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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Frklay, August 12, 1966 Historical Changes In Lock, Stock and Barrel Ever since an inventive but incoporated two locks attach-geniof the 14th century first ed to a single lockplate with one shoot- set flame to gunpowder trigger. Pretty advanced for Oat a can- - age! small fire hand through ing non fastened to a wooden stock Flintlocks plvUl their way man has busily been engaged in into the small armaments race at about this time, and were there refining die use of firearms. THE FACT that the 'marks- - to stay until the 19th century, man of that era was hurled back In time, this device--a kind of almost as far as his projectile flint and steel set sparked by fired did little to slow down the die striking of flint in the hammer ' march of advanced gunnery. In against a metal plate became bet, by die end of the century, standard equipment the world bronze handguns were being used, over. It also was a favorite among most notably in the famed battle pioneers in Americas heartlands, of Tannenberg in 1399. IN FACT, the development Yet one big problem remained; of gunnery advanced rapidly and How could the vintage sharpshoot- - efficiently on U. S. dunes and er hold and aim his firearm . . . eras a guiding force in the bur-an- d somehow touch a match to a geoning image of American know supply of gunpowder to ignite how." the charge? That was the age of die crafts- The matchlock, invented in the man. One such pioneering artisan late 14(J0s, helped solve die prob- - toiled many weeks over a long-leIt enabled a rifleman to pull barreled flintlock rifle, which he a trigger carrying a slowly burning took to a shooting match in his cord to a touch-hol-e to iprite the1- powder charge. Improvements in native upstate New York. Pitted design also resulted in lighter against the best marksmen from weight guns with stocks similar several counties, he gained second in jiape to those used today. prize. The real winner, advanced BUT SHOOTERS still had to riflery. That was exactly 150 yean struggle with a vertable one-ma- n arsenal: a musket rest, powder ago. Mechanical improvements hom, bullet bag, match cord, were added, almost case, and a source of fire year. Cast steel barrels provided not too far away. And, oh yes, one new safety and accuracy-attrao-othd a sword, in case tive models came thing on the scene (and are still treas- die blasted, thing didnt blast Yet matchlocks were die talk ured by cooled on.) - die great of hand munitions people for cen- - rolling block action provided the turies. All of the Thirty Years Indian tighten and hunten in was fought with die late 19th century with the War (1618-48- ) matchlocks, and some military finest singleshot action made ih writers of die age claimed its that day. MORE RECENTLY, superiority even over die later- wheel lode. tacturen have learned their rights Leonardo da Vinci made some to new processes for lightness, of die earliest known drawings of compactness and easy handling wheel locks. These guns operated firearms. Since 1945, they have somewhat like todays cigarette produced a host of new center lighter: a serrated wheel was set fire cartridges as well from flat to spin against a flint, thereby riiooting varmint calibers, through producing sparks and putting the medium-size- d big game loads, to belted magnum cartridges. pow to priming powder. The design of hot gun shells THE WHEEL lode gave the has been revolutionized with sportsman his first fairly efficient plastic loads, innovated in I960, rifle. As the 17th century ap- - Three yean ago; a new plastic of wad column was introduced, interests designgun preached, en turned to die development of improving patterns and reducing this idea for hunting guns. Be- - recoil. Gas operated autoloading cause of its complexity, it was hot guns are also being produced, too high priced a system for the Heritage and talent, exemplified craft industry, average military