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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, August 12, 1966 The Sampler Theres a new law on the books that provides qualified, SOME FOUR million vet- erans who have served during present-da- y servicemen and vet- the past nine years and erans with a golden key to three million men and nearly women the future. This particular key" now on active unlocks many doors. duty are or will be eligible for the benefits proIT OPENS new avenues of vided under this Cold War GI educational assistance, medical Bill, along with 600,000 additional care, and permits the purchase veterans who will be returning to of a home or farm. To begin The Sampler, I would like to nnnounoe the engagement and forthcoming marriage of PTC Paul F.,Conrpw Jr, to Jklin Eileen Degelbeck. Eileen, a native of Lehi, Utah works here (mi Post at the Test Design and Analysis Office. She is die Assistant to the Custodian of Classified Documents. Paul, a member of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, hails from Chicago, Illinois. He is working as a programmer at Data Systems in Ditto Aea. Congratulations to both of It key that help.- same he Answers For Veterans , ... ... vear on-th- pivot Down in the bunker: I used an Equalizer. Missed the ball - wheres my tranquilizer. Threw off my hat - stomped it into the grounds. Smashed a banana way out of bounds. Got an explosion with a pitching wedge. Lost my ball and took the pledge To never, never, never ever In die golf game endeavor. Which group do you belong too? The Orange Balls or the Red Horseshoes! I Do you buy your gasoline from Dino the Sinclair Dinosaur, the Esso Tiger, or die Mobil Flying Horse? How about the man with the big bright Texaco Star, the hottest brand goin, or the sign of the Chevron? Many of you readers are probably wondering what happened to Neftrios mind. But all of this leads . to something a friend of mine told me about her trip through Europe in an automobile. Every year, American Oil Companies battle it out ad for ad. Spending millions of dollars in competition against each other -for example, the Union 76 Orange Balls and Gulfs set of Red Horse-- War 11 and Korea (who had similar benefits), President Johnson said they returned home to find not just gratitude, but concrete help in getting a fresh start with educational assistance, with medical care, with guarantees that permitted them to buy homes to live in. In a nutshell the new Act expresses die nations appreciation for your service and assures you the opportunity for a higher education if you choose, and home or farm ownership if you aspire to it. There are also provisions outlining Federal employment benefits as it concerns veterans as well as conditions under which medical aid can be obtained through the Veterans Administration. So, the golden key is yours. Whether you take advantage of die Act, either on active duty or in civilian life, is of course, your choice. Its worth discussing with your personal affairs officer. connected CENTER service-connecte- GAS FOR LESS . ' (a WASH JOB FOR 1.50 with 2.25 Vduel) YOUR WIFE AND YOUR CHUDREN . low-cos- Arthur N. Howell, Metropolitan Insurance Consultant, will be at Dugway and Tooele Army Depot Friday, August 13 to review and make policy changes. aubtance desiring Anyone call your Personnel Affairs Officer 2313 Dugway. Civ Huns leave names with Patricia Russell, 2751 Dugway. Tooele personnel leave names at Legal Affairs Office. ARTHUR N. HOWELL in-siPHONE.COLLECT mvnroN. y. . FURNITURE APPLIANCES i Gordon's Furniture For MOHAWK CARPETS SIMMONS MATTRESS ARMSTRONG UNO AND KELVINATOR Zenith N APPLIANCES AKJOKJST HU PI S. MAIN TOOELE Gillespie's Excel Service Satisfaction Center 398 North Phone Main 882-15- North Main SL Phone Distributors lor Humble Oil A Refining Products e, Lubrication Tires. Batteries, IB pm daily A Sunday 8 can to iPpon IB 41 We Specialize in ee frM HMUaNtaodeefo 882-059- V -- Dial 47 East Second North Residential and Commercial Construction lot or Ours - Call Ikt at 882-34- Build on Your -- 01 Nuts to Young Marriods - Choke Building Lots Available BUY NOW - BUILD LATfB Charter Service Anywhere Daily Schedules from Tooele to Tooele Army Depot And Teeela Smaltar Dial McGreggor COAL NEED Open Weekdays 4 p.m.-- S p.m. and 882-28- 882-138- 0 DUNN Roofing & Sales 882-34- '"'www.w 270 Maplu 21 Open Saturday 9 a.m.