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Show Your Savings Bond Quiz Question: I want tu convert my E Bond holdings into II Bonds and have lieen advised that it will lie necessary to sell the E Bonds and use the proceeds to liny II Bonds. Is this correct? ANSWER: No; and it would lie to yiair disadvantage to do so. E Bonds may lie exchanged at their current redemption value for II Bonds, the smallest denomi-natio- n of which is $500. Under the exchange procedure, interest which has accrued on your E Bonds would not have to lie reported fur Federal income tax purposes until the II Bonds were cashed or reached final maturity. To sell your E Bonds first would make this interest subject to taxation immediately. Question: I have been buying Savings Bonds naming thy son as with a view of creating an educational fund for him. In the event of my death, would ray wife or my son have control of these bonds until such time as he is ready for college? ANSWER: Under the circumstances outlined, the 1 Kinds would liecoine the sole property of your son, and he would exercise control of them. Regulations permit a minor to cash a bond provided he is of sufficient competency to sign the request for payment and understand the. nature of the transaction. Question: IIow is the new interest rate of 4.15 percent going to apply to the E Ronds I am buying? Isn't it true that the lxmds will lie worth only their face value when they reach maturity? ANSWER: Yes, but the lxmds you are buying now will reach maturity in 7 years, instead of 7 years, 9 months as before. The increase in the interest rate from 3.75 percent previously paid on lxmds is accomplished by this shortening of the maturity period. Col. Yerliy Named TECOM Director Of Logistics Colonel Harry L. Yeiby, an Army career logistician, has been appointed director of logistics for the U.S. Army Test and Evalu- - , at ion Command, Aberdeen Proving C round, Md. HE REPLACES Col. Charles S. Skillman who headed the Logistics Directorate from September 1962 until his retirement last month. Prior to his present assignment Col. Yeriiy was chief of staff. White Sands Missile Range, N.M., a Test and Evaluation Command installation. In his new post. Col. Yeiby directs the logistical activities of the command and its elements. These include 16 proving grounds, service test boards, environmental centers and special test activities in the continental United States, Alaska, and Panama. Responsibilities ot the Logistics Directorate he now heads cover services, facilities, instrumentation and procurement support necessary to maintain the com- -, mand's test activities and Roselle Named HUG Commander Lt. Cordon Roselle Iiecaine the new Commanding Officer for Headquarters and Headquarters Company effective July 1. He replaced CAptain Charles R. Bush who left Dugway for an assignment in Vietnam. Refore Lt. Roselle Iiecaine the CO of HHC, he was the Supply Officer, Training Officer, Education Officer, Mess Officer and the Executive Officer for the company. . Lt. Paul Basan is now the new Training Officer. Before his new position Lt. Basan worked for Test Control. Rumors have it that when Lt. Cary Williams gets liack from leave he will lie the new Executive Officer for HHC. Editorial The Flag And You There it the Xational Flag. He mutt he eohl indeed, who can look upon itt. foldt rippling in the breeze without pride of eon Hr trg ...Itt highett beuntg it in what it . Charlet Sunnier syn-boliz- The Flag symbolizes our Nation. It represents all Americans, past and present, their efforts and achievements, and their hopes for tomorrow's generations. It is the banner of the