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Show ..... Former Dugway Pistol Team TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, August 12, 1966 Family Slain Wins Matches Traveling The incentive Awards and You the With a Dog Program The Dugway Proving Cround Pistol Team out scored 8 other For more than 20 years, cash awards under Incentive teams to win the .45 caliber diAwards program were limited primarily to civilian employees. vision of the Idaho City Regional Pistol Matches. The matches were Now, however, the nearly three million active duty members of held on July When you're planning your trie Armed Forces are eligible to receive cash awards for adopted at the Buck-hor- n Gun Club Range in Idaho next trip, everyone is likely to suggestions, inventions, and scientific achievements. In Woo, be happier and have more fun grass made mem hers ot the Armed Forces eligible for cash awards City. if you take the family dog along. on the same basis as civilian employees. The four shooters representing THE PRIME OBJECTIVES of the Incentive Awards program WHETHER YOU travel by Dugway were Master Sergeant Gerald R. Seifer, Sergeant First car, train, plane or ship-- in cold are improved efficiency and greater economy in the operation of Class Wallace D. Clift, Specialist weather or with the Department of Defease and the military Services, thereby proACCORDING TO reports in 6 Charles E. Johnson, and Specialyour dog needn't give him or you viding better and less costly defense for the Nation. For the Incentive Awards program to be most effective, and the Frederick newspaper, Johnson, ist 4 Cordon P. Spellman. The any real difficulties if you follow these ten tips compiled by the have the maximum possible participation, it needs the whole48, and his wife Phyllis, 45, officer in charge of the Dugway Gaines Dog Research Center, hearted cooperation and support of all supervisors. If they are were discovered in the family home team, Second Lieutenant Paul enthusiastic about the program, and communicate their enthusiasm New York. by their married daughter, Mrs. B. Basan, was unable to attend to the people they supervise, new ideas and improvements are outside home because of strike. (1) die airline He Traveling Jean Crawford. James, 17, eviyour bound to flow, state or to another stranded on Be was east the coast shot his and fled country? dently parents sure to get after attending a training conSupervisors who actively support the program find it an im canine in the family automobile. travel information from the places portant management tool in their relations with their subordinates ference at Aberdeen Proving Frederick police searched tor Ground, you plan to visit. Most states and and employees and in their efforts to achieve more effective operaMaryland. the youth for more than a day DPG shooters also scored top inforeign countries require a health tions. By keeping their standards high, but at the same time remainand a half and eventually located certificate from your veterinarian ing alert to opportunities to initiate timely award recognition for Seifer his abandoned car on the edge of dividual victories. MSG. including a statement that your valuable suggestions and truly outstanding achievements, they find IDAHO CITY PISTOL MATCHES - Members of the DPG pistol team are shown presenttown. A search conducted with won top honors in three big .22 caliber rapid fire, dog has been immunized against they are creating a more healthy work climate and benefiting from events the for the .45 caliber pistol the assistance of police dogs led ing COL Joseph J. Fraser, Jr. with the first place team trophy rabies. If you are going out of the employee ingenuity and effort. fire slow fire, and die .45 center from shooters Canada and the Idaho. Idaho won at officers to the boy shortly after Seventy plus top competition City, THE DEPARTMENT of Defense Incentive Awards program fire. SFC Clift took caliber timed country, youll also need these northwestern portion of the U.S. participated in the Idaho City Regional Pistol Matches the searchers heard the single credentials from a veterinarian represents one important means by which recognition and reward is .45 caliber agfirst the in from are left place to SP6 Pistol team members, with Colonel Fraser, on July shot he had fired. righti to get him back into the United given to civilian employees and members of the Armed Forces gregate, which is a combination Charles Johnson, SP4 Cordon Spellman, MSG Gerald Seifer, COL Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., who answer the President's call for innovation and who strive for States. ' Mr. Johnson, a retired Air of three separate matches. 