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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, April 14, 1967 gjfj BOBgEaif WHS the WILL BE HERE IN PERSON SATURDAY II to 12 2 to 3 pjH. 4 to S pjh- Wo'vt jammed our shelves with spooktackular prices . . I So low they'll scara yal ALIENS cru.h.chunk. jt or tidbit- s- . Grn U Giant-12-O- Th. Can unct m. vou U AS .nt-t- h. V. for (((iy mor. wu won. 4V-- A I I - L'JtlGAT HEACITS PANCAKE FLOUR PftttKG CaiHES lelty Crocker Package).. oily Crocker Angel Food (IS 0&) or Lemon Chiffon . nniTT lAT-fM- IR 2139' S9e CHOC. SYRUPYCOFFEE SSE 49. pizza caiinssx. ..39 49c FLOUR 25.2M 45c LICORICE SSZ igctnie r.nnur:i 2 h,59e KAISER FOIL-JESAMGEL FOOD CAKE IVAJt PAPERS SRAHAtt CRACKERS 165' LURCH BAGS MS. CWAnrTlttW TIIMA ""A 29 DISCUITS SSB& ' .nr. rad ond Ther loaded iwttt, yrfefoHe-Bissm.-.29- A- - p,ump' whh iuicy-riP- - P'WUT BUTTER .....49' WMttrn Family Creamy or Crunch Style 2i43c c 5) 25' 3-2- II 5e i 6 far flavor-goodne- ss ' 2 ' Q. Is there a minimum requirement as to the amount of service subject to the Retirement Act an employee must have? A. Except for retirement on account of disability, an employee must have been subject to the Retirement Act for at least one out of the last two years before the separation on which his retirement is based. Q. IS THERE ANY other general requirement which must be met? 9 A. Yes. Public Law prohibits payment of annuities in the cases of employees who have committed certain specific offenses involving the national security of the United States. A person who is barred by this law cannot receive annuity. Q. Must an employee apply for retirement? A. YES. HE MUST apply on Standard Form 2801. If he has not yet been separated, or if he has been separated for 30 days or less, he should submit the application to his employing agency. If he has been separated for more than 30 days he may submit his application direct to the Civil Service Commission. Q. Is there a compulsory retirement age? A. Yes. Any employee who has served at least 15 years is automatically separated for age retirement at the end of the month in which he reaches 70 unless he is continued in service by execu- tive order or by action of the Civil Service Commission. However,--a citizen employee of the Canal Zone government, the Panama Canal Company on the Isthmus of Panama, or an employee of the Alaska Railroad in Alaska must be separated for age retirement upon reaching 62 if he has completed 15 years of service (all of which was on the Isthmus of Panama or in Alaska, or in the two places) unless he is continued in service by executive or- der or by action of the Civil Service Commission. 87-29- 35 tty crock w Pacing ' 25-ye- ar 20-ye- ar e, M 23-O-z. Town 47 So. 1st Wast Tooele, Utah This is the fifteenth of a series of "Question and Answer"' articles on the Federal Civil Service Retirement System. Questions answered are those most frequently asked about the System. Any other questions you may have will be answered by the Civilian Personnel Division, Employee Services Branch. Q. HOW MANY KINDS of retirement are provided for in the Federal Civil Service retirement law? A. Six. They are known as age, optional, disability, discontinued-servicdiscontinued-servic- e and deferred retirement. llffiSti' WHERE YOU SEE THIS SYMBOL Food Your Civil Service Retirement System XF8 .'F' BflH MONSTER 7-- Ft. WOMPEg jXrEMILK rl I HATS TOO! ! I nJjMiB LOW CALORIE inv - Hiommeli Only ot AC W fOOPTOWN ne, arren pfoTICHOKES. .9' If ( ) r l radishes & Pascc CELERY... ....... Ik-- 6' CPU. OHIOHS . 9 J 2 311 C (C GALVANIZED 5JaSon SnUII 577 if . complete selection of Authentic Western boots that will fit you better ... wherever you go... whatever you do. iti 1 !1 I 1 S(WAU w COFFEE' Gssortsd Dgl3 I IdfiwAari Half Gallon, MA W)( Stnuoberry eSdAIJ 1 HJv I Mvr1' Bdto)ff8li HMMIE iJ I le&iurelftwia CMOTl w ? ljjfljWAnd they'll give you longer, LtfffllJ mre comfortable wear WjMjfl ; too . . . . i. i !t if: 'cause they carry ,f: if i 1 1 ii: Vroa-TcE-r MEM 4(5o) uwiEsjV ' r Congratulations For Going Country Western K-D.- Y.l 24 rt Main Your Family Store y it |