people who fulfilled the dream of building the worlds greatest democracy. As President Wilson said, "The things that the Flag stands for were created by the experiences of a great people. Everything that it stands for was written by their lives. The Flag is the embodiment, not of sentiment, but of history." Thus a simple piece of red, white, and blue bunting takes on an exalted character deserving of our deference and respect It is to our shame that some Americans, through ignorance and carelessness, regard the Flag with much less courtesy than it is given by our friends from other nations. The proper manner of displaying and caring for the Flag should be familiar to all of us. While moat the Flag is never used know as a drapery or decorative bunting, do we know where to place it in relation to other flags? Do we know on which side to place the Union? We know that the Flag should never touch the ground or he soiled, but do we know the proper way to dispose of a worn flag? And do we know what to do during or lowering ceremony or when the Flag a in a parade? passes The rules are not difficult to learn. As stated in the formal Code of Flag Etiquette which was made law in 1942, they are both guides and responsibilities for every American. The Code is printed and illustrated in DA called Our Flag. Pamphlet 360-50- 1 As the ensign of our Nation and the badge of each American, the Flag is ...to be cherished by all our hearts, to be upheld by all our hands. (ANF) flag-raisi- Headquarter (Do. ginia, with degrees in home economics and mathematics .respectively. Mr. Carter did postgraduate work at Virginia Polytechnic Insti- " tute. receiving a masters degree in n Tuesday, July 5, Mrs. Ken- statistics, Nancy is interested in netn Brauner and Mrs. John Me- bridge, tennis and golf. The Car-Briwere hostesses for the month- - tern live at 175 B East 5th St.' ly citfTee The table was decorat- ANOTHER NEW member is with beautiful flower arrange- - Mrs. Raymond Chapman. Evelyn ments and watermelons filled with came here from Tucson, Arizona delicious., fruit. Many of our and is a nurse at the DFG hosmembers have relatives visiting pital. Her husband is a pilot at them, and we were so happy to Still Field and both of the Chaphave them with us. New members mans come from Syracuse, New Mid guests were Mrs. Carter, Mrs. York. Major Chapman retired at Jorgenson, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Ft. Devens, Massachusetts and Oppenheimer, guest of Mrs. Salo-maprior to coming to Dugway he Mrs. Albrecht, guest of Mrs. was a plot at Halloman Air Base Brauner and Mrs. Cuptill, guest Evelyn received her RN from the of Mrs. Guptill. The board meetUniversity School of Nursing at ing presided over by Mrs. John Syracuse University Hospital of Marling, preceded the coffee. the Good Shepherd. The Chapmans have six chilAS USUAL during the sumdren: Raymond, Mr., who is at mer months, many of our memWalter, Texas, attending Camp those bers are traveling. Among the Warrant Officers Pilot TrainArMrs. are the country touring nold Young, Mrs. Denis Lohman, ing School; Sherry and Dwight, school Mrs. Richard Bums, Mrs. Thomas who graduated from high in last a Charles, Mrs. junior year; George, Mrs. Earl Broome, Richard Dwinell, and Mrs. Frank high school; Robert, in the sixth grade, and Mark who is in the Masaro. n, Wedding bells rang for Miss Marigail Moreland and Mr. Kenneth A. Henderson, Jr. Mari-gail is the daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Eari Broome. The wedding took place at the Ballard First Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington, where many of the bride's relatives