firearm. But for in a father-to-so- n those who is the essence of die fascinating die affluent-includi- ng hired the guns diet defended history of guns. As die affluence of their duchies-n-o price was too moderp living provides more to pay for a good weapon sure time for the sportsman, new and greater developments to down pheasant and deer. In tact, an early repeating are on the horizon. Its a far cry wheel lode rifle has been traced from die first burst of organized" to 1594. It had only one band, . gunpowder, many centuries ago. ui - - . TENDER-A- . fijSDA LEAN. (CHOICE BEEFY. SIRLOIN ST REAL. Bkhess NfWYORK 3r HE-MA- N FLAVOR er brass-furaiture- manu-develop- . - CURE MOCKS 6c OFF FIU5BUAV Onohm Dark V FREEZER BOXES 3fcrl ch toothpaste ,53 Ms- e - SUNGLASSES aummUtar llaaiatMa ! OFF Or tMafeaHulki 4 WATCH FOR TUMBLER COOKIES gupranw Cacanut KSE,2ki89c Blood Donations Count CASHEWS the ways U.S. servicemen and women stationed ONE ofthe area of conflict in the Republic of Vietnam can aid 89 vyfcOeamSbe 12hr$l CHUNK TUNA NbUGmaiOQ U.QAC BEACH BALL MhdMsaf MAH! 19 fkafsrOnV 3AS DECANTER -Rag. 4fs Value. those in the front of battle is by giving blood through the American Red Cross. qBT SRI! 390 - 4M Whole blood, and derivatives of whole blood, have saved the lives ol hundreds of Free World wounded and sick. As long as the conflict continues, so will the need for blood. DIET TISSUE FOOD OhaGchismiS f 85' YDURBLDOD REPELLANT .2129 Qualiiy COMIRH 7Qe Off Intact Rag. 9tc Value.wmir SWAN 10c Off rM 20c OFF SAVES LIVES OMR 2 for 39c RINSOBU1EJ dove 2 for 49c SILVH . SOcOff Jwakc LUX 3 for 37a VIMTABLETSL DOVE BAR 32-O- z. StlkBar-WNu- IN VIETNAM! vM SOAP wtn n now LUX-de- S 10c Off Balk LIFEBUOY The American National Red Cross At one time the availability of blood, particularly whole blood, was restricted because of a storage limit on it Now, for the first time In military history, scientific advances have made it possible to freeze and! then reconstitute whole blood, putting large supplies only miles and! minutes from the battlefield. Other derivatives, that can be made only from whole human blood! are protecting those in the RVN against infection and aiding others already infected. Your blood can help in the RVN. The American Red Cross is the authorized blood collection agency for the armed forces. The next time the Red Cross Bloodmobile is in the area take time cut and donate your share. Donations cost nothing, but count for a E--6 Ll 10 OH Giant Pkg. lyi Grade Raises WASHINGTON (ANF) promotions go into effect this month for E-- 5 and E-- 6 enlisted personnel now on active duty with over 20 yean service in certain critical skills, DCSPER has announced. Promotions will be given to these personnel, upon recommendations by their unit commander, in four MOS branches: 48 skills in Signal, 25 in Engineering, 22 in Ordnance and 15 In Med-- 1 icaL Individuals promoted to graces E--6 and E-- 7 will inservice oblicur a two-yeto becoming gation prior eligible for voluntary retirement. A list of the MOS skills la found in DA Message ar 772228, July ( .(AFPS Feature) The Dodgers have appeared in 12 World Series. How many times have the New York Yankees been their opponent? 2. What halfback led the nations college football players in touchdowns in IMS? 3. Who is the only pitcher in the major leagues to pitch a nohit game in both the National and American Leagues? 4. How many timet did boxing great Joe Louis defend his heavyweight title? 5. What are the only two stakes race in the United State run at two miles? ANSWERS 4qiaia sq) pae 1. 0 Pm qn3 RIIPU nna ,bmu peqeyitf -- laPRlM I vox -- tug 1. . t n fuiAom 1 f MQjaq wii-o- a tupuna rewpu I up jane jo U Jsqaor Mg-iIS- sgin - 10c Off Net One-gra- de ta 2 for 35c Sara Carat Oanv WNi LIFEBUOY 2 for lot. (AFPS) E--5, I for 25c OFF. foiuna qf 1 M adj 6i igA mu pu wif 1113 1 7 T PRAISE. J ban KOmM LUX UQUII 33c OantHwCcMV .. All 40c WISK LIQUID MkH FLUFFY ALL DOVE LIQUID 82c Quart IT fticr 11 it DISHWASHER Al |