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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Something Proving Ground, Friday, July 15, 1966 Investment Advantages of Series E Savings Bonds Sergeant Major Of the Army mili-tar- y based on ability as soldiers, bearing, personal qualities, and drill in expressingthemselves on Army matters. The Sergeant Major of the assu- Army will serve a personal Unt to the Chief of Staff on matenlisted to personnel. ter relating on Top Bowl- Military Siinnner the for y,. League standing follow: a are 27 of July On 11 July 1966 the first SerThe Something borrowed" of the Army place with 18 a bride takes to the altar amounts j in geant Major . Are Bonds tafef Savings Questions nd 2 IosseSi Med Det in n at to a lot more than her Maid of Aiuwrri They are backed by the full 7 Honor's handkerchief. Actually, faith and credit of the U.S. Govern- - Pentagon. He is William O. Wool-mepjace witj, jj wins and and are as safe as America d ridge, a veteran of three wars, W she carries with her an accumulalosses, IIQ and HQ 1 in third 8 h i tion of wedding traditions that itself. In a recent survey, thou- - Wooldridge, a native of Shawnee, pi as the with 9 fourth recalled 25 vests in 2 Met have been txnrowed from other sands of buyers rated mifety place gig most important quality of Saving. 2hen 'he Wins and 15 losses, HQ and HQ times and other places. Mftftking jdnri the Army, Her veil is a trace of the East, Qiuviioni Are these bonds subject goal was to be a good private, 2 In fifth place with 8 wins and 1 The new title, however, will and the Motor Pool in where the woman wears a veil to to market fluctuation? Someone asked me the other 1 w,n an ! indicate her modesty and the AnNwm No. You never redeem a n0( mean a 1 raise. Wooldridge w,dl pi day (1 wont mention his name) Savings Bond for fewer dollars W1... .,5 see allowed is not to Be ,s bridegroom about my previous writing experi- than you invested. You dont have wmf Pfy her face until after the marriage to refer to the market pages to see sergeant majors - $708.50 monthly Feeling a twinge of exciteceremony. The American brides what they are worth, They in- - for 22 to 25 years service. I related this story. When I TieJoir j1 ment, The Sergeant Major of the was six The Dugway Summer Military gloves represent a tradition bor- crease in dollar value . every six old, my mother re- and you know in advance w selected from amon8 U ceived ayean, rowed from ancient Egypt, where months, what SofHril I Valentine card that value will be. that exactly of the more than 4700 Sergeants made at school. The card read in die the word for glove, tut, signi- QueKiiun: What is the yield? half P His fied to give one's hand." Answers Series E Bonds are sold at Major now on active dut oh Mother and I quote, part Even the wedding ring she a discount; for example, a $100 appointment is for a specified al Mother dear why did you name ween HQ and boris third Place he will receive at the altar Team, rf.. Hospital me Neferio months why couldnt you J"; 4th rowed from prehistoric times, every ace, cash value. At maturity in 7 years nB W1 have picked a popular name like Civilian Team; last when the earliest bride and groom the bond reaches face value. This Chief of Staff in whose office he Hi-F- i, and Sig Team CBR in place or Stereo were tied up together in ropes provides an average annual invest- - will serve as a consultant and Met. Action has been hot and Valentine! for Be Are you my 4.15 peiwnt com- - visor on enlisted matters. of woven grass and a knot, the During real, replied my listener. Paying heavy as the top three teams have irnd neck al earliest form of a ring, was- tied -- . no mind to his random comment battled it out neck line. to represent their lasting union. might be lowered? the of will the the down be h Hospital Major Army way I continued the HHC The custom of giving wedding Answers Not after the bond has senior noncommissioned - officer best he has pitching, I once wrote a letter to the issued. The bond is been a over all has longteams Uiree the its all and jn counterpart gifts Army President of the United States. I best hitting Tthe world, but here in America, " requested that I be placed in any have alxiut the same fielding, ? tradition has been improved upon this position was of the Questions What if bonds are lost? P 150,1 following jolts: Speech by giving presents of lasting value Answers Any bonds lost, stolen or made from nominations sent to '.Vriter, Poet Laureate of America, ana are