reside. We welcome Mrs. Frederick L. Carter is a new member. Nancy is originally from HampVirginia. Her husband comes from Roanoke, Virginia, and is a mathematical and research statistician for C.E.I.R. Prior to coming to Dugway they were at Frederick, Maryland, where Mr. was working at Ft. Diet- rick. Both Nancy and her nus- band graduated from Bridge- water College, Bridgewater, Vir- - ... YotSW I SIN 5M ever before, Latest guideliook author tq visit the. state is Roliert Scharff, whose Yellowstone-Gran- d Teton volume was just published by (paperback division q,, the big magazine), Scharff is preparing a volume 0I1 Zion aiMj Bryce National Parks jHC for publication in early 1967. jn gddjtjon to visits with the ve Council staff, his principal bus been Tom Murray, who Utah Parks Co. opera- tjons at Cedar City (Jjmj ' COL YERBY began his military career in the Citizens Military Training Camps jftogram in 1931. Commissioned in the Artillery, he entered active duty in February 1941 with the Virginia National Guard and served through World War II with the 29th Infantry Division. He was commanding officer of the 110th Field Artillery Battalion when his oversea tour ended. He later "served as ah instructor-adviswith the 29th in the United States. Subsequent assignments have ), taken him to Korea ), Paris Germany (1956-1957- ), .) and to Iran He also served with the Second U.S. Army at Fort Meade, Md., and in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Department of the Army. A 1932 graduate of Woodrow '.Vilson High School, Portsmouth, Va., Col. Yeiby attended the University of Maryland from 1959 to 1961. He is a graduate of the Artillery School, Command and General Staff College, Armed Forces Staff College, Army Supply Management Course and the Army Management School. DECORATIONS awarded to Col. Yeriiy include the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Medal, Joint Services Commendation Medal, Navy Commendation Medal with Metal Pendant and the French Croix de Guerre with Gold Star. He is married to the former Miss Margaret Humphlett of Portsmouth, Va. The couple has two children, Harry James (10) and Margaret Lillian (9). or (1951-1952- (1954-1956- (1962-1964- The Auto Crafi Shop has a new auto repairman, his name is James B. Redden and he's from Frankfort, Kentucky. The newly opened position is rated at Wage Board Eight. Mr. Redden says he already likes Dugway. His wife Annie Redden has lived here at Dugway for three years and works at the hospital. For those of you who wixild like to meet Mr. Redden, or visit the Auto (.raft Shop, the Auto Craft Shop hours arc as follows: Mondays and Tuesdays - Closed; Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays the simp will lie open from 4:30 p.m. to 10:00 ji.ni. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 pan. and (Hi Sundays 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 Atfft ptymnttt imtmta principal tmiUrntmUftmtU me mt ckmm mtUrn tyoycoicoft AMMrfMjenSM I9 COtfOIAHON HQUggHOlD HNANCI imt uuii cry oma 160 South Main St.-PH-ONE: Of WAN 328-42- Plan your meal right down to the last salt cellar. Make sure everything you need is right there by the grill nothing disrupts a good barbecue so much as running back to the house to fetch forgotten items. remember that Finally proper seasoning is vital to a good barbecue. Basting with a barbecue good sauce, will add delicious flavor and bouquet to the meat and will seal in the savory Juices. herb-flavor- 81 Tra-Cart- er Dllj Xt CSt Ittlll lt REAL ESTATE 5 ccnti per word Regular (light face type) 10 cents per word - B manes (dark face type) 50 cents per fasue - Up to one inch (monthly rate) FOR SALE or rent - 3 bedroom home. SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS NEW WURUTZER Spinet Pianos GRAVEL ROOFS SPRAYED -from $495 Parkers Music Co. Stops loose gravel from blow56 N. Main. CRI ing off. DUNN ROOFING AND SALES. Ph. