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Show The Cauldron by Sp4 Breitbart r- - in i i -- . For some time now I have regarded the Army as a unique experience. 1 mean there are just some things you get in the Army that you cant pick up any place else. Now it looks as though once again, life is imitating art, and is incorporating Big Business Army methods into something called "total design a complete standardization and planification of the executive environment. In die new CBS building in New York, desk and chair positions are fixed cm charts, ash trays and baskets are standardized, plants and artwork are chosen by the upper echelons of the chain at command, and are watered, hung, and cared for by special staff personnel. At the present time, Army nomenclature is not being used, but this will no doubt come. In addition, all papers must be removed from desk tops at the end of die day, and these desk tops will, I repeat will, be dusted daily and waxed (washed weekly monthly). The hawks of this program are quick to point out the bennies: uniformity, efficiency, freeing of the individual from petty considerations of taste, and helping him to blend in with the organization. As one of the grey flannel militants put it: People need to feel the team idea. We couldnt agree more. Once again, the Army has shown the civilians the way. Individual expressions needs a solid base, a shape, a form, and we should count our--0 selves fortunate . to receive this training here at Dugway. Due to spacial and temporal limitations in the last Cauldron, we were unable to mention SGT Picket's reappointment as Operations Sergeant, and LT Roselles assumption of the command of Headquarters Company, but we still wish them well and welcome. A flower from the slag heap this week goes to PFC David "Ripples Blair, for showing us where its at, another to Supper Strege, who will soon find out, and a whole bouquet to the Headquarters softball team; the boys are really tearing up the dust over there; For all you little hodads . . . Remember! In the world of water, the suffer is king. For those of you who care, and I know there are a few, I received an answer from our brother institution in Massachusetts. The parallels are striking: Surrounded by acres of woods and lakes, the Dugway lies within easy driving distance of major towns, libraries, theaters, museums, hospitals and cultural centers. At' the Dugway, learning is an integral part of living, of At the Dugway, die growing. emphasis is always on stimulating the childs natural curiosity and cm developing his intellectual "Students clean their own rooms, take care of their own clothes, and do their share of the community work. Students receive a weekly allowance to spend as they see fit. Sounds very much like us, doesn't it? Just goes to show you. There's trouble on the outside, too. - - s. , HI ;; L ' W - T i ' in-o- ut TOP SKEET SHOOTER Don Shearer was the top ihooter at the ikeet ahoot hdd Sunday at the Dugway duet ranee when he hit 24 out of 25 bird. More than 25 diooten participated in die event. Army Orders Many Enter Skeet Meet Black-Gree- n Welfare and Morale Division Name Tapes sponsored a Skeet Shoot last SunThe color of name tapes and day at the Skeet Range located U.S. Army th of St. The Reservoir east distinguishing shooting match was open to all those who insignia on soldier's uniforms world wished to compete against Dead wide will be changed to black letters on olive green background, Eye Poppy Ott. Anyone who could beat Poppy would receive the Army announced this week. a prize. The competition began at approximately 8:00 a.m. and ended at 1:00 p.m. Fifty persons entered the competition but only two of diem beat the man. Don Shearer scored 24 hits out of 25 shots-t- o become high man. His prize was a large flashlight. Conrad Neilson was second, with 23 hits out of 25 shots. His n canteen. prize was a William Peterand Ott Poppy son tied for third place. They both shot 20 out of 25 and Peterson received. a picnic jug. The boys who worked the skeet equipment said that there were over 1000 clay pigeons used that day. Better combat concealment will be provided by these colon, officials said. Present colon are black letten on white for name tapes and yellow on black for the U.S. Army" insignia. half-gallo- The subdued colon for these and other insignia are in use already in Vietnam, as reported in Army Times June issue. Name tapes may be changed immediately at the discretion erf commanders, the Army said in DA message 773785. Neither of the old items will be worn after Dec. 31, 1967. Defending