2LT Paul Basan, and SFC Wallace CUft Advance (2) in car excellence. This year over seventy of the training Force sergeant, had been employThrough this program, all civilian employees and all military etiquette will keep your dog safer ed as an administrative officer in top shooters from the Northwest -- and mean more on active duty are eligible for honorary recognition and travelpersonnel pleasant the Ecology and Epidemiology . participated in the competition, cash awards up to f 25,000. for on and other you Canada ing states with passengers-seven and Division of the Army's biological by June Cuptill Department of Defense civilian employees and members of any auto trip you take. It's lalratories at Fort Derrick, Mary represented by full teams. There the Armed Forces have made the Departments Incentive Awards best him to start on out short civilian several were There are sik conditions teams, along land. The Armored Personnel CarMany newcomers and guests the most consistently successful one in the entire Federal if when he's drives, program National actors of with possible be which left contributing THE JOHNSONS representatives were welcomed at the coffee on may Dugis a light, rier, still a Hold him on your lap Government. In fact, more than $210 million in benefits to the Guard and Reserve units. armored carrier designed or on puppy. way in 1961, after Mr. Johnson's Tuesday, Aug. 2nd. The hostesses in every' traffic accident. Various the beside you to give Government resulted from "Defense's program in fiscal year 1965. seat conditions of these combinations Mrs. Van Irby and Mrs for continous retirement from the Air Force. He ophim confidence. total Right from the That was over 85 percent ot that years (Government-wid- e had worked in the special projects Wallace Luther, who decorated are usually present when an accideration. It is capable of carryAwards the in Incentive don't in the start, program. LIGHT leaping six permit are: These ent occurs. section of Test Operations under the table' with lovely flowers ing a infantry car or any chance of jostling the . THE INCENTIVE AWARDS program was pioneered by the Mr. Clair B. Olsen. Members are reminded of the WEATHER, ROAD, VEHICLE squad of 12 men to its point of driver. of Defense over 20 years ago and adopted throughout Department to menHelping dog your get bridge group which meets on TRAFFIC, AND DRIVER'S While at Dugway, Mr. Johnenemy contact in combat opera- accustomed to the sensation of the Government in 1954. It rewards people tor usable suggestions,, condition. and tal physical tion and of giving the squad maxi- - motion in Thursday mornings at 9 a.m. at son was an enthusiastic member of acts and sustained superior pershort will aid inventions, achievement, special vestages It is important that the the Officers' Open Mess. ' mum of the Rock and Mineral Society protection enroute. The greatly in preventing car sickness. formance on the job which benefits the Government within hicles and drivers A newcomer to Dugway is M l 13 M113A1 can cross inland keep and served as president of the In essence, by offering cash and honorary awards, the program Mrs. Paul W. Shelffler, wife of the legal limits at all times. ObHis one and also serve as a time. at waterways draws organization on the knowledge, experience, and imagination of the man write YOUR is to (3) DOC should have LTC Sheffler, who is the new viously, it impossible wife was active in area Boy Scout cargo carrier and transport veor woman on the job to bring to the surface improved ways of doing fit his on collar to license a and officer person hicle for litter patients. of the hosp- regulations every tag commanding activities. the job better, faster, safer, or more economically; ' identification plate which gives ital Hattie is from West Frankfurt, or situation. A regulation , can ADDITIONALLY, the basic The majority of cash awards are given for suggestions that be cannot which set limit the full a teleaddress and name, Illinois, and received a degree in only vechile design with a modified RIGHT AND WRONG have beer, someone ot con adopted either at the installation level, by a higher comnumber to education from the University of exceeded legally. These limits ' superstructure may be used as a phone Service-widThere is no difficulty in choosIn most instances, the benefit or dollar or mand, lost. case he is in tact However. ' and often violated in . are ,. Southern Illinois. Her husband remany mnk.1. i n" ."