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Show PT Program VS HHC TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, August 12, 1966 by SP4 Boyd Wer p 830 x.m., of roldien frim Headquarters end CompanTadvanced Headquarters upon the Post Swimming Pool. The main objectivto takHhe 1968- - AugUSt si rmJtt,enr-c- e ( l-- T kjly 630 pib,e- - weapon, - towel, cotton and band of heroic soldiers met their foe on as they took to the water. The battle lasted for approximately one half hour. There were no repented but many of the men did suffer from severe shivers. This resulted from the icy cold water they fought in. JHE firs Pbion and second platoon of HHC, lead . T William nL V. closed in on the and 4th platoons lead 2LT Maurice Wilkinson, by took positions on opposite sides of a volleyball net It was pri- marily an air battle. Barrage after barrage landed on both sides, but the strong-hearte- d soldien of HHC were merely amused. "Whats going on?, you ask yourself. Weill It seems that LT Basan, Training Officer for HHC, is interested in die physical g of his troops. Any other Tuesday or Thursday at 6:30 a.m., the fellows would be doing PT (Physical Training) in the field behind the HHC building. In the good oT days, if you were up that early, you could hear die soldien count cadence at the top of their lungs. They were fighting their way through the routine ((Army Daily Dozen)) - twelve exercises used by die entire Army for physical training. Today, a new attack is being launched against that dreaded LT Basan believes there are greeter Army disease - Profile-ititargets for the HHC soldier. Other areas will soon be reconnoiter-e- d by HHC. For security reasons, I cant mention all of them; but the lieutenant mentioned a few. These are flag football, soccer and basketball. AS FAR AS the average Cl is concerned, the new strikes against conventionalism are great Instead of moans and groans, they have "no bones. Everyone this reporter interviewed was more than willing to relinquish his morning run around our post no longer is PT for organized athletics. Morale is mere exercise - its group therapy! I The Army Physical Training Program is governed by reguThese regulations set forth the lations AR 350-- 1 and TM broad training principles and policies to be used by all commanders in carrying out their responsibilities for planning, conducting, 'and supervising military training in die Army. The Physical Training Program is designed to combine instruction in basic bodily knowledge with muscular exercise. Athletics are organized in a planned and progressive program which aims at developing physical fitness and contributing to die individuals appreciation of the capabilities of die human body. THE PRIMARY objective of die physical training program is to develop soldien who are physically capable and ready to perform duty assignments and combat roles, and to aid in the continuance of good health and fitness through exercise. LT Basans reorganization program has fulfilled these obligations well During the first week at die pool, the men were classified according to their abilities. The groups consist of poor swimmers and good swimmers. Each man must attempt to swim the length of the pool prior to classification. The better swimmers will be appointed as leaden for the intramural competition will begin in the near future. This week die troops who qualified as good swimmers played received water polo in the deep end of the pool. The in die Lance Pool the Crawford, lessons from Director, swimming hallow md of die pool. Congratulations, LT Basan, for a job well done. nl-- ' Two Army weapons are scheduled to go into joint production here and in Europe under international agreement Main Battle Tank with Allied nations. The U. Program has completed its design phase and pilot models will now be built for testing at the Army Tank Plant in Cleveland, Ohio, and in Germany. In another agreement, the U. S. will turn out 100 155mm howitzers (M109) which will he purchased by the Netherlands for installation on vehicles built by industrial firms in that country. The new Army Green wool gabardine overcoat and the Army Green raincoat now being phased into regular wear will not be worn with organizational shoulder