Freedom Safeguards America muusrkev.hfnb The DPG Test Run h i T 7 mi Twrfp adtap mm mi ataW r --- ? firm qs, ifl tai IMw Cimmi.' mu mi m,dpi ii. MMSual mi I at atom al . a wrifcn MSaraarimiaiaiBm an fa h mUiaii al al tba ham. MnStatak UP pMlitMn 4a tal aatPImp at aaPmti I la SiaPptwnt al niprtaiatt DtPf tl t ptSutP ar aanpaa afalhaS Ml mw, mMm far pPMaalPt fanU ran- -, Dugmy rraaPf Cimmi TEST BUN, D-r--r, Ufa. I.pp.a. MSMI. Ufa h tP a. dBaPI '"7 ,,"VII . taw b pfaMiPlat itcriaaa Ana Fam fits SaiaPt atS Saw Nm I"U -t- farf p -- ppl tatatfitHPS ATT mi ANF PtHd PF"a P Ptrikfa Mmi vrMaa " ptlafa DlfaMaw (Pa tapr pr Bat pr Rat afafanr pniaail. tat tap pa Paflv aaR aaS tat itoRha ffanw. MMa aapa faaaM aal P IP Tiwtrip BaBaUa rfafctfaf Ca, SS Nartb F. ar Bat MS la pfatt clifafiaS afa. VJL tHkial aw Anaa pktaaaS alappfa aak afaawfaa atfaS. Tba pfaBaa-aal aafaluas aaaap fa aaiai Paatafap wpfaSnSw far aSaarthPa r I P faifa IPm paiafadaa al fa IPpipital S Ik Anaa anal haabpPaS. tapa Taaafah AB a k fa" 1 - ed and ready for action. No as you click the shutter. DO TAKE your shots quicktelling when a good picture will itself! present ly. especially, get Youngsters, Do you know the difference be- must use-- a lens tissue, use it DO avoid cluttered back- bored waiting for you to snap. tween toy and a fine precision gently. DO take lots of pictures of grounds. Keep your leather camera case instrument? Don't answer yes DO hold the camera steady by your vacation trip for pleasant until you think about the way clean with a good leather polish, bracing it against your body, or album browsing later. ' you treat your camera. Having a wax, or preservative. It will length- by bracing your elbows against DONT take innumerable shots camera is a lot of fen, especially en the life of the case. your body and holding your breath of the same setting or scene. during the summer, but it's not a Second: Advises Bob, guard plaything. Yet, thousands of casummers camera hazards against meras every year go tp an early salt and seal sand, sun, grave because their owners treat camera in its case withKeep your lens cap them like toys. when on not use. in If by misthink NOBODY WOULD chance it is dropped into the of tossing a good wristwatch onto water or sand, take it to your caa sandy beach blanket, or shoving i mera it into the roasting oven of their sible repair shop as soon as posand have it professionally car glove compartment. Yet too cleaned. this kind of treatment is the often, NEVER BE the dumb cluck too many cameras receive. who stows his camera in the cars Not only does such treatment often gum up the works of a glove compartment or trunk dura The heat and humidity camera, but it can ruin your pic- ing trip. torial record of a wonderful vaca- that builds up in these ovens can fog your film, melt the lubrition. You may find your camera cant on your camera shutter, n when you develop jamming, or the and lens, out the dry your film, find it fogged from leather of the camera case. So heat How to avoid such catastrophes? keep your camera with you on the Yashica's camera expert Bob Lee-- 1 car seat, except of course, when leave the car. Then take it son, has die following suggestions you that is what the shoulder along for you: FIRST: Keep your camera strap is fori Leaving it in sight cm the car seat, even when the clean. Get one of those little sable brushes and whisk the dust car is locked, invites trouble. You off the lens and interim' of the may come back to a broken wincamera. Professional photograph- dow, and no camera! Third: Keep the serial numbers ers advise against at camera handy, so if it is your of the lens even with lens tissues. stolen, you can report it to the when lens on the youre cap Keep not using the camera, and keep police. Naturally, its a good idea to insure the camera too. your fingers off the lens at all times. Never use a handkerchief, Othersuggestionsfrom Yashica's facial tissue or your finger to dean ' Bob Lee son include these dos and 44 Emit 1st North a lens you could permanently dont: DO KEEP your camera load scratch the surface. When you r i i i i i i i i los-se- - over-cleani- ca TEa fl Oca DONT BE afraid to ero-ri-m- ent DONT forget to have your camera checked periodically so that it gives you the best service. And probably the most Important advice is to handle your camera with respect it will reward you with years of enjoyment i Mica i i All (Coirs Going Fast Still o Good Selection off Body Styles and Colors i i i i Pontiacs - Cadillacs and G.K1.C. Trucks i 3. i Ads Below Make Budget Watchers Glow! And Their Money Grow! TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: 884-505- P-t- Erda Acreage 54V4 acres irrigated, on Highway 36 Call Dottie Keysar, 882-23- 882-237- 882-333- 21 REALTY 191 882-106- P-t- BEAUTIFUL Wuriitzer, walnut spinet piano. Must sell. $13.41 per month. See Fred Cunard, CRI HAINES North Main offers ROBINSON CUSTOM SPRAYING - ALL YAH) INSECTS. 