-- . if and between the of a suggestion that is adopted can be to Government wrong should take right savings ing precautions against ceived his B.S., M.S., and M.D. cases the lawbreakers are not ap- recbon center, and a communi- - you the question appears in that sense. him measured. When net monetary benefits for the first him the on a readily straying. Keep cahon. center degrees at the University of Il- prehended. leash in strange surroundings. full year after the suggestion is put into practice is 50 or more, It doesn't always appear that way, fast too of cases In linois Brooke and interned at driving M113 originally Don't the cash award granted is $15. him mn loose without . though. And in white and black natural -Army Medical Center, Ft Sam for condition, we violate at the Ordnance Di there are many shades of gray. When a cash award is based solely or primarily on intangible developed him Don't leave alone own does and her nature supervision. laws, Houston. Prior to coming to Dug vision of the Food Machinery and in the amount is determined by the extent of the applicabenefits, Nehru, to Adlai Jawaharlal hotel a motel or room: it's way, the snetners were stationed policing.. Punishment' is swift, Chemical . Corporation . (FMC) so tion of the suggestion, its significance, and the importance of the for a maid to door a is not and easy terrible open ' in San Jose, California. Production at Ft.. Sam Houston, San Antonio, sure, Mercy and accidentally let him out Texas for ten months. Previous shown. There is no chance for began in 1960 at the FMC programs affected by it. An intangible contribution can be rewardfacility ticket-fixinno (4) Your dog will feel more at ed, depending on its value to the Government, by a cash award in Charleston, West Virginia. assignments have been: Tripler postponement; . in home if can't call character witnesses' places strange you you ranging from $15 to $750, and even more when warranted. Hospital, Hawaii; Ft. Benjamin Logistic requirements for com- - take some familiar items along Harrison, Indianapolis, Indiana; or present youre excuses, ignor- ,upport vehicle, necessitated like his own -- w " grooming aids and a simple design for die Washington, D.C., and Teheran, "" PssaVsaVtsaw A small kit or suit' as an excuse In view of feeding pans. Shefflers Iran. The three accepted have an improv model M.113 mm wwf case for carrying these supplies boys: Chris, age 15, a sophomore; this, let us get fixed hrmly in M (which substitutes Diesei is an excellent idea. A large plastic minds which die our six in die fifth Robert, age 10, conditions' for. the 215 horsepower grade; mp6e is useful for carrying container acciryMLsic and Ora Keith, age 4. They live contribute to motor q, , water. And hell appreciresolve all drinking should we Then dents. Bonafin B 517 at Drive. wu lubsequently ate his own blanket or dog bed demon-- , M.n3) which at to drive inHthe speed of LTC wife , 1 he President, Vice President, and all members of the Mrs. Pirkl, FMC and placed Joseph .hy --Alt-- 1 kM A when wm rairstsssnt hotel a in motel. aura or trata nsir Cabinet have enrolled in the Savings Bond program. I want to you iwiaai jvr stay -v tPirkl, is well acquainted with hands of troops in 1985. The proprietor will be grateful, see every employee of the Federal Government these fer conditions. for stationed were helping to set an they THE .Dugway, is slightly too. example for the rest of the Nation to follow. With the higher inStay alive - drive SAFELY more than 15 feet here in I960. Mary, is enjoying 8 feet long, 5. Feeding enroute needn't be terest rate that I the chance to see many of her and defensively. recently announced, the bonds we buy will earn wide, and 7 feet high. It combines a these days. The new more money. Savings Bonds are now Remember: Takes problem "It friends from that tour. She is Longer protection and mobility in its competitive with most other st foods are ideal forms of form of saving which does more and there is dog no from Rye, New Hampshire and to Report an Accident than to saving design and it has a maximum land for the Prevent One." traveling dog since they direct good for our country. . . For the program is not only