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Show GIFl P wvm isssssrw av aweav ma hot leather Now, Hawaav f wiTcouMctod with At SiptttaMat of th. Mmd a oftcUl pm Additional Parent Support Is Urged In Dugway Youth Activities Program by fJ DqMt I h limit by DtprtMrt sonnel try to give more money, time and talent to the youth activities program. 1. THE PROVISION of clean, healthy and wholesome social and recreational activites for our children is of particular concern to the undersigned. S. Today, DPG has approximately 770 children of school age. Youth activities currently in pro gress at this installation include the Teen Club, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Junior NRA, Little League ssaseoa II, Babe Ruth League, Tennis, Bowling, Softball, Basketball, and Swimming. Although we are proud M these activites, parental support is urgently needed. 31 Parental support can be given in many ways. One need not have the talents of an instructor arts or crafts to be of invaluable assistance to our youth programs. Just to be there as a chaperon in the teen Club on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday evening; chaperoning a group of our teens to a skating party or at a dance: or any of a myriad of other possibilities contributes significantly to the success of the programs. 4. WHILE IT IS possible to provide limited assistance to this program, the provision of special equipment, services and personnel supervision is not authorized under current regulations. Therefore we must have parental support and participation. Dugway Proving Ground will be as good, and have as many activities as you and I, as parents, care to provide for our children. 5. There are innumberable activities that are within our scope of presentation provided we are interested enought to help. Any amount of time and other resources, to include financial assistance you can contribute, will add to the sum total of wholesome programs we can offer our children. d 8. A wholesome, program of social and recreational activities for our children is essential inasmuch as this installation is separated by long distances from large population centers and available transportation thereto from DPG is very limited. Here is an excellent opportunity to help in the molding of the character of young America. 7. ASK YOURSELF two questions. What can I do? What will I do? You, as parents, and others interested in supporting our youth programs will have an opportunity to answer these questions and volunteer your time and services in any manner when asked to join the DPG Youth Activities Club in : - " " the very near future. 8. To those who have been and are currently contributing their time and services to the youth activities now in progress, we extend our sincere appreciation and request that you continue to give to this worthy cause. J . WAH C. CHIN Colonel, CmlC Commandant, USA CBR WOC JAMES H. WATTS Colonel, CmlC Commanding Officer, DPG COLONEL JAMES H. WATTS, post commander, pins the gold leaf on collar of Captain Richard H. Coring. Goring, commissary officer here, was recently promoted to the rank of major. fLagoon Day9 Is Slated For Dugway Personnel THE SCHEDULED events promise to be both interesting and enjoyable for everyone. Beginning at 10 a.m. there is a free swim in the huge Lagoon pool. From 12 p.m. till 1 p.m. there will be a picnic at the Patio Gardens, everyone is particularly invited to the picnic area for this event, but participants must bring their own food. At 1 p.m. there will be a drawing for door prizes, this will be followed by free bingo at which more prizes will be given, to the winners. Only those that are 18 years old and over can participate in the 'bingo games. STRIP ROLLS of tickets for all those personnel who are planning to attend will be delivered to their houses. For personnel living off post that plan to attend, they must pick up their tickets at the Welfare and rale Office here on post. Mo- Workshop Js Set For Pep Club vehicles. This event which has been so popular in the past is sponsored by various Dugway organizations. First Lieutenant Robert D. Byrd assumed command of Headquarters and Headquarters Company here on July 26 in official ceremonies at die company. BYRD ASSUMES the CO duties of Headquarters Company from Captain Gordon M. Roselle, who left Dugway on July 31 for Fort McClelland, Alabama. Byrd moves into the CO slot after holding the Executive Officer position since June 5 of this year. Newcomer Second Lieutenant Dave Maxwell will take Byrd's place as the new Executive Of ficer of HHC. Byrd came to DPG in January of 1966 and was assigned to Mission Planning where he remained until June 5 of this 0 ' n Ser-gea- nt Bronze Star Is Awarded To Donavon NATIVE of Princeton, Kentucky, Byrd was commissioned an officer in the Army through the ROTC program at Murray State College in 1965. He attended the Chemical Officers Basic Course at Ft. McClelland be- -' fore coming to Dugway. The workshop for the Dugway OPEN HOUSE SET pin ri,,K win h FOR BIBLE SCHOOL ui. 10 On Thursday, August held August 2 from 8:45 until house at be will an there open 11:15 a.m. 