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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, July 29, CS Retirement, A Good Driver In the days of the horse and buggy, driving was a simple task Traffic was negligible; trips were short. If a driver was sleepy or old Dobbin ually the way home without hel Traffic violations were a minor offi- part of the rs job. The only speedster he had tostop was an occasional nin- away hor. Then came the first automo- biles. Within a few years, the auto- mobile changed the face of Am- erica. The motor car has yearly become more efficient, more power ful, and mom comfortable. Tdav. it offers greater potential thin ever lor .pleasure IIj and for profit. But its potential can never be realized until our millions of dri ven become GOOD drivers. g, jt- i. I .Vn - .i t M rtji MUTANT HAKFAST Kg. of 6 GOLD OTODCXG SAVE MONIY LOW PRICES AND WHEN YOU BUY ONE 2A2; D ) 20OZ. JAR OF SUNNY SffBAraiBGRBV PDaUSGRGg WlhkHgMIhhMhm DONUS (51 STAMPS 0 STAMPS pi:z$ With STAMPS lpkg. of Fosl Honeycomb (SGBGAB. WHh 34b. Wrttil , SONUS Ul JIM DGB.I- L- STAMPS Q1 DONUS Dad's With lb. Pkq.'of Cortifrosh oil sorts ILD(SDDE stamps No, BOB Cans well-inform- - G0FFGG fox. LIKE ALL good driven, always practice this golden rule: Give the other driver a break, even though he's in the wrong Two wrongs never make a right. make an Theyre more likely to accident. BE as Drive defensively good a driver as you THINK you are. Fhg. oMolla) )? DEED stamps s can Wostorn Family Betty Crockor With HatfGaOon MMonteGut. STAMPS AJmondina, Nation, Macaroni Choosoyor Romanoff. With Rog. BBc Value THOUSANDS OF lives and millions of dollars are tragically wasted in traffic accidents each year. In unskilled and reckless hand,, the automobile has killed and injured more Americans than all of our wan combined, and has damaged more property than can be accurately estimated Much of this destruction is directly traceable to careless and poor driving Safe driving therefore, has become a vital concern of every American. Driving is a skill which, once mastered, serves you well for the rest of your life. It CAN be mastered if you conscientiously apply the principles of defensive driving coupled with common sense, control, caution and courtesy to your own driving Driving experts know every driver must possess certain qualifications to be a GOOD driver. The professionals at the road meet each of these tests easily. Can you? You should aim to make the following description of the GOOD driver fit you: Are you a skillful Are you a driver? Are you in good physical dupe? Are you in good mental shape? Ask yourself these questions how do you- measure up to the professionals? and Bayor oJWSSms A0PDDDC3 Training For Veterans Under The GI Bill CATSUP Hunt's 20-o-z. Bottle... ilM? Savings Bond PrQgrflTIflS ment of the Army evi-kneban nployees can add vafoe to Civ, 1 Service Retirement programs w the flejub,e Af duty for a period of more than 180 days, any part of which oc- curred after January 31, 1955, served honorably, or served for any period after that date and was released from active duty for a disability. Q. If I attend school less than will VA pay? A. Yes. VA makes payments r time, time, and less than one-ha- lf on proportionate basis for foll-tim- lf e, three-quarte- train- A. No. A course in flying may be approved ONLY i( part of an over-a- ll course leading to a de- gree. Q. Does VA pay my tuition? A. No. The veteran pays his own tuition. VA pays monthly sllowance directly to the veteran. Aoscans 7 forl Hainx VINECr AR:. SEGO fcr2lc MILK &J for $1 J7 Creamy PET Non-F- SILK. ?ourir INSTANT, Dry PksMakaa 12 Quarts. Ml 1.15 Toiityxi m i met rM gAtA r? change. ing? . - e institutional training. Q. MAY I take flight 47 f vestment has been recovered; re- porting the interest on Series E Bonds may be deferred until the bonds are cashed. As a Civil Service employee, you retire at age 65. Suppose you own Series E Bonds with a cash ' value of $18,000. Assume this amount includes $5,000 accumulated interest. Your spouse is also 65 so your personal exemptions will lie $2,400.00. If ydur Civil Service pension is your only income, normally no tax is due for at least two years. However, you have an exemption of $2,400.00 which you do not want to lose. You may then cash enough of the Series E Bonds so that your taxable income from the interest will be $2,400.00. Your exemptions will offset this $2,400.00. Therefore, in two years you will have received $4,800.00 interest on your Savings Bonds and will have paid no tax on the income. If, at the time of retirement, you have taxable income other than your Civil Service Retirement annuity and you do not wish to cadi your Series E Bonds, you may exchange them for Series H Bonds. You will not assume able income unless you receive cash on exchange. If you receive . a cash adjustment, the amount received is income to the extent of the interest earned on the Series E Bonds exchange. Interest is . accumulated every six months on the II Bonds which is included in . gross income and reported in the income tax statement. TIIE ACCUMULATED interest earned on the Scries E Blinds which were exchanged for the II Bonds is not taxable as lung as you hold the II Ronds. 'Alien the II Bonds mature or are relinquished prior to maturity, the amount of interest to lie reported is the difference lietween the redemption value and the cost of the E Bonds including any amount which the owner might have lieen required to pay upon the ex- IF for P'NUT BUTTER CQc or Cnmchy fUpn Ret.remen Fund bef(Jvl1 Senice F?r th '"nuint is not sub,ec--t to federal income tax until the in- - Consult a finance office or lwnk Unit- b,rther Q..Am I eligible for training (r bUles Retails concerning ,!,ds,Id under the new GI Bill? of E Bonds for II Bonds. A. YOU served on active one-ha- Jtftaid-lA- os- fi,tS !ren. foll-tim- e, PURINA Saving J can CVI,L femceemployee tw0,dl" ' b. -connected For Cots v nS Un, Program. Series service- UNUICE er futres d v.H . 111! 1 |