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Show fy Veterans! Here's Your taies to! o Answer! Q. I am presently attending college under the new Cl Bill. I plan to marry soon. How should I notify the Veterans Adminis- 1 tration that I have a dependent so that the rate of my educational allowance can Ire increased? A. THE Veterans SFC ETOISE BLACK WELL is presented the Armv Medal with citation and a retirement certificate byCulonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr. Com-mendati- .Weekend Sports And Your Personal Safety Are von a weekend wonder who sits at a desk all week and fritlie plays 72 holes of golf, slides into second liase like a big i leaguer, or tries to swim across a lake on the weekend - ami wnu-- . tilths why he can't move on Monday morning:1 Sotne people just won't admit that they're not "Z quite what : they used to Ite. But vcui can stay in shape and avoid accidents if tyou work out regularly and take it easy. .a ' BEFORE YOU PLAY or participate in any weekend sport. the kinks mil. loosen up. Even the pros warm up ajyaon up. (Jet '1' ,'H-,frengaging in their sports. The same should go doulile for you. ve ; Where's the fun in getting so stiff and sore that you cant even make it to work on Monday? Or mayte lunger. It wouldn't Sr-le so laid if you got regular exercise; however, you can't get in, shake by knocking yourself out once a week. Here's what vou can get -- - pulled muscles, exhaustion, sprains, broken lames, cramps, sunlnini, lumps, bruises - or, worse, a heart attack. And when you're crippled up - a weckeitd casualty - you're more likely to have an accident at work. SO - II WE Fl'N on your weekends. Hut lie smart! Make exercise help you - not hurl von. L , 882-333- 884-683- 61 N. MAIN one --lied room home, basement convertible to apartment. Payments $60 per mo. low equity. 890 total. ROOMY FURNISHED APARTMENTS two and three rooms. New kitchens and appliances, including elec- CRI LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE NO. 2031 MEETl CS WED. 8 p.m. PHONE 882-108- 2 I WOULD YOU like to know more about the Church of Jesus Saints Christ of Latter-da-y information For (Mormon)? write P. O. Box 102, Tooele Utah, 84074. smnui ext. 3251. Ph. 882-405- 5. ; APT. for rent. Call BACHELOR GARDEN 882-238- 3. Sm Clyde WEEK Gibson ly 882-261- 4. P-t- HAINES REALTY 882-261- 4. 191 North Main 884-505- 5. DRAPERIES Rea. Made or Custom Built. All fabric. modem designs.CORDONFURNITu'Xf CO. 00 So. Main. CRI AITENTION:Cenealogy workers: Use our new Xerox .duplicating machine, one minute saves hours of copying without error. There is only one H&R Block Office in Tooele, 191 North Main. Only six days left to get yOur State and Federal Tax in. YOUR 'nsurance rates gone up? Check our low rates. PEDERSENS INSURANCE HAVE FOR SALE C.E. Refrigerator. Good condition. Automatic defrost. 75. 882-242- 3. AGENCY. FOR RENT -apartment 77 England Ave. at Inquire P-- 2. CRI FOR SALE - 1 seven year old Mare, yearling colt and kids horse. Singer 882-212- 0. REPOSSESSED with zig zag sew on buttons and make but- CARPETS and upholstery cleaned in your home. Professional nig 4. 3 care See Us! ton hoas. 7 payments of 4.50 or 924 cash. 882-165- BABY SITTING, my home, weekdays. Call Ila Slaugh, Grants-vill- e. 725 North Main, Tooele Formerly Red Jones 882-357- 882-401- 1. man Tire Shop 882-139- 4. 