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Show TEST RUN, Dugwiy Proving Ground, Friday, August 12, 1966 Dugways PX Activities In 1896, the War Department acted 0 regularize the system of suttlen and purveyors of goods to soldien by setting up Post Exchanges. Their purpose was to "supply the troops items of convenience and necessity not supplied by the Government, and to earn fluids to help military recreational and welfare 'the ample - must be acquired at the Exchange Services own expense. ONE OF the first questions asked about'the PX is: why does it sell goods at a profit? If the PX is a d benefit, dwuldnt goodi be sold at cost? The PX must make a profit for pro-grama-." Fram left to right Mr. Alphcui Cumbia, PX manager, looks oo as Mis. Clift Blackburn and Mis. Woodrow Lash asrist a at the Pvt FK g- Aten. PX may desire walls and partitions, other wall coverings, and flooring, for ex--I service-connecte- In 1941, the present system was establidied. Its official title Army and Air Force - two main reasons: it has to support itself and it has to supplement the appropriated foods which are available for dm wel&re and morale services of the Army and Exchange Service (A&AFES) -dates from the birth of the Air Force in 1947. THE HISTORT of our own Air Force. This means that the earnings of the EnnHangn system go into a. single common fond nom which the needs of all are met This is probably the important service the PX provides for its customers. PX really begins with the renovation of die present store in 1982. At that time, Mr. Rudolph Heg-da- hl initiated a Post fanKwij, Improvement Program. Mr. Jerry McCabe, rerident wnspr of the PX, and Major Tennison, Director of Personnel and Administration, The PX pays dividends to solwere also responsible for the sue-cediers, Just as a corporation does of this project On November ' for the stockholder! who diara the 22, 1984, the new PX opened for of the The diviearnings business, after expenditures of dends come tocompany. die soldier in the MO.000 had been made for additional facilities, alterations and merchandise. form of unit funds at die unit level and central post funds at the installation level Them monies Today, die PX has been expandare subsequently used to augment ed to indude seven activities. die appropriated funds for Special These are the mainPX, the SinService activities and programs. clair Service Station, Barber Shop, Beauty Shop, Laundromat, Ditto The Dugway PX lias schedulArea Snack Bar and the Snadt ed many alterations in its services Bar. in die Post Theatre. The PX for the near future. For example, is a member of the Utah Area foe Sinclair Oil Company was reExchange and a satellite of the Hill cently awarded a contract for the Air Force Bam Exchange. DugPX Service Station. The company officially started business on July ways PX purchases most of its 29th. Most of die alterations of die Service Station facilities will goods through the Hill warehouse. The office of the Utah Area Exchange is located at Hill Air be done here. The renovation inForce Base. The Exchange Officer dudes the building of two new Merbays, die removal of all old pumps . is Mr. John A. Spencer. The chandise Manager, Mr. Rudger E. and die installation of new pumps for foster service. The stations Jones, purchases all of the merchandise and Mr. Robert C. Poul-SOI- l, Food Supervisor, maintain present display area will be doublcontrol over the food products. ed to handle more automotive products. The number of person-n- d THE RESIDENT manager employed at the station will for our PX is Mr. Alpheus T. be increased to better accomodate Cumbia. The operating managers dm needs of Dugway residents. are: Mrs. Rene Dixon, supervisory sales clerk; Larry G. Prather, serTHE REAL! x Shop, presentvice station manager; Winifred P. located in Building 5132, will ly Keck, manager of the Ditto Area! be moved within the next two Snack Bar, Bruce Anderson, head months to Building 5234, across barber; Sylvia Goodsell, head the hall from the Credit Union. beautician; Staff Sergeant Charies The salon will be completely stockBottoms, Theatre Snack Bar manaed with new equipment, including ger, and Mrs. Jody Baker, manager chairs, dryers and booth units. of the Laundromat as ' j Smiling Joe Williams, Barber at the Post Barber Shop administers the hot lather, while SPS Nelson E. Ryan takes it aD in. The Snack Bar in Ditto Area will receive a lew minor alterations and decorations in a beautification program. There have also been tentative plans made to establish a Toy Land this coming Christmas. It is probable that the PX will obtain a building for this purpose. The Exchange Service pays for all of its merchandise and meets its payroll from its grow income. The only Army personnel paid by die PX are thorn who are embasis during ployed on a part-tim- e their y hours. The PX purchases all of the equipment it uses - e.g., showcases, decorations and cadi registers. Utilities such as lights, heat and commercial telephones are also a part of the PX expenditures, as are all expansion and renovation costs. off-dut- The Army provides die ground upon which the Post FjWy. store is built It also provides the shell of die building which houses die PX. Any and every modification of this basic structure which I i ( The products handled by the Post Exchange are determined by dm needs of die personnel who live on post If a customer finds that the PX doesn't cany a certain product he wishes to purchase, is urged to fill out one of the "want sups which are available at the PX. These dips are the only means whereby the PX can obtain information ofcustomer needs. he ; At the Post Beauty Shop, beautician, Kay Craft gives Mrs. Joseph J. Frazer Jr. a new hairdo. |