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, foil or basement, large lot Nice lo- FENDER CUITARS - Marie Chau doin. Amps & supplies; Salt cation. HOAD- Lake prices. 220 S. Main, call EXPERT CLAZ1ER 882-33or We have available an expert o TWO BEDROOM HOUSE trailer Jiine 25.' ' Good condition. glazier who will measure, cut $1,250. and install all sizes of window, BEAUTIFUL Wurlitzer, walnut' glass and screens. Farm and spinet piano. Must sell. $13.41 Home Fred month. Supply. 272 N. BroadSee NEW three bedroom brick house Cunard, per CRI way. Choice location. Will consider trade. Best offer. Jack Smith, HOME ORCAN transistor model SAGE KENNELS Boarding Dogs. Crantsville. Cats. 75 cents. Larger breeds $18.66 per month. Has rotat$1 per day. ing speakers. Bells, chimes, o Hawaiian guitar, etc. See Fred Sept. 1 CRI Cunard REALTY FOR STANLEY Home Products call Mrs. Terra, 191 North Main IN and see my new stock COME o offers Aug. 8 of human hair wigs. Carols Salon, Crantsville. Ph LIVE IN ONE UNIT - LET THE ROBINSON CUSTOM CRI OTHER UNIT MAKE MOST SPRAYINC ALL YARD Two OF THE PAYMENT INSECTS. 114 Sol 6th SL full in each, LADIES bedrooms Golf CIulis for sale large double pairing Good condition. Bag included. basements July 30 to wall Covered patio, space. HEMSTITCHING wall carpeting and drapes. FRONA GILLESPIE Built in china closets, plenty FOR SALE sorrel mare, six yrs. 261 SO. FIRST WEST of cabinet space, fireplaces, old. Broke. PHONE CR built in range, disposal, in one unit. Choice HAVE YOUR insurance rates FOR SALE Chestnut sorrel geld. bxsition. old. for Gentle 6 gone up? Check our low rates. ing. years PEDERSENS ride. anvone to INSURANCE Phone 884-396- 5. I per inch Over one inch (monthly rate) L50 per inch - Duplay ads 882-342- 1, 882-211- 9. MONTHLY RATES ara far consecutive insertions only, with no firms and individuals who maintain Ampi. Except with and Bulletin, aR dasnfied adwith the accounts Transcript open ADVANCE. IN CASH ara vertisements AN ERROR far a classified ad dmuld be reported immediately. The paper is responsible for one incorrect insertion only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in the TEST RUN, a newsresidents and paper distributed to 2AM Dugway Proving Ground workers, twice monthly, without additional charge. DEADLINE far dasdfied ads is 11 a.m. day of publication. 884-396- 5. ' P-t- 884-396- 5. 882-261- 4. 884-347- FOR RENT SPECIAL NOTICES 882-108- 882-333- 8. . 0. 884-505- 5. FURNISHED APARTMENTS two and three rooms. New kitchens and appliances, including electric ranges, automatic gas heat, air conditioned. Large recreaLOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE tion area. Rates start at $75 NO. 2031 per month with all utilities MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. furnished. Rent by day, week, 2 month or year. Linen service PHONE available. WESTERN APARTMENT, 515 North Main, TooBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ele. Phone CRI MAKE $30 'or more per day on local Food Route. Man or woFOR RENT - 2 bedroom apt. furman, part or full time. Experinished or unfurnished, wall to ence not required. Write Earl wall carpet, drapes, $105 unStetson, Box 4014, Oakland, furnished, $130 furnished. Ph Calif: 260 N. 1st East. CRI WANTED Evenings FOR RENT - Small batch, apts. Monthly rentals. 