cats, WE BUY watches Diamonds stead Trailer Court, 871 So. We sell and install antennas. 62 Pontiac Catalina sedan air cond small dogs 75 cents day. LargFOR SALE 3 bedroom Brick large T.V., APP. k old gold or better still trade SPARKS Coleman Street. er breeds $1. family room, choice area $20(K) o 62 Cad Sedan full power them in on new ones. Bateman 315 West Peach, Grantsville, Aug. 4 1M June 30 below appraizes 882 1785 Utah. FOR SERVICE CALL: Jewelry The Service Store for $21,850 Selling 62 Volkswagen sun roof -TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT or CRI 1 MOVING ACROSS COUNTRY? reasonable rates. 8821920. Very FOR SALE three liedrooin SECURITY FIRST 61 Cad Fleetwood full power & air. Lovely in Pine 4 MOVING ACROSS TOWN? K & .K PROPERTIES home. See at 390 Highland We know were doing maqy Can von has been posted. No Cad Sedan DeVille Full power & air Drive 8822610 or phone althings right. Were giving Hunting or Tresspassing $12, (NX) subject to VA AppraisBUILDING LOT 1 acres Terra who are moving the lowed'. P- - October 6 LOCAL BUS SERVICE Ford Galaxie sedan very very clean . . people o 5 al Phone share in well $1313. Sept. treatment they expect. BusiDaily service between Inter8821937. P. Aug 29 nesslike - Professional. Comnational Smelting and Refin0 .- it VEHICLES BUILDING LOT for sale 519 FOR SALE duplex inquire 882 ing Company and Tooele-Too-el- e plete storage too. Call 882 1370 for free estimate. 2783 P- - to Aug. 31. Army Depot and Tooele, Holly Excellent location 882 BARTON Chartered Service anywhere TRUCK P LINE, 0711. 59 Olds 4 dr sedan FOR SALE BY OWNER - Hume within the Slate of Utah. In25 N. Main 940 INC, MISCELLENOUS INTL.Travelall V-excell1965 3 T. O. 8821380 room lied level, Barrus, split quire condi-tio59 Pontiac Bonneville Vista or 8822621. All passengers ent location carpeting, drapes positraction, excellent FOR SALE - by owner - will Reduced Price. Cun or FOR SALE Electronic test 5 extras equip399 fully insured. many 58 Olds Sedan garage, sell fur FHA appraisal trade for equity. Ph 8820004. ment, tulies, parts, tods, 4 CLI rambler, i(XX) sq. ft. full rool drafting table, tallies, 58 Ford 2 dr. h.t BY MISTAKE from I.D. TAKEN misc. liaseuient.familvniuni.awuings, FOR SALE at Terra 3 liedmoin HONDA motorcycle sports model Section. sun built ins. Ph 8822984 after Prescription 58 Cad Sedan home large closets, complete 50 ex. 8824183 4:30. glasses. Please return to PMO, 22 SUPER STUFF sure nufi Thats kitchen i utility large living Dugway. Blue for Lustre cash 1968 TEMPEST sharp, $100 room water power 1390 sq. cleaning Rent Tugs and upholstery. lot call 8821937 29 plus take over payments call PICKUPS SEWING MACHINE REPAIRelectric shampooer $1. Cordon 4 after 5:30 8820226 FOR SALE 1962 Chev. Corvair ING. All makes and m'xlels. Furniture Co. 60 So. Main C- -l 3 FOR SALE lednxm trailer, 60 Chev. pickup convertible left front fender Parts and service. 1957 RENAULT, 1961 Renault 10x47 ft. See Jay Shields, needs repairs reasonable Ph. 157 West Vine Phone 8821317 SAVE TIME by cleaning 4 0 Ph. Canvon. Pine carpet 8821499 P-- 4 with new Host and walk on 4 FOR SALE used luipher reason54 Chev pickup immediately. Rent Machine $1 GET IN ON the big Tournaable used concrete blocks Cordon Furniture Co. 60 So. FOR SALE Toro Pony Boy Rider ment underway at Tooele 5 and 10 Rabbits 8822655 64 Ford & Camper Main. C- -l Lawn mower like new original BEAUTIFUL quality piano availcall Bowl. For information weekends after 4:30 and able in ymir area fur only $13 8823204 or register at desk price $425. Sale price $175. HAY FOR SALE - pasture grass' per month. Simple 6 permit terms 8821614 CRI FOR SALE 265 Cal. Oil Barrel interest a; unpaid lialanc-e- . and alfalfa mix. 85 cents Iwle. 44 1st full of heating with stand, Write Credit Dept. 3719 So. Also, good irrigated pasture Vl.l 57 Renault $50 oil, $85. Call 8822430 after State St, Salt Lake Citv, Ut. for cattle and hones. Glen 8821066 1 271 North 2ml Street 4:30 p.m. 4 NU 15. CRI Nelson. 8823275. 8 , 62 882-022- 7. 882-251- 882-088- pniwfw New Faces At 882-357- 882-266- 882-14- Post Exchange tfl 884-663- 5 882-268- 1. C-2- -8 Dug-'v,wa- 882-367- 884-383- Tournament P-1--8 21-2- -- 297-245- , -3 P-t- P-1- Be-va- ns 882-357- 2. -8 pre-scho- 882-405- 5. ol 884-552- 7. 882-306- 4. -8 884-661- bed-room- P-- - 298-971- 8. to: 882-301- --4-8 882-070- 5. 884-505- 5. P-t- 884-506- 884-390- 5. BankAmericard P-t- g. 8, n. 882-009- 882-009- 5. P-- 4 882-439- 882-225- Stoker Motor C o East Phone Hoit P-- g. I |