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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, July 29,1966 20. Q. May a Federal employee lie excused for a reasonable time to vote or to register to vote? Political Activity . Of Federal Employees A. YES. AS A general rale, where the polls are not open The Civil Service Commission emphasizes again that Federal employees and members of their families have the right and obligation to register and vote. Queries and comments of Federal employees, addressed to the Commission, indicate that many people do not realize the extent of PERMITTED activities under political activity rules governing Federal employees. The following questions and answers have been prepared for the Evidence and information at employees. GENERAL RESTRICTIONS: Specifically, an employee covered by the Hatch Act cannot ran for any partisan candidate or engage in any partisan political management By partisan candidate is meant one representing a as the Democratic or Re, National or State political party such not ran for office, even Federal A may employee publican Party. as an independent, in an election in which partisan political designations are used, unless he lives in one of the communities to which the Civil Service Commission has given partial exemption in connection with his local government. 1. Q. What employees are prohibited by the Hatch Act from active participation in politics? A. EMPLOYEES OF THE executive branch of the Federal Government and the Government of the District of Columbia, inemployees. The political activity cluding temporary and part-tim- e of employees of any State nr local agency whose principal employment is in connection with a Federally financed activity is also restricted. 2. Q. Are any executive-brancemployees exempt from the restrictions of the Hatch Act? A. YES, THERE ARE a few specific exemptions listed in the Act. Among them are 1) die President and Vice President of the United States; 2) Persons whose compensation is paid from the appropriation for the office id die President; 3) Heads and assistant heads of executive departments; 4) Officers who are appointed by the President by and with die advice and consent ot the Senate, and who determines policies to be pursued by the United States in its relations with foreign powers or in the nationwide administration of Federal laws. There is also a partial exemption for Federal employees who live in communities in which large numbers at voters are employed by die Federal Government. This partial exemption is fully explained in other Civil Service Commission reh NEW LEGION OFFICERS Dugway American Legion Port 131 inrtalled new officer! for the coming year at an installation dinner held at the Legion Post building here. Pictured above are (L to R) Leslie E. Nelson, Commander, Carroll N. Madsen, Past Commander, Chuck Byrd, First Vice Commander, Joseph Eva, Second Vice Commander, Franklin Meg-gitadjutant, Jessie Wactor, Finance Officer, Wilson Garrard, Service Officer, Marvin Freshwater, Sgt at Arms and Bob Sutherland, District Eight Commander who was the installing officer. t, . Tournament Bridge by Pvt. Corig at least three hours either before or after an employees regular hours of work he may be granted an amount of excused leave that will permit him to report for work three hours after the polls open or leave work three hours before the polls close, whichever requires the lesser amount of time off. If an employees voting place is beyond normal commuting distance and vote by absentee ballot is not permitted, the employee may be granted sufficient time off to make the trip to the voting place, not to exceed a full day. For employees who vote in jurisdictions which require registration in person, time off to register may be granted on substantially the same basis, except that no such time- - is granted if registration can be accomplished on a k day and the place of registraroud-tri-p tion is with-i- n reasonable one-da- y travel distance of the employee's place of residence. 21, Q. May United States property be used for registration purposes? U.S. Sato increased been vina Braids has 4.15 per cent. The maturity period of Series E Bonds under the new terms is now only 7 years. The interest rate on BAflirailSuil mmnMffKEHE non-wor- . ... Ib A. YES. A WHITE HOUSE memorandum dated January 20, 1964, expressed the Administration's desire that Federal activities cooperate with local authorities , and nonpartisan citizens groups in programs to facilitate registration. Our Heritage-Freedo- m MAU'lThN W The Liberty Bell symbolizes one of Americas cherished trea-surthe memory of the day this great nation declared lasting freedom. And it still rings loud and clear in Americas heart, although sound has crane from it for more than 130 years. ITS HISTORY is interesting to all of us for our heritage is closely woven into it. The Bell was cast in London. When hung at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, in 1752, it broke at the clapper's first stroke. It was recast by a local r, but this time its tone was not up