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Show Miss Dugway Contest To Be Held August 11 ' . v n ( AND NOW AROUND Might be what Major Melvin Wohl-niaChief of Facilitiei might be laying as he rounds the obstacles, part of the run, dodge, and jump portion of the Physical Combat Proficiency Test taken by Dugway personnel recently. Going between the barriers is Sp--5 Donald Mash-(C), while SFC Karlheinz Dissel has just jumped the ditch and is on his way to the barriers. April 1890 - Delegates of 18 Republics of North, Central and South America met in Wash- ington, adopting a resolution creating the first International Bureau of American States, la- ter known as the Pan American Union. No new construction of family housing is requested in the FY67 000 Military Construction Bill, However, DOD is' proposing a temporary expansion of the do--. mestic leasing program to permit leasing a total of 13,075 family housing units in FY67 and FY68. This compares with 7,000 units now authorized. The 1986 Miss Dugway contest will be held Thursday, August 11 in the Sandy Acres Service Club, with the contest to Iiegin at 7:30 p.m. THE WINNER of the Miss Dugway contest and her attendants will have the opportunity to enter the Miss Tooele County contest to be held August 23 in Grantsville. Miss Tooele County will go to the Miss Utah contest held during the State Fair in Salt Lake City. The contest is based on poise, talent and beauty. It will include modeling of formal wear, bathing suit competition, street clothes and a talent presentation. Rules for entering the Miss Dugway contest are: 1. CONTESTANT must Ire single and never have been i ' . yra TEST RUN, Dugway lroving Ground, Friday, July 15, 1966 tdlHNtUII auNUIvK The Cauldron Judges will le Salt Lake City and announced at a later date. To enter the contest or for more details concerning the contest please contact the Information Office selected from Pfceor-LT J. Schmiederer, llq and Hq team slides into home safe as the MFs catcher, FFC Dennis Power waits for the ball to arrive. The game was won by the hospital team 13 to 3. This defeat by the llq and Hq team tied up both teams for first place. 2. Contestant's age on September 1, 1966 shall not Ire less than 17 nor more than 27. 3. Contestants must be a high school graduate or in her senior year this next year. A CONTESTANTS must dis-1- 4 a talent in a three minute routine. This talent may Ire of the contestants choosing, During the coming year the Queen will represent Dugway in various festive functions, Py SAE....DID YOU B02CZOW iVY TUBE CW OF HAIP t r Airtdqm Sp4 Breitbart AppllCatlOIlS Well, I am back. Bv oomilar demand. Or at least demand. Or maybe because there is no one else to do the job of company wordmonger. It is shoulder the burden, .ucep? the responsibility, and wield the power, but once again I shall try. Even hard. Yes. I am hack. And I hope to make your next ninety days as pleasant as mine. That's right. Ninety. Nine zero. Thirty times three. Nine times ten. Thats all there is. In the interim I have passed into the quiet realm, no mans land, the world of the short where experience is more intense, consciousness expands and one begins to take one's distance from the pleasure dime that is Dugway. Eighteen mouths at Dugway and its not over yet. Yessirree. We have passed through the fire. SOME MAY wonder where I received my writing training. It was not easy. I passed my apprenticeship at the knee of the heroic poets: Keeper, Feuennan, Budkhardt, Cilbert, Donadio, Moe, Feiffer, Westbrook, Bates and Madrid. Night after night I heard the war stories in the flickering light of smelly candles: inspections introspections predilections, trial by fire and mustache and twenty-tw- o months at Dugway and thirty-thre- e months at Dugway and the Old Army and the New Army and you guys have it too easy anil listen up pop up shape up down and all over getting the program Accepted Now Under terms outlined in the big game proclamation, 1966 J1Un.te" beSinnirg July 18, for one of the .lua antelope permits authorized C1 Utah. The Department of Fish and Caine noted that only residents of Utah may make application for antelope permits, and hunters who were successful in obtaining antelope permits in 1964 or 1965 may not make application this -- year. a this is (there is no sponsor educational television, rememlier?) and five hour blocks and fifty hour blocks