's If any girl can not make it the elemnetary school for School. Bible Vacation Mrs. on August 8, please contact of children Dobson or Marsha Brooks. Any All of the parents school are invited the attending 2 2.4 with a girl in grades to the open house. average, who is interested in house will be held The trying out for the Pep Club, from 7 toopen 8 p.m., and the parents must come to this workshop. to visit If you are interested and can will have an opportunity childrens classrooms. Prenot make it to the first day of their over 100 children the workshop, contact Marsha sently there are registered for the school this Brooks. Dug-way- r i summer. I I ARMY SERGEANT MAJOR William O. WooUridge, second from right, and TECOM Sergeant Major Robert S. Abbott, far right, visited Dugway Proving Ground on July 20. Pictured with the two top NCO's are Sergeant First Class Ray N. Fiikuda and Post Major George Sur, as the group posed during a luncheon at the NCOOM. year. A No. , 3 Army of the of tfaa Colonel John G. Appel, Com mending Officer, Deseret Test Center, Fort Douglas, Utah, was promoted to Brigadier General, UNited States Army July 28, 1967 In a ceremony at Tooele Army Depot, Utah, stars of his new rank were "Pined" on General Appel by General Frank S. Besson Jr., Commanding General, U. S. Army Materiel Command. General ' Appel was born in Terre Haute, Indiana. Upon graduation from Rose Polytechnic Institute in Terre Haute as a Chemical Engineer in 1941, he a Second was commissioned Lieutenant. During World War II he served in the European Theater of Operations as a logistics officer and a depot commander. He assumed command of the Deseret Test Center in November 1966, coming from the . Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The General is a graduate and former member of the faculty of the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia. He is also a graduate of the Army War College. Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. Following his assignment as the commanding officer of the U. S. Army Pine Bluff Ar- ' Transportation will be provided for all those enlisted personnel who do not have private Byrd Named COofHHC ssfiW- - 1 1 Brigadier General Rank Pinned On DTC's Appel jj"BBj Hie following message is for all parents and other interested personnel in youth activities here t Dugway Proving Ground, urging their support in the program. It is requested that interested per- tivities. For Test Una to Information Of3cs TEST RUN, Friday, August 4, 1967 Vol. Dugwuy Proving Gnwxid, JXtgway Utah The annual "Lagoon Day" festival for Dugway personnel will take place on Saturday, August 19 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Lagoon Park. All post personnel and their dependents are cordially invited to attend and join in the fes- Send Newt Ueca LTC FALPII S. TURNER presents the Dugway Proving Cround certificate of achievement to Specialist Fifth Class R. R. Gomez for his outstanding performance of duty while stationed here from the period of 19 January 1966 to 20 July 1967. senal, Arkansas, General Appel served with the Eighth U. S. Army in Korea. He has held vari- -' ,ous command and staff positions in research and development, JsaiaissssMaMssa tfsr " tit 11 JOHN C. APPEL Promoted to Brigadier General , . . West Desert Officers Elect Fair Slated Four to Board procurement, training and supply and is currently designated as an Army Logistician. A holder of the The West Desert Fair will Legion of Merit, General Appel has been be held at the Bagley Ranch at active in the Boy Scouts, Rotary Callao, Utah on August 18, from International, the Chamber of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and all Dugway .Commerce and the American Proving Cround Personnel are Red Cross. invited to attend. General Appel and his wife, All residents of Callao, Candy, the former Jane Delgar of Aber- Trout Creek, Partoun and Pleadeen, Maryland are the parents sant Valley are invited to exof three children. They reside hibit anything made or raised at 20 deTobriand Street, Fort since August 1966, included crops, Douglas, Utah. grain, livestock, garden produce, baked goods, canned fruit, vegetables, handwork, quilts. art work and other special skills. Judging will be done by Joseph F. Parrish and Vilate Parrish. Those attending the fair can either bring their own lunch or purchase food there. Ford Retires, Gets Award In their recent meeting, the active membership of the officers club elected four new members to the board of semi-annu- al governors. The new members are Captain Thomas E. O'Malley, the Provost Marshall; CW4 Thomas Whittle, the Personnel Officer, Major Robert C. Pietsch, CBR Orientation Course; and Captain Stephen R. Holmes, the Veterinarian at the hospital. Other members of the Board of Governors include LTC Ralph iS. Turner, the president; LTC Joseph R. Pirkl; MAJ Richard II. Coring; MA John T. Harling MAJ Kenneth W. Heiss; CPT Gary D. Civens; and 1LT Paul B. Bason. Sergeant First Class John D. Ford retired from the United States Army in ceremonies here on August 1. SFC Ford retired after 21 years, seven months and two days of active duty in the Army. from SFC Ford, orginally Lamar, Missouri, will make his home here at Dugway Proving Sergeant Donavon was a mem- Ground. The Dugway Proving Ground ber of the LDS Church and was active in many community act- Certificate of Achievement was ivities while stationed here at awarded to SFC Ford on July 31, for outstanding performance Dugway. He had been in Vietnam of duty while serving as Club Steward in the Officers' Open only one month before he was Mess, from April 1966 to July killed. Donavon and his 1967. Sergeant SFC Ford's duties included wife Jeanie had five children. the overall administration' of the OOM, supervision of lounge Sergeant First Class Leroy and bar, and requisitioning and M. Donavon, a former member of supplies. He was cited of the CBR Weapons Orientation receipt for his interpretation of policies Course here at Dugway was postand guidance furnished by the humously awarded the Bronze of the OOM. Star for meritorious achievement secretary of SFC Ford's performance while serving in the Republic of with in been has keeping duty Vietnam. the highest traditions and standSergeant Donavon worked in ards of the military service and the field demonstration division reflects reat credit upon him and was stationed here from self, Dugway Proving Ground and 1963 until his departure to Vietthe United Slates nam in 1965. sjf(S"jf Army. SERGEANT WALTER D. McAl L1FFE receives the Armv Commendation Medal from Colonel Wah C. Chin, CBR Commandant, in ceremonies held recently. Sergeant left Dugway recently for a tour of duty in the Republic of Vietnam. fe |