365 East Vine. BARTENDER foil or part time Call Lewis Pannun-zi- o BEAUTIFUL Early American house, scenic view, lot landMaverick Queen. Also cleanfor particulars. CRI Call scaped. For sale or will accept ing person. smaller house as trade. PEDERVickie Downs. FOUR ROOM HOUSE, close in, REALTY CO., 18 North SEN Bar-rfurnished. Inquire partially Main 2. CRI Motor. CRI VISITING 12 year old would like hone to ride. FOR RENT large two lied room SACRIFICE SALE - moving, no offer reasonable Lake WANTED-Ri- de rejected. furnished Ixuement apt. Heat daily from Choice area, three lied room, and water. $85. month. Point to downtown Salt Lake. 5 base m nt. carport, carpeting, Ph 0 two fireplaces, landscaped. Grant Shields, WANTED-Us- cd typewriter. LARGE three room apartment. o 5 Aug. 3 2 Furnished. . Phone Crantsville. FARMS. RANCHES. IlOMlis -VEHICLES Call Dot tie Keysur, RENTAL UNITS AT DDA-tw- o'Alxxlwanl Real tv. Iwdroom apts. Unfurnished FOR SALE-19- 65 Polara Dodge Available immediately. Phone CRI $1995. Excellent condition. Ph or 3 8 after 5:30 weekdays. o Aug. 10 FOR SALE Nice three lxdrooin house, full Ixiseinciit, garage. to elementary, Ideally FURNISHED APT. Suitable for Jr. High, High School. Phone 1957 CIIEV pickup, 4 speed, 0 middle aged couple or one. Ph 8 after 1 p.m. on weekactual miles. Call 8824X173 3 & 22 BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. CRI at 61 N. MAIN HAINES P-t- 882-261- 4. 882-237- 8. P-t- 884-501- 1. - 882-108- 882-006- 2. 882-459- 7, 882-022- 7. . P-t- o 882-127- 6. 882-141- 5. 882-066- 1 882-250- AGENCY. FOR SALE me Mark IV shop-smit- h $100; Saddle horse $1(X). Ph. 882-041- 7. 882-421- 5, us 882-357- 882-285- 2. BY7-524- 882-178- 5. 884-559- P-t- 884-336- 882-232- 882-302- 882-328- 882-325- P-t- QUARTERHORSE for sale-f- our year old sorrel gelding. Phone 882-299- 3. - - ' COUCH and Chair to mutch. Like new. Putin table and umbrella, liar st(x:l, patio chairs and other items. 5 882-311- 'YELL kept cariets show the results of regular Blue Lustre spot cleaning. Rent electric Mercanshanqxxx.-- r SI. T(mm.-Itile Co., North Main. Tixx-le- . c 882-357- T-C- 2. USED SEWING MACHINES $7.50 and up. Free Home Demonstrations by Singer Sewing Machine representative. Fabric Specialty Center, 15 South Main, Tooele. Phone CRI -- 882-237- COPES RADIO TV SERVICE Radio. Tv. i. Stereo, FM-ATwo way. CH). 580 No. -- Hi-F- 1st East 882-436- CRI 2. ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All makes. Steam irons cleaned fand repaired. ELMERS: 38 W. Vine. CRI DRAPERIES Ready Made or Custom Build. All fabrics; modem KEEP carpet cleaning problems designs. Gordon Furniture Co; 60 South Main. CRI small - use Bine l.nstre wall C-1- to wall. Bent elect ric 5 sliuui-pcxK-r- Cordon Fiiruil lire. 60 lx-ate- d So. Main. C-1- 5 MOBILE HOMES 54.-00- 882-363- 882-367- 0. FOR SALE tible. Ph. 1955 Chev conver882-421- 3. 19 ly days. FOR RENT two Ixxlnxnu apt. FOR SALE four liedrooin split-levNcwiv painted at 145 North hmne. Has lieen FHA ap5 5 Broadway. Hi praised. See at 698 Nelson Av. o 5 or call I TWO R(X)M furnished apartment utilities. See Mrs. Maver, 160 FOR SALE fully carpeted S. 2nd W. $50. home with large lot. el 882-405- 882-108- Patio Parties 2999 Es-to- milift rvrjr1 April 1887 - The Army Ord- rrt T nance Department chose Water- 1 vliet, an installation now under U.S. Army Weapons Command, PSSM Is At htmit rf Si wSHwy mt HvSi pin 111 at Dugway Fnwlaa Ciwd. UM, amy rtfcar iiS by Ibt TraawHpl SaBitia ruUUias Co, Taaalt, I'kb Mda mi Ilaia. one of AMC's seven ' trim oi Sit laSMSnal Wfftan amt ah aSiiUl la Si atwa aai aSilartal caaaaaah as the ideal place for maim aa rlrriHartiaMi ara M ba aaatUaaS Ibau af wymaal Si Dlfartawal af Iba