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Show Freedoms Foundation Opens Writing Contest THESE. PRICES SgSSAllBAY Freedoms Foundation has announced the opening of its 1967 Letters Awards Program for military personnel. SERVICEMEN AND women mi active duty are invited to write letters to the foundation of the 1967 subject -F- reedom-My Heritage, My Responsibility." Letters must not exceed 500 words and can be submitted in essay or poetry form. Each letter must be accompanied by the name, rank,' military service and home address of the writer. Entries should be mailed to Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pa., 19481, by November ' NLY. . 1, 1967. NOTIFICATION OF award QZMl'S PEAS i. Monte. Early Garden Peas with that young, tender flavor. No. 303 cans Del winners will be made by formal written from announcement Freedoms Foundation and through the Directorate for Armed Forces Information and Education, Department of Defense. The top 10 winners will be invited to Valley Forge for pre- - n "wJLL HARRY F YOOR TP,Trd is li.MO whde 50 pbice winners will receive $100. An additional 50 writers will win (MNCARMV-PARL- $50. RVN Special ywlL HfiVEW &PRTW& According to Freedoms Foundation officials, members of the armed forces and their dependents may also compete for awards in various other categorPolicy for RVN special leave ies. More detailed Information ha: been modified by the Demay be obtained by writing the partment of Defense to permit leave to begin up to 60 days foundations Awards after normal rotation date under, circumstances where individuals were unable to take leave due to operational commitments. Previous policy states leave had to be taken within 30 days after normal rotation date. Leave may still begin not more than 90 days before normal rotation date. Current plans do not provide y for any leaves for those serving extended tours in RVN. Leave Modified 60-da- o Volunteers For Vietnam , Individuals who are levied to any overseas station other than Vietnam, may submit a DA Form 1049 and request that they be diverted to the Republic of Vietnam. Staff Sergeant James F. Burke military personnel division, stated that a recent example of this new. policy has been used by an enlisted man who had orders to Korea and requested through the 1049 that he be reassigned to Vietnam. Any individual who wishes to do this will be immediately deleted from the original levy and placed on one to Vietnam. In most cases, this procedure will take up to 120 days upon submission of the DA Form 1049. 9 P Windshield Cracked? WE'Li MAKE IT MCTOtY MEW COMPLETE STOCK INSTALLED At Your Convenience ' , BRADSHAW AUTO PARTS 50 N. Main, Tooeie lULiilJk Call UA18 onHFC WIT THI! COOPOH COUf EXPIRES AUS.5TH STORE COUPO llllllllllllllllllllllllll llll llllllll UUU -- 1967 Smrnfi&flllllllflV UVtafc'&Q For trusted money help Every year, thousands of servicemen borrow confidently from HFC. And so can you. Wherever youre stationed i or transferred, when you have a money need, call on the military loan counsellor at the nearest Household Finance office. May we help you? |