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Show Service Club Activities 1967 Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, April 14, DIIS Ifas Many Events Slated HIIC ct all-po- st 3-- JfTHflf DON I KffO 10 KNOW I by SP4 Gutierrez by PFC David Bowers The Dugway High School will comedy, present a three-aThurber Carnival, on May 4 , latter part of the month. and 5. The play will consist of j On April 15, 16 and 17, the skits and sketches written by arts and crufts exhibit James Thurber. will lie held at the service club. Faculty advisors of the comedy The exhibit begins at 10 a.m. include James Applegate, the dion April 15 with an open house rector; Joel Janetski, the producer; set from 5 p.m. that day. Mike and Don Halladay, the Students in charge of producMasoian, director of the crafts tion of the play are: stage managshop, is in charge of exhibits. On April 16, the club is er, Phyllis Chin; student producer, conducting a tour. The bus will Pam Bailer; student director, leave the club at 9 a.m. and will Shirley Eastland; costume managtake in the Bear River Migra- er, Laurel Sweeney; business tory Bird Refuge, Railroad Vil- manager, Marie Minard; make- -' lage Museum and the Intennoun-tai- n up crew, Karen Greenhalgh and School for Navajo Youths. Thomas Reeder; and publicity All interested in going on the chairman, Dorothy Western. tour are asked to sign up at the AAA Service Club now. Shirley Eastland, president of On April 24, tryouts will be die Honor Society at Dugway staged at the club for a post High School, was in charge of a ' variety show to lie held sometime program held at the Post chapel in May or early June. Anyone today to induct new members with talent who is interested into the organization. in being in the show is asked to Seniors initiated were Sam n contact the Service Club at 2474. McBride, Pam Bailer, Kathy Pool tournaments are still and Shariene Reeder. Juniors . members were being held every Monday night who became and they are open for military Phyllis Chin and Pat Rashid, while the sophomores were Kristine personnel only. Cooper, Debbie Paul, Stan Sur and John McBride. Members are selected for Honor Society membership on the basis of their leadership, scholarship and character traits. Post personnel are reminded of the Sandy Acres Service Club activities for the (Mice attain The Cauldron Ili-Lit- es The time of year has arrived when all good men get out and take that good old P.T. as Yes, Cauldron readers, even sound the column, this read you of hearty (?) cadence is probably anechoing from the field. Hie for Physinual qualification test cal Fitness is just around the corU ner, so physical activity is case In any of older of the day. that think dont there out you youll be in shape to pass the test, just send $10 in check' or money order to: Bob Richards, Wheaties USA, and hell send you l(ea) Qualified PT Card! By the time this article (?) PERSONNEL ASSIGNED to is in Korea are: SGT Joseph Toler, print the Academy Awards been over and winners have will SP4 Richard Aliliott, May 1967; losers will be sober once and May 1967 and PFC Harry Block, if we here at I thought again. June 1967. PFC Richard Heissler and PVT Joseph Rzuczek will Dugway would ever hold a simioutcome would depart for Cermany in May and lar ceremony, the be as follows: SP4 Bryon Ward will lie stationBEST ACTOR - SP5 Starr for ed in Thailand this coming June. New arrivals for HIIC include: his role in King of Kings. BEST ACTRESS - Ann NeedMSG Harry Purves, Jr., SP6 ham (M&R) for her role in Devil Gary Redington, SP6 Tommy SPECIALIST FIVE Earnest A. Biggs, assigned to With the Blue Dress On". SP5 Gordon SP4 and Semler Guy, Section at the U. S. Army Hospital, receives BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR-SFcongratulations Jeffery Vead. from Colonel Joseph J. Rogers. SP5 Briggs was presented Bill Roy (Admin Div) for the Dugway Proving Ground Certificate of Achievement. The TDY File. The first physical training ACfor the year started for Ileadquar-ten- s BEST SUPPORTING and Headquarters Company TRESS - Gail Lundgren (PIO) this month. This physical for This is Dial Dugway." training BEST PICTURE - Two Years (PT) will ready HHC enlisted men for the annual Physical Com- Before the Green", directed by bat Proficiency Test which is Ceneral Hershey. The presenta-tatioby Kaye Yorgason scheduled later this year. were made by Boll Hope, ANOTHER first for the month who flew in from Hollywood, of April includes dismounted drill, at the Post Gymnasium Locker (AFNB Feature) Room. All winners were eagerly exercises which will prepare HHC Prolonged rotation and its effects over manager of the NCO Club, for coining parades and retreats. on astronauts are currently looking, forward to next year ndfr replaced SSG Raymond N. study sit a California facility. Men The latest promotions in HHC hoping for repeat performances. live and work inside a cabin 80 Fukuda, who will work as thr are: SP4 A ftfwewell wave of the CaulLarry Page and SP4 lnff and 10 feet In diameter. Club's assistant manager, Rae Lehman promoted to Specialdron