14 FOR RENT - me and two bedroom apts. 145 No. Broadway. a, 884-394- OFFERS SOMETHING SPECIAL - a dream home. This immaculately dean, firefully carpeted, full wall available. WESTERN APARTIK baths, finished famplace, MENT, 515 North Main, Tooily room, well landscaped ELECTROLUX cleaners and ele' Phone 8824X162 po- flowe yard, four fruit trees lishers. Need some help with CRI blockwall fencing, beds, patio, . your spring house cleaning? sliding door to patio, flowers Let me show you how easy it excellent neighand shrubs, TWO AND THREE bedroom apt. he. Charles M. Palmer, can borhood. Built in kitchen, dishat Deseret Depot Activities. Sales and Service, 35 E. Main, washer, disposal. Partly furnished 965 and 975. Crantoville 28 882-25- P-- r tric ranges, automatic gas heat, air conditioned. Large recreation area. Rates start at 975 per month with all utilities furnished. Rent by day, week, month or vear. Linen service . CRI 882-473- 1. 328-367- 4. 882-4NI- 2. at 882-108- 1. CALL BAILEY'S MOVING MOVING AND STORAGE. (Agents for Allied Van Linas) Free Estimates. Tooele 11 Call Collect Salt Lake City 1 NEW WURLITZER Story and 2955592.. Clark and Sohmer pianos 9495 CERAMIC TILE work new and and up. Fred Cunanl, remodel. Local licensed conCRI tractor. Free estimates. Call 882- o 1869 after 4 p.m. Feb. 3 NEW two manual Wurlitzer organ. 9689. Fred Cunanl, ph. ELECTRIC IRON repairing. Al CRI repaired. ELMERS, 38 LAYAWAY VANILLA - Watkins WEST VINE. CRI' double strength order one . quart save 91.67. Will deliver SAGE KENNELS Boarding cats, when you wish. Call Parley small dogs. 75 cento day. Heat- CRI Savage. CRI ed. 882-473- 1. FOR RENT BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. WE HAVE a number of buildings we can move on your lot.' Make good shops, bams or remodel into homes. Complete financing. Hunt and Long Co. TRAILER HOUSE LOTS Choice one acre and smaller lots. Irrigation and culinary WE HAVE a nice two bedroom water, gas, on paved street. home, full Irasenient, large lot; Horses welcome. Please call Hunt and Long Co., 8 or Salt 11 Lake City DeIuDLINE for classified ads is 11:00 a.m. day of publication. SPECIAL NOTICES SERVICES 882-415- be included in the TEST RUN, a ALL CLASSIFIEDS to distributed 2,000 Dugway Proving Ground newspaper residents and workers, twice monthly, without additional s ' oKlIra (stasis BEAUTIFUL 3 hedrtann home, MISCELLANEOUS 1.410 square feet. Better than FENDER GUITARS amps, San new. All improvements in. Lake prices. As low as 8 Sprinkling system, fencing and down, and 98 per month. Chau-doi- n all lu:idcapiiig finished. PricMusic, 220 S. Main, Too2 ed below FI1A appraisal. 6 or ele, - 595 South 425 West. Will 20-ye- ar GUABAOTHD RECAPPING (?f (skies'll csisodls TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: 5 cents per word Regular (light face type) face type) 10 cento per word - Business, (dark 50 cents per issue - Up to one inch (monthly rate) $1 per inch Over one inch (monthly rate) 91.50 per inch - Display ads MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, with firms and individuals who no changes. Except with business maintain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all r,Miriwl advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. immediAN ERROR in a classified ad should he reported insertion for one incorret ately. The pp is responsible r Qgj If, Wsoafl-si- d Adminis- tration will pay the additional allowance for your dependent from the date of notification of your marriage. This may Ire done by letter. The additional allowance will not be paid, however, until a copy of the marriage certificate is furnished Q. I am planning a trip broad next year and am making some arrangements concerning my financial matters. I receive disability compensation check from the Veterans Administration each month. I understand that mail service in some foreign countries is a bit unreliable. Could I arrange to have my checks sent to my bank during my trip? A. Yes. There is a procedure whereliy you may have your checks sent to a bank for deposit to your account. Your bank will assist you in making the arrangements. The VA must know, of course, where to mail the checks and so a change of address must be submitted Q.I AM A World War II veteran, and have Just paid the last installment on my Cl home loan. Am I entitled to another loan before the July 25, 1967 deadline for World War II veterans? A. Full repayment of a Cl loan does not, in itself, entitle you to another loan. However, your entitlement may be restored until July 25, 1967, if you Ire forced to sell for. certain compelling reasons. 