and ten thousand hour blocks and going to see The Man and articles: fifteen, fifteen, fifteen, H1KEI and people pulling knives and teeth and hair, working it and not working it, working out and working in sit-i- n and A QUICK REFERENCE OF LOCAL BUSINESSES AND SERVICES AUTO REPAIR PARTS CIAITS AUTO CENTER Glass Installation - Front End Alignment - Safety Inspection MOHAVE CARPETS APPLIANCES SIMMONS MATTRESS ARMSTRONG LINO 'AND THE Wheel Balancing 882-037- 64 East 1 CUSTOM TOOELE ICE 475 So. 50 West 8 MONTHLY SPECIAL WASH JOB FOR 1.50 with I COLD Phone 398 North Main 882-154- GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES 81 35 fame Hwahle Wtawiiee'a Trees Poll Coping lifetime Unconditional Guaxantoo Tiro Repairing Vulcanising Excellent Stock ajl Passenger, Truck Tires A Tubes Satisfaction Center PARTICIPATING SPORTS Shrubs Renta OPEN NOV! 21 West 1st North 882-059- 5 K (tyuAtCKMK & Construction Company Rssidsntial and Commercial Construction Build on Your Lot or Ours - Call Iko at 882-340- 1 Noto to Young Marrieds - Choice Building Lots Available BUY NOW - BUILD LATER -- Tooele Bowl Dial .47 East Second North gj Ul&HGEUd QBQ$Q0fflM5HHS Colorland BlackTandiWhite Phono 882-03- 53 TRANSPORTATION Air Conditioned 882-320- 4 Tooele Workman's Bus Co. Charter Service Anywhere Tooele Golf Course Daily Schedules from Tooele to Tooele Army Depot And Tooelo Smelter Class Lessons $1.75 per hour Cell Equipment Dial 882-138- 0 and 882-123- 3 McGreggor Spalding FURNACE FUELS COAL NEED Call Open Weekdays 4 0.111.-- 6 p.m. 270 Maple 21 Open Saturday 9 a.m.-- 6 p.m. UPHOLSTERING - RE-STYLIN- ZIONS UPHOLSTERY CUSTOM MADE REPAIRINIG O RESTYLING USLIP COVERS O DRAPERIES Bryan's Plumbing & ORECOVERING Heating Call 18 N Main Reduced to WASHINGTON 882-22- 882-00- - Leave Name and Addrese this Fiscal Year. This could mean 12 fewer drills a year for most of the 15ll,4lKl-nia- n force in all 5(1 states. Under the modified program. S K F units which achieve required readmes including successful goals, completion - f appropriate level Army training tests, will hold .is drills during-F'ii7. They will also conduct their summer lSJii field training by August 1. Under the FY 'lid accelerated training program. SHF units maintained a lands f 72 drills a year. D A exiecls that SERVICE White Brother's Oil Co. FTBCTBICAL CONTRACTING Wholesale Distributors MB NORTH MAIN M2-14- 42 Licensed Electrical Contractor la-gu- n Pedersen Insurance Small or Large Jobs (Ml DOB HC PHIE puas-catchi- fii-s- Retail Service CALL under SAVINGS!" Real II North Main -- Estate Imek-sluppin- g Phone 182-35- 72 D . ALONC WITH some red the modified program. SKK and green feathers and a jigsaw units will, as a minimum, puzzle, Vicki sent me the followmaintain the readiness levels ing advertisement last week: achieved at the end of this The Dugway, a small coeducasummer's field training1. tional center of learning for childThe SRF includes three ren 7 for whom the traditiondivisions, six separate al system of education is unsatisImttai-'ion- . factory, unrealistic, irrelevant and detachmecompany and. lairing. Applicants nlust lie 14 nt-sized units of the Naor under." For those of you who and V, S. Army Guard tional don't lielieve me, the ad can lie Reserve. The force was 01-seen in the July 2 issue of the nixed to bring a selected Review." I feel as Saturday of Reserve iinini. numiier 1 must though justify this liecaii.se nent units tv a higher state there are some people 011 this of deployment readiness in post who have accused me of putease of an emergency. I As them on. if care. ting really As for this other Dugway. I am writing to find out what the story is. Muylie we can sue. Or . maylie the place is an undercover spy scluxil. In any case, the whole thing smells kinila sinister IAKNH Feaiarrl anil we intend to get to the Ixit-tiiI. Who was the National Font-a- ll of it. People who can't go chain-in- n I.caginaround taking our name just like 1 !Mi.i? for that. Like thev owned it or soine- - 2. When was the last time the thing. If nnthing else, we have lew York Kangt-r- s won hockey's pride. Stanley Cup? 3. When and where did wiuici 'Ae should mention the promotmrts events t pari of tions of (lie month, lint frankly he Olympic Guiiies program? 