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Show KQDC3 ZlllIGWAY, (zDugway UNIVERSITY usn.ws 3 AUG Publidied for Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah Publishing Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Tooele, Utah, a private firm, in no connCcted with die Department .j Friday, July 29, 1966 Yol. No. 10 No. 2 pErJ0DlCALs DEPT. ArmOpinions expressed, by publisher and en heroin are their own and are not to be writ-Compan- siderod an official expression Army of the products or services advertised. ment of the Army. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the v, . con- - by the Depart- Military, Civilians Get Pay Increase 3.2 Pay Raise Effective July 1 Civilian Pay Raise in Effect All active duty military perApproximately 700 Classificasonnel received a 3.2 percent Act Civil Service employees tion effecpay raise at Dugway Proving Cround and tive July 1, 1966. Test Center received a Deseret The bill which was signed by 2.9 percent pay boost effective die president on July 13 is on this pay period starting July with base pay only and does not include 10 when President Johnson signed substior raises in either housing die bill July 19. tute allowances. IN ADDITION to the actual M. COMPTROLLER William in pay several fringe beneraise Riley stated that at present the included in the Mil fits were Dugway finance officer has not . with the most beneficial being the received and 60-2providing of the 55-3- 0 Dugway comptroller William - retirement at retirement M. Riley stated Friday that the the age of 55 with 30 years service finance officer here had not yet or at age 60 with 20 years service imfor received the instructions no reduction in annuity. These at plementing the pay raise. If the benefits are one which employees instructions are not received in have sought for years. DUGWAY REPRESENTATIVES The Dugway time for die July 29 pay day Riley aggregation pictured above are Other benefits provided for by roil said that a supplemental pay competing in a three day Little League Regional tournament being held here. Six team Mil includes an increase in the will be made up for the amount are in the one game elimination tourney with the winner going to Suneet nest week lor rates. The rates under overtime n die state finals. The of the raise and distributed beselected hem the four major teams here are 1st row (I to r) Mil is based on the mininew the Shane Duncan, Danny Eisenbise, David Houle, Allen Johnson, Chauncey tween the 1st and 15th of August. Gary inmum schedule rates of GS-1- 0 Several examples of die amount Harris and John EldanL 2nd row (I to r) Matthew Golden, Pat OHanlon, Calvin Griffiths, GS-- 9 the maximum and stead of Mike Wactor, Rex Palmer, Dan Jefferies, Marty Shearer, Peter Mnin and of raise include 1LT with over rate increased from $535 to $6.08. Mike MinanL Missing when the picture was takeni Mark Lidner and Coach Steve Haight. two years service from $407 up ' This portion of the Mil does not E-- 7 r 5 Pictured is above Air Fighter-BombeForce the which performed at the Air Show with over 16 years to $420; apply to Wage Board employees. at Michael Amry Air Field last Saturday. Major Robert Jondahl, pilot of the aircraft, is - .service from $40930 to $422.70 shown in the foreground, answering questions about the plane and its performance. under the new pay scale and SP4 William M. Riley, DPG CompE-4 with over two yean service troller stated, that an additional from $204.90 increased to $21130 benefit provided for in the Mil is that anyone working on Sunday by virtue of the pay raise. THE PAY raise was the first as a part of a regularly scheduled for active work week will get a 25 percent personnel since 12-1- 4 The cost reduction program at machine was $84,000, die new die summer duty of 1965. differential pay for die Sunday Ground Dugway Proving Dugway Proving Ground showed method resulted in a net savings The bill did not cover rework. This portion of the Mil does An Air Show was held at the will host the District 2 Little a savings of $158,000 during the of over $90,000. A gala golf tournament has tirees - who get their own autois the theme for apply to wage board employees Although golf Michael Army Air Field last been scheduled at fourth quarter of fiscal year 1068 League tournament starting matic adjustments as the cost of Dugway for the weekend, a strong emphasis but does not apply to any stand-- . The new machine takes a comThursday, July 28 with six Saturday featuring the Air Force the second weekend in August. is also bringing the total to $460,000 does but it specify goes living up being placed on die social by employees. a Fighter-Bombe- r. teams vying for the right for the fiscal year. plete sample evaluation in . Major For several the golf assothat a person retiring on the efof the event. Two nights yean aspect to travel to Sunset next weekRobert time interval, in contrast THE PROVISIONS of the test from Jondahl, a pilot ciation at Ely, Nevada and the of entertainment are included in of the Mil will base fective date SAV1NCS for the THE year to the estimated time of approxiend to