-- C p.m. UPHOLSTERING - ZIONS UPHOLSTERY Bryan's Plumbing & Heating ite el SnWrt Miftnnum WtilkUM tr mwph iThT NISH Mo lmtint-0- n Color WMinthou Sound at one picture m mc-ono haunt Color FiMity for y Two, pure color autonatkiliy Autoe Color Control matic Cater Control o Mamoiy Flo New SUP Can SS2MSI II N Main Leave Name and Addresa 882-22- 79 PHILLIPS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FRIENDLY EFFICIENT SERVICE iTi Whito Brother's Oil Co. t TV CUSTOM MADE U RESTYLING REPAIRINIG COVERS DRAPERIES RECOVERING GAS and ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Sales and Service Expert Installation Westinghouse RE-STYLI- PLUMBING - WSMBIEmm ColorTandlackTand iWh New from 74 SOI (CONSERVATION Call CUM 3 Tooele Workman's Bus Co. Gdf Equipment Spalding 882-135- 04 Class Lessons $1.75 per hour Wilson Phone TRANSPORTATION 882-32- Tooele Golf Course Construction Company jlrciHft flifflsngniiii 725 North Mala Air Conditioned WOW lESItl 23iG0lIOB 09 Full Coping lifetime Unconditional Gnarantnu Tiro Repairing Vulcanising Excellent Stock aP Passenger, Track Than A Tabes Open Alleys Every Night KKKKSKKKl DOUBT ... SALUTE! UaM Bli RED JONES TIRE SHOP Tooele Bowl 5 35 TIRES AND TIRE REPAIR Satisfaction Center Renta! 21 West 1st North IH SI2-3B- Anti-Preei- GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Shrubs SAY, WHEN 19th PARTICIPATING SPORTS OPEN NOW! IM.SIS7 COMPANY IMVRAMCS GOOD DEALS SEE US FIRST I ALWAYS Officii RUIDINCIi Metropolitan Life FINE CARPETS Trees Life REFERENCE OF LOCAL BUSINESSES AND SERVICES 591 N. Main, Too Snc. can now true-y- ou insurance for ell the eligible members of your family in one single policy! it doesn't make any difference how many children are insured, either. You receive this protection for all for the same low premium. Not only does this remarkable new policy provide an easy means of greatly stength-anin- g your insurance program, t but it also offers vary means of adding to such insurance as you may already have on other members of your family. Hava your Metropolitan Representative give you the full details about this remarkable policy; you will find it an easy way to further build up your own and your familiy's insurance program. Yes, it is have - PREMIUM OIL CO. Ellm EhanxnipuEBulLloi EPdduhing Co., new avenues, new opportunities, for the fortunate as well as for the less fortunate. Clailxjme Pell U.S. Senator from R. I. National Fforinn Association Journal ONE POLICY PROTECTS YOU, ot 10 Gal. of Gas or more (tyUttenMK & i - ; L-- thing - is not to cut off deep circulation just the superficial circulation around the bite. And loosen the tourniquet every ten minutes. 8. See a physician as soon as possible and remember: a first-ai- d snakebite kit is just that, first-aid- , so locate the nearest doctor immediately! d. OAR'S AUI0 service-- - - A ... SWEARING There is a new book out in France written by a Jesuit priest. Book of Oaths and Its title: Father Maurice; Swearwords. Lelong believes swearing has a very definite therapeutic value, so long as its not totally blasphemous. Damn and hell he specifically approves of. Tom Roberts While many people believe that the only danger they face from snakes is poisonous venom, authorities say an added hazard is snakebite panic. ACCORDING TO Clifford H. Pope, of the New York Zoological Society, about 85 per cent of all victims of poisonous snakebite recover. But some people collapse and die of fright after having been bitten by a autu The World Health Organization reports that over 40,000 nersnnx Hie nf makehite earh year. Most lethal U. S. species is the western diamondback rattler. More people, however, get bitten by but copperhead veiiom is nt as lethal as that of a copperheads rattlesnake. The coral snake, relative of the cobra, chews its victim. And the cotton mouth water moccasin, also poisonous, at least has a better disposition than its look-alikthe banded water snake. IF YOURE ONE of the 12 million campers venturing into die wilds this summer, here are some tips on how to avoid both panic and snakes and what to do i in spite of everything, you do get bitten: 1. Carrv alnncr a first --a id anakehit kit for reassurance. A small, inexpensive makebite first-ai- d kit now on the market contains seven items for emergency snakebite aid, including a suction device' for drawing out the poison, a miniature scalpel and tourniquet. The kit earned widespread popularity in 1965 when a heaw drought infestation an of snakes to many parts of the country. brought 2. Wear heavy boots when hiking in underbrush. Snakes dont like to be startled and remember that a rattler doesn't