patches or sleeve insignia denoting enlisted rank, according to a DA announcement However, the new coats may he worn with civilian clothing. M IEl well-bein- SP4 Fatack D. S.4 Ihon, Come on in the water is fine! 1 From left to right, SP4 E--5 L. Martin Smith, SGT E. Bunker, Fonville, PPC Robert of the Headquarters and PFC James E. Frese enjoy the new Physical Training Program Post Swimming PooL the at held Headquarters Company JST 1 21-20- 0. if I SMP ? New Field Promotion Plan Ads Below Make Budget Watchers Glow! And Their Money Grow! s. . oorZ WASHINGTON (ANF) - The Department of the Army announced last month that it intends to give field commanders authority to promote officers to the temporary grade of captain without a central selection board and recommendation list. The plan would not go into MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: effect until present recommendafere type) word cents 5 (light Regular per tion lists are exhausted. These NEW WURLITZER Spinet Pianos SACE KENNELS-Boanf- ing 10 cents per word - Bud new (dark face type) Dogs. current lists are expected to be from $495 Parkers Music Co. 50 cents per ksue - Up to one lock (monthly rate) Cats. 75 cents. Larger breeds exhausted in October. 91 per inch - Over mm inch (Monthly rate) CRI 56 N. Main. 5. $1 per day. The new promotions, if the REALTY 91.50 per inch Display ads o Sept. 1 would be into effect, 191 North Main plan goes Chau-doiMarie ARS made on the same basis as promoFENDEKGUYT MONTHLY RATES are far cowecutiv insertions only, offers Salt tions to first lieutenant. rhanfTi Except with hiirinrw feme and individuals who maintain Amps k supplies; LARGE FAMILY? Call Main. adS. classified and all Bulletin, The junior Lake prices. 220 open accounts with the Transcript Four bedroom split level, fam- -. vertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. or 6 .officers receiving the temporary wall wall to ily room, carpetad riiould be reported hamediateiy. o AN EHROR in a rlifr" 34 Sept. 25 about will have HEMSTITCHING promotions ing, drapes, air conditioning. far one incorrect insertion only. ie The compaper Federal FRONA GILLESPIE months total active BEAUTIFUL Wurlitzer, walnut 11. CLASSIFIEDS wfl be inriudni in the TEST RUN, a Fully landscaped with sprinkl261 SO. FIRST WEST missioned service and about 16 roddents Crouad Bade to dhtributed sell. Proving 1,000 Dugway $13.41 ing system. yard completepaper spinet piano. Murt PHONE CRI , . months in grade as a first lieutenworkers, twice monthly, without additional charge. ly fenced. month. See Fred Cunard, per of at the time ant promotion. DEADLINE far dead fieri ads is 11 an. day of CRI PRACTICAL Horse shoeing nywhere Unless specifically withheld by RAMBLER STYLE - anytime. Reasonable the within commander a higher 5 bedroom, extra large dining HOME ORGAN transistor model prices. Phone John Goodwin, FOR RENT chain of command, commanders SPECIAL NOTICES area, plenty of cabinets, drop-i- n month. Has rotat5 on Highway 4a $18.68 per authorizof organizations with an range, 1H baths, coved linoOasis Service Station, Grants- ing speakers. Bells, chimes, BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 FURNISHED APARTMENTS two ed grade of colonel or higher will leum. Large family room. Beauo Hawaiian guitar, etc. See Fred ville. Aug. 26 and three rooms. New kitchens MEETINGS 2nd and 4th be authorized to make final detiful yard. Terraced flower Cunard CRI TUESDAYS 8 and elecat termination regarding qualificap.m. appliances, including garden. HAVE YOUR insurance rates CRL tric ranges, automatic gas heat, at 61 N. MAIN tion and to act on the promotions FREE WIG DEMONSTRATION gone up? Check our low rates. air conditioned. recreaofficers assigned of recommended Large - 882-40Call ( Make an appointment today PEDERSENS INSURANCE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE tion area. Rates start at $75 to their organization. 