as eternal without of use, the beauty destroyed gifts replaced Department Army by mar White House (Correspondent), charge. as the marriage is meant to be. jor commanders. Nominations were Senate Snoop and Chicken Coop. VETERANS! The letter in full follows. Dear HERES YOUR ANSWER President. ..Iam knowledgeable Q. My husband is a veteran of in the following subjects: World War II and he has a ser-Constitutional amendments, cam- disability of 100 paign speeches and filibusters, percent. What benefits does he 54 40 deg, Tippy Canoe, and have when one of his family needs General Custer, hospitalization. Welfare programs, corrupt politi- A. The Veterans Administra-cian- s and federal spending, tion does not provide hospitaliza-Financgraft and your recall tion for the dependents of, veter-nopending, BIUi Taxes, tariffs and laws of state, Parties, meetings and dinners a hundred bucks a plate, NATO, SEATO, CENTO and the RIO Pact, Baby kissing, hand shaking and how to use tact, Labor strikes, major decisions and congressional protocol. Aqua Velva, paint thinner, and alcohol. Its so close to election time. I think I'll wait. Until the votes are counted and I know your fete. It would be senseless for me to continue on. Knowing that when this letter arrived - you would be gone. So III pass up the chance to be what ever I might of been. At least, until after the election then 111 tiy again. JUST AS I was gping to tell my listener about the time I got lost the first day of summer camp on a snipe hunt, he threw his arms into the air and screamed at the top of his lungs enough enough enough and disappeared over a nearby hill. Dugway this next poem Is dedicated to you. Its initled My Horrowcil nt Z 1 he M(jt j StiI1 sampler Nefario n SffSfctotta j Ti,CITTn' ad-m- - fcjf Surge, remember those water shortages at DuGIMAV - ? OIMKI Come Down to Cornets and Meet VA2U S AJ5S VAA2ZT1T Mens Boxer Shorts 1 .ft 00 Finest Cotton 21 AT AZ.& "d - e, w The Cowgirls S'&SHSOHZ ?ZL2S Dugway. We don't have freeway congestion, crowded airports or a railroad line. Set of 3 LUGGAGE II Mens Sports Shirts Large Asst of Colors sizes ,4.95 LADIES & CHILDRENS DISCOUNT RACK Now Check this Rack For Big Savings All Kinds of Clothes Vt Large bushel size Heavyweight Plastic - Choice Of Colors Reg. 0 on. JUGS 25 Two Sizes 99' ft Sm how much better your TV picture I be with an RCA antenna. Indoori, you act for all channel (2 thru 83) with an R COLOR MARK indoor antanna personalired tuning control lor both V nd UHF, Turn th UHF knob and wa the loop rotate. Stop it when the pictur Ideal. VHF telticoping arm wtvd in i direction for greater pictur darrty. C door, have your dealer initall an R COLORSCAN, (or all today' and tom row reception-VH- F. UHF. and FM. Bk 4 White or Color. RCA' Space-antenna engineering provide scientific; paced element for etra tignal tren There's an RCA antenna for every ne Iniiit on the Mark of Quality, at R Dealers everywhere. Store Hours felon-Sa- t. Sun. 10 9 a.m.-- 8 a.m.-- 6 RCA PARTS AND ACCESSORIES DEPTFORD. N.J. p.m.y $ Qfl p.m. Th Halt Trutad Rama b EIkOwUcs AL & LID 151 North Main, Tooele, Utah 00 : 1 49 AE32&2&& 4 Big Sale Days 1 5 th-- 1 6 th-- 1 7th-- l 8th Fri.-Sat.-Sun.-M- INSULATED Sport Figures 14 SZ&TCZ9S WZS5ZBIJ FOAM Hand Carved Hand Painted We don't have a museum of Natural History or a museum of any kind. We don't have drive-i- n movies, campus riots, or a famous cowboy from our Post, We don't have any factories, manufacturer or any products of which we can 1 roast. We don't have neighlwrs, uninvited guests or organized crime. We dont have any football stadiums, or a racetrack and I don't have a rhyme. We don't have tornadoes, hurricanes or even heavy precipitation. We dont have freedom inarches, the ones I've been in were manditory participation. But we do have one thing and one thing for sure. If you've got any lrad city habits ' this is the place to take the CURE! ON JULY 15, 1933, just 33 years ago to this day, Wiley II. Post completed the first around s the world solo airplane flight. With the major airlines on strike ' this past week, there may lie a lesson to Ire learned in going it alone like ol Wiley did. At least he got there! 30 days has Septemlrer, April. June and November . ... All the rest have 31, except PFC David L. Blair who only has 575! Dedication to litve: A mighty pain to love it is, and tis a pain that pain to iniss; But of all (ruins, the greatest jrain. It is to love, Init litve in vain. IU&,ASTE? Furniture and Appliance 26 S. Main Ph. 882-096- 4 |