0 .. April Ground, Friday, Proving Dugway To advance the health and edu- - or 82,500 students in 450 schools to the CARE Food Crusade, New 1 32, (XX) preschool youngsters York 10016 gives a child a cation of children in Sierra health at for meal centers. 3 months. sent $1 lunches Every Leone, CARE provides FOR RENT - furnished apartment. Excellent location. Clean. Non smokers. 382 So. Main. 8824)205 after 5. Call Evenings:. - 882-139- 4 882-401- - 3F 1 CUSTOM KILLINC, UNDER FOR SALE - Lowery organ, two STATE INSPECTION. manual. Like new condition. P-FOR SALE - three bedroom brick CHOICE CRADE A BEEF -. 884Excellent tone. 9495. ,18 48 CENTS; CRAIN FED home, carpeted, draped, built-i- n 3831. BABY SITTING in my home. kitchen, large dining room, PORK, 40 CENTS; LAMBS, Phone FURNISHED APT. Neat. Couple 48 CENTS. PRICES INCLUDE playroom, big fenced in yard, TEXAS MAID alumin-nuReasonable. 343 S. Main.P-1- 4 PROCESSING. 7 dog run, sprinkling system, boatsConvertihle top, 75 BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted CRI rental or playhouse, garage, large trailboat HP Johnson Motor, ' at the Ritz. CRI BASEMENT (unfur.) Apt. 5. CRI unit. er and accessories. Both used CUSTOM Slaughtering at your 0. smokers, drinkers. one year. Vaughn Tqjner, RFD corral. Professional work. You WOMEN WANT WORK t Bok 248, Tooele, Utah. Phone BY OWNER - throe bedroom call us - we do the rest ; home. Large lot. Pay equity WHOLESALE meat - USDA EXPERT IRONING done. 882- - ' FURNISHED APT. for rent. ' ' loan. take over Cl Choice or Cranites Aristocrat. '2407. 0702. Carpeting, 4 v Halls or Whole. 48 cento lb. drapes, new gas furnace, water FOR SALE - 30.06 rifle with heater storm windows 911.5001. Price includes processing. WILL TEND CHILDREN, my MAGNA shells. 55. and scope 995. New 8. 90 McMichael Ave. TOOELE ICE AND COLD home. duplex. Drapes, wall to wall 21 STORAGE carpet. Close to shopping. Will 9 Phone 1 or FOR SALE Cas range. FOR EXPERT IRONING Call furnish. WE HAVE some nice 20x40 ft. 4 CRI MAGNA-HUNTE975. - frame garages. Wecuii move WORTHENS painting and roofcompletely furnishand set up on your lot com20 HI FI - blonde console. Cood WANTED ing. Contractor. Ph. utilities included. Brand ed, plete 9 1800. 100 per cent ficondition. 234 S. 5. 21 new w-1. carpets, drapes. nancing. Hunt and Long Co., WANTED TO RENT or lease 28 CRI FOR SALE MOWER SHARPENING Early American corral space or horse pasture. CARDEN EQUIP. REPAIR ing reran set 125. Ph. 882- 94,000 EQUITY for 5 per cent 332a BOARD AND ROOM one or two SMALL ENCINE REPAIR VA Loan - 3 year old, 3 bed- SAW SERVICE. men or couple. 160 So. 2nd W. WANT TO BUY or rent 2 shares brick home, with two R. J. BURRASTON, 136 Utah Settlement Canyon water, ph. WANT ideal way to clean car bedroom daylight apartment CRI Ave., Tooele. of polypro-pelyenpets nylon, acrylic, in basement. Excellent locaHOMES FOR SALE polyester or wool? tion and yard work. Trade for make FOR 15 hours per week, earn Reift new Host 91. Gordon WE REPAIR stereos. building material, carpenter Furniture Co. 60 So. Main. radios, black and white or . 9100. Write Mrs. Scarth, Box FOR SALE - all brick, split level, work, etc. For home to be color TVs. Fast Guaranteed 1893, Salt Lake City, Utah, 8 rooms, 2 fireplace, 2 bathrbuilt in Crantoville. service. Special service to Dug84110. COATS FOR SALE - Call 5 ooms, hot water heat, 2 car 18. way once each week. Al and after 4:30 p.m. garage attached, comer proLid Furniture and Appliance. WANTED - riders going EastT LET US custom build landNear a' new schools, you fully perty. Destination Washington DC. CRI scaped. Call ' HOUDAY MACIC coiinetic pro Leaving Sunday, 16 April. Ph. 28 ducts. Now available in this cure. Plenty of money now availa. 