Army. Uimbaib construction of the new Army la iWa pabSaaHaa da aal laaSIXi aa raSannaial by Si Diyrlawal al Mm af Si faSab t. AS atwi mahrn far yaSNaaliaa UwaM be ml la Or Iwfanaaliaa OMea. Gun Factory. The next year the ar aanriaaa aSuHba DiBay habf CmaaS TEST Bl'N, Dafway, Utah. MrfAaaa StSBMI. Tkfa h aal aa aMafal Arsenal started turning out the Anay aawapar, baaawa Ob pabHaalba mrim Aimed Faraaa On Xmtat aa 4 I wilaHal aaS payers aaa aaOeiliaS la npifal aia tipyiehlaS ASK aad ASF first of its howitzers, field and Faabaa aSOaal wHMaa plaha. buildconverted in a PtrtrikwHt Om Mpy ptr Bvc nftfUry prrwnt, wm cafv per faaty inN md mm siege guns, iMkia twi n par py iNsvaHi Sea Coast ing. The newly-buiMpv Md ki Ml In Thf Tiamcripl BwBetia PaNhMf Ca, M Mirtk dfrlhteg Cannon shop war opened in 1890 Mate, Twite, ar P. O. Boa IN la pteec c AN and construction of the first of pfctapaJ aa aHfeial IM Am phalagnpte nlm adiwwlw mhA Ito puhMea rnaapl te cm tevafrif rapaMfcatia lar aAiifa these huge weapons was carried dm af Am Ii mi wtriette af Nia DepartMte af Uir Aim awl hr ateateaN. on slowly fur the next few years. TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: p.m. 199$ g Guide Books for Utah Travelers M Al Auto Shop promptly? See Household Need extra money Finance. HFC has loans to help you pay bills, . . . meet any need. buy a better car, take a leave You borrow confidently, repay conveniently. No wonder so many servicemen make Household their Youre headquarters company for money help. tool welcome, MILITARY CORRESPONDENCE Shown above are some of the more than 30 civilian and military personnel, who recently attended a week-loncourse on military correspondence. The course under the direction of Redding Black is given periodically to new employees and recently assigned military personnel who will be involved with military correspondence. The students receive instruction in all phases of correspondence from various instructors such as Mrs. John Scarbrough (center). JonrtJijjrgjjgj Ads Get Around, Are Tireless, Versatile, Work For A low Fee, Are Never Too Busy New Repairman ...foe ISO,000 servicemen a year TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, July 15, 1966 1959 RAMBLER auto, transmission, 6 cyl. Runs good. 882-250- 9. P-t- three-Ixxlmo- ni (liv owner) 179 S. Bnxidwav. FOR 'SALE 1965 Ford pickup, excellent condition, less than 6,000 miles. Below Blue Honk. 882-336- 1. MISCELLANEOUS 882-201- - 882-313- 9. Ixise-iix'ii- 5 NOTICE The office of Dr. James R. Burton, Chiropractor, will lie closed Julv 14 thro Julv 21. CHOICE large wcuncr pigs rcudv 10x50 VAN DYKE - 1903 Sale price. togo. (.all Garth Stookcv. Clov1957 Mayflower. Like new. er. Phone Set up irn lot. Just move in. LARSENS, 1090 West 1st N. THREE IN ONE SALE Sidewalk sale. Summer clearance. FOR SALE-19- 59 Summer Lass Living Sale 22 ft. Aljo house All mrrchuiiilisc marked for trailer: 1960 9 passenger Chev Ford Ferguson tractor clearance. Must go! Conic in. anil find a Ixirgaiu. Our side-cal- k with two speed mower, plows sale will Iw inside und and disk; 1966 V8 Chev pickniilsidc. main floor anil l. l. up with fXNN) miles. G. M. .22 shorts Levan,' Utah. Hi. 6 Remington 19 or rcg. $7 carton. 85.4 1: .22 longs rcg. 87.50 carton. 85.68. Six tumblers for 49 mils. rcg. 39 'A ILL DO IRONING in cents. Ilaiulciit. my home. 3 BEYAN TOOELE HARDWARE Pickup and delivery. (MS Wor-wixx- 623-1.59- LOTS FOR SALE T'VO BUILDING 1XJTS for sale Excellent Fuirluud Dr. $1650 each. Cull 882-202- 2. FOR SALK1 Wcstingliixiso washer $35: Kcinnorc washer $20: lVimerest lijs. reel mower $25: See at 511 No. s East alter 882-485- 3. ly 882-153- 4 pm. 5 |