paa, her husband comes from peed of 4) miles per hour. no refrigeration and are triotic, it is also require Aluminum Minnesota. LTC Pirkl is prudent. Each bond that we set aside strengthens armor provides so easy to take along and serve. the financial with Test Development and security of our own families as well as the economy , ballistic protection against shell With his favorite food along, it of our country." Analysis and attended St. Mary's fragments, flash bums, and small will be Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paul AUes of Tooele are the happy easier for your dog to LYNDON B. JOHNSON JSO fire. arms in Minnesota and the And the 1966 caliber , Winona, winners of a new Ford Mustang given away July 15, used become to the routine of New Hampshire, of offers machine Abies their saved Mrs. and Mr. Stations. Texaco gun University Bonus t I? by travel. They wen previously stationed AllgUSt CiVeiltS capability, coupled with some Mustang tickets faithfully at the Bonus Texaco Station in at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia and other . offensive fire support Tooele. capability. WITH . EXPERIENCE 6. assignments include Heidelberg, Rugged and exceptionally most dogs get over a tendency to Club Service The Acres ROTC has the at vehicle new , a on chances Sandy maneuverable, two Germany, Michigan Bonus Texaco Stations giveaway car sickness. Some always get a State, and FT. McClellan, Ala- has scheduled a swimming party, excellent Ford Mustang every time you stop for service. A new 1968 mobility little quesy when riding however. 20. for and dance bama. is drawover interested in because terrain The neat August and, picnic Mary rough Mustang is given away every ninety days. vetri-naria- n will canasta and bowling and has two The swimming party begin it is air transportable, it can be In such cases, see your ing will be October 19, 1966. moa who can prescribe children: Phyllis, age 21, and at the pool at 4 p.m. and the pic-- dropped by parachute during air-nsedative. a sickness or tion pill dinner will be served at the borns operations. It is also in Michael age 12. The Pirkls live 7. Don't try to "sneak" your Service Club at approximately 6 herently amphibious and is proat 520 B Bonafin Drive. 4th South 2nd West, S.L.C. Another newcomer to Dugway p.m. Later in the evening, the pelled in the water by its tracks pet into a hotel or motel; if S.L.C. is Mrs. Richard Goring whose Barracudas will provide music at speeds of 3.1 to 3.5 miles per you're caught, youll just make it 3119 East 3300 South, hour. CPT Goring of Quarter- for dancing. S.L.C. husband, 1415 West 3500 South, master Corps, is die new difficult for people with dogs who and 3 THE On August 13, the Service come along after you. There are sary officer. Lea and her husband enables arrangement suspension , . h are from Boston, Massachusetts. h.up hosteleries that sponsoring a dus io ine many &f. . from the Forsyth vaifcy Music Hall for a matinee Lea welcome and looked- South nW, graduated West 3500 7200 m of "The Music School for Dental Hygienists in performance An after extensive dogs. directory hel vehicles. e Boston and CPT Goring received Man." The bus will leave the club of hotels and motels that accomP6"1 11:45 a.m. and will return after fmh a degree in sociology from the at with modate guest with dogs may be 30 percent side of obtained by sending 25 (to cover Massachusetts. The Main climb also University will and The vehicle 4th North the show. All those interested in Captain's last assignment was in postage and handling) and your two-foobstacles. the trip are urged to conthe Dominican Republic and, making name and address to Caines, the in The M l 13 is employed tact the Service Club as soon as C Mi-tie-d prior to that, the Gorings were of battalions mechanized every 'Touring With Towser," P. O. possible so adequate transportastationed at Ft HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Benning, Georgia; ROAD division. There are 48 of Box 1007, Kankakee, Illinois 329 North Main TEXACti Ft. Lee, Virginia; and Schoneld tion may be arranged. these armored personnel carriers 60901. 