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Show DPG Officers Undefeated Ely Golfers Edge Dugway 7 to win On July 28-3Ely golfer outshot Dugway the annual championship and the rotating trophy by ax strokes. Dugway sponsored the touma ment which was attended by 34 men and lady golfers from Ely. Audrey White of Dugway shot the low gross score of 77. Jack Parks had the low gross score for Ely with an 85. Ken Nerdin of Dugway shot the lowest net score 931-83- 0, The Dugway Officers are still continuing their torrid pace in the intramural softball league, Welfare sponsored and by Credit Union Morale. Sponsors Trip of 71. In the ladies competition there was a three-wa-y tie for the low gross score. Mrs. Alice Parker of Ely along with Mn. Ann Bush and Mrs. Mel Rogers of Dugway shot65's for nine holes. Mrs. Cala Me Clure of Dugway had the ladies low net score with a 58. A mixer and coctail party was held on July 28 at the NCO club. On Saturday night, July 29, there was a cock- tail party and banquet at the Officers club. Awards and presentations were given after the banquet. Several special awards were also presented on July 29. Mrs. Faye McKenzie of Ely won the sportsmanship award. Bob Eldard from Hill AFB shot a 127 to win the duffer award. Ray Smith of Dugway also won a special award for shooting a 16 cm the third The Officers top the league with an unblemished 11-record to hold sole possession of first place in games through last Thursday. The 65th MP Platoon is 2 and one half games back id the league leaders with an 2 0 Dugways Credit Union is giving away an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas in a contest this fall. The winner will receive transportation and spend- 8-- mark. ing money plus three days and two nights at a leading hotel. The whole trip is worth over ' Holding down third place in the standings is the Civilian team with a 6--3 slate. CBR is fourth with a 5 record, while Headquarters Company is fifth with a 3--6 slate. Hospital is sixth with a 7 record, edging out Sigmet (0-to escape the cellar. The complete standings through games of July 27 include: $150. 4-- The contest is open to all members of the credit union with the exception of its' officers and employees. I TEST RUN, Friday, August 4, 1967 Members will chance for every posited in their contest started cm will continue til receive $5 share account. August 1 one de- October. 31. - hole. ALL-STAR- S All-St- The and Foreign countries all seem to have the same motto: Yan- -. kee, go home and leave us a loan.' Human Events - Pictured above are members of the Dugway Little League LITTLE LEAGUE The local team which placed second in the district tournament at Nephi last week. Salt Lake and Southeast City, before team, coached by Tom Donnelly, defeated Fillmore finals. bowing to Juab County in the LITTLE MISS KIMBERLY HANSEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Hansen, picked up a pair of awards recently in the District one Junior Horse Show in Tooele. Miss Hansen proudly displays a first place trophy for winning the Western h Equitation and a fourth place ribbon die won in the mile quarter horse race. one-eight- Hansen Youth Grabs Trophy STANDINGS: Officers 11 0 1.000 MP Platoon 8 2 .800 Civilians 6 3 .667 CBR 4 5 .444 HHC 3 6 .333 Hospital 1 7 .125 Sigmet 0 9 .000 DPG Little League Squad Places Second in District Golf Tourney - The Dugway Little League team finished NEPHI County, in the District One Tournament here last week. Is Slated Here All-St- ar runner-u- to the host team, Juab p DUGWAY'S LITTLE Leaguers, coached by Torn Donnelly, dropped a 6 heartbreaker in seven innings to Juab County in the finals of the tournament last Saturday. Juab's team plays today in the finals of the Utah State Little League Tournament at Cedar City. Dugway reached the finals of the district tourney liy defeating Fillmore, 12-- 2 in the opening round and then trouncing Southeast Salt Lake City, 33,7, in the second round. r, fanned 16 and walked five in Against Fillmore, Dugway 's Steve Outram fired a neat hurling the victory. The big men at the plate for Dugway in this game were Kevin Donnelly, Jim Jlit-chand Danny Eisenbise with two hits each. Ashliy Bovle slapped a triple, while Outrain and Donnelly added 7-- Two young members of die 3 On August and 20 the Skull Valley Riders Club par- 54 hole Dugway championship ticipated. in the District One tournament will lie held at the Junior Horse Show in Tooele on Frank 'Skull golf course. The tournament will be played in July 15. flights and foil handicaps will lie Kimberly Hansen, daughter given. of Mr. and Mrs." Veldon Hansen will Prizes of merchandise of Dugway, picked up two tro- be awarded all winners at a rate phies in the show. She won first of one prize per six entries. There place in the Western Equitation will also be a trophy given to and fourth place in the the person with the low gross mile quarter horse race. score for each flight. Also representing the Skull The entry foe is $5 per person Valley Club in the event was to lie returned 100 percent in Nancy Bums, daughter of Colo- prizes. Persons interested in nel Richard L. Bums of Dugway. participating in the tournament Both girls participated in the may sign up at the pro shop. 3 age group competition. They competed against 50 entries from eight other riding The city on wheels Los dubs. is converting to reAngeles Adult members of the Skull flective street-name- s signs to Valley Riders will participate in help motorists find their way after the District One Horse Show in dark, according to S. S. Taylor, city Tooele on August 11 and 12. traffic engineer. 12-1- one-eigh- th COLONEL JAMES H. WATTS, second from right, presents the rotating golf trophy to from John Ingiebretson, president of the Ely Coif Association. Bob Boiyce1, the also the at of are ceremony. pictured Dugway Ely and SFC William C. Roy pro-golf- one-hitte- ie third inning and a four-ru- n DUGWAY PUT the game out of Fillmores reach with a seven-ru- n fifth frame. . Against the Salt Lake City team, the Dugway youngsters romped unmericfully. The locals banged out a total of 23 hits in running up the 337 score. The slugging stars for this game included Chauncey Kendall with four hits in seven trips, including five runs batted in, Donnelly wito four hits in five trips and two RBI's, Boyle with three hits in four trips and four RBI's, and Outram with two hits in six trips and five RBIs. Outram's big blow was a grand slam home run in the fourth inning. Boyle slapped homer in the second inning. Dugway 's biggest outbreaks were a 13run second inning and a a three-ru- n n fourth frame. Kendall was the winning hurler for Dugway against the Salt Lake Team. He scattered seven hits, struck out 11 and walked 14 in putting DPC into the tourney finals. lead into lxittom of the sixth inning. IN THE TOURNEY championship tilt, Dugway took a The Juab pitcher, 'Varner, poled a two-ohome run to tie the game and send it into extra innings. In the seventh, a single, a passed ball and two wild pitches scored the winning mn for the home town 12-ru- 6-- 5 boys. Outram suffered the loss for Dugway, despite hurling five-h- it hall, striking out 12 and walking 11. He also hit a home run for Dugway. Outran and Kendall had two safeties each for Dugway. Vjb &i 9la & Srrh Appliance 54 SOUTH MAIN Tooeles Largest and Most Modern Furniture & Appliance Store FREE CUSTOMER PARKING IN REAR THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN ELECTRONICS 2-spe- ed, washer with new SUPER SOAK for heavily 3-cy- cle soiled clothes! youre first in Color TV, there's lot to be i more hihliht brightness this raeson. And 31 of the reason why youll prefer one is just year When RCA sK from debate dothes extra scrubbing" really dean. GCNTLE coaxes BUDGET TERMS! fabrics. And mom washday convenience. Victor Color. YSliMpooL unrs voter 1 SUPHI SOAK cycle gives extra-dirt- y NOftMAl guts uvuryday things Labor and parts yr. Warranty 2 yr. Parts and Labor Warranty i ; |