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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, August 12, 1966 WRAIR Lauds WASHINGTON (ANF) Amir medical researchers draff' tay a new now beinff authorised for U.S. troop in the Republic of Vietnam can cut in half the number of men stricken by the disease. Recent field testa conducted in Vietnam by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) show that anti-malar- DDS ia (diaminodiphenylsul-one- The Greats Play Malaria Drag should now be able to return to d.uty in two or three weeks instead of six to eight weeks, as before. Chances of a relapse, All-St- ar pected to be cut from 40 percent to four percent In 1965, malaria caused a loss of 63,035 man days from duty in Vietnam. die Nationals showed their pitching supremacy, as Warren Spahn dewent die distance. Final score 3-- with Traynor driving in the , . ciding run for die game and the Series. THE AUDIENCE response was so fabulous that Triangle is Teamen. It now lining up a nation competition between Dream of names die forward is asking participating stations to nef"uP' for a to wants audience "compete radio die playen The computer again is standing by at Franklin Institute, to receive reams of new baseball statistics. Actual game tapes will be delivered to participating stations World Series week. And Us for airing die week of October 4 who says ho gets as much ofa Keiter, that veteran sportscaster is at the kick transcribing the action as be does live competition 2, Team Wally Sullivan couldnt believe his ears. It was last October -World Series time and Wally, s rabid baseball fan, had mapped on his car radio to catch up with the score. - WE MOVE into the fourth inning," said a familiar voice," and Babe Ruth kicks the dirt from his spikes as he steps in. Mathe-Wgso- n winds, delivers. , ," The voice. Wallv now recalled, belonged to sportsc aster Las Keiter. The crowd sounds were real enough. Could this be a No, Reiter's too young; wasnt announcing in the 20s. And the nest batter, Lou Cehrig. flied out to. . . .Willie Mays? PM? How could a player bom one era hit a ball to a contemporary star? An Old Timers " Day? No. Everyone know of Lou Gehrig's untimely passing a generation ago. Wally soon had the explanation. Between innings, Keiter told those who had "Just tuned in" that baseball's tint computerized World Series was in progress. - top-flig- ht ), a draff long used in treating: leprosy, will combat a severe form of malaria which has resisted usual treatment - Ball-All-Ti- me " - - - diart Reiters by the thousands Funny thing is, the fans for this years wait who cant Sullivan, ynttinriam- Including Wally competition. i Proposed Bill For Personnel Washington (AFNB)-Attackibecome military personnel might resola federal offense under the ution which Representative Glenn Andrews (R) of Alabama intends to introduce in Congress. The Congressman cited the need for such legislation after die recent attack upon and robaboard a bery of a serviceman in Chicago. subway train THE QUESTIONS kmg have lingered in the hearts and minds of baseball fans: How would Sandy Kbufax have fared against Rogers Hornsby? Could Shoeless Joe Jackson hit for the same high averages against the slider? Would Walter Johson fire as many diutouts in die live ball era, as he did yean ago? Among the fans who pondered was an imaginative radio personality Jim Gearhart, host of Philadelphia radio stationWFIL's talk bow, "Morning Line." Jim mulled over the unanswerable." Rut unlike scores of other daydreaming fans, he did something about it. Soon, ball fans in his listening area were asked to send in noAll-Stminations far All-Tis; teams. Letters rolled in by the a National League infield of Bill Terry, Rogers Hornsby, Hanus Wagner, and Pie Tarynor was named. Listeners chose Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio tor the A. L. outfield. Christy Mathewsan and Walter Johnson were named to oppose each other on die mound. . Cabby Hartnett and Bill Dickey were to be their batterymates. Troops will be given one 25 I milligram pill each day and the' take to continue will rnie for one month after leaving Southeast Asia. Soldiers receiving the drug who still contract malaria - ar tou-sand- mm NEXT, THE Sporting News; baseballs leading trade journal, which were fed into a supplied lifetime records of all the computer at Franklin Institue in Philadelphia. The electronic marvel was set to stage a World Series competition. And arrangements were made to broadcast $e action, with Les Keither over dubbed-in-crow- d sounds! Triangle Stations, a broadcaster with outlets in Philadelphia, Binghamton (N. Y.) Altoona-Johnsto- n Haven (Pa.), Hartford-Ne(Conn.), Lancaster-Lebano- n (Pa.,) and Fresno (Calit.) arranged to air the "Dream World Series" over a span. Soon, sports fans across the nation were following the action. They heard Johnson beat Matfaewson in die opening game; thrilled to Joe Cronins game winning homer as die Americans evened die Series, and day tuned in to hear Cronin again drive in die winning run in the third game. All-Sta- n, LEONARD HANSEN 49 S 1st East 88 O OS ms Mil LITTLE LEAGUE TOURNAMENT - Dugwayi Mike Wactor is Abwb attempting a bunt against Southeast in the tint round of the regional tournament. The bunt went foul, but Dugways All - Stars went on to win the thrilling pitchers battle, 3-- Walt Cooper is the home plate umpire and Miller is shown on die mound for Southeast. Coll "Red Tooele Merc Sharp, stick Barracuda One owner (locally) V8, Stick 1965 . $1845 1965 VW BUS Like new Buy a Barer Opal and Cat 2 Doors Fite pries) 4 door modsl for Iht Jlfjg W kOlrfy w 10-da- y Rosecrest Wins LL Tournament 3 1961 Ford 2-d- ML The Series was evened once more as Mays, Mel Ott and Tray-nhomered for the Nationals. Carl Hubbell pitched die Senior Circuiters to a 4--2 win, setting the stage for game 6. In that one. or Dugway played host to tfie Dugway then played Ftimore Utah regional championship