884-50Evenings: 8823568 8824556 Ph. for a AGENCY. fitting. private NO. 2031 ' month all with utilities per or MEETINGS WED. 8 furnished. Rent by day, week, pjn. SALE - new house. Brick, FOR CRI WILLIAMS COAL COMPANY 2 PHONE month or year. Linen service fell basement. locaExcellent WINTER LEAGUES now forming available. WESTERN APARTFILL-U- P ORDERS FOR tion. Priced very reasonable. at the New Tooele Bowl All inBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MENT, 515 North Main, Too-- , COAL FOR WINTER SUPSwift Investment Co., 5 ele. Phone terested in mens, womens, juPLY. CALLCEORCE W. WIL8. CRI niors, seniors, and mixed leagues APPLICATIONS BEING LIAMS OR ROBERT W' - MALE - FULLregister at desk or call 882-320WILLIAMS . SALE FOR two bedroom brick TIME EMPLOYMENT. SUN- FOR RENT - 2 bedroom apt. for- home and large cinder block rdshed or unfurnished, wall to SET SPORTING GOOD&, 10 COPES RADIO TV SERVICE - . building on one acre lot. Ideal ITS inexpensive to clean rugs and NORTH MAIN. NO PHONE ! wall carpet, drapes, $105 unRadio. Tv. Hi-F- i, for stock. Stereo, FM- - ; furnished, $130 furnished. Ph CALLS. upholstery with Blue Lustre. AM, Two way (CB), 580 No. Rent electric shampooer $1. 260 N. 1st East. CRI . 2. 1st East CRI FOR SALE BY OWNER Cordon Furniture, 60 South cinder Mod: home. 2 Main. FOR RENT - Small batch, apts. ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All EXTRA CASH Wall to wall carpeting, drapes. Men, no investMonthly rentals. 365 East Vine. . makes. Steam irons cleaned Gas range, heated garage. LARGE Used Desk - $20. ment - work full or part time Call Lewis Pannun-zi- o Aero-tre- d fand repaired. ELMERS: 38 W. 514 famous the assume loan. 5068. Buy Knapp selling equity; for particulars. CRI CRI Vine. shoes. Earn top commis$74 a month. 300 So. 380 W. 3. sions plus bonus, plus free inor 1 9 OpSep. BE1NG TRANSFERRED - three DRAPERIES Ready Made or Cus- surance. Previous shoe experiRENTAL UNITS AT DDA rooms of furniture for sale. No tom Build. All fabrics; modem -BY SACRIFICE SALE ence NOT necessary --- write OWNER apts. Unfurnished. reasonable offer turned down. , Gordon Furniture Co; R. L. Jenkins, Knapp Bros. WELL MAKE IT designs. Available immediately. Phone Fully carpeted, three bedroom Ph. CRI 60 South Main. home with refrigerator, stove, Shoes, 6401 E. Flotilla St., E. 3 or FACTORY NEW 2 and Los Angeles 22, Calif. near new o lot, large grade Aug. 10 COMPLETE STOCK C-- 5 Sc 12 school. $500 for equity. 179 S. NO KIDDING 100 per cent RED POTATOES - fresh dug every FURNISHED APT. - Couple or Broadway. fly killer if used as directed. INSTALLED Bevan Farm, South ColeREFILLING and collecting day. one middle aged. 0. Are flys gnawing at your man St. money from New Type high At Your Convenience FOR SALE - 2 bedroom Highland saddle horse? Milk cow? PorkP-quality coin operated dispenshome. Asking appraisal costs. er? And are they even bother-- , ers in this area. No selling. To APT FOR RENT - Unfurnished. Phone 8820529 or DONKEY FOR SALE - six ing you? If so let me help you. Ph. yean. 2 qualify you must have car, re2 PARLEY 882-25for Broke SAVAGE, 382 Sa 1st harness. $30. ferences, $600 to 91900 cash. o Ext. 3241. 2 Seven to twelve hours weekly APTS FOR RENT - Furnished Sept. 6 ; i BEDROOM THREE HOME in can net excellent monthly inthreeUnfurnished $75 AUTO PARTS or $85 FOR SALE - Used Girls and Boys VEHICLES Grantsville, 1 baths, carpetcome. More full time. For per, bedroom, two tile bathes, car50 N. Main, Tooele foil basement, fencing. ing, sonal interview, write P. O. clothing. Good condition. Ph. peted, heat and FOR SALE - 60 Impalia Convert. Make offer. 112 McMichael Av 2 Box 15402, Salt Lake City, Ut. furnished. B&B Apartments, 348 cu. in. CRI Phone 84115. Include phone number. Lakepoint, Utah. Highway 40. - Kroehler two cushion SALE FOR eves. Salt 3 ed sofa with matching chair, FOR SALE - two gentle mares, Lake. A- -l condition. See at 124 one Shetland pony. 69 West South FOR SALE - 1961 Ford Fairlane. HELP WANTED P-1st Tooele Grantsville. 0 Good condition. Also Lawn Boy or call St., Clark, -INCOME PROPERTY for sale Lawn. Mower. store 7 Unit BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted apartment plus lo- home level SALE FOR split . $29,900. $10,000 down. Mostly Call Connie Brown 3 cated at 626 North Brook Ave. FOR SALE - gas range top and FOR SALE - 1962 Corvair Green-brithree bedrooms, two tile 1. or FHA appraised at $19,800. Wagon. 