6. Ph fife able. No down VA low down Spring Special TAKEN from our yard one boys FOR SALE - 1964 16' Hunt JHA. Co. Long DeVille Garages black bicycle 20 with red SERVICES Travel Trailer. Excellent conFOR BY SALE Return. OWNER Please 22x22 seat. white and block garage installed dition. 5:30 . after home in Highlands. 143 Russell Ave. REG. Arabian Stud at service. complete 91495. Nothing down. p.m. See at 214 So. 2nd St. Grandson of Wetez II. $30 per month. Call Collect 4 VEHICLES FOR SALE P.April 18 Woodward FOR PATCH PLASTERING. Ph ' FOR SALE - 1955 Buick 100 TREE TRIMMING AND RE- - NOTICE TO RESIDENTS Roalty MOVAL FOR FREE ESTI- or best offer. Call Tooele - Crantoville - Eida THE KITCHEN every woman MATE CALL 8823110. TWO BEDROOM frame home, Lakepoint - Clover - St. John -dreams of and very few ever 11 Stockton. DAILY SERVICE to lie moved 130CX). Call 5 get. The cupboards in the kitDUGWAY EVERY Wed. We after 4:30 FOR SALE - 1962 Ford Calaxie p.m. chen of this immaculate TREES TOPPED AND REMOVE. 4 repair all makes of washere-yer- e 6. cutie are not only ED. PHONE 7 or - stoves - TVs - color-blac- k ample for a growing family, Imt 11 and white - radios - car one is being used for a gun and home - Stereos tape or TRAILER HOUSE case, and 2 others are virtualFOR SALE - 1965 Ford pickup, record players - C. B. equip. Viton 4 speed trans. 6 cyl. ph. ly empty. There is a Iniilt in BUILDINC LOTS We sell and install antennas. FOR RENT - trailer spaces, large and P-oven, hood and fan, range SPARKS APP. lots, reasonable rent, natural' it T.V. new furnace with humidifier,' 315 West Peach, Crantsville, Homestead Trailer gas. Court, water softner, carpeting, draNEW TOTE COTES, 9175; Mini Utah. FOR SERVICE CALL: 871 So. Coleman. WE HAVE several one acre lots exterior freshly Mintperies, 8613081 Bikes, 3 speed, 5 hp, ready or 8843905. Crantoville and Tooele we 11 in ed, completely landscaped and to license. 9215. We trade. home a new build can you 1965 57x10 ft. TRAILER with in excellent locution. Owner Wrights, 4080 So. State, Salt on. Hunt and Long Co., transferred. bedout Priced 3 sell. to room, tip living Lake. Phone CRI For more information, cull rooms. Ph. 34 Hen-woo- d 28 Dot tie Keysar, Drive. 14 882-262- 14 k 882-407- 3. 882-356- 8 882-45- 56 14 m Limited Quantity 7:50 x 14 Black Armstrong 884-383- 884-665- 882-478- 2. 882-103- 882-190- . $1495 I j TAMP P-1- -- 4, 882-2709 TALLSOLPlgJ 882-P-4-- P-1- 884-383- 1. 884-554- 882-301- 6. M IMdY FIX ril 882-260- 882-262- 8. 297-245- 1. 882-117- mi P-1- 882-329- One-bedroo- R, 882-405- 5. w 297-206- 882-473- 1. N 882-157- 9. msiiM i2 Top Sirloin Steak on sesame seed bun with French Fries Ac Friday, Saturday, Sunday a UY. 882-290- 5. e. 882-310- 5. 884-396- ril 882-096- 882-175- 2. &&YSi,UE2plLF2 P-- 882-468- 3. 882-061- 882-473- 1. For the Kids (young and old) Sloppy Joes Friday, Saturday, Sunday Ac IV 1 r m 882-165- 9. 882-157- 9. 882-157- 9. P-1- . 298-433- 2. 882-1.32- 9. 882-269- 9. 884-396- m P-1- 884-550- 882-052- 1150 No. Main 882-197- 2. 882-482- 4. 882-070- 5. I drawing on 884-473- 1. 266-205- 0. 882-189- 9. CDi7 MID F0todk) plus 6 ffCj Hindis till 9 p.m. pn. Drive a Little Save a 4 - loti-- 882-232- 1. rccMPiui PETS PUPS FOR SALE - mother weimar - NEW 23-i- n 46436. pure-Itc- d father Springer, from giMxl neighlxirlioixl. 882-105- 32o.95. Ward Parker. Color TV. Regular Close out special Call Montgomery Ask for Mr. 882-121- 4. NEW 20 cu ft freezer, (upright) REg. 275.20 Close out special 194.25. Call Montgomery Ward 4 ask for Mr. Park er. 882-121- |