have to strike in order to bite. ' 3. DONT GATHER firewood after dark. A favorite resting dace for snakes, is in stacks of decaying wood and humus. Dont put your hand in a pile of timber without looking underneath it first. Since many snakes blend into their surroundings, daylight wood gathering is a must. 4. If you think youve killed a snake, investigate with a stick--nyour hands. Even a dead snake can pack a wallop if you use your hands if investigate his fangs. .The snake may be dead, but its with a stick. fangs can still snap shut from reflexxtion. Test first 5. When rock or mountain climbing, look before you make your next hand-holSnakes like to rest in warm crevices in rocks and often form a trap for the unwary climber who readies in without looking If you spot a snake while trapped on a ledge, remain absolutely still he may slither away. Q. I was recently released from military service. My fa flier runs an auto repair shop. May I e take job training in his shop under the new GI Bill? A. NO. THE NEW GI Bill does not provide training. The new GI Bill is intended to provide assistance for those attending schools such as colleges, universities, business, trade or vocational schools; Q. lama World War 11 vet(AFNB) eran. I would like to know some information that is not in my service records, but I know that it is in the company log books of tire outfit I was with overseas during World War 11. Are these books destroyed or are they kept? If they are kept could you tell me where to write to get the information I want? A. Write to the Army Records Center, TAGO, 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo., making sure QUICK you explain in complete detail die information you seek. Give service serial number, date of AUTO REPAIR -- PARTS birth, and periods of service. Q.i I REC3EVE a statutory award of 167 per month for arrested TB. I also have a nervous condition rated doss Installation - Front End Alignment - Safety Inspection 10 percent Why Wheel Balancing dont I get paid additional comREGULATORS RftOlLr GENEtUrCRS pensation for the nervous condii tion? 882-0371 Phono 64 East Vine A. VA pays die greater benefit - you cannot draw both the $67 statutory award for arrested TB and the $21 you would receive : MOtfiHLY. SPECIAL I for your 10 percent service-con--n octal condition. I very classy. Hook out of bounds - there goes my birdie. Bad lie, triple boogie - wordy dirty. Slip on a chip, dip out a divot Oops, Duffer, remember your . the Korean conflict Specifically, it is called the Cold War Cl Benefits Program, but to the U. S. Congress, which enacted it into law, it is Public Law Veterans Readjustment Benefits Act of 196a The Act was signed into law by President Johnson on March 3, 196a Have you ever noticed how certain groups of people develop entirely different languages? Take die golfers, for example. The members of this particular group communicate with each other, using words an English student couldnt understand. Here, then, is some of the color I picked up last week on my first trip to a golf course. Incidently, that was the only thing I picked up. Took off my head covers - pulled out a Brassie. Hit the pin on the first shot -- But, my friend reports that, in Europe, the Esso Oil Company has diem all bead Why? you ask, when competition is just about even in America. It is because Esso has traded in die ol tiger for a bumbleee and now, instead of hearing, Put a Tigei in your tank, its Put an Esse Bee in your tank". Kind of hart to beat - wouldnt you say? 30 days has September, April All tin June and November rest have 31, except PFC Vinci Gutierrez who only has 5231 is ow..u you. shoes. Vacation Tips On Snakes and Snakebite The Golden Key is Yours by Nefario Meekins YOUTH YOU DO get bitten, remain as calm as possible. Your if youth is the greatest remain concern is Is he poisonous? but even if the snake has gone fource of any nation, we must or you cant identify it, you wont be in suspense long If it's all our young pgy attention to who vex poisonous, the bite should start swelling in less than ten minutes, people, not just those 7. Don't tie tourniquet too tight. The main to remember OT disturb us. We must open up IF 6. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Wholesale Distributors m NORTH MAIN Retail Service CALL 10-144- 2 Tunlm Licensed Electrical Contractor her Pedersen Insurance Small or Large Jobs RADIO ELECTRIC torthMi I fi HARDWARE f CALL BOB f1C PHIE FHQN 181 South SAVINGS! Real 18 North Mala Estate 820572 trrtt |