goes out to SP4 Don cabin is on the end of a 150- . With the Clul) new manaKe- - ist Five; PFCs Danny Cooper, SWARTZ" Ross of HHC, one of foot beam and rotates in a lam circle at abput nine rpm. The men ment come new ideas. SFC Mill- - Bart Madden and William Pipa diminishing class' of really great will ultimately spend pin received Specialist Four; guys. He departed us on 12 April nearly 80 er is planning to hold a days in rotational studies, beer night each week. He also PVTs Edmund Alterio, Louis 1967. Best wishes to him for a plans to hold special dinners each Hunt, Melvin Hughes, Richard good life and great success, but ' A study of ways to send men on week. In addition to the new Heissler, John McNeil, Vem especially for a clear head after missions past the planet va- Ratliff, Harry Koyl and Dennis a wild REFRAD partv! GOOD 4 Venus as a stepping svents offered at the Club, a ne ty of sea foods are being add- Willmr made Private First Class. LUCK DON! ed to the menu. Incidentally, Aviatlon'a Space Division, new menus have been ordered. A one-yecontract $400,000 Tuesday, April 4th, the NCO was awarded by NASAs Club Wives Auxiliary held a Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. special spring luncheon. This was the first in a series of scheduled by PFC Rudi Barone luncheons to be held during the SFC Jesse E. Lince, a member of the 65th Military Police year. For lunch, chicken and Platoon (Svc) here, is retiring after 20 years of service. He has lieen roast beef dinners were served. the Platoon First Sergeant for the past five months. He performed Approximately 20 memliers were his last official duties Friday, April 7. SFC Lince, we of the Pla-present when MSG Harry Purves toon congratulate you and extend our best wishes to you upon wife, Natalie, was introduced as venture into civilian. your a new member of the Auxiliary. With the increasing amount of men we have lieen receivAfter lunch, a short business it is a difficult job to choose one man to represent the Mili- ing, meeting was held. Police as soldier of the month. A hoard was held to determine On Monday, April 10th, the tary the man best qualified to represent the Military Police Platoon wives club held a jewelry party and to appear iiefore the post-wid- e conference Imard. In concluat the NCO Club. Pins, earrings, sion we have chosen PVT John S. Walker to represent us. Other necklaces and bracelets were only from the 65th Military Police Platoon were SP4 Darparticipants Sarah of the few a many Coventry rel Bondurant, PFC Daniel Bolick and PVT Floyd McKenzie. jewelry pieces demonstrated. We are also gifted with fine sportsmen, one of whom is As you can see, many new SP4 Walter Kelin. SP4 Kelm plays a very fine game of golf. He happening are going on at has been playing for aliout three years. He maintains a score in the NCO Club, so come on over the mid- - to high --seventies. SP4 Kelm hopes to improve his game and join in the fun. in the future and to go into competition. Headquarter and Headquarters Company bids farewell to several of its memliers this month. Personnel assigned to Vietnam include: SFC Karl Dissel, June 1967; SSG Chesley Picket, April 1967; SCT Erick Tillberg, June 1967; SP5 Herbert Hardie, June 1967; SP5 Napoleon Ballard, June 1967; SP4 Robert Frost, June 1967; PFCs Joseph Eichom, April 1967; Anthony Martella, June 1967; Thomas Shearon, June 1967; Melvin Hughes, June 1967; Vem Ratliff, June 1967 and PVT Louis Narvais, June 1967. a PERKY JEAN RUSH, (ecrelary for the Adminirtrative Divi-nowould like to remind ell of in that the Army Enter-pncRelief Fund it always there to lend a helping hand in times of distim. Within the past two months the Army Emergency Relief has granted $1,000 and loaned $250 to DuRwy personnel For more information concerning Dug-AEcontact Mrs. Rush at the Administrative Division. n, y Bil-to- A A A A The Dugway High School en's Club will hold its annual Lettermens Carnival on April 15 at the school gymnasium. Many different games and events are planned with prizes being awarded to winners. The include shooting free games throws, ring tosses, a cake walk, dart-throthrowing bean bass, , a s1 ,n M P0 , Let-ter- m )fdD iD Sflairtte Mtalov ryTK Watch for our Thursday Circular Bargains in every department! . 49 North Main C NCO Club News ns 20-ce- nt Donations will also be accept- ed for chances on a Wilson has-ketball and a stuffed Panda bear. The event is being sponsored by the DHS Letteimens Club athletic fund to help to pay for new warmup suits for the bas-- . ketball team. WESTERN AUTO STORE Marcellas Lewii, Owner j j y c ssfa'Sss Military Police News ar It's time you met Mia! a J vi 3 i) 7L "7 ,yo 12 r Unde Sam doesnt permit anyone to charge taxes. If you are a bit short, however as a BankAmericard holder you can M1-15- M For the necessities of life other than taxes, remember that thousands of stores and businesses welcome BankAmericard so you can charge other things you need. e' PHASE SEND ME A FIRST SECURITY BANKAMERICARD APPUCARON I I Name I I Address I State. City. 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