4. Who led the National Footlwll there is not enough space. Not in seining in I'J.'iti? like (lie old Army when vim had " When hlixxl for were the first Olympic a sweat lo Sp patch, in Greece? when Sp5's were as rare as James dodo eggs, when Dugway was the ANSWERS end of the line. These days are vh mi I u; uhXmi x.iuit .iijs e aujq giaic. Perhaps forever. kiuiimI K21 Mli w kuiiii UM.i( aip laLstly, u robust, opculiearted, welcome to all the ' n i!fUa HG rfi'touj uaqj, 7 N 'xiuouiuq.) jtoi 11 j q new arrivals in llq. Co. Chin up uuuj fellows. I didn't think I could rsi I 7 make it either. Huy u lautd today. Kuaiqiqaiioj piiu spjl.f 1ST JOJ HUOtd.lMJ )H lj.W KMUI " Or tmnorniw. tJ0.4 HI jo i.ra, m 79 PHILLIPS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FRIENDLY EFFICIENT (AF Most of the Selected Reserve Force units have been shifted from an accelerated to a modified training: schedule - iii 58 . G PLUMBING - GAS and ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Sales and Service Expert Installation SRF Drills Lri-gud- es DUNN Roofing & Sales 882-34- MfcGMBanB 725 North Main Open Alleys Every Night Wilson DIefr RED JONES TIRE SHOP SEE US FIRST QuUithmg Co., Sue. Uu4M TIRES AMD TIRE REPAIR GOOD DEALS et, K.P.-C.L- &B2-11- Anti-Freez- FINE CARPETS in or Phone II2-3BNorth Main SL Distributors fez Htunble Oil A Refining Products e. Lubrication Tins. Batteries. S .Open can to IB pm daily A Sunday . 1 We Specialize in 10 Gal. of Gas or more 591 N. Main, Tooria J.fie STORAGE CO. Phone 8832601 Gillespie's Excel Service Satisfaction (enter PREMIUM OIL CO. dumtcupl-lBidUi- . MEAT-CUTTIN- G Vine GAS FOR LESS (a 2.25 Value!) Ph. M S. MAIN TOOELE S82-ZI7- When we ask for Zero Dr-feare we asking too much? Think ahont it the next time you're sitting in a denphysital chair or havinx cal examination. Think about it when you leave your car at a Kara ire for repairs. And think about it when you draw your pay. You always demand Zero Defects of others. Why not demand it of yourself? (ANT) tools es sun sun, magic mushrooms and tricky toadstools, sour grapes and Ronnie Westbrook in Nogales, Billy Gilliert's upper arms, schoolboy charms Harold (The Peeper) Cook, haircuts and shortcuts D. follow me wayout (1,2,3), soapy potatoes and rotton tomatoes, lemon pie that makes your eye pucker, dustv foot and wall locker, sleep o endless sleep at night, article 134 I want more flour on the floor, 7015 penny-ant- e, Auntie Penny, grub pads and REFRADS, 0 man and gee sarge, Norman Mailer reading from the hip, the service club stomp, the Satisfaction Center in Tooele, the Creyhound Bus Terminal and the people who live there. Cheer John and Dear John, TDY and mud in your eye, pay call sick call mail call telephone call that's all part call waterfall suftluill coverall over the wall freefall, Cassius Clay shooting from the lip and hitting from the slip, swingers and P (for Pressurej-bringer- s opera singers and wingdingers woids and lauds, Noo Yawk a pritty citty the nitty gritty, Spanish Fork and Mexican Hat and I still don't know where it's at Ps and Qs and union dues Who's Whose, 3 day pass broken glass, the Blackhawk the Circle Inn Johnny O on the go and Sam's Lounge and the Hideout and the Sham rock sounds like a winner to me, show girls gogo girls gone girls and went girls promotion emotions, demotion and body lotion, I Want You. . . and you . . . and you. . . 4F RA 1Y (o my!) 1A 2S (let me guess. . .), and Arrange Financing! FREEZER LOCKER RENTALS KELVINATOR GENERATORS AND REGULATORS REBUILT Phone Wi Gordon's Furniture For ZD:TooMuch? Army -- - sand wind dust rain heat hot sun sun WHOLESALE HEAT PRICES FURNITURE APPLIANCES inmust APPLICATIONS clude the applicants full name and address, choice of hunting unit and a money order or check for $10. Currency will not be accepted. Application dates for moose, elk and buffalo will lie August 1 through 11- - and mules, I.G.'s and N.C.s sleep-in-nil- Con- trol. Antelope permits were authorized on six hunting units for bucks only. Bucks are defined as animals with horns longer than their ears. HUNTINC UMTS and permits authorized are as follows: Box Elder, 10 permits; West Desert, 15 permits; Southwest Desert, 20 permits; Cedar City, 10 permits; Daggett County, 30 permits and Bonanza, 20 permits.' Application deadline for permits to hunt antelope will be midnight, July 23. Successful applicants will be determined on the basis of a public drawing to lie held at 10 a.m. on July 29 at the Utah State Department of Fish and Came office, 1596 W. North Temple, Salt Lake City, 1 |