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Show TEST RUN, Friday, August 4, 1967 SUKPIN& BAGS ALL-MAS- hi an And Then There Were Three! In an age when changing something often mean making it more complicated, the Army has bucked the trend by coming up with a decision to streamline its venerable 11 General Orders by making them simpler. Sentries are now required to know by heart only three General Orders as they walk their posts: No. 1: I will guard everything within tiro limits of my and post quit my post only when properly relieved." No. 2: I will obey my special order and perform all of my duties in a military manner." " No. 3: I will emerreport violations of my special orders, comthe to and covered gencies, anything not by my instructions, mander of the relief. But dont smile too broadly about the reduced drain on dm memory processes the order cutting out eight other orders also provides that each post will supplement the general orders with a set of "realistic, detailed, and mission-oriente- d special orders" tailored fur the particular area and situation. The revised general orders are carried in Field Manual . 22-- 6 (Guard Duty) which replaces FM 26-- 5 (Interim Guard Duty). FM 22-- defines an exterior guard as one where it has to perform duties in such a manner that the general orders for interior guards are not applicable or practicable. The new manual also explains in detail the use of counter-sig- p and parole word under all field and combat conditions. - 6 FLY LINES SHOOTING MRS. JAMES WATTS, eeeand from left, wife of Dugwas new poet commander, wee the gueit of honor et an informal tea at the NGOOM recently. Hoete for the tea were wives of Dugwoy NCO'i. GLOVES IT News From AMC SPEEDIER MESSAGE HANDLING Under actual working conditions, a communications center in the Pentagon is evaluating a reader" new electro-opticme- -, which leans cage and automatically converts them into punched tape for worldwide relay. Manual typing, except for the original preparation of material on conventional typewriters, is eliminated, and copy is read as hut a 4,200 word a minute. and reception Transmission can be done at 2,400 words a the highest speed of minute the other message center equipment with the current reader." Tests show that messages can be handled up to 60 times faster and with fewer errors than by conventional methods. AMCs Electronics Commands Communications and Automatic Data Processing Laboratory is doing the technical evaluation. COMBAT BURGLAR ALARM A combat "burglar alarm" is being tested at AMCs Electronic Proving Ground that will warn the carrier when the enemy tries to sneak up under cover of darkness or dense jungle. As small as a cigarette package and weighit includes buzing a , MRS. JAMES H. WATTS greets officers wives in receiving zer, signal light, battery, end a line during luncheon given her by members of the officers is of wire wire. Enough spool wives dub. prfeled off to weave a nearly invisible protective belt around a Rj position, and the soldier places the alarm set nearby or hooks it to his belt. The buzzer goes off when the thin, double strand of wire 'is broken. The volume of sound can be adjusted, or it can be turned pff and a light used instead. SMALLER BATTERIES, LIGHTER LOADS AMCs Electronic Command One reports a promising new method of reducing the size of batteries in electronic equipment carried by combat troops. A new circuit design lowers the volume of power needed by certain types of small communications and surveillance during equipment "stand by" period. In many types of todays portable electronic equipment, batteries make up most of the weight and bulk. -- Value All Leather 1 Your Choice of All Sizes and HDH HEH al type-writte- n HCH TARGET RED AND WHITE ARROWS FLOATS 19 -- ground Triple Ffetched HUNTING to 2 inch Dinmottr Vi inch SU ARROWS WILSON DAVT IMARR 47 and SPALDING HOMERO GLANGAS NZ Reg 7 Value ' Matched Set GOLF KALIS Ri. goo 87 doz. 4 only Single Six 5UPII SPECIAL NawK REVOLVER Reg 40" 249S Value GOLF: BALLS urinurT mu i Tough, durable, white 'stark .(peers. r : Ragular SHAKESPEARE 5.00 PUSHBUTTON REEL 1765 value ,43.-- . doxen JW Ragular 15.00 Save up to 70 on all FILLED TO FISHAILI B. MONO. Fish mis nnd rods A 50app ro'VOQpp WILSON REMAINING STOCK MANY OTHERS Summer Dresses Vi Price Anns Shop N. MAIN 4 e Sm tari . 9 v 54 .Main Tooele Grantsvillo THB HM HORSE WR1 H OVM AWAT OK IMQR RAY A - Flaming Gorg. SNELLED HOOKS All sixes Just drop ticket stubs in drawing box from 2 Id 12 R. S to FAMOUS MAKES Off Vs 397 N. Main Defense Artillery Operations and Intelligence Assistant, 17H Fire 10c this is who This is who to see fofr to see for good deal on auto . thesgme Enter as many times as you wish REMAINING STOCK SINCLAIR SERVICE See Mm now! AND LEONA 41 5 la) Ea . . good deal on Ife and hortieowners. insurance. insurance. INSTANT CREDIT SPORTSWEAR 0, - TENNIS RACKETS SUMMER l Department of Army has announced a modification to Secwhich deals tion XL AR with "Enlistment and Reenlistment for United States Army Air Defense Command Guided Missile Units. the modification is as follows: Those personnel enlisting reenlisting for U SARA DCOM will receive training in one of the 601-21- Sfnu6 sowar - SINCLAIR GASOLINE MOS: 16B Hercules following HerMissile Crewman, 16C cules Missile Fire Control CrewHawk Missile Crewman, 16D Hawk Missile Fire man, 16E Air Control Crewman, 16H WATER SKIS ALL U6 free ticket for each gallon of Is Made by DA 47" 1993 SPECIALS Modification. 2000 glove Reg COMMH me te&t nameMa - WILSON SPALDING - half-poun- d, 22 long rifle CAPACITY WITH mat n ic ft m font - 40 Value PRECISION nw ivwtvauy m aorre WFicocr nan issai TOOELE OIL M-S0- 0S inseiancs STATE FARM I Heew OKiui: ifajRANCf COMPANIES RleaaiiaUMBsis DRIVE WITH CARE-BU- Y SINCLAIR-DIN- 0 SUPREME WITH NICKEL ADDED |