participate in the state Air law Force Base, Florida, Eglin provides that the pay raise DPG golfers have exchanged golf the golf package and a good time rates. was 105.1 per cent of the goal mately two hours per sampler by his retired pay on die new demonstrated the fighter before a tournaments. become effective at the beginning tournament Dugway golfers should be had by all. for the year which was set at the former method. The savings crowd of about 200 people. The were the of the first full pay period followat Ely over die THE SCHEDULE of events guests $438,000. The largest total sav- through the new process repreTEAMS ENTERED in the was cm hand to answer weekend of crew ing July 1, which in the case of 17th and were follows: June s. ings was in the area of improving sents 10 civilian Dugway tourney in addition questions concerning the aircraft. grandly entertained. ApproximateDugway employees meant July 12th: Friday, August to the host team are the south10. management functions, where a The show began at approxi- ly 37 Dugway golfers made die 6:00 p.m.-8:0- 0 p.m. Arrival and total of $104,000 was saved in the east area and Rosecrest from aircraft the land when 1:00 the to of and sun, golf dip mately p.m. Riley stated that the compbilleting of Ely participants. last quarter and $173,000 for the Officers' Salt Lake City, Nephi, Sunset PFC Gary C. Ripley has been was displayed. At that time, some and returned with ' Open Mess 9:00 p.m.-ll:0- 0 p.m.: Party trollers office hopes to include and Fillmore. year. The savings in this area selected as Post Soldier of the of die children present were allow- more than their share of the and mixer at the NGO Club. the pay increase in the checks to Elects Board Members were 362 per cent of the goal. Month for July. In conjunction ed to sit in the cockpit. At 2:15 prizes. be distributed August 5 and if not, SATURDAY, August 13th: Sunset and Rosecrest will IT WILL be Dugway's turn Lt Colonel James C. Greene with winning this award, PFC p.m. Major Jondahl started the a.m.-2:0- 0 Scheduled 8:00 will be a supplemental pay there Other substantial p.m.: were savings meet in the opening game die to host these fine Nevadaites on was elected president of the Ripley will receive a Letter of fighter and demonstrated roll in in made die of areas non com bat golf tourney August scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Thun--daAchievement from Post Command6:30 p.m.-8:3- 0 maneuverability in the die weekend beginning August vehicles management with a yearly Board of Governors of the Dugp.m.: Party in planes afternoon following openfly-b- y and maximum 12th. It is anticipated that forty the Desert Room of the OOM. d Officers Open Mess for the er, COL Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., a savings of $54,000; in die schools " way $25 U3. Savings' Bond, and a ing ceremonies. The second climb, elections held at last 8:30 p.m.: Buffet dinner on the supersonic to fifty men and women participerformance year coming and other educational facilities game of tire opening day of pass. week. will come to Dugway. patio of the OOM and awarding rolls, upside-dowpants loops, flight, of where a were $19,000 savings die tournament will fiqd SouthHe replaced Lt Colonel Samu-,- d flights, high There will be scheduled events of prizes. flight, made, resulting in a percentage east meeting Dugway at 5 p.m. and landing. Every- and prizes for men and women in G. Beid, Marine Corp Liaison flight speed SUNDAY, August 14thi 1920 of cent The article on the Savings savings per one agreed that the show was a every bracket from champion Officer with die CBR Weapons 8:00 a.m.: Scotch foursomes, Bond campaign in the July 15th 1:30 at to supreme duffer. It has been p.m. Nephi or golf, as desired. complete success. Ajday Another field in vhich a large Orientation Course who deputed issue of the Test Run omitted the will play the winner of the rumored that attendance prizes The charge for all of this fun, Dugway last week for El Toro was made during the quarsavings following statistics: Security Secwith Rosecrest Sunset game may be rewarded. food, refresnments and prizes is tion has a record of 973 ter and fiscal year was in the im- Marine Base. per cent Fillmore meeting the winner Also elected to the Board for of real property manage$10 per person for each Dugway Bond the proving in Savings participation of Southeast Dugway at 5 entrant. Single men and women, ment where a total of $123,000 the next year were LTC Arnold This program. percentage places as well as couples, are invited to p.m. Friday. was saved during die past fiscal R. Young, Captain John T. Har-lin- g Security Section well above the LT and W. n James not enter. Dyer. guests year. This was almost 200 per Post average of 833 per cent, Eleven of Dugway 's enlisted Other members remaining on CHAMFiUNSHiF THE from Ely are also welcome. For as 44 out of the Sections 45 cent of the goal. perreceived to personnel promotion the board are Major Melvin Wohl-mafurther information, contact Mr. sonnel The U3. Air Force has estabgame will be played Saturday in the E-- 6 E--5 participated