48,000 miles, baths. Income $550 month plus. This home is in A-- l condition. Clean, $700. Call B&B Apartments, Lakepoint, WANTED BABY SITTER my And has a lovely fenced yard, o 3 eves. Utah. Sept. 9 home starting August 29. inter' carpets, Salt Lake City. 1962 CHEV Impala. 2 door hardcom, built-i- n range and oven. F 514 assume and Buy equity back 1. basement house. Fenced top. Excellent condition. WANTED loan. Owner will finance part Swift new. yard. Practically of the down payment For inor Investment Co., 884-66WANTED Woman to tend girls, 6 or CHAUDOIN STUDIOS Closed FOR SALE - 1965 formation call 8. Cray Corvair this week. Lessons resume Aug. Contact Doris contact at 166 E. Brook Ave. ages 7, 5, 4 spd., 140 hp, tachoMonza; 15. 3. 15 Alsop, 398 W. Vine, meter, Extras. $1790. Write FOR RENT - 3 room furnished P-Box 77, Dugway 9 427 Coleman. Sa POITnD - several sets of keys. Apt TWO BEDROOM frame home Call at Transcript Office. W ANTED - Oil Burner 3 to 4 59 CHEROLET V8 four door FOR RENT Furnished, large 3-for sale in Grantsville. Room 9. room. Also oil tank. Station Wagon. Heater - radio Grantsville. Ph. room apt. for garden. $7950. 304 Highland Drive. 2 extras. HOMES FOR SALE UOME MOBILE FOR SALE -- 1955 Chev Convert-ibl- e. FOR SALE - German Shepherd FOR SALE - house with upstairs AKC Police dogs Floor shift. Ph. registered. af-4 9 apt. $8,000. Call NASHUA 8x35 Red Carpeting. oclock. Very Clean. Two bednxmis. VANTED - would like to rent LARSENS, 1090 W. 1st No. 77 North three bedroom home in Too- CAFE FOR RENT NICE TWO BEDROOM home, ele. With option to buy. Broadway. foil basement, one acre ground, REWARD for return of . boys Western Flyer Bike taken from for horses. Complete fizoned MOBILE HOMES Rancho ElRae TRAILER SPACE 157 North 2nd West Phone Doran Hunt veteran. to nancing FOR RENT vacation trailers. T ruck coaches 2 WOMEN WANT WORK Also three 10x50 mobile homes. TRIANGLE S TRAILER COURT Displayed at Larsens, 1090 W. PERIENCED BABY SITTER and 1st No., Tooele. NOTICES Excellent view yard. play would like to tend children my WOODWARD Six spaces available. Lots 90 home starting Aug. 29. Ph. REALTY ft. long. 30J '.Vest 9th South, NOTICE The land belonging to 0 2 o 9 FOR SALE - I960 Great Lakes 130 acres on Highway 36 KfcK Properties has been postAug. EXPERT 1RONINC - Lois King. Ext Trailer. 55x10 60 acres irrigated. and hunting or shooting of ed (Erda) .. cellent location. lh kind is prohibited. TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT -any n Aug. 12 51 acres ini&itcd on Highway o wind protection and Nice shade Sept. 16 IRON1NC or baby sitting in my 36 (Erda). for winter. Reasonable. Phone home. DOTT1E KEYSAR WINTER LEAGUES now form-in-g P 1 FIIONT FOR SALE - New mobile home. at the New Tooele Bowl. All interested in mens, womens Can be sold on location in BABY SITTING my home. 882-48-(. LADY NEEDS IRONING. Daily. BUILDING 1.0. in (. isville. hour. town. Ph. 2 juniors, seniors and mixed leaExpert work. 75 cents 9 -gues register at desk or call June Hammond, FOR EXPERT House Cleaning 1 o Sept Call HAINES 884-505- P-t- n. 882-108- 1. 882-333- P-t- 882-066- 1 882-261- 4. 884-337- P-t- 882-261- 4. 882-139- 4 11 882-357- 11 T-C- 2. 884-552- 6. 882-108- 884-683- 882-006- 2. 884-394- 884-388- 9. 882-459- 7, 882-436- Two-bedroo- m C-1- 884-P-9-- Windshield Cracked? 882-022- 7. 882-279- 882-074- two-bedroo-m 882-207- 0. 882-302- 882-325- 1. P-1- P-t- ... 882-367- 2 882-357- 2. From left to right, SGT Erick Tillberg, SP4 Mike Boyd, SP4 Dean Peters, PFC Vince (Hotdog) Gutierrez, and PFC Willis Davidson watch the fast moving volleyball as PFC Joseph Robinson spikes for one point in the new training program at HHC P-1- 882-405- 2. BRADSHAW P-1- 5a P-1- 882-131- 7. , wt. p-t- P-1- 884-347- 7. 882-142- 0. 359-449- P-5- 364-608- 882-230- 882-309- 3. -- 882-191- ar 882-447- 882-384- 882-077- 3. 364-608- 359-449- 3, 1. P-t- - 882-141- 882-118- 2. 884-394- 882-319- g. . at 882-417- 884-344- 5. 884-336- 2. 882-421- 3. 882-408- 882-018- We have just received a new shipment of Sylvania color televisions and stereos. Come on in and let Fred Lewis show you the best color and sound in town. 882-315- 882-994- 1. 882-452- 3. 882-148- 882-351- 882-473- C-l-- 882-315- 9. 882-098- 882-434- 5. P-t- 882-194- 1. 882-4113- I P-t- P-t- 884-668- 5. P-5- 882-176- 9. S82-232- 882-243- 6. 882-065- P-t- 882-221- 7. 884-509- 882-320- 4. |