8. On trains, dogs are usually Barracks, Hawaii. They have two in each mechanized battalion, and children: Beth, aee 6, and Thomas. The chess tournament has been 25 in each armored cavalry squad- permitted in private room space or Pullman sleepers or parlor age 6 months. Lea is interested in extended through the month of ron. 5464 South 1900 West cars if they are kept either in a bridge and sewing and lives at August. New participants may is currently The 508 A Peak Street. carrier or leashed (and muzzled enter at any time and contestants both Club in the the in some cases). Otherwise, on most matches at by Army deployed may play whenever they wish. The Club CONUS and overseas units. It trains, dogs have to ride in the will answer any inquiries concern has found special use in Vietnam baggage car, where owners are vehicle. For this permitted to look after them. ine the nrocedures and rules of as a tank-lik- e Need extra money . . . promptly? See Household modified to in was it 9. MAJOR AIRLINES carry "purpose, play. Finance. HFC has loans to help you pay bills, self-clude a capstan-operatedogs to foreign countries or across buy a better car, take a leave . . . meet any need. 6:45 p.m. each Monday, recovery rig for greater mobility, the country. Traveling by ship? You borrow confidently, repay conveniently. No e the Service Club hosts duplicate A cupola and a modified ground-bridgMany ocean liners provide private wonder so many servicemen make Household their to-a-ir inits machine increase to for are "cabins" sailors. All canine who For gun players. : "headquarters company" for money help. You're teres ted are cordially invited to armored effectiveness have also an added touch of luxury afloat, welcome, tool added. These lwen modifications, attend. Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. there may also be trained attendof a joint ants on hand to feed and the result been have g billiards and pin;;-pHipocket groom matches are featured and "Game operation with the Vietnamese him. MONTHLY PAYMENT PIANI VaaSat 10. When shipping a dog, it Night" is held each Wednesday. Army. 12 M will be necessary to make arrang-men- ts fmmti tjmh pmmlt fmrnh with the steamship line, S 5.93 $10.07 UN airline or Railway Express. Some Mt 28.35 49.17 airlines use their own crates while INI $38.33 S44.00 52.50 95.00 2SN 93.75 107.75 130.00 others offer them for rent. The MN 181.94 1209.83 251.66 crate must lie large enough to m cMHm piMtl M Dufinv rmtaf Ovmi. r llhliil h Iht Uml if riMm kv Ite Tnwnfrl SuMki hkMNag C&. Twrir. I'lah. MM mi Uufc, mn ttm n the to stand turn Amm ftymmu iwctum principal mi tkmmt dog permit up, mmm wBmrf h aa am mi riawiil immrti bwt if SW hShiAnl im mi around and lie down. prmtmt mu paymmU mrt mmm i f w f tm Aran. AdurthuMi mtm m t iiniilnin m Is to miHinJ Payml hi tk paMkaKaa m ml iMH tmhi niit to Pipm1 at MtM i SW inSnito m mmrnrn iiliri. AR am aw to fUtll toal to m to w kmmmtm OH Finally, rememlier that no Dagaqp Pmtog " i TEST ICS. Dafiv. llak. lihjSii SSStSSI. Tkh h Mt ai Mrai matter which method you choose M Ml mmm an mtmiii nadal aaawaiaiH ATf mi ASf to go by, your fellow travelers will Mm accept Fido's company if he like a "gentleman." More HftmMai mm mmm to nal " Tto TimmtW SaBriM tmMmM Cm, d than likely, a Mate, Tmm. m f. a to SM la aim lUM Mk dug AS bMbiW an aRWal I'JL Ann p I him la aahm aSuiwIa mwi. Tto aaSa who doesn't cause serious proitfOOmmmty nwhNwIfMI if Ant fa Ml iMaTiffBaj HCMl hi faf (aarYmrlrtfalU tatAjMBJ pnrMMb blems at home-- as the result of mt fcM Mm pnaali ilai af aw Dtantaaal if tto Ann ami to aMalaal HOUtlhXXD FMANCE CORPOtATION OT UTAH MIT LAKI OfT MM good training and loving care . will he pleasure to travel with as St.-PH- ONE: 328-42- 81 88Z-106- B well. AA Mr. and Mrs. Milton T. John-io- n were shot and killed by their son, James Trout Johnson, on July 29th in Frederick, Maryland. James was found more than a day later near the city water reservoir where he had shot himself with a revolver. He died shortly afterward at the Frederick Memorial Hospital without re-gaining consciousness. 16-1- 7 u er hot-trave- ling te - 16-1- Factors In Desert Drifts New Armored Troop Carrier Road Accidents full-track- cross-coutn- ry fully-equipp- , . e. j .V' w. iiliiie rue : g; . 3; i , 71 J . soft-moi- Owa-toon- Service Club ; cross-count- KleaifiBaiMs C. , ic Bonus Texaco Stations: life M-I1- : Magna - top-notc- f Tooele jT uZ well-behav- ,"1 ot bonus Roy ...fOff 150,000 servicemen a yeas? Stoker Motors Invites You To Come In and Look Over the New Pontiacs and G.M.C. Trucks that are being Sold at Clearance Prices M The DPG Test Run 1 Why Wait fill October? See Stoker Mow! iml -- mm (xiiy)Bixi le-hav- es E0MAK1H I Stoker flflJir Bit lt NorthPhone C. well-traine- mmm) 160 South Main |