the of and this grades Lt Colonel Victor H. Lidner, THE RIGGEST single item Charles Byrd at the golf course, lished Operation Combat Leave morning at 11 a.m. with the month. All six of the promotions in the savings in the improvement Major D. F. Lon go and LT Richwinner traveling to Sunset next for airlift phone number 2305. tip permilitary provide to the grade of E-- 6 were made sonnel of management functions was the ard A. Yaffo 1. week. on leave prior to departby members of Headquarters and An additional member of the installation of an Automatic Spot ing for or returning from SouthHeadquarters Co. This group in- east Asia. Other Counter and Sizer (ASCAS) board will be appointed at a lamilitary personThe players on die visiting cludes six new staff sergeants: which resulted in a total savings ter date to replace Captain Chutnel can be airlifted on a teams will be quartered at AnPeter Huerta, John Landers, of $174358 over die previous me- es R. Bush who has been reassignbasis. derson Hears t, Kenneth Badgett Dugway during the tournament thod and, although die cost of the ed from Dugway. Afton Chamberlain, chief of and Lawrence Kelly. Raymond die commercial traffic section here, Lasichak, also of Headquarters stated that Dugway personnel and Headquarters Co., was prohave been sent via military airmoted to the grade of Sp6. lift out of Hill AFB but, at the Y s. Headquarters and Headquarpresent time, the oily personnel Co. also had five members reasonably sure of getting pasters award the ceremonies, During PFC Ripley was also promoted to receive promotions to E-- Joseph sage on one of the flights are die rank of Sp4 E4 by CPTBill Toler is now a Sergeant with personnel going on leave prior to R- Jerald Spores, George Le Coney going to Southeast Asia. Cardwell, detachment and Victor Roberts comprising The operation will continue S. Army Hosuntil the current airline strike Sp4 Ripley, a native of Niagara the new Sp5s. U. Falls, New York, is ' currently pital was represented by James has terminated and CW4 Thomas to the Whittle, Military Personnel Offi-- 1 working as a dental assistant at the Hantz, who was promoted rank of Sergeant E-Post Hppital. cer, stated that personnel will be given detailed instructions about the possibility of travelling on military flights when they leave the installation. DeA memorandum from the partment of the Army has jurt arrived in the Post Information Brigadier General Thruston T. Two awards will be presented Office. It provides die following Paul, Jr., and Colonel James II. adthe Post Commandant, COL information: the names and by Watts will arrive at Michael dresses of U.S. voluntary agencies J. Fraser, Jr., at the monthJoseph Army Air Field this coming Monand those welfare and recreation ly parade at 4:45 p.m. this afterday. BC Paul is the Director of noon. . organizatiosis which correspond Plans and Programs in the Office of the awards were with and send gifts to U3. serof the Chief of Research and De- SGTRecipients Erick G. Tillberg and Sp5 vicemen in Vietnam and who proof the Watson W. Jurden. SGT Tillberg, vide assistance to the Vietnamese, velopment, Department the is with Watts Colonel Army. transmail of Headquarters and Headquarters of information people; Army Materiel Command in their Company, received a Certificate portation of personal corresponDeof Achievement from the Armed dence and gifts to individuals and Research and Development partment. blood Forces Korean Network of Korea. units; procedures for making CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT-LT- C Robert CogTheir mission will be to review Sp5 Jurden of the U.S. Army Provost Marshal for Dugway Proving Cround since April and analyze the financial progins, 20 mors after years Hospital is retiring Anyone wishing to learn 1963 is shown receiving the Dugway Proving Ground Cergrams and test programs in proof service. COL Fraser presented proabout the NEW SILVER RARS-Ste- ve Haight, Deputy Finance and Accounting Officer has new tificate of Achievement award from Colonel Joseph J. Fraswill here at Dugway. They gress of . him with a Certificate Appregrams and services may inquire also silver ban pinned on his shoulders by Ms wife Judy and Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr, er, Jr., DPG commander. LTC Coggans departed Dugway receive briefings on the overciation from the Department of in the Information Office at Post DPC Commander, during the ceremonies held recently in the Commanders office which last week being reassigned to Korea. all of Proving Dugway operations the Army. Headquarters Room No. 1504. commemorated LT Haights promotion to First Lieutenant. Cround. across-the-boa- rd All-St- ar All-Sta- rln . Maiy Cost Reduction Program Nets Savings of $460,000 Dugway to Host Little League Teams ' Dugway to Host Ely Golfers Here Aug. Air Show Success All-St- ar F-1- . Post Soldier Of The Month man-year- es -- . y high-spee- ay An Omission n low-spe- Eleven Promoted Military Airlift This Month In Operation . n, . space-availab- 5. com-tpand- er. 5. Aid to Vietnam above-mention- ed BG Paul to Visit Dugway Parade Awards le |