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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Friday; April 14, 1967 1 Welfare and Morale Division ....VT-.W.'- . CAPTAIN RONALD E. MITCHELL is the Chief of Welfare and Morale. Besides his duties at Welfare and Morale, he has taken charge of the Administrative Division at Post Head- quarters. 3 on;. I The Welfare and Morale Division is responsible for mainrecreational facilities for all members, civilian taining large-scal- e and military, of Dugway Proving Ground. Within the Division, there are eight seperate services utilized to carry out this program: The Auto Crafts Shop, the Bowling Allev, the Craft Shop, the Frank Skul Memorial Golf Course, the Montonati Cymnasium, the Post Library," the 'Sandy Acres Service. Club and the Golf Course Snack Bar. CPT Ronald E. Mitchell is the Chief of Welfare and Morale Division. He arrived on Dugway in July of 1964. At that time, he was company commander of the now defunct Test Support Company. In June of 1965, he took over the leadership of Welfare and Morale Division. Other members of the administrative section include: 1LT e, Maurice Wilkinson, Administrative Officer, SSG Johnny M. Recreational Supervisor; SGT Claude Richards, Supply NCO and SFC Etoise Blackwell, who is retiring tomorrow. Mr. James Redden is a general auto equipment instructor repairman. He is employed at the Auto Crafts Shop, which is located in building No. 5802. It is his job to help people solve their automobile problems. His shop boasts ,a large assortment of tools, a car washing area, a storage area and three indoor stalls. The charge for using these facilities is only 25 cents. The Bowling Alley is managed by Mr. Floyd (Poppy) Ott Currently, there are four 12 team leagues Monday through Thursday night with the military league bowling on Monday, a women's league on Thursday. In addition, there are two morning leagues. Two lanes are available for open bowling every afternoon and during the weekends. Mr. Ott commented that plans are in the making for six additional lanes this coming July. Mr. Michael Masoian is the Post Crafts Director. He runs Mc-Ke- BOWLINC ALLEY MANAGER, Poppy Ott, is shown funding beside the hot sandwich oven in the Bowling Alley. both the Auto Crafts Shop and the Craft Shop. The assistant Crafts Director is Mr. Ernest Snook. These two fellows have put together one of the best crafts programs in Dugway history. The large Craft Shop located in building no. 5460 contains a lapidary shop, a wood working shop, a ceramics shop, a leather working area-- a sales store and a dust-fre- e paint room. The Frank Skul Memorial Golf Course is headed by Mr. Chuck Byrd. Mr. Byrd commented that this year will be better than ever for Dugway golfers. Locker facilities, a putting green, a driving range, and a complete Pro Shop compliment the course. Coif lessons and instruction are also provided. The Montonati Gymnasium is under the direction of SP5 James Starr and is located in building no. 5111. Within the gymnasium, there are shower facilities, lockers, handball courts, a full basketball court and an exercise room. Sports equipment is kept on hand and is issued to military and civilians free of charge. Incidentally, the swimming pool Adjacent to the gymnasium will be opening this year on May 30. i Mrs. Frank (Gloria) Gordon is the Post Librarian. Her assistant is Mr. Jim Young. The Post Library is situated, next to the Service Club in building no. 5318. Approximately 11,000 books fill the library. Within this total, there is a complete section in contemporary military reading Mysteries, science fiction,, fiction also crowd die shelves. Records and books proand duced and written in foreign languages are also available. Skating trips, dances, skiing" tours, bridge tournaments and pizza parties are all a part of the Service Club's regular activities. Mrs. Lea Lane and her assistant Mrs. Joan Garvin are the club's directors. The Service Club is located in building no. 5318. There are private rooms to listen to any of many tlbums available to you free of charge from the Service Club. Muiical instruments and music books are also available.' The Snack Bar is located in building no. 5950. Mrs. Herb (Pat) Livingston is the manager. She has worked at the Snack f Bar for three and years. Mrs. Livingston estimates that over 300 customers frequent her establishment every day. There are 15 persons employed at the Snack Bar. four of whom are full time employees. MRS. LEA LANE, director of the Sandy Acres Sen ice Club, readies the club's new sound amplifier system. The system com-tain- s an AM-Fand an amplifier capable of radio, a turn-tabl- e handling four microphones at one time. le non-ficti- the MR. JIM YOUNG AND MRS. GLORIA GORDON, Post Librarians, pose next to "new book" shelf. 4V V T 1 a "4"aiaaeaaeaa'a ,a.,4i,.,,, a..B,. aaaaf.B piiiiiir J m-J",- v ' !:.!!! "T .........II : : ! .!!!!ir!I.tl. it t : , ! ,,",","aaaaa.Baaaaa'BBBB.. "a.aaaB.B. .a i a.. a - . , b BBBBaa... a a .....!!!.!III.: ....... -- ...I... a i;;:;;;;;;;; ra nTr wj one-hal- a,. 5i 'm i ?s ? f jr.B.Trr wWWafW 1 afasfklaM I 1 IBttQ i hp? I..VB1I MR. JIM REDDEN, Auto Craft Shop mechanic, lends a helping hand to PVT Danny Bums, a member of Headquarters and Headquarters Company. ::::::.:::::s:K?::K:a .t ! a mjf 4 a aS fa I l'""MI 1 I it a f EVERYONES seen this smiling gal before Snack Bar. - It's MR. MICHAEL MASOIAN, Crafts Director, Ernest Snook, Assistant Craft Director and SP4 David Smulow stand behind the Sales Store counter at the Post Craft Shop. These fellows are always there to lend a helping hand. Pat Livingston, manager of the Coif Course 1 a THIS IS THE Golf Course Pro Shop. The fellow on the right is Mr. Chuck Byrd. He's the manager of the Golf Course. The . 1 .a v a i a a r '? sL inc Amiv rmiH. lie s a mcmoer w tei iiw on ine ictt is rv Welfare and Morale Division. -- |