Little semi-finaand was defeatthe in League tournament from July 28 ed Memmott, Royce winning basethrough July 30. Six all-stfor Filmore, gave up ball teams battled for die regional pitcher only 5 hits to Dugway; Memmott championship and the right to also rallied die Filmore batting continue in the national toumar attack with a first inning home-run- . ment. aii-The rosecrest ROSECREST MET the Juab Stars scored nine runs in the third stars in the other semi-fina- ls 24-2 in die to clobber Filmore game which was perhaps the most finals, before a exciting contest of the tournacrowd at Dugway. Bruce McDonment. Jeff Johnson sparked a seven-ru- n four-fwith two went six, ough Rosecrest surge in the third tingles, a double and a triple a homer with two with two men on, to spark the it inning by hitting men on. Then Bruce Me Donough, Rosecrest attack.1 But McDonwho either pitches or plays first ough never believed in letting base for Rosecrest, hit a long douhis bat do all the talking as he ble. The Rosecrest stars followed Rosewas die winning pitcher for with a triple, two walks and a crest, striking out 13 men and bidddouble to take an S3 lead. This ing the Filmore stars to only two lead was never relinquished even hits. Rosecrest will now move to came Juav' though up with four die Utah state finals at Sunset runs in the fourth inning. 19 and, if they continue to win consecutive games, they will pitcher, gave up three runs and five hits. Millar, however, also play in the finals of die national Little League tournament which strode out 14 men and at one are held in Williamsport, Pennpoint had struck out nine Dugway sylvania. playen in a row. In die second game of die Dugway tournament, the Dugway All-Stedged Southeast, 3--1 in a brilliant pitchers battle. Dugway took die lead by scoring what proved to be two Mg runs in the first inning. Calvin GriffDick Raben has been chosen iths and Alan Johnson singled before Martin Shearer, die catcher as the new football coach for the doubled and knocked in the two Dugway High School Mustangs. runs. Mark Lid-ne- r, Dick is 29 years old and has trainthe winning pitcher for Dug- ed under such all-tifootball way, struck out 14 men and gave greets as An Parsegioo of Notre up only two hits, to lead Dugway Dame, Nebraskas Charles Devan-ne- y and Ray Nagle, the to victory in the quarterfinals. Southeasterns Miller, the losing versity of Utah ooech who is now coaching at Iowa. Dick is from Rapid City, So. Dakota and he attended in Mitchell, South Dakota. Upon graduation, Dick accepted toe position of football coach with Provo High School in South Dakota. Coach Igloo. Raben spent six successful yean at Provo, and he is a welcome addition to Dugways athletic program. Dick will teach physical education and biology, as well as coaching football. Walden Gurney, who is the new basketball coach for Dugway, will assist Coach Raben with the football squad. August 22nd will be the first day of practice for tiie Mustangs and Coach Raben encourages all interested students to try out, regardless of their size. Blaine Keller, the principal of Dugway High School, believes the team will be handicapped this year with fte loss of several outstanding playen from last years squad; however, he feels that the remaining playen will be strong enough to overcome these probls 7-- 1. ar rain-spatter- ed '0GD ami 0Oa ar flfi Q03J (Daffy 21-h- a? (step bd raaofl 0 . A Wa hurry to your horns service postha quick sible. A We taka special precaution to protect your properly ' A Only genuine factory Maytag parts, No substitutes. A Your work is performed only by export serviceman. A Wa have the finest most complete appliance drop in Tooele County. A We invito your evaluation of work performed. ' an And this excellent service costs you no morel Maytag at Tooele Merc Is Your Best Buy game-winni- JooeSe. Savings Certificates Mustangs To Stampede Again ng for 6 months ex-U- Ted Frampton Says: Buy Gfigjlfc goDciDGiDca) fecoiCs a Honey of a Honda thereafter for 3 months Dakota-Wesleya- The rate of interest ... the largest safe-keepi- ng organization. With 5 Savings Certificates , interest is mailed to you by check on the mathen every 3 turity date you select Thus you can enjoy quarterly income at high interest. You can even have monthly income by the proper arrangement of first maturity dates. Savings Certificates available at $500 and additional amounts in multiples of $100. 900 North Main, Tooele 7 - Phone 882-242- 0 rfDeposit 4W. for shorter periods Passbook Savings 4 Imereti paid twice a year -- June 30 and Dec. 31. Deposit received by the 10th of any month earn intent from the 1st day if the month. Each depositors account in First Security Bank IS INSURED TO 110,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Dugway High School with seven schools in competes the fifth region. Last year Dugway had one of its toughest squads in recent yean and the Mustangs compiled a record of five wins and three losses. One of these losses was to Union, the team that went on to win the Utah state champ-iondiiPerhaps Dugway's imit notable victory last season was over Morgan High School. This season promises to be quite for the Dugway Mustangs, as Coach Raben is embarking on his rebuilding program. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FIRST SECURITY BARK p. DRI6IIAM KL4DA SALES Certificates months. lems. -- determined by the length of time you decide to leave with the your money for Intermountain Wests largest banking selling motorcycle in the worid. N0NM WKI 10, (M ct). Sew spurt version of the populst Honda 90. The Honda 8uper 90 produces a remarkable 8 BHP P 9.600 rpm, yet weighs in at a lightweight 176 lbs. Powerful, ure, agile, the Super 90 ie capable of speed up to 65 mph. climba a 32 grade with ease. The 8uper 90 boasts the traditional Honda 4 stroke engine design, with overhead ram for maximum perform nr; telescopic front suspension ; and a sleek new tank and frame design. is tlml-lengi- f |