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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, April 14, 1967 , Questions and Answers On New Freedom Shares Q. XVhat are "Freedom ShareiT lhe desiKnation to the Treaurv new Unit ed States Saving Notes, which gven will soon be avaiUble forchase along with Series E Savings Bonds. P -' Q. WHO MAY BUY Freedom Shares? A. Any individual who purchases Series E Bonds 00 n regular, formal plan. Q. What do you mean by a formal A. IN EITHER one erf two ways: plan? (1) on Payroll Savings an whereby employer maintains a plan under which an employee may authorize deductions from his salary or wages; or (2) on a Plan whereby a depositor authorizes monthly deductions from an account at his bank. In both cases. Bond, are or dePitor with the funds deducted ply Freedom Share-Bon- d combination will be purchased in the same manner. Bond-a-Mon- ""ft ?' the lnterest on Freedom Shares? they are bought at a discount and the represents interest. For Freedom Shares, this will average 4.74 per cent a year when held for the foil four and one-ha- lf years to maturity. JJff Bondsto f"6 value - Q. What do Freedom Shares cost? A. They are issued only in face amounts of $25, $50, $75 and $100, with corresponding purchase of $20.25- - nan $60.75 and $81. In other word, they 81 cent of Lt Se per face amounts. Q. BUT SERIES E Bonds cost only 75 per cent of that face values. Why do Freedom Shares Cost more? A. Because they mature in a much shorter length of time-on- ly four and one-ha- lf years as compared to seven yean for E Bonds. Q. DOES THE same rate now apply to E Bonds? E Bonds continue to return an avenge of 4.15 per cent when held to their seven-yematurity. Freedm Shares be cashed before maturity? ?A. FREEDOM SHARES may be redeemed after forfng held SeriC E BndS coune h redned fter So ar mthT "y Undentand that Freedom 1 separately?0 Sbres cannot be bought V?e?k0V SOSoagiPEiy qth per ! 0001 risk the high mortality rata on ! I f leaf I grown. ! systemic. I RED 1JAGOHS I Climbers FOR MOTHER & DAD normally by Royal Garnet, m p) I I Phone for delivery r 5E.0SG'D BAGN Wilton' Com King Pound Package . . . PALMOLIVE HILLS Fi'UYerfi&D liquid Detergent 65c Boula i 13c Off i FERTILIZES! liKtr, briitrtsr blooms! M6R6R6 ROSE FOOD & SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE prsvidis Josids-tbs-pla- prstsetiM... pasts . . . wbJJa :: Or. S tUlFT. VfStl IUX4VU ' 2c Off Rag. Con 2 st TOOTHBRUSHES !i A t Mod. carton b. or Hard .... T r I I Or apply you can spray with protection New Mortro Liquid Morpo Granule Systemic Insecticide Circslatas tbrsagboot plant sap system. Bop bits lost sprinkle m tbs dtemicoRtscl Mb. ... I PM... ImM ! M v4 a Kidt' Siroi Siwdy Slytiih ... Pr. dry with Systemic Insecticide I SNEAKERS ' Now $2.98 onlHr SpriaMtCartM.. i $a.4 MORGRO GARDEN PRGGVCR S Dalton" Co. 916 North Main T Phone T 8S2-356- 5 i I 69 AJAX LIQUID - UcO'f J CCC Center -- -- 2GOi. Bol:lo rn .J7 ACTION Blench i 10 MOUTHWASH REG. $1.09 VALUE GLEEMK. PRELL I w Datergtat Giant Package . QrnDC wvlL 25c completely Ns miss! Ns moss! Just sprinkle arstmd plants. COLD POWER Ajax CLEANSER kills damatiog It 48c Bmiit AJAX, FAB or 10e OFF VEL LIQUID WHILE IT I Z. 59 ROSE PESTS I: ; 882-356- 5 I i Fresh-Froze- n, Concentrated, Concord Grape Juice-6-- oz. Cans . . . You'll love the rich, sweet flavor. Price per can a low, low ... and Hybrid Teas: I Peace Charlotte Armstrong I Crimson Glory (nd Rex Anderson I (Mta) Edipse hrrib) McGradys's I Ivory (w) Talisman (nuM ) I Pink Dawn Iho Doctor L P. I Thom (ytim) and many others I l web;, Come in and regiiler today. Everyone coma. Children mwt havn parent elan entry blank. Entries mart be depoiited before closing. time on Sat, April 15th. FILLED WITH GROCERIES ' VARIETIES: I I PRIZES ar no severe pruning and produce roses within two weeks. Protect your roses from insects I HUNDREDS OF OTHER panned buh- - toy container grown roses in full and bud ready for planting. field will 9 BDVD.1 120 SECOND PRIZES Bond-a-Mon- th $81 ,oso piansti! is AT CORRECT. They must be bought in conjunction with Senes E Bonds of the same or larger face amounts. Far example a $25 Freedom Share may be bought with each $25 E "S11" Pan- - The total price would be $39 Share and $18.75 for the Bond). Q. Can I buy as many Freedom Shares as I want, as long as I purchase Series E Bonds erf the same or larger face A. No, there are limits. If on a Payroll Freedom Share deductions are limited to $20.25Savings Plan, your per weekly pav period, or $40.50 per or semi monthly period, or $81 per monthly pay period. On the Plan at the limit on Freedom Share deductions is SHAAAP0 REG. 1.09 VALUE marbles Kg 1T Be. of rlJLQc 2l !$1 169? J |