124 So. 6th St. P-t- 882-261- 4. a July 30 HEMSTITCHING HOME ORGAN transistor model FRONA CILLESPIE $18.66 per month. Has rotat261 SO. FIRST WEST ing speakers. Bells, chimes, PHONE 8824)661 Hawaiian guitar, etc! See Fred CM wall carpeting, air conditioning. Cunard CRI Nice yard, completely fenced. HAVE YOUR insurance rates Good location. COME IN and see my new stock gone up? Check our low rates. Call PEDERSENS of human hair wigs. Carols INSURANCE 8 6 Evenings: ACENCY. Salon, Crantsville. Ph CRI HOUSE FOR SALE-th- ree USED SEWINC MACHINES fell basement, large FOR a job well done feeling $7.50 and up. Free Home double garage, completely land Demonstrations by Singer clean carpets with Blue Lustre. scaped. Attractive dead-en- d Rent electric shampooer $1. Sewing Machine representastreet, pleasant neighbors. Tooele North tive. Fabric Specialty Center, Mercantile, Close to schools, pool, and 15 South Main, Tooele. Phone Main. 6 town. $15,600. Possession by CRI mid August. FOR SALE five year old bay COPES RADIO TV SERVICE -gelding. Reg. Model quarter HAVE 4 bedroom home Radio. Tv. Hi-F- i. Sorrel. deer Stereo, FM-ACood old. Salt Lake City area. 10 years Two way (CB), 580 No. Call 8824)741. hones. old. Would like to trade equities 2. 1st CM East with someone in Tooele, GrantsSALE Upright piano. $125 FOR ville area. Smaller home preYou haul. Electric train. Best ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All ferred. R. Conk. Phone 298-- . makes. Steam irons cleaned offer by Aug. 1. 3449 evenings. land repaired. ELMERS: 38 W. FOR RENT SPECIAL NOTICES NEW WURLITZER Spinet Pianos SACE KENNELS-Board- ing Dogs. from $495 Parkers Music Co! Cats. 75 cents. Larger breeds 5. CRI 56 N. Main. $1 per day. o Sept. 1 FENDER GUITARS - Marie Chau doin. Amps tc supplies; Salt FOR STANLEY Home Products Lake prices. 220 S. Main, call 8. call Mrs. Tern, o 1 6 or Aug. 8 P- - to Jdnd 25. Woodward Realty MONTHLY RATES are far consecutive insertions only, with no changes. Except with burfnem firms and individuals who maintain open accounts with the Thandpt and Bulletin, all vertisenientx are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a dawified ad diouid be reported The paper is nspendble far one incorrect insertion only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will he included fa the TEST RUN, a newspaper distributed to 2,000 Dugway Proving Cround wddents and workers, twice moodily, without additional charge. DEADLINE far dasdfied ads is' 11 an. day at SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS HOMES FOR SALE 5 cents per ward - Regular (light face type) 10 cents per word - Businea (dark face type) 50 cents per iswe - Up to one inch (monthly rate) 1 per inch - Over one inch (monthly rate) IL5D per inch Duplay ads MAKE AN OFFER Four room older home, garage, Venetian blinds, wall to BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 FURNISHED APARTMENTS two and three rooms. New kitchens MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 pan. and appliances, including elec-"- " CRi: trie ranges, automatic gas heat, at 61 N. MAIN air conditioned. Large recreaLOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE tion area. Rates start at $75 NO. 2031 per month with all utilities MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. furnished. Rent by day, week, 2 PHONE month or year. Linen service available. WESTERN APARTBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MENT, 515 North Main, ele. Phone ,CRI SPARE TIME INCOM- E- Refillfrom and money collecting ing NEW TYPE high quality coin FOR RENT 2 bedroom apt. formal ed or unfurnished, wall tp operated dispensers in this wall area. No selling. To qualify carpet, drapes, $105 unfen $130 furnished. Ph ished, references have must car, you 7, 260 N. 1st East. CRI $600 to $1900 cadi. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. FOR RENT - Small batch, apts. More fell time. For personal Monthly rentals. 365 East Vine. Call Lewis Pannun-zi- o interview write P. O. Box 15402 for particulars. CRI Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. THREE BEDROOM HOME in Include phone number. Grantsville, H4 baths, carpetRENTAL UNITS AT DDA fell basement, fencing. ing, YOUNG MAN between the age apts. Unfurnished. Make offer. 