to expectations. Once again it was melted down and a third bell formed. It was satisfactory. Throughout events leading up to the American Revolution, tile Bell proclaimed many occasions of joy and sorrow. In strict historical accuracy, the Liberty Bell did not ring July 4, 1776. The motion fra independence was unanimously carried July 2. It was accepted by final vote on July 4 and the document rushed to the printers. es ...color and black ft white 3. Q. Does the Hatch Act apply to part-tim- e bell-caste- Government employees? ..in metropolitan or A. YES. 4. Q. Please explain for employees affected by the Hatch Act just what their responsibilities and rights are under the Act. A. THEY HAVE THE right to vote and to express their po- litical opinions, but are forbidden to take an active part in partisan political management or in partisan political campaigns. In connection with Federal employees right to vote, the Commission restrictions do not relieve ememphasizes that political-activit- y of as to inform themselves of the their citizens (Alligation ployees issues and to register and vote. 5. Q. The Civil Service Commission enforces the Hatch Act for the competitive civil service. Does this mean that employees H - X, Ml T. 4 holding excepted positions (outside the competitive civil service) are not subject to the Act? A. NO. EXCEPTED EMPLOYEES are subject to the Act, N SK.4 A.iai these cases the employing agency, not the Civil Service in but H VI Haas Commission, is responsible for enforcing it. cAQLiaaaa 6. Q. What is the penalty for violation of the Hatch Act by u a federal employee? aoiiaas A. THE MOST SEVERE penalty for violation is removal from Tiis position. The minimum penalty is suspension without pay for 30 days. All East-We7. Q. Is it possible for a Federal employee to ran for public pairs except one contract office on die ticket of a national or State reached the political party? of five clubs and made. One pair readied the optimum contract of A. NO. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES cannot be candidates for six clubs and foiled to make. All of cashing any national. State, county, or municipal office filled by parti cm mistake die made pair the ace and king of diamonds at elections. They may run fin- local office only in elections that are nonpartisan. i tiie wrong time. 8. Q. May employees covered by the Act attend political ralSuppose a diamond is led. The lies and join political clubs? line of play with the highest perA. EMPLOYEES COVERED by the Hatch Act can attend centage of making six clubs would political rallies and join political clubs, but they cannot take an be to win the diamond and lead a active part in the conduct of die rally or operation of the club. spade to the king. A heart is then Other things they are prohibited from doing are becoming involved trumped; a small diamond is then in soliciting or collecting' political contributions, distributing camtramped high; if south overpaign material, and selling dinner tickets, or otherwise actively protrumps and leads back a tramp; moting aich activities as political dinners. declarer wins in hand, tramps a 9. Q. May ah employee who is subject to die Hatch Act heart with his last tramp in write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper, expressing his my, then tramps a small diamond in hand, draws remaining trump opinion on a partisan issue? A. YES, BUT he must not solicit votes for or enters dummy with a spade, and against any discards his heart political losing party or partisan candidate. If he solicits votes, it is a finally Hatch Act violation. on the king at diamonds. fringe areas COUXSCAN C-- I m Each year over 150,000 servicemen borrow confidently at HFC. May we help you? SIN 5M INS 25N Aten peymntt ikUi principal nd charm praaidini ali paymtnii mt made am cchadult 10. Q. HOUSEHOLD MU 160 South Main LAKI six-on- ftj" OF UTAH CITY 328-42- St.-PH- ONE: rBU17If T the six club contract, barring a Hon e spade improbably Tj? distributiomHowever, if declarer attempts to discard a losing heart .. n on the king of diamonds too early Act by mereIr in the play, south will make good wearing a campaign button or displaying a bummer sticker on mm eluht his car? A. NO. THIS IS not prohibited by the Hatch Act. However, employees must observe any rules of their agencies restricting a partisan political display on the job. 'CoybotaUon, I (too made ty FINANCE COM ORATION May he make a campaign contribution to his party? be,rliJr?i to do so. The contribu-highl- y to some other em-" prohibited lrFederri law from accepting contri- he nnot ,icit PIi- en,Ploy 81 0seiyiP fa For The Convenience off ufl off Town Shoppers .... be with an RCA antenna. Indoors, you're set tor all channels (2 thru 83) with sn RCA II only indoor antenna with personalized tuning control for both VHF and UHF. Turn the UHF knob and wstcl) the loop rotate. Stop it when the picture' ideal. VHF tele scoping arms swivel in any direction for greater picture clarity. B Outdoors. have your dealer install an ROB COLORSCAN, tor all today's and tomorrow's reception VHF. UHF, and FM, Black & White or Color. RCA'c "Space-Ag- e antenna engineering provides scientifically spaced dements for extra signal strength. There's an RCA antenna for every need. Insist on the Mark of Quality, at RCA Dealers everywhere. COLOR-MAR- st Wherever youre stationed, whatever your need HFC Is there to help. Households military loan specialist will provide the money to meet that need promptly on a sensible nts repayment plan. mfM INI 20 Sm how much better your TV picture can D-- S HFCs reliable money help is always nearby TV leases. One of die key factors in fulfilling a bridge contract is precision timing of the hand, or playtrick-takiing cards in maximum The hand, following sequence. taken from a recent duplicate tournament at the Dugway Service Club, is an interesting example of the decisive effect of correct Anywhere you go ciiifitiw satellite FIFTY-NINyears later, in 1835, the Liberty Bell cracked while tolling in honor of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Marshall, who had died. E . i Although it has never been rang since, the Liberty Bell still carries an appealing note to all Americans. It symbolizes the the Fourth of July when an infont nation declared lasting day freedom for her citizens. RCA PARTS AND ACCESSORIES : DEPTFORD. N.J. Tts Mast Traits! Haae la - The Liberty Bell is 2,080 pounds of ancient bronze hung black walnut. Around its crown from a beam of solid hand-heware these words from the Bible: Proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all the inhabitants thereof. - Leviticus XXXV, 10. It has been done. . EMtdcs AL & LID j n 26 Furniture and Appliance S. Main Ph. 882-096- 4 tj wmwit x Now you can get the famous same mattress with covered the richly Supreme brocade formerly used beautiful French-Blu- e by Serta only on the famous Perfect Sleeper Serta-Ortholu- mattress at $79.50. Sleep more soundly on the smoothness of a x luxuriously quilted mattress a for at limited time a $49.95, only Supreme Serta-Ortholu- 12. Q. May a Government employee's wife who is not a Government employee engage in political activity? A. YES. THE ACT does not restrict the activities of an employees wife or of other members of his family in any way. 13. Q. What should an employee do if hie does not know whether a certain activity violates the Hatch Act? A. SINCE IGNORANCE of provisions ot the law will not excuse a Government employee from penalties for violation, he should present the matter in writing to the U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1900 E Street NW Washington, D.C. 20415, before engaging in the activity. REGISTERING and Voting - Ceneral Q. What is the Commissions general philosophy with individual's participation in registration? to the regard 14. Johnson in Sogarhouse lincolra-flilercu- ry Until H wilfl he 2 p.cn. Friday and Soffordoy Johnson f ILincoOn ftlercury in Sugarhouso 951 East 21st South (Lincoh-r.lorcury-Com- ot) Open until Llidnight A. THE COMMISSION, over the years, has expressed the view that it believes all citizens should be encouraged to re girt er and to vote, and that no impediment should be permitted which would hamper an individual from participating in registration activities and voting. 15. Q. May a Federal employee participate in nonpartisan registration drives? A. YES, to the fullest extent. officer? employee serve as an elected that in doing so he discharges the duties of the office in an impartial manner as presciilred by State or local law, except that he may not become a candidate for such office in a partisan election. 17. Q. May a Federal employee serve in any capacity at the in behalf of a partisan political candidate or political party? polls A. NO. HE MAY NOT assist such candidate or party in any way at or near the polls. 16. Q. May a Federal A. YES, PROVIDED construction has just, the right firmness for deeply satisfying comfort and restful sleep. The kind doctor! recommend. felt upholstery make it Cushiony layers of feel aa luxurious as it looks. rt d Heavy-dut- y edges join with steel coils to keep the Supreme new looking year after year. KING SIZE 3 pc. set $189.95 QUEEN SIZE 2 pc. set $139.95 Serta-Orthol- twin-tapere- a Federal employee use his auto to take voters to the polls on election dav, or lend it, or rent it for this use? A. GENERALLY, NO. Of course, the employees auto may be used to transport himself and members of his family to the polls. I ux EACH top-quali- ty Serta-Orthol- 18. Q. May In addition, members of a car pool may stop at the polling pluce to cast their votes on the way to or from their places of employment. 19. Q. In most States a. registrar is appointed by the County Clerk or Clerk of the Court. Can a Federal employee accept such appointment? A. YES, IF in doing so he gets permission from his agency and the work does not interfere with his agency's business. This is a matter for each agency to decide. SUPREME Mattress Serta-Oithoh- ix rrusvu M Furniture W m & Mattress or matching box spring Full or twin width NO EXTRA CHARGE . FOR EXTRA LENGTH LI 9 Free Parking Appliance :J i: 4 |