112 McMichael Av Available of school Phone high immediately. graduate CRI 3 or to leam the finance business. o Liberal company benefits. In10 Aug. quire National Finance CompFOR SALE four bedroom split-levhome. Has been FHA apany of Tooele. 13 So. Main St., FOR RENT Unfurnished apt. Tooele. Utah. Private bath. Suitableformiddle praised. See at 698 Nelson Av. o 5 or call aged couple or one. VEHICLES FOR SALE , INTERESTED IN A REALHOME Chev Vi ton FOR RENT two FOR SALE-19- 61 Three bedroom, Liddell built, apts. Under new owners. Reference brick vaneer, 1500 ft upstairs, pickup. V8 long lied, (damag- , ed). 1961 Vista Liner, 10 ft. required. 145 N. Broadway. Ph basement, wall to wall carpet5. cab over. Fully equipped. Exing, two fire places, 144 baths, cellent condition. Ph. 882-21built-i- n range and oven, tremendous storage, book cases, FURNISHED APT for rent Ph. picture windows, water soften9 CHEVY Stake er, lifetime asbestos roof, lovely four speed truck. 8x10 bed, new engine, TWO BEDROOM HOME in yard, sprinkling system, garage. Choice area. Asking appraised duel wheels. New booster Crantsville. Reasonable. brakes and completely overprice. Crant Shields, 9 hauled. Phone level home loFOR SALE-sp- lit o . Aug. 9 TRAILER SPACE cated at 626 North Brook Ave. FOR RENT FIIA appraised at $19,800. 1959 RAMBLER Amliassador V8 This home is in A- condition. Fully powered. Cood condition TRIANCLE S TRAILER COURT And has a lovely fenced yard, Excellent view and play yard. intercarpets, Six spaces available. Lots 90 built-i- n oven. and com, range GOINC IN SERVICE - Must sell ft. long. 301 West 9th South, assume 5W and Buy equity 1964 Impala Chev. 66 Galero o Aug. 9 loan. Owner will finance part Scooter. Take over payments. of the down payment. For in9 6 or formation call LOST AND FOUND 166 E. Brook Ave. at contact 1966 INTERNATIONAL Travel-al- l 15 FOUND Bag of shoes. Identify - Custom. Sell or trade $700 at Bulletin Office. 1 equity for truck or car. 882-139- 4 882-261- 4. 882-40- 11 882-356- 882-455- 882-357- 884-501- 1. bed-roo- 882-108- 882-006- 2. UMBi&ir C-2- 882-237- 882-413- 7. ms 882-459- Will be Closed August 1 For Remodeling 882-022- 7. m 882-436- 882-413- 7. 882-302- 884-347- 882-325- 1. 7. P-t- SOOD yZlF, SAJ2GE- - YOU NEED A SHAVE el -9 882-430- 6. Close Out Prices 882-405- This Week is the Time to Buy a 882-070- 2. is soft and lofty . . . colors retain brilliance in carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. 'Rent electric shampooer $1. Cordon Furniture, 60 S. Main. C-2- 6 FOR SALE - Show pigeons. 882-40- FREE WIG DEMONSTRATION Make an appointment today 1 for a private fitting. Ph. 884-501- or 884-552- 6. CRI CENTLE MARE for sale. See at Maverick Queen, P-- 882-178- 5. 882-434- 5. P-t- For the Best Deal on a New Corvair 882-188- 1. CSantes Chevrolet Company BSS4I4I FOR SALE Typewriter. 882-340- 5. two-bedroo- LARSENS, 1090 W. 1st North, 882-315- 9. FOR SALE - 1960 Great Lakes ExTrailer. 55x10 Ph location. cellent o Aug. 12 882-414- 3. P-t- FOR SALE - Milch cow. 882-P-29- -2 3510. -3 882-434- 5. P-t- 882-112- 7. 882-118- HELP WANTED WANTED woman to tend children in my home. 2 to 8 p.m. and weekends. , 882-479- WE STILL HAVE a girls wallet found several weeks ago near the dam in Settlement Canyon. Identify at Transcript Office. BUILDING LOTS for sale in Grantsville. Phone 884-509- 8. -5 FOR SALE - New Mobile Home. Can Ire sold on location. Close 9 in town. Ph. 882-243- 6. P-2- WANTED WANTED - to rent or buy - A good hull (Beef). C. K. Griffith, Lake Point, PETS 297-527- 2. FOR 882-473- P-2- 9 During July - 29 ft. Handy- make good summer home. Make offer. 1957 MAYFLOWER - set up in Clarks Trailer Court. Very nice. 1963 GREAT LAKES - 10x50 living room expando - low down payment. Assume contract. 1963 VAN DYKE - 10x50. 1950 SPARTON man special . -l NOttf. MOBILE HOMES 882-421- 5. P-2- See Tom Burgess DRAPERIES Ready Made or Custom Build. All fabrics; modem designs. Cordon Furniture Co; 60 South Main. CM P-2- 884-336- 2. Corvair PILE P-t- 882-108- 4. 882-367- 0. CM Vine. FOR SALE 1960 Frigidaire refrigerator. Cood condition. Ph 21-3- 5, A WWa TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, July 29, 1966 Dont Be A Cluck About Your Clicker WANTED TO BUY - Tent. Ph 884-559- 9 WANTED - Used Iwliy stroller. 884-34- ! SALE - Registered Poms nd Pekingese. Will make good breeding stock. X). -2 FOR SALE English setter pups. Males, $15; Female $10. 458 Antelope Ave. 882-106- 5. W1 LL SI I ARE home with I wchelor Call 882-186- 9 after 5:30 p.